

Apr 9th, 2017
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  1. As his chakra flowed throughout the body of the male, Tekkotsu's memories of the family as they had just started out began to play throughout his mind. He and his brother, Masato; Sanshirama and his brother, Hinatarama; Jitsuko; Spooky's dead Senju whose name I never knew because they died so quickly; Seiichima. Things were so much easier back then, or was it just because they were kids?
  3. When Baratoge died, everything went south. He was a terrible leader, but leaving the clan to children didn't end too well either. Masato, then Imada.. both eras for the Senju were grim, but prosperous in their own ways. Masato brought structure and expansion while Imada brought pride and fear throughout the lands.
  5. Tekkotsu and Sanshirama grew up together, as their brothers did as well. As children, they practiced bending Earth, slept in the trees, and paraded about doing miscellaneous missions for the clan. Could he have killed him, his own kind? Tekkotsu shook his head, applying much more pressure on Arinori than before. As he spoke, Tekkotsu's dissatisfaction grew. "Killing your kin is intolerable. I'm sorry."
  7. It may be a bit hypocritical of him to say, seeing as Tekkotsu had killed Sanshirama's brother, though the circumstances were much different. Maybe opportunities to spare Gishirama and his wife were presented, yet none were taken. Mitsui wasn't like the other Uchiha and, while not welcomed in the Village, she wasn't to be slain by purely instinctive action." The male who wrote this all wouldn't know the inner workings of his mind, the thoughts that flowed, or the stories the Senju had with one another. Gishirama, too, was just another lost soul--though unlike Hinatarama, the clan was able to get to him and bring him back.
  9. "How many years has it been since one of us has died?" He questions himself aloud, the male foritifying the pressure he left on Arinori if he decided to answer the rhetorical question. "We've gone so long without a death in the family.. Where did I go wrong? I've done all I could, I even gave Sanshirama the leading position so relations would be much better between the other clans and villages.."
  11. His composure was the same as always, and though he was fuming it wouldn't be indicated by erratic breathing or a harsher tone. He spoke as he did usually, though the words he chose would hint at the aggression. "Ten years of war just to have a Senju spill their own blood.." He pauses, his eyes closing as he inhales deeply. His vacant hand is brought to the hilt of the Wakizashi he has stationed neatly above his backpouch.
  13. As he opens his eyes, Rohan being attacked by Hinatarama flashes before him. He embeds the Wakizashi in Arinori's side, puncturing the lung as it fit neatly between his ribs. "I was given the choice to kill Gishirama a few years ago. Instead I knocked him out and took him to a temple to rehabilitate him." Arinori's lungs would fill with blood, the male feeling much more pain from his internal wound than from the pressure from Keijugan. "Just like you, I aimed for his neck. He's not the smartest, and while powerful, his battle sense is lacking."
  15. Tekkotsu plucks the Wakizashi out swiftly at the end of his sentence, stabbing it between another two ribs and tearing yet another hole into his lungs. More pain, much more pain.
  17. His hands were dirtied once more by Senju blood.
  19. Though he didn't care for Gishirama as he did Sanshirama, the male held respect and love for all in his clan. Unconditional, just like family should be. Even with Hinatarama, he begged for him to change his ways and tried to reason with Imada to allow him to come back to the village.
  21. "I won't allow slaughter amongst family." He plucks the Wakizashi out once more. "Please forgive me, Masato." The apology is meant for his brother looking down on him rather than Arinori, the male disgusted with himself for taking the life of yet another Senju.. his brother wouldn't have liked it. If he were still alive, maybe things would have been different--maybe Hinatarama, Gishirama, and Arinori would still be alive.
  22. (Tekkotsu)
  23. Arinori OOCs: (I'll rp death.)
  24. Arinori OOCs: (If you can gimme a sec.)
  25. Tekkotsu OOCs: [[I was gonna let you
  26. Tekkotsu OOCs: [[:o
  27. Arinori OOCs: (Finishing up something.)
  28. Tekkotsu OOCs: [[alright
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