
Fire Emblem Quest: Part 1 Summary

Jul 13th, 2015
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  1. Part 1 Link:
  2. Part 1 Summary:
  3. -The story begins in the town of Orsin, a village in the Johan region of the nation of Neir, a region which also holds the nation's castle town and royal family. The king is Darsam, his son is prince Garrus. The QMs do not know at this point if there are any other royal family members.
  4. -The player character was created, a female villager who is somewhat proficient with a sword (think mercenary class). She was introduced training with her friend Lambert, the son of the current captain of the village guard.
  5. -The previous captain of the guard, a man named Gorman, left town recently to become a mercenary. His reasons for doing so are not known.
  6. -Lambert and the player character (who is named Ellen) learn from an old farmer that the Johalva bandits have been sighted in the area. The old man himself was saved by two lumberjacks and militia members, Robert and Jay, who told the Captain a similar story.
  7. -Lambert and the farmer went to the church to find Natalie (Nat for short), a stone-faced cleric, in order to heal the guards in the ensuing battle. After meeting with the Captain, Ellen did the same. What she found was a fight between Lambert, whose dominant hand was badly hurt, and a bandit as Nat looked on. She intervened and Natalie went further into the church to retrieve her staff. Lambert took a seat while Ellen went to help her find it. The farmer was neither seen nor mentioned again (let's just say he parted ways early. Figured he might as well not waste a stave's use on such a mild wound and forget about him).
  8. -The crowded storage room of the church was the perfect location for an ambush, however, and Nat and Ellen were both captured by bandits. They were hauled outside through a window, and Ellen screamed for help once she was certain that wouldn't result in instant death for her or Nat. The first to arrive was Lambert, wielding his weapon in his left hand due to his dominant hand's continued state of damage.
  9. -Though Lambert easily took down one of the bandits in this state, a red-clad, short-haired swordsman named Stefyn was called upon by the apparent leader of the Johalva to face him. The thread ended as he overcame his nerves and readied himself to battle Lambert.
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