
Scootaloo's Abandonment [sad/dark] [uplifting] [seasonal]

Nov 25th, 2016
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  1. “But I’m hungry!” Scootaloo protests to her mother. Her skeletal ribs are revealed as she struggles to lifts her draping wing. This did nothing but earn Scoots the ire from her mother. “You should’ve been eating what I gave you!” the mother retorted, roaring at her daughter, her teeth bearing. Scootaloo took several steps back with her fore hoof covering her face like a coward. “I-I do!” there was a short pause. “But you only bring hay with you, and there is barely enough for--” Scootaloo’s mother scoffs as her head jerks backwards, her nose wrinkled in disgust. “I’M SORRY I HAVE TO WORK! AND MY JOB DOESN’T PAY WELL!” The mother forced a dry choked on her last sentence, the stream of tears rolling off her cheek. “Do you think I like starving you? Do you think I’m such a bad mother because I don’t buy your spoiled ass anything else?” “Ma!” Scootaloo said waving her hooves around to try and gain attention to herself. “No Ma, I love you! You’re a great mother, I love you!” Scootaloo pleaded. The tears were streaming down faster now. Her mother sobbing and snorting, Scootaloo’s heart is torn she’s such a mess. Could it be her fault? “Y-yeah right, kid!” her mother tosses ten bits onto the table. “Ma...” Scootaloo eyed up the bits before gazing to her mothers face. “Take these bits. When I get back from my exclusive date with this handsome stallion..” the mother takes a minute to bite her lip, she had “special” plans so to speak. “...I want you to get the fuck out of my house. AND NEVER COME BACK!” before Scootaloo had a chance to react the mother galloped her way to her bedroom, crying her way there.
  3. Scootaloo’s face lied onto the table as her bits were soaked by her tears. The only thing going through her mind was how her mother was so angry at her. How could Scootaloo be so selfish? She caused her mother to cry and disown her. How terrible she is! These thoughts overlapped her sense of being hungry. Appetite now lost. Scootaloo’s eyelids were getting heavy and soon enough she passed out from exhaustion.
  5. Scootaloo’s eyes opened slowly with resistance. The big scene Scootaloo’s mother caused scarred her memory. Every detail so vivid and frightening, the feathers on her wings were falling off as she is shaking from the shock of her mother’s outburst. Brushing herself off and waking herself up by splashing water on her face Scootaloo pockets the bits from the table into a small pouch. When she opened the door Scootaloo is greeted with the sky of night. Darkness has risen and the sun has fallen. “Was I really out cold for so long?” she questioned herself.
  6. Finished the small shopping at the supermarket then trotting back to the house. Perhaps her mother wouldn’t mind her daughter sticking around for a little while. Scootaloo has abit more than just Hay: Black walnut. It is a change in Scootaloo’s diet and she is very happy. The wide smile on her face is proof. She was preparing a sandwich with mixed the leafs and black walnut for a little snack. There were sounds of laughter from a stallion and a mare. Scootaloo’s eyes were distracted from making her sandwich. Her purple eyes looking outside the window, curiously. Right there in the moment her mother and a young stallion could be seen together; smiling and laughing. Scootaloo’s mouth has a huge grin.
  7. In Scootaloo’s imagination: Scoots would be sitting down in between the stallion and her mother. All three would smile and their smile would lighten the mood. It would make Scoots feel fuzzy and warm. Scoots mother would nod her head when attentive and listening to Scoots. She imagines her mother giving her advice and cuddling her with her two fore hooves. The stallion would be the father in Scoots life she never had. One that wouldn’t beat Scoots mother and put the weight of the world onto the poor kid.
  8. Scootaloo’s wing is no longer draping but now lifted. Almost like an invisible angelic pony is holding them up very lightly. The first time in forever Scootaloo felt warm, fluffy and fuzziness in her heart. She didn’t feel alone. At the moment where she is lost in her imagination, she felt as though she has a family. Scootaloo’s mother opened the front door and trotted in, chatting with her romantic partner. She suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes tracing the shadow of Scootaloo up to herself. Her mother’s eye began twitching, her pupils pin-pricked and her teeth-grinding. Scootaloo would’ve known this as a sign her mother is very angry, but right now, she is oblivious to her mothers emotions.
  9. “Ya didn’t tell me you have a kid.” the stallion says. He looked at Scootaloo’s mother quizzically, like she has lied. “I don’t.” was all she replied and almost snarled at her romantic partner. “Ma! I’m so happy for you!” Scootaloo galloped to her mother with tears formed in her eyes, happy tears. Only when Scootaloo stepped a metre closer into her mother’s grasp she was met with a heavy hoof shoe smacking into her skull. Scootaloo bounced from her mothers hoof to the solid door-frame which earned her skull another smack along with a worrisome crack. Scootaloo’s nose is runny with blood streaming onto her mouth and dripping onto the ground. “I DON’T HAVE A DAUGHTER!” her mother declared almost proudly with her chest outward. “GET.” she leaned in to a frightened Scootaloo, shaking violently. “OUT!” her mother roared in her face.
  10. Ever since, Scootaloo has been living in a cardboard box for a home. It is always damp and even beginning to grow mould. The grass is frosted most of the time at this month of the year. “I’ve forgot what it’s like to be warm..” she stared out from the cardboard box to the sea of families cheering and celebrating Christmas. Scootaloo struggled but tried to muster the strength she has left to lift herself up and wobbly trot out of her mobile-home onto the street. Shaking uncontrollably as the freezing wind surrounds her with cold air. There are many ponies trotting past her now, this could be her chance to finally beg and eat something for tonight.
  11. “H-hi! Excuse me, ma’am!” Scootaloo said as she waved her hooves to gain attention. “Oh hello deary, aren’t you just adorable?” the mare patted Scootaloo on the head before returning to her family and trotting away. “Damnit Scoots, you idiot! Be more direct!” she scolded herself. Or was it destructive thinking? She couldn’t tell anymore. “Hey, fellas!” two stallions looked down to Scootaloo and smiled at her. “Can I have some bits, please? I’m starving!” to empathize her point Scootaloo rubbed her stomach in circles. The two stallions looked at eachother before returning their attention to Scootaloo and shook their head. “Go home, kid.” they trotted right past her. Right there it felt like she was gutted like a helpless fish out of water. She truly felt like no one did care.
  12. “Woah! Watch out, little one!” A very, VERY different voice spoke. Scootaloo wasn’t quite sure what to make of the voice, but it caught her attention. She looked behind her to see a tall green figure wearing extremely different clothes.
  13. Infact, screw that!
  14. This wasn’t even a pony!
  15. The figure tried their hardest to not fall onto Scootaloo as they lost their balance and crashed to the ground. “Shit that was my fault!” Scoots thinks to herself. “I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, p-please don’t hit me!” instinctively Scootaloo covered her face with both fore hooves whimpering like a coward. Instead of being met with a barrage of insults and degrading names, he simply pet her head. At first Scootaloo backed away for fear of being hit but once the contact was made she had a small smile across her lips, she closed her eyes, cherishing the moment. “What’s your name, little fluffy one?” “M-my name is Scootaloo.” “Well then, Scootaloo. You look hungry.” he said to the pony. She nodded her head vigorously with a gleam of hope in her eye, maybe she’ll be able to eat tonight. “Come with me, we’ll get some ice cream.”
  16. The two walked side by side of eachother to the ice-cream parlour. Scootaloo couldn’t believe that her luck has got so good! A total stranger now treating her out to ice-cream. She felt somewhat secure and safe while she is trotting beside the gentleman. When the two arrived at the ice-cream parlour, Scoots ate, literally, like a horse. Anon asked her some questions only to learn she is homeless. He couldn’t think of not letting Scootaloo sleep out in what most likely will be a very, very cold winter tonight. He offered her shelter and a warm bed in his home. And she gracefully accepted.
  18. Merry early-Christmas!
  19. The End.
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