
Sentences - The Snowball Game (WIP)

Oct 31st, 2016
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  2. Trying to help his friend made Peter happy.
  3. In the basket John was carrying to his mother's house was/were a small ham, a chicken, some green apples, a bag of nuts, two bottles of milk, seven yellow roses, and some clean clothes.
  4. Jim had a bird sitting on his shoulder.
  5. Sharon, the beautiful blond actress, often wears dark sunglasses and a big hat so that people don't know her when she drinks in the park.
  6. Becky, the girl Rachel thought needed to apologize, has not spoken to Sarah on the phone in three days.
  7. The tomatoes which, without Claire knowing, had fallen off the truck she was driving were becoming soft, rotten, and full of worms in the sun.
  8. The more hours you help blind people go across that street [over there], the more you will be paid.
  9. If Peter hadn't seen you squash that big, ugly spider with your shoe at dinner, he wouldn't have thrown up into his soup.
  10. The elephant was cold, so Alice made it a warm coat.
  11. The prime minister told the king that it would be expensive to continue planting bushes and flowers along the country's streets every spring.
  12. The scientist was writing his book about jumping spiders when his friend, the artist, walked in.
  13. He who smelt it dealt it.
  14. Tom, the teen boy with messy brown hair, blue eyes and freckles, cut his knee riding his skateboard.
  15. No sooner did Ruth start rubbing (two) sticks together as I had taught her than she made a fire by which we could cook the (two) fish wrapped in (two) banana leaves.
  16. My worst day fishing is better than my best day writing about spitting spiders.
  17. After the goat kicked the farmer in the abdomen, Rob didn't know whether he should laugh or call a doctor.
  18. The bird's feathers were smooth and beautiful in the morning light, as if they had been rubbed with silver and gold dust.
  19. I thought Mother would swallow her tongue the night you told her you were going to marry the old fisherman.
  20. No, no, no, the one I want is the *blue* one!
  21. The little white rabbit with the hazel eyes may look small and pretty as it sits among the beans at dusk, but its teeth are very sharp, and even big snakes are afraid of it.
  22. So what you're saying is, we should all go to Dave's house?
  23. If Kevin loses this game, he'll have to sell his boat and his house on the beach.
  24. Dave told me your people's writing system was a beautiful thing to see, but now I look at it, I just see ugly broken pictures.
  25. If her father hadn't smoked, drunk coffee, and eaten beef every day, he wouldn't have died so young.
  26. But have you seen a man eat his own head? No? Then you haven't seen 'everything', have you?
  27. "Hey, Greg", she said, tapping him on the shoulder.
  28. I wonder how/why water boils and freezes at the same time in space.
  29. The largest uncut diamond ever to be bought is expected to sell for nearly $20 million.
  30. In the middle of the ocean floats a purple island where the oranges taste sweet, handsome artists paint, and the people sing and smile all day.
  31. The teacher made Alan give Dave's book back (to Dave).
  32. I don't know where I put my money, and I have to find it before the waiter comes back.
  33. I don't know where I put my money, and I have to find it before the waiter comes back.
  34. Alex washed the clothes wet with sweat and then put them in the sun to dry.
  35. Let's all go and watch a film.
  36. May the flies of a hundred camels fly up your nose.
  37. "Mother is to daughter as father is to son", said the teacher.
  38. My father told me to go into the forest with a spear and not to come back until I had learned how to hunt bear.
  39. The knife cut the bread, then fell off the table and made Paul jump.
  40. Do as I say, don't do as I do.
  41. Please take this wine and these three chickens as a gift.
  42. And so I ask myself, why did I not think that brown apple was too old to eat?
  43. Justin and Brandon were arguing over which restaurant made the best chocolate cake with nut sauce.
  44. Even if that dog really had been in your room, it couldn't have carried away all your books.
  45. If, after cutting hot red peppers, you put your finger in your eye, don't rub it, but wash it in cool, fresh water.
  46. Today feels like a good day for coffee.
  47. They say/It is said that if a couple throws some coins into the river from this bridge, they will have a baby within the year.
  48. This magazine doesn't have to look good, it just has to not be yellow.
  49. Children, do not attempt this at home without an adult.
  50. Thomas and Jeffrey were hunting deer, but then, he shot his mother!
  51. About a month ago on Doctor Who, the Doctor travelled back in time to tell his former self not to do what he would have been going to have done.
  52. After lunch, (my) Brother is going to teach me how to play a game on the computer.
  53. He left the room, kicking the door as he walked through it.
  54. Hey! It doesn't have to be winter for you to play the snowball game! -- you only need 625 words in your dictionary, and everybody who plays, wins!
  55. You can make money more quickly at a flower shop than at a restaurant, because at a restaurant you can only have as many people as you have chairs.
  56. Trying to find a taxi in this city is like trying to get a rabbit to give birth to a camel.
  57. By "he", do you mean the man on the left or on the right?
  58. Greg tried salting the meat which he caught, but then, the meat wounded him and Greg died.
  59. Has anyone not had at least one piece of cake?
  60. Now Paul, after you wake up, whenever you hear the phone ring, you will put pants on your head and dance like a chicken. Five, four, three, two, one!
  61. I'm surprised I've managed to lie to Alan for as long as I have.
  62. Mind you, Alan is so slow/dull/thick that he still doesn't believe it was his parents who put coins under his bed when he lost a tooth.
  63. This person saw it happen.
  64. Why did yon chicken walk across the road?
  65. I'm a shoemaker / I make shoes (as a job).
  66. On a dark winter night, as a pair of horses pulled his wagon through the wind and snow, the driver, a proud farmer, wiped the ice from his beard with a glove.
  67. Where did you two want to walk to?
  68. These bicycle shops will be closed for the next few days.
  69. If the wedding had gotten any more expensive, my husband would have had to sleep with all the waitstaff.
  70. Someone left the cake out in the rain -- I don't think that I can take it, 'cause it took so long to bake it, and I'll never have that baking way again...oh no!
  71. My cat just kicked a bottle of orange juice all over my desk.
  72. We're having fresh cat à l'orange for dinner this evening.
  73. Before the wind blew, there were leaves on that tree.
  74. As you push your wagon through the store while you're shopping, you may be surprised to see small TV cameras taking your picture.
  75. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your letter could not be sent to one or more people.
  76. When students have finished taking the test, they should put down their pencils and sit quietly until the teacher tells them they may leave.
  77. I would have liked to have been able to wish Sarah a happy birthday.
  78. The old cellphones of the 90s were a lot heavier than the smaller lightweight ones of today.
  79. He is the old man who we met by the river.
  80. I can't decide whether to buy the purple motorcycle or the orange one.
  81. You may reply to me whenever you wish.
  82. In the book my mother read to me, the blonde said that this bed was too hard, this bed was too soft, but this bed was just right.
  83. A few times now I've heard you say that something "broke your head" - is that a part of your people's language, or is that just a thing that you say?
  84. Once someone finds gold in these mountains, everyone will come here with dreams of getting rich.
  85. I have eaten pork - but no more than twice in the last two years.
  86. Whatever you do, do not eat blue food or yellow snow.
  87. They must be very rich to own so many houses in one town.
  88. Never having ridden a camel before, (I'm afraid) I'm not very happy that you put my name down for this year's camel race.
  89. I've seen several three-wheeled wagons in the past - they work much better than I thought they would.
  90. What's black and white and can't turn around in an airplane restroom? A priest with a spear through his head.
  91. We are trying to find out why people are asking for more coffee than this time last year.
  92. If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; if you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
  93. I still know every word of a song from when I was eleven. But ask me the name of someone I met an hour ago, and I've got nothing.
  94. With the two of us sitting in the soft orange light of the summer afternoon each having drunk a bottle of cold beer, I began to wonder if Alex would feel like sleeping with me.
  95. (= "As we sat in the soft orange light of the summer afternoon each having drunk a bottle of cold beer, ...") (but trying some literary flourish)
  96. There's presumably a guy somewhere here who just walks around and helps people who walk in to find the right type of coffee.
  97. Maybe we'll see her today...
  98. I can't say I really like the idea that it was on this small mountain that King Justin built his tower.
  99. It was never more than just a little place, but now that I look back on it, when that cafe closed the heart of the town stopped beating.
  100. We're told that next month's student newspaper now needs writing, so that’s something to think about.
  101. Would you please have the wedding cake, band, and flowers set up in the garden behind the hotel by four o'clock Saturday afternoon?
  102. Busses to Hightown on a Sunday (37A/38) are now leaving from place 8 as a bus via Woodgarden Park at 40 minutes past the hour every hour from 9:40 until 16:40 with a bus to Peters Road at 17:25 from Sunday 3rd February 2013.
  103. Since a camel is known as the ship of the desert, can we not then say that a ship is the camel of the sea?
  104. Um, did something just fall over?
  105. What do you think Marie-Antoinette wanted to say when she said, "If they don't have any bread, let them eat cake."?
  106. I'm convinced they just don't have cinemas in this country.
  107. Since Kevin's beard is too messy and rough for him to have his picture taken with the president, why doesn't he have it cut off?
  108. Today's my birthday, so I've brought you all some cake.
  109. Lest we should think he was lying, the bad man took off his diamond ring and wrote his name in the back window of our car with it.
  110. If I had gone to the city centre to buy the fruit for the pie, then I may as well have just bought a pie there instead.
  111. Now that you've hit the king in the face with your glove, war will break out and it won't stop until every soldier is killed.
  112. And that's why I don't like shopping.
  113. With this cheap piece of glass that she bought, my sister turned this old wagon wheel, which no one would have wanted anyway, into a pretty coffee table.
  114. Hi, Greg! How are you?
  115. Okay, so this priest walks into a bar with an elephant and asks for two beers...
  116. Actually, no, I think we should have turned left at that road back there.
  117. Then the elephant says, "That's no refrigerator, that's my wife!"
  118. That's why we call him "Wagon Steve".
  119. In the old days, it took about twenty minutes by car from home to the city center, but now it takes almost twice that time.
  120. Until I properly understand the plants and animals of this place, I'll use the word "camel" for any animal large enough to carry heavy things and happy enough to not try to eat anyone who tries to put a heavy thing onto it.
  121. Why would anyone with a computer have gone to the library to do their homework last night?
  122. If only things had just stayed how they were.
  123. The more I smell the salt water of the ocean and feel the boat going up and down, the more I wonder if I'm going to puke over the front.
  124. From the light of the sun through the window, I must have fallen asleep for at least three hours.
  125. The student was made to stand in the corner by the teacher because he threw a paper ball.
  126. Anyway, back to what we were - wait, were you going to say something?
  127. At first, I wasn't interested in that new book at all, but once I bought it and started reading it, I found that I liked it very much.
  128. I am looking through these old letters, and I'm amazed at how different I was eight years ago.
  129. I am looking through these old letters, and I'm amazed at how different I was eight years ago.
  130. She may well be the best PM this country has ever had, but unless she puts a chicken in every basket, there will always be people who don't like her.
  131. I don't know what time it starts, but I think we wrote it down on that paper on the fridge.
  132. Go and take those red socks out of the washing machine, so that all my underwear doesn't turn pink.
  133. There is such a thing as an elephant, but very few of the songs about it are correct, and it doesn't actually breathe fire.
  134. Lying at home watching television is easier than going to the theatre and it doesn't cost anything either.
  135. I like that this city has trains this cheap, even though I hardly ever actually travel by train.
  136. As a teacher and mother, Christine was surprised at the number of students who said that their parents let them have a television in their bedroom.
  137. Are you the one they call The King Of The Blind?
  138. Do you say this on your own or have others said this to you about me?
  139. The war seems to have been caused by just one horse's shoe having fallen off.
  140. When the waitron comes back and asks if we'd like anything else, tell them to bring some coffee and cake.
  141. I should probably stop trying to find every type of shell on the beach.
  142. John said that seeing the smiling faces of children when they open their presents makes him happy as well.
  143. Kevin and Laura are brother and sister.
  144. I think Teacher Purple killed Soldier Yellow in the library at four o'clock in the afternoon with the rope.
  145. If there's a better way of doing that, I haven't found it.
  146. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.
  147. Does anyone [among us] know how to fly an aeroplane?
  148. Bored, are we? Yawn any wider and we'll be able to drive a truck in.
  149. It's possible to know how to win at football, without actually being able to do it.
  150. Whether you're a king, a poor fisherman, or a bear, you still gotta poo.
  151. Ooh, you don't want to go *there* after dark. That's the rough end of town.
  152. There's a boy I know, he's the one I dream of; looks into my eyes, takes me to the clouds above...
  153. No, my daughter isn't the one getting married - she's Alice, the smallest one.
  154. It may look like a camel and walk like a camel, and the skies know it smells like a camel, but can we say correctly it really is a camel and not some other "pol"?
  155. I was going to tell him next month, but he found it out by himself.
  156. She once wrote some things for our newspaper while working as a teacher at a small school.
  157. I think I need another coffee.
  158. Sitting high in the mountains amid the small white flowers, Maria played the guitar and taught the (seven) children how to sing.
  159. No, we've already decided, we're going to that place down the road that does really good chocolate cake.
  160. I'm baking banana bread for the hospital drive -- we can bring back whatever doesn't sell and have it for breakfast tomorrow morning.
  161. Whose chair is this?
  162. A little over an hour into the film "Three Men and A Baby", you can see an unknown boy standing in a back window on the left.
  163. You really should try the baked chicken, it's really good!
  164. Mind if I smoke?
  165. Steve was surprised that him stealing the ball hadn't helped the artist.
  166. The artist asked Steve why on earth he thought stealing a ball would help him.
  167. Ooh, I just thought of something. What if the house in the photograph is really made out of sand?
  168. Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, and - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!
  169. Brian was proud of being a taxi driver.
  170. He liked to say, "I came to this country with nothing more than a small bag of potatoes, and now I am living the dream."
  171. I'd been planning to go to Steve Brandon's talk about space travel for weeks, but staying up all the previous night made me too tired to go to it.
  172. The story in which six blind men touch different parts of an elephant is supposed to make us come to understand how hard it is for one person to understand everything.
  173. Wow, how did I go that long without seeing that my system was broken?
  174. People of that time drew only things which they had seen with their own eyes.
  175. I can't go to bed until I finish preparing this salad for tomorrow morning.
  176. There are a lot of requests from all over the country asking the actress to write a book about her life.
  177. If I say "I am going to the Brandon Cinema in Lowtown" and you ask "where?", you are not making my life any easier.
  178. Mother, please don't tell me not to try and climb the mountain.
  179. I don’t even like tomatoes, let alone cook with them.
  180. How shall we spend the longer autumn evenings?
  181. I don't think I said that.
  182. There's a part of me that wants to say to myself, "You did the right thing."
  183. I want to find out if there are any fish in this river.
  184. You really should go to hear Tony sing live in concert while there's still time.
  185. The father said that his daughter has been wondering who she should marry, but she will not search anytime soon.
  186. Sitting in a ball in the corner of the room was a very angry little girl, looking at me like a bear about to kill.
  187. I'm not playing this game because I like it, but because - if all goes well - the winnings should pay for my new house.
  188. I only know when he began to dance with me, I could have danced, danced, danced all night.
  189. The woman with freckles asked that you (pl.) do not sit on the wet chairs for an hour.
  190. If you're going to appear on television, you should remember not to wear a black and white striped jacket and that the camera will make you look ten pounds heavier than you actually are.
  191. If you're really going to hit that goat in the eye with your sharp stick, then please wait for me to have run away first.
  192. Would you like to tell me why you've put your wet tongue in my ear?
  193. Rob, who is an artist, saw the spider jump into the woman’s soup but said nothing, because it made him happy.
  194. True, that woman on television may not sing the most beautifully, but she's blond and hot, and that's why people are picking her.
  195. Wait, you're not here yet? Weren't you walking just behind me?
  196. My rich husband, the doctor, stole a green apple and happily said "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
  197. How much can it possibly cost to bring a white elephant back into the country?
  198. But people are now starting to say "it really wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be".
  199. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're not allowed to bring a baked chicken into the movie theatre with you.
  200. Alice believed that the monkeys broke the basket with a banana, but it was actually her brother Chris, who lies proudly.
  201. He left River City the library building, but he left all the books to her! ... Chaucer! Rabelais! Balzac!
  202. No, I didn't see him leave - I think he's still here somewhere.
  203. Can you understand how angry I was when they brought that huge birthday cake into the room and my own mother jumped out of it?
  204. For the rest of the afternoon we will be talking about the use of colour in Mark Gregson's later paintings.
  205. Let's see, we've written down the mouse, the cow, the rabbit, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the chicken, the dog, and the pig ... which two animals haven't we thought of yet?
  206. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.
  207. My good woman, the big road that you are asking the prime minister for will badly change the food we eat, the water we drink, and indeed the very air we breathe.
  208. The tiny green fish swam across the deep pool as it was watched by an enormous mouse and a dark-haired boy with a cell phone.
  209. She sang a high note at the restaurant opening, all the glass shattered, and now they have to buy a new window.
  210. Aah! My hat is floating away down the river! Come back!
  211. It is bad to stop this letter, but if you send this letter to ten friends with a coin in it, you will soon receive money from other people and get rich in a few months.
  212. I really thought that he would try to be here before the film started...
  213. Something in the refrigerator doesn't smell quite right -- how long has that beef been in there?
  214. He's not my friend, he's just someone I met once at the library.
  215. Despite being told not to, Rachel's neighbor squeezed her breast anyway, as you might a fresh tomato, so she threw him out the window.
  216. He who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
  217. On that cool autumn morning, the fisherman saw that the gray cat he had always given fish to on the beach was instead sitting and waiting for him on his boat.
  218. The used book salesman gave me a long look when I bought a book because of its size instead of its words. Oh well.
  219. Not going to the party is not the same as not wanting to go to the party.
  220. If that's 100 quid, I'll eat my hat! How much do you really want for this?
  221. After I had finished eating my banana leaf hat, I puked.
  222. I shouldn't have said that. I should *not* have said that.
  223. Since he had forgotten to buy glass cleaner at the market, Justin had to wash the windows with wet newspaper.
  224. You should give the beef pie a try - it's like apple pie but with beef.
  225. The farmers have planted enough corn and rice to feed the entire country.
  226. I tried that, and it didn't work. Any idea what is going wrong?
  227. The farmers have planted enough corn and rice to feed the entire country.
  228. I tried that, and it didn't work. Any idea what is going wrong?
  229. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
  230. Swimming to stay alive, a man does not see much of the country through which the river flows.
  231. Little Brian Peep has lost his sheep, and doesn't know where to find them.
  232. Don't get too excited, nothing is going to happen.
  233. That's got to be the dirtiest restroom I've ever seen!
  234. Do Flat Televisions Cause Blindness? We spoke to Greg Justinsson, president of the Doctors Against Bad Eyesight group, to find out.
  235. Why on earth didn't somebody stop her? She's wearing her expensive new skirt and just sat down in that beach chair (that's) still wet with pink paint.
  236. Was that a bird that you just let out of the window?
  237. How old school can you get? He wrote her a love letter with pen and paper and had it sent to her with a red rose.
  238. "With ice and sand, the snake made honey in the king's temple after biting the priest."
  239. The dog danced on the table as the men threw money into its hat.
  240. Remember, spears are dangerous; that's why people use them in wars. So watch where you put the sharp end!
  241. You can use this knife to cut through this fish can, and it still remains sharp enough to cut this tomato paper-thin.
  242. Filming starts in a few weeks, and this guy hasn't cut his hair yet.
  243. My goodness, I didn't think I would find a piercing there.
  244. I'm only 75, thank you very much. I've got a good decade in me yet!
  245. True, the man in the red hat and jacket does like milk and cookies by the tree, but I hear he won't say no to a beer.
  246. Warning: sharp corners. Do not touch.
  247. I dreamt that something bad was going to come about, and look, your sister's here.
  248. He thought he heard someone walk past the window.
  249. When you're hungry, beans are a cheap way to fill yourself up (make yourself full).
  250. I don't know how easy it would be, but I'm fairly sure it would be possible.
  251. Jennifer seems happier than when we saw her at the party.
  252. I have been waiting for Alan all evening.
  253. Mother always told me to wear clean underwear, because if you should ever have an accident and are taken to (the) hospital, people will know you were raised right.
  254. I will say this for the good people of Hightown, nothing keeps them from an evening of cheap food and drink.
  255. They had their son apologize to their neighbor for accidentally breaking his window with a ball.
  256. You know, Tony, you're using the word "we" a lot for someone who didn't actually do anything...
  257. Let's race! Whoever gets to the bottom of the hill without breaking any of their eggs wins.
  258. Like I said earlier, that guy really should've learned to let go and walk away.
  259. Behind Alex's dark sunglasses lie the eyes of a cold-blooded killer.
  260. It is better to have rotten meat and fresh vegetables, than fresh meat and no vegetables at all.
  261. Don't scratch it -- that'll only make it worse.
  262. Looking at it on the stand, you might think it's a real newsmagazine, but it's just full of things about princes, prime ministers, and actors having sex.
  263. You haven't changed at all. You would look more like you just came back from the war if you had a beard or something.
  264. It can be a hard film to follow, because the actors are playing actors in the film and also in a film within the film.
  265. The requested system was not found on this computer.
  266. He thought he saw a coach-and-four, that stood beside his bed. -- He looked again, and found it was a bear without a head.
  267. When he looked at the blue-yellow striped egg, David argued with himself over whether the color was blue or yellow
  268. Peter rubbed John's back with hot oil and capsicum to make him feel better.
  269. Laura started walking faster when she heard a window shatter behind her.
  270. By the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you will return.
  271. Son, if you want the king to come to your birthday party, you should write him a letter every day.
  272. At the bottom right of the map, we happened upon a small unknown island, and decided that that's where we'd go for our vacation next year.
  273. Rob would like me to tell you that Steve told him that Dan was told by Becky that Andy's looking for you.
  274. My dad went up ahead of me into the fog, and before long I couldn't see him anymore (for some time).
  275. There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed the fly -- perhaps she'll die.
  276. Me and my (older) sister wear each other's clothes so much that I never know whose shirt is whose.
  277. Could you get the phone, please! It's been ringing all afternoon!
  278. Next, rub the wood with sandpaper until it's completely smooth.
  279. This car is too lightweight -- if you got into an accident, you'd be killed instantly.
  280. Don't kill the sailor in the park, stab the teacher at the bank.
  281. Do you ever miss hunting for shells on the beach and then taking them home in a basket to show Mother what we had found?
  282. May you live 100 years and have lots of children.
  283. You lost 350 dollars last night? Man, you must really suck at (playing) cards.
  284. It's spring--when farmers planet fruits and vegetables, and the ice leaves the rivers and lakes.
  285. The cat burped softly next to a small pile of feathers.
  286. Why are you carrying a box full of knives?
  287. The better to cut you up with, my dear.
  288. If you're coughing and sweating more than usual, and you start throwing up, you should see a doctor.
  289. My momma/mama told me: you('d) better shop around.(Mm, hm. I know that's right.)
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