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Feb 22nd, 2020
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  1. Today they are more Americans killed by gun shot in the United States than during the WW2 landing. In addition, the United States is the country most affected by mass shooting and school shooting . Consequently the carrying of weapons is very questioned in the country. Associations such as the NRA support the carrying of weapons. They mainly rely on the 2nd Amendment. The Second Amendment relies on the argument that a well-regulated Militia, is necessary to the security of a free State. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infreged. On the other side are the activists who are in favor of the suppression of this amendment to control the use of firearms. The problem is that a modification or suppression the 2nd amendment would be considered as a questioning of the freedoms of the American people. Therefore activists are at an dead end.
  2. However, some Americans sensitize people who want to buy weapons with programs like "Prevent gun violence" on YouTube.
  3. She show the killings caused by the weapons sold in a gun store. However, some celebrities support the carrying of weapons. For example Ice-T declared guns protect against police in an interview on channel 4. He refers to racism of police present in the USA. For example in 2014, 1100 blacks were killed by policeman. The series "When they see us" on Netflix in 2019 denounces the judicial error which condemns 5 black teenagers in prison. Which exactly shows racism in the USA.
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