

Nov 13th, 2018
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  1. “This… This can’t be right.”
  3. In the Realm Transferrence wing of the XSG’s research facility, Libra, Aries, Virgo, Pisces, the Gemini Twins, Capricorn, Leo, Taurus, and Cancer beheld the holographic projection of a world in ruins. Pitch black smoke and rose over devastated cities and settlements like funeral pyres to choke the life out of the continental landmasses. Where lush green flora and various fauna would have been, only broken landscapes and bleached skeletons remained. Even the oceans did not escape unscathed; the once glimmering blue expanse now a mass of frothing white and sludge black, contaminated with the remains of dead sealife. The world bled molten rock like blood and fragments of it rose into space like a stairway into the open arms of oblivion.
  5. It was a dead world, home to corpses and broken monuments. There was no life on it now, nothing but death and ruin. Nothing for Mellow to go home to.
  7. “This can’t be right.” Cancer turned to the technician. “Are you sure this is the right Realm? Have you checked others for similarities in the description that Mellow listed?”
  9. “We have sir. We went over the description many times, doubled-checked, and cross-referenced what we had.” the technician blinked back, dark rings around his eyes. “Every world in that sub-cluster, every iteration in every potential reality is the same. Ruined. Destroyed. Trillions dead. Any still functioning world that we did find was a post-apocalyptic wasteland.” he gestured at the projection. “This iteration is the best out of all the others.”
  11. “Good god…” Capricorn breathed. “Are you sure there are no other Realms that fit Agent Serpent’s description?”
  13. “My people have spent months combing through potential targets to send him back to, and our efforts have narrowed it down to this.” the technician shook his head. “This is the best iteration we could find.”
  15. “We.” “Did.” This?” The Gemini twin stared uncomprehendingly at the projection before them, tears filling their eyes. Pisces reached over and comfortingly squeezed their shoulders.
  17. Taurus’ normally superior expression morphed into one of regret and sorrow as he beheld the ruined landscape and shook his head, walking away. Capricorn clenched his hands into white-knuckled fists as he tried to justify the end result of his actions to himself.
  19. “...He is going to hate us, isn’t he?” Virgo whispered to herself. A a bright light flashed and she stumbled forward following a loud ‘pop’. “Ow! Hey!”
  21. “Shut up!” Aries snarled, eyes leaking tears. “Shut up, he no won’t! Serpent.. Mellow promised… he wouldn’t-!”
  23. “Aries!” Leo barked. “Stand down.”
  25. “Tell her to take back what she said!” Aries cried out, desperate and angry. “Take that back!”
  27. “What difference would it make even if I did?!” Virgo shot back, magic and chi gathering in her hands. “His home is gone! Everything he had is gone now! We have to live with that now and hope he doesn’t just up and leave!”
  29. “We won’t leave us!” the Sings sub-commander screamed, her form flickering between solid and gaseous. “He promised!”
  31. “Liz, calm down!” Libra rushed to her side and grabbed her best friend’s shoulder. “Calm down, please! You’re making a scene!”
  33. “Pisces,” Leo called out. “Virgo, Cancer, Libra, get Aries and the Gemini twins out of here. Now.”
  35. The Signs complied and helped the three most-distraught members of the group out. The technician watched them go with stony silence, then turned to the tall Lion anima. He nodded at him, and the young man stood and left the room as well.
  37. “You can come out now, Mellow.”
  39. A distorted spot on the room’s ceiling flowed out and a form dropped to the floor. The distortion faded to reveal Mellow Proudmoore, his usual brashness and dickishness gone. In its place was resigned acceptance and a mix of rage, regret, and defeat. He walked up to the display monitor and Capricorn weaved a privacy spell around the group. The young man turned to the augmented youth and fidgeted uncomfortably as a tense silence prevaded the air.
  41. Mellow reached out as though to touch the projection, then let his arm drop.
  43. “...I suspected.” he said lowly, but he was heard clearly in the silence of the chamber. “But having it confirmed is… a kick to the gut.”
  45. “You are well within your right to leave the XSG now, Mellow.” Leo said, not bothering to sound apologetic in the face of what he had indirectly done to the young man. “I will not stop you.”
  47. “I agree.” Taurus bowed his head. “I… I am sorry, Mellow Proudmoore.”
  49. Capricorn looked away, unwilling to meet his friend’s gaze.
  51. “And you’ll understand that I will reject your apologies and hate you for the rest of my life.” Mellow said mildly. “But I doubt that would be enough get you to change your ways. Would it?”
  53. “No.” Leo shook his head, as did Taurus. “We will acknowedge your hatred of us, but…”
  55. “Yeah, yeah; too busy to die. I get it.” Mellow scoffed and typed at the console. “Your actions killed untold quintillions more all across the greater multiverse, but it’s not like you’d care. All the divines are dead and that’s all that matters.” Mellow pressed a button and the display changed. “But you’re willing to justify the result of your actions to me…”
  57. The projection changed and nine spherical constructs came to view; each the size of the ruined world. Each one of them turned to face the viewers. They had no faces, but the remaining Signs could sense the terrible fury that coursed through the constructs’ unseen gaze. Three of them opened like segmented flowers and power coalesced in their centers.
  59. There was a flash of light, and the projection ended.
  61. “Then be ready to justify it to them.” Mellow turned and walked away. “And this time, I won’t be there to help you.”
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