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a guest
Jan 18th, 2019
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  1. Natural mineral line is slightly off, should look like this:
  2. One of the main geyers is slightly inefficient, can be moved down 1 cell to make it fine:
  3. The natural is quite open to being sieged from this area, and the distance to defend it is quite long.
  4. This base has a bit of circle syndrome, where the bases form a circle that end up winding around to the opponents side of the map. For example, the base directly next to the natural will likely never be taken, as it is too far to defend from either the natural or the other player's main.
  5. The gold bases towards the center are also unlikely to be taken, as there is one defending path towards the owners direction of reinforcement, and then surrounded by opposing angles for attack. Recommended removal and instead opting for a more unique and varied center utilizing high and low grounds.
  6. Because of this, currently every area that isnt the middle of the map is flat ground surrounded by walls that serve no unique purpose aside from breaking vision and taking up space.
  7. There's no where for overlords or observers to park for critical vision, such as the gasses of the natural, the third, etc.
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