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Dec 21st, 2017
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  1. ac_debugAnimTarget = 0
  2. ac_debugColliderMode = 0
  3. ac_DebugFilter = 0
  4. ac_debugLocations = 0
  5. ac_debugLocationsGraphs = 0
  6. ac_debugMotionParams = 0
  7. ac_debugMovementControlMethods = 0
  8. ac_debugSlopes = 0
  9. ac_debugText = 0
  10. ac_debugXXXValues = 0
  11. ac_disableSlidingContactEvents = 0
  12. ac_frametime = 0
  13. ac_travelSpeedSmoothing = 1
  14. ac_turnAngleSmoothing = 1
  15. ac_turnSpeedParamScale = 0.2
  16. ac_turnSpeedSmoothing = 1
  17. ac_useMovementPrediction = 1
  18. aim_altNormalization.enable = 0
  19. aim_altNormalization.hud_ctrl_Coeff_Unified = 1
  20. aim_altNormalization.hud_ctrl_Curve_Unified = 2.5
  21. ai_ActivitySchedulerDebugDraw = 0
  22. ai_BubblesSystem = 1
  23. ai_BubblesSystemAlertnessFilter = 3
  24. ai_BubblesSystemDecayTime = 15
  25. ai_BubblesSystemFontSize = 45
  26. ai_BubblesSystemUseDepthTest = 0
  27. ai_BubbleSystemAllowPrototypeDialogBubbles = 0
  28. ai_communication.DebugContextualResponse = 0
  29. ai_communication.DebugDrawCommunication = 0
  30. ai_communication.DebugDrawCommunicationHistoryDepth = 5
  31. ai_communication.LogVerbosity = 0
  32. ai_communication.RecordStats = 0
  33. ai_cover.pushoutDistance = 0.4
  34. ai_CoverSpacing = 0.5
  35. ai_CoverSystemBlacklistTime = 10
  36. ai_CoverSystemPredictTargetPositionAtTime = 1
  37. ai_DebugDrawCoverSystemValidation = 0
  38. ai_DebugDrawSequences = 0
  39. ai_DebugGlobalPerceptionScale = 0
  40. ai_FilterCIGAIDebugDrawbyAgentName = <empty>
  41. ai_GameTimeDebugDraw = 0
  42. ai_MovementTeleportOnFailure = 0
  43. ai_NavigationSystemUpdateWhileEditorBackground = 1
  44. ai_NavSplineResolutionModifier = 0.0003
  45. ai_PersonalLogColors = 1
  46. ai_ReservedEntityDebugDraw = 0
  47. ai_SubsumptionDebugDraw = 0
  48. ai_SubsumptionDebugDrawAttributes = 0
  49. ai_SubsumptionDebugDrawMemoryUsage = 0
  50. ai_SubsumptionDebugDrawMissionName = <empty>
  51. ai_SubsumptionDebugDrawSuspendedActivities = 0
  52. ai_SubsumptionEnableHotReload = 0
  53. ai_SubsumptionMissionLogDebugDrawFlags = fep
  54. ai_SubsumptionPersonalLogDebugDrawFlags = aspe
  55. ai_SubsumptionPersonalLogMaxLines = 20
  56. ai_SubsumptionPersonalLogToFile = 1
  57. ai_SubsumptionPersonalLogWithTime = 1
  58. ai_SubsumptionSuspendFailingActivities = 1
  59. ai_SubsumptionUseOnlyLocalFiles = 0
  60. ai_SubsumptionVisualizerMaxObjectsDisplayed = 3
  61. ai_TPSUpdateTime = 0.0005
  62. ai_UsableFailure_DelayTime = 1
  63. ann_debugAnnouncer = 0
  64. autotest_enabled = 0
  65. autotest_quit_when_done = 0
  66. autotest_state_setup = <empty>
  67. autotest_verbose = 1
  68. auto_test_done = 0
  69. ban_timeout = 30
  70. br_breakmaxworldsize = 4096
  71. br_breakworldoffsetx = 0
  72. br_breakworldoffsety = 0
  73. capture_file_format = jpg
  74. capture_file_name = <empty>
  75. capture_file_prefix = <empty>
  76. capture_folder = CaptureOutput
  77. capture_frames = 0
  78. capture_frame_once = 0
  79. capture_image_scale = 0.25
  80. capture_use_scale = 0
  81. ca_AttachmentCullingRation = 300
  82. ca_AttachmentCullingRationMP = 300
  83. ca_CharEditModel = Objects/Characters/Human/UEE_pilot/pilot.cdf
  84. ca_FilterJoints = <empty>
  85. ca_MemoryDefragEnabled = 1
  86. ca_MemoryDefragPoolSize = 67108864
  87. ca_ParametricPoolSize = 512
  88. ca_Post3DScreenScale = 0.2
  89. ca_PrecacheAnimationSets = 0
  90. ca_PreloadAllCAFs = 0
  91. ca_StreamCHR = 1
  92. ca_StreamDBAInPlace = 1
  93. ca_syncAllAnims_Batched = 1
  94. ca_thread = 1
  95. ca_UnloadAnimationCAF = 1
  96. ca_UnloadAnimationDBA = 1
  97. ca_useGroundAlignment = 0
  98. ca_UseJointMasking = 1
  99. ca_vaBlendCullingDebug = 0
  100. ca_vaBlendCullingPixelsAffectedThreshold = 0.5
  101. ca_vaBlendCullingShowDistanceFromFace = 0
  102. ca_vaBlendEnable = 1
  103. ca_vaDisplayListOfBlendFramesUsed = 0
  104. ca_vaDisplayProtosBShapes = 11
  105. ca_vaEnable = 1
  106. ca_vaHeadOffset = 0
  107. ca_ValidateStreamableMesh = 0
  108. ca_vaOnlyUseBlendWeightsUpToIndex = -1
  109. ca_vaProfile = 0
  110. ca_vaScaleFactor = 1
  111. ca_vaShowOnlyBlendWeightIndex = -1
  112. ca_vaSkipVertexAnimationLOD = 0
  113. ca_vaUpdateCPUSkinning = 1
  114. ca_vaUpdateTangents = 1
  115. cig_bRetryCreateDatagramSocket = 0
  116. cig_maxRetriesCreateDatagramSocketBeforeExit = 10
  117. cl_AISystem = 1
  118. cl_bandwidth = 50000
  119. cl_cameraEffectsDebug = 0
  120. cl_camera_nearz = 0.02
  121. cl_camera_noise = -1
  122. cl_camera_noise_freq = 2.53262
  123. cl_comment = 0
  124. cl_crouchToggle = 1
  125. cl_debris_count = 128
  126. cl_debris_cull_distance = 170
  127. cl_DisableHUDText = 0
  128. cl_dynamicFocusZoomAimModeDebug = 0
  129. cl_dynamicFocusZoomSpeed = 0.05
  130. cl_dynamicFocusZoomSpeedWheel = 0.25
  131. cl_ETColorOverrideB = 1
  132. cl_ETColorOverrideEnable = 0
  133. cl_ETColorOverrideG = 1
  134. cl_ETColorOverrideR = 1
  135. cl_ETFontSizeMultiplier = 1
  136. cl_ETHideAIDebug = 0
  137. cl_ETHideAll = 0
  138. cl_ETHideBehaviour = 0
  139. cl_ETHideFlowgraph = 0
  140. cl_ETHideReadability = 0
  141. cl_ETHideScriptBind = 0
  142. cl_ETLog = 0
  143. cl_ETMaxDisplayDistance = -2
  144. cl_fov = 63.0883
  145. cl_headTargetAimAssistOn = 0
  146. cl_headTargetTracking_AngularOffsetWeight = 0.015
  147. cl_headTargetTracking_DistanceToTargetWeight = 0.02
  148. cl_headTargetTracking_MaxAngleClamp = 0.75
  149. cl_headTargetTracking_MaxAnglePercentToLockOn = 0.5
  150. cl_headTargetTracking_MaxDistanceToTargetClamp = 1800
  151. cl_headTargetTracking_MaxTargetAccelerationClamp = 80
  152. cl_headTargetTracking_MinDistanceToTargetClamp = 180
  153. cl_headTargetTracking_TargetAccelerationWeight = 0.02
  154. cl_headTargetTracking_TargetLostTime = 3
  155. cl_headTargetTracking_TimeForMaxLock = 5
  156. cl_headTargetTracking_TimeOnTargetWeight = 0.02
  157. cl_headTargetTracking_VehicleToTargetAngularOffsetWeight = 0.015
  158. cl_headTargetTracking_ZoomMaxTargetDist = 2500
  159. cl_headTargetTracking_ZoomMinTargetDist = 250
  160. cl_initClientActor = 1
  161. cl_invertController = 0
  162. cl_invertMouse = 0
  163. cl_multiTapTheshold = 0.25
  164. cl_nickname = <empty>
  165. cl_packetRate = 30
  166. cl_proneToggle = 1
  167. cl_screenEffectsDebug = 0
  168. cl_sensitivity = 16.5
  169. cl_sensitivityController = 0.8
  170. cl_serveraddr = localhost
  171. cl_serveraddroverride = <empty>
  172. cl_serverport = 12300
  173. cl_serverportoverride = <empty>
  174. cl_sprintToggle = 0
  175. cl_tpvDist = 2.2
  176. cl_tpvYaw = 0
  177. cl_useCurrentUserNameAsDefault = 1
  178. cl_visualLog = 0
  179. cl_visualLogFolder = VisualLog
  180. cl_visualLogImageFormat = bmp
  181. cl_visualLogImageScale = 128
  182. cl_zoomToggle = 0
  183. controller_full_turn_multiplier_x = 1.8
  184. controller_full_turn_multiplier_z = 2.35
  185. controller_multiplier_x = 3
  186. controller_multiplier_z = 4
  187. controller_power_curve = 2.5
  188. conv_debugConversations = 0
  189. conv_debugStickyFilter = 0
  190. conv_eyeContactOffset = 0.2
  191. conv_maxScreenEffectsDistance = 5
  192. conv_maxScreenEffectsLookAt = 2
  193. conv_minScreenEffectsDistance = 2.5
  194. conv_minScreenEffectsLookAt = 0.1
  195. conv_showSubtitlesDuringGameplay = 1
  196. conv_subtitleDisplayLengthScale = 1
  197. conv_subtitleDisplayMinimumTime = 3
  198. con_display_last_messages = 0
  199. con_line_buffer_size = 1000
  200. con_showonload = 0
  201. cr_AllowModifyingQueuingBehaviour = 1
  202. cr_Logging = 0
  203. cr_TimeoutEnabled = 1
  204. ctrlr_OUTPUTDEBUGINFO = 0
  205. cvDoVerboseWindowTitle = 0
  206. d3d11_CBUpdateStats = 0
  207. d3d11_forcedFeatureLevel = <empty>
  208. db_loadout_request_timeout = 60
  209. db_logindata_directory = <empty>
  210. db_offline = 0
  211. db_offline_username = <empty>
  212. db_persist_loadouts = 0
  213. db_saveDebugFile = 0
  214. db_spawnstate_fatal_error_entity_removal = 0
  215. db_spawnstate_fatal_error_long_spawns = 0
  216. db_spawnstate_log_timeout = 1200
  217. demo_ai = 1
  218. demo_file = timedemo
  219. demo_finish_cmd = <empty>
  220. demo_finish_memreplay_stop = 0
  221. demo_fixed_timestep = 30
  222. demo_game_state = 0
  223. demo_max_frames = 100000
  224. demo_noinfo = 0
  225. demo_num_orientations = 1
  226. demo_num_runs = 1
  227. demo_panoramic = 0
  228. demo_profile = 1
  229. demo_quit = 0
  230. demo_restart_level = 0
  231. demo_savestats = 0
  232. demo_save_every_frame = 0
  233. demo_screenshot_frame = 0
  234. demo_scroll_pause = 1
  235. demo_time_of_day = -1
  236. demo_vtune = 0
  237. designer_warning_enabled = 1
  238. designer_warning_level_resources = 0
  239. dlg_allowUnlinked = 1
  240. dlg_debugDialogue = 0
  241. dlg_enableSubtitles = 1
  242. dlg_fallbackToScratchRecording = 0
  243. dlg_fallbackToTextToSpeech = 0
  244. dlg_forceAllToScratchRecording = 0
  245. dlg_forceAllToTextToSpeech = 0
  246. dlg_maxSubtitleDistance = 0
  247. ec_lootable.showDebug = 0
  248. ee_AudioLogging = 0
  249. ent_CuttableShape.debugShowShape = 0
  250. ent_CuttableShape.fCutEffectFrequency = 0.1
  251. ent_CuttableShape.fCutIdleTime = 5
  252. ent_GroupEntity.DebugEntityNameFilter = <empty>
  253. ent_GroupEntity.debugShow = 0
  254. es_DebrisLifetimeScale = 1
  255. es_DebugEntitiesAtOrigin = 0
  256. es_debugEntityLifetime = 0
  257. es_DebugEntityUsage = 0
  258. es_DebugEntityUsageFilter = <empty>
  259. es_DebugOwnerManagerFilter = <empty>
  260. es_DisableTriggers = 0
  261. es_enable_full_script_save = 0
  262. es_EntityUpdatePosDelta = 0.1
  263. es_FarPhysTimeout = 4
  264. es_HitDeadBodies = 1
  265. es_log_collisions = 0
  266. es_MaxPhysDist = 100
  267. es_MaxPhysDistCloth = 300
  268. es_MaxPhysDistInvisible = 25
  269. es_networkScopeIdClientSizeMin = 0
  270. es_networkScopeIdClientSizeRequest = 0
  271. es_networkScopeIdServerSizeMin = 50000000
  272. es_networkScopeIdServerSizeRequest = 1000000000
  273. es_record_entity_sources = 0
  274. es_SortUpdatesByClass = 0
  275. es_UsePhysVisibilityChecks = 1
  276. ev_debug_events = 0
  277. ev_debug_events_entity = <empty>
  278. ev_debug_events_events = <empty>
  279. ev_debug_timeout = 3
  280. ev_missions.debugEventData = 1
  281. ev_missions.forceDisableInterdiction = 0
  282. ev_missions.maxMissions = 20
  283. ev_missions.maxMissionsPerPlayer = 1
  284. ev_missions.spawnDistanceMax = 12000
  285. ev_missions.spawnDistanceMin = 5000
  286. ExitOnQuit = 0
  287. e_3dEngineLogAlways = 0
  288. e_3dEngineTempPoolSize = 2048
  289. e_asteroidsDebugDraw = 0
  290. e_asteroidsFreezeBounds = 0
  291. e_asteroidsMaxDistanceKm = 256
  292. e_asteroidsPODCellSize = 8192
  293. e_asteroidsPODInactiveFrames = 60
  294. e_AutoPrecacheCgfMaxTasks = 8
  295. e_CharLodMin = 0
  296. e_CheckMeshStrippedCGF = 0
  297. e_Clouds = 1
  298. e_CompoundNodesMergingViewDistRatio = 1
  299. e_CoverCgfDebug = 0
  300. e_CullVegActivation = 0
  301. e_DebugDrawFilter = <empty>
  302. e_DebugDrawShowOnlyCompound = 0
  303. e_DebugDrawShowOnlyLod = -1
  304. e_DebugDrawTarget = 0
  305. e_DebugGeomPrep = 0
  306. e_Decals = 1
  307. e_DecalsRange = 0
  308. e_DeformableObjects = 1
  309. e_DisplayMemoryUsageIcon = 1
  310. e_Dissolve = 2
  311. e_DissolveTime = 1
  312. e_drawMissingMeshes = 1
  313. e_EntitySuppressionLevel = 0
  314. e_FoliageBranchesDamping = 10
  315. e_FoliageBranchesStiffness = 100
  316. e_FoliageBranchesTimeout = 4
  317. e_FoliageBrokenBranchesDamping = 15
  318. e_FoliageStiffness = 3.2
  319. e_FoliageWindActivationDist = 25
  320. e_GeomCaches = 1
  321. e_GsmDepthBoundsDebug = 0
  322. e_GsmExtendLastLodUseAdditiveBlending = 0
  323. e_GsmLodsNum = 5
  324. e_GsmRange = 3
  325. e_GsmRangeStep = 6
  326. e_GsmRangeStepExtended = 8
  327. e_GsmScatterLodDist = 70
  328. e_hologramsShowSourceVolume = 1
  329. e_hologramsVisibleFromMainCam = 0
  330. e_JointStrengthScale = 1
  331. e_levelStartupFrameDelay = 0
  332. e_levelStartupFrameNum = 0
  333. e_LightVolumes = 1
  334. e_LightVolumesDebug = 0
  335. e_LodCullDebug = 0
  336. e_LodCullMinPolySizePixels = 0.3
  337. e_LodCullMissingLODs = 1
  338. e_LodFaceAreaTargetSize = 3.6
  339. e_LodMergeLodCullMinPolySizePixels = 0.3
  340. e_LodMergeLodFaceAreaTargetSize = 2
  341. e_LodMergeLodMin = 0
  342. e_LodMergeLodRatio = 20
  343. e_LodMin = 0
  344. e_LodRangeFactorsRecalculate = 0
  345. e_LodRatio = 40
  346. e_LogRenderNodeDataEnable = 1
  347. e_MergedMeshes = 1
  348. e_MergedMeshesActiveDist = 250
  349. e_MergedMeshesBulletLifetime = 0.15
  350. e_MergedMeshesBulletScale = 35
  351. e_MergedMeshesBulletSpeedFactor = 0.05
  352. e_MergedMeshesDebug = 0
  353. e_MergedMeshesDeformViewDistMod = 0.45
  354. e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist = 2
  355. e_MergedMeshesLodRatio = 3
  356. e_MergedMeshesOutdoorOnly = 0
  357. e_MergedMeshesPool = 16384
  358. e_MergedMeshesPoolSpines = 32
  359. e_MergedMeshesTesselationSupport = 0
  360. e_MergedMeshesUseSpines = 1
  361. e_MergedMeshesViewDistRatio = 100
  362. e_MeshCombiningDebugFilter = <empty>
  363. e_ObjQuality = 4
  364. e_ObjShadowCastSpec = 4
  365. e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = 1
  366. e_OnDemandMaxSize = 20
  367. e_OnDemandPhysics = 0
  368. e_ParticlesAllowRuntimeLoad = 1
  369. e_ParticlesAnimBlend = 1
  370. e_ParticlesDebugDisplayId = 0
  371. e_ParticlesDebugDisplaySubEmitterId = 0
  372. e_ParticlesDebugFilter = <empty>
  373. e_ParticlesDebugRecordingDuration = 10
  374. e_ParticlesDumpMemoryAfterMapLoad = 0
  375. e_ParticlesEnableTextureStreaming = 1
  376. e_ParticlesForceManagedAudio = 1
  377. e_ParticleShadowsNumGSMs = 3
  378. e_ParticlesLifetimeMinCap = 0
  379. e_ParticlesLightMinColorThreshold = 0
  380. e_ParticlesLightMinRadiusThreshold = 0
  381. e_ParticlesLights = 1
  382. e_ParticlesLightsViewDistRatio = 256
  383. e_ParticlesLod = 1
  384. e_ParticlesMaxDrawScreen = 2
  385. e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = 160
  386. e_ParticlesMinDrawAlpha = 0.004
  387. e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = 1
  388. e_ParticlesMotionBlur = 1
  389. e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = 2
  390. e_ParticlesPhysEnvMaxDistanceThreshold = 1000
  391. e_ParticlesPreload = 0
  392. e_ParticlesProfile = 0
  393. e_ParticlesQuality = 4
  394. e_ParticlesSerializeNamedFields = 1
  395. e_ParticlesShadows = 1
  396. e_ParticlesSoftIntersect = 1
  397. e_ParticlesSortQuality = 0
  398. e_ParticlesStreamingSyncThreshold = 100
  399. e_ParticlesTexCoordLoopRange = 256
  400. e_ParticlesUseLevelSpecificLibs = 0
  401. e_ParticlesVisualizeGravVector = 0
  402. e_PhysFoliage = 2
  403. e_PhysProxyTriLimit = 10000
  404. e_planetCubemap = 1
  405. e_planetCubemapCaptureDistanceMax = 10000
  406. e_planetCubemapCaptureDistanceMin = 10
  407. e_planetCubemapCaptureDistanceMultiplier = 0.25
  408. e_planetCubemapCaptureSunAngleMax = 0.9994
  409. e_planetCubemapDebug = 0
  410. e_planetCubemapExtentsMax = 100000
  411. e_planetCubemapExtentsMin = 1000
  412. e_planetCubemapFalloff = 0.5
  413. e_planetCubemapMinHeightAboveSurface = 30
  414. e_planetCubemapProbeDistanceMultiplier = 0.2
  415. e_planetCubemapVisAreaOffset = 5
  416. e_ProceduralVegetation = 1
  417. e_projectileRenderRandom1stFrameOffset = 1
  418. e_projectileRenderShutterSpeed = 0.5
  419. e_projectileRenderThicknessMul = 0.5
  420. e_Recursion = 1
  421. e_RecursionOcclusionCulling = 0
  422. e_RenderMeshCollisionTolerance = 0.3
  423. e_RenderMeshUpdateAsync = 1
  424. e_RParticleEmitterBoundsArraySize = 10
  425. e_RParticleResetRefPosThreshold = 40000
  426. e_RParticleSpaceloopCullDist = 0.9
  427. e_RParticleUpdateInVS = 0
  428. e_runtimeCubemapDebug = 0
  429. e_runtimeCubemapDebugExtents = 500
  430. e_runtimeCubemapDebugFalloff = 0.5
  431. e_runtimeCubemapDebugInterval = 1
  432. e_runtimeCubemapDebugSortPriority = 0
  433. e_runtimeCubemapDebugStep = -1
  434. e_runtimeCubemapFadeDuration = 0.5
  435. e_ShadowFrustumDebugDraw = 0
  436. e_shadowMipMinDecoratitve = 6
  437. e_shadowMipMinKey = 9
  438. e_shadowMipMinSecondary = 8
  439. e_shadowMipMinStandard = 7
  440. e_shadowMipStaticDecorative = 4
  441. e_shadowMipStaticKey = 8
  442. e_shadowMipStaticSecondary = 7
  443. e_shadowMipStaticStandard = 5
  444. e_ShadowPoolSortingDebug = 0
  445. e_ShadowPoolTreeAllocationDebug = 0
  446. e_Shadows = 1
  447. e_ShadowsBlendCascades = 1
  448. e_ShadowsBlendCascadesVal = 0.75
  449. e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = 1
  450. e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatioLights = 1
  451. e_ShadowsMinShadowRes = 64
  452. e_ShadowsMipMax = 1
  453. e_ShadowsMipMaxStaticRegion = 1
  454. e_ShadowsMipMaxSun = 3
  455. e_ShadowStaticMapEnableLightWeightRenderNodes = 0
  456. e_ShadowStaticMapUpdate = 0
  457. e_ShadowStaticRegionEnable = 1
  458. e_ShadowStaticRegionSubTriggerTargetRatio = 0.5
  459. e_ShadowStaticRegionSunDirThreshold = 2
  460. e_ShadowsTessellateCascades = 1
  461. e_ShadowsTessellateDLights = 0
  462. e_ShadowSunDebugQuantization = 0
  463. e_ShadowSunSemiDynamicCascades = 2
  464. e_ShadowTexelWidthInPixels = 3
  465. e_SkyQuality = 1
  466. e_SkyType = 1
  467. e_SkyUpdateRate = 1
  468. e_SortLightEntities = 1
  469. e_SQTestBegin = 0
  470. e_SQTestCount = 0
  471. e_SQTestDelay = 5
  472. e_SQTestDistance = 80
  473. e_SQTestExitOnFinish = 0
  474. e_SQTestMip = 1
  475. e_SQTestMoveSpeed = 10
  476. e_SQTestTextureName = strfrn_advrt_boards_screen
  477. e_StatObjMergeMaxTrisPerDrawCall = 500
  478. e_StatObjMergeUseThread = 1
  479. e_StatObjPreload = 1
  480. e_StatObjStoreMesh = 0
  481. e_StatObjValidate = 0
  482. e_StreamAutoMipFactorMax = 1
  483. e_StreamAutoMipFactorMin = 0.5
  484. e_StreamAutoMipFactorSpeedThreshold = 0
  485. e_StreamCgf = 1
  486. e_StreamCgfDebug = 0
  487. e_StreamCgfDebugFilter = <empty>
  488. e_StreamCgfPoolSize = 1100
  489. e_StreamSaveStartupResultsIntoXML = 0
  490. e_SunAngleSnapDot = 0.999999
  491. e_SunAngleSnapSec = 0.1
  492. e_SunDistance = 1e+06
  493. e_SunShadowsClipPlaneRange = 20000
  494. e_SunShadowsRenderPlaneRange = 256
  495. e_TerrainLodRatio = 0.5
  496. e_TerrainTextureStreamingPoolItemsNum = 64
  497. e_Tessellation = 1
  498. e_TessellationMaxDistance = 1000
  499. e_TimeOfDayDebug = 0
  500. e_TransparentMBAndDoFNearCutoffDist = 0
  501. e_VegetationMinSize = 0.1
  502. e_ViewDistMin = 0.1
  503. e_ViewDistRatio = 125
  504. e_ViewDistRatioCustom = 125
  505. e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 125
  506. e_ViewDistRatioLights = 75
  507. e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 125
  508. e_VolObjShadowStrength = 0.4
  509. ffs_debug = 0
  510. fg_abortOnLoadError = 0
  511. fg_debugmodules = 0
  512. fg_debugmodules_filter = <empty>
  513. fg_iDebugNextStep = 0
  514. fg_iEnableFlowgraphNodeDebugging = 0
  515. fg_inspectorLog = 0
  516. fg_noDebugText = 1
  517. flash_report_callback_dispatch = 0
  518. fm_beam.debugShowHitInfo = 0
  519. fm_beam.debugShowRay = 0
  520. fm_beam.useDeferredRays = 1
  521. gfx_ampserver = 0
  522. gfx_debugdraw = 0
  523. gfx_debug_dyn_textures = 0
  524. gfx_draw = 1
  525. gfx_inputevents_triggerrepeat = 0.05
  526. gfx_inputevents_triggerstart = 0.3
  527. gfx_loadtimethread = 1
  528. gfx_reloadonlanguagechange = 1
  529. gfx_uiaction_enable = 1
  530. gfx_uiaction_folder = Libs/UI/
  531. gfx_uiaction_log = 0
  532. gfx_uiaction_log_filter = <empty>
  533. gfx_uievents_actionlistener = 1
  534. gfx_uievents_editorenabled = 1
  535. gl_waitForBalancedGameTime = 180
  536. gpu_particle_physics = 0
  537. grm_timeslice_time = 0.1
  538. gt_entity_filter = <empty>
  539. gt_filter = <empty>
  540. gt_filter_exclude = <empty>
  541. gt_show = 0
  542. g_acSurvivalEnemyType = 0
  543. g_actorViewDistRatio = 255
  544. g_acTutorialSection = 0
  545. g_aiModule_noGeometryBBsize = 5
  546. g_AISmoothLocomotion.enabled = 1
  547. g_AISpawning.CollisionObjects = evp
  548. g_AISpawning.VehicleSpawnLimit = -1
  549. g_allowChaseCameraFreeLook = 0
  550. g_allowPureSpectatorModeOnRelease = 0
  551. g_allowSaveLoadInEditor = 0
  552. g_assertMissingHitTypes = 1
  553. g_assertWhenVisTableNotUpdatedForNumFrames = 255
  554. g_atmosphericEntry_GeometryGlow_DrawDebug = 0
  555. g_autoAssignTeams = 1
  556. g_autoReviveTime = 1
  557. g_bLogServerInstanceReports = 0
  558. g_breakageFadeDelay = 6
  559. g_breakageFadeTime = 6
  560. g_breakageMinAxisInertia = 1
  561. g_breakageNoDebrisCollisions = 0
  562. g_breakageTreeDec = 0
  563. g_breakageTreeInc = 0
  564. g_breakageTreeIncGlass = 0
  565. g_breakageTreeMax = 0
  566. g_breakage_debug = 0
  567. g_breakage_mem_limit = 0
  568. g_breakage_particles_limit = 160
  569. g_bRequireSessionToken = 1
  570. g_bShowConnectionInfo = 0
  571. g_bStreamEngineAbortOnStall = 0
  572. g_bulletBoltMinSpawnLength = 0.5
  573. g_bulletHitImpulseScale = 0
  574. g_CameraViewManager_AllowAutoLoad = 1
  575. g_CameraViewManager_AllowAutoSave = 1
  576. g_cinematicCameraActionHoldTime = 0.25
  577. g_cinematicCameraPlayChance = 0.25
  578. g_ClientIdleKickTime = 270
  579. g_ClientIdleKickTimeMinVehicleSpeedToIgnore = 2
  580. g_ClientIdleKickTimePersist = 900
  581. g_ClientIdleKickTimePreGame = 270
  582. g_ClientIdleKickTimeSpectating = 5400
  583. = 0.2
  584. = 8
  585. g_collision.debug = 0
  586. g_collision.vehicle.damagePerSpeedSquared = 0.2
  587. g_collision.vehicle.safeSpeed = 8
  588. g_commsComponent_autoJoinOpenChannel = 0
  589. g_commsComponent_debugEnabled = 0
  590. g_consoleHeight = 300
  591. g_contextSystemTracesEnabled = 0
  592. g_corpseManager_maxNum = 128
  593. g_corpseManager_thermalHeatFadeDuration = 20
  594. g_corpseManager_thermalHeatMinValue = 0.22
  595. g_corpseManager_timeoutInSeconds = 0
  596. g_dataRefreshFrequency = 1
  597. g_debugAirlocks = 0
  598. g_debugAutomaticDoors = 0
  599. g_debugAutomaticDoorsMaxDistance = 35
  600. g_debugCameraViewManager = 0
  601. g_debugDrawCinematicTrigger = 0
  602. g_debugFOVOffsets = 0
  603. g_debugNetBinds = 0
  604. g_debugPickups = 0
  605. g_debugSecurityNetworks = 0
  606. g_debugSpawningLog = 0
  607. g_debugSpawnPointValidity = 0
  608. g_DebugUISound = 0
  609. g_DebugUISoundUIElementFilter = <empty>
  610. g_debug_stats = 0
  611. g_demoSection = -1
  612. g_derez_respawnTimeOverride = -1
  613. g_difficultyLevel = 1
  614. g_difficultyLevelLowestPlayed = 1
  615. g_disableDynamicCameraFOVandDOF = 0
  616. g_disableExtraVehicles = 0
  617. g_disableInputKeyFlowNodeInDevMode = 0
  618. g_disableRespawnText = 0
  619. g_disableSequencePlayback = 0
  620. g_disable_CFlightControlOnEntityEvent = 0
  621. g_displayDbgText_actorState = 0
  622. g_displayDbgText_plugins = 0
  623. g_displayDbgText_silhouettes = 0
  624. g_DrawSpawnSphere = 0
  625. g_droppedItemVanishTimer = 45
  626. g_enableActorLuaCache = 1
  627. g_enableCinematicCamera = 1
  628. g_enableCinematicGunCamera = 0
  629. g_enableDevModeTagPoints = 1
  630. g_enableFacewareFreeLook = 1
  631. g_enableFacewareHeadTrackingPlayback = 1
  632. g_enableFacewareLive = 0
  633. g_enableFacewarePreviewWindow = 0
  634. g_enableFacewareRegularRecalibration = 0
  635. g_enableFacewareSystem = 0
  636. g_enableFacewareSystemInEditor = 0
  637. g_enableFacewareVinLogic = 0
  638. g_enableloadingscreen = 0
  639. g_EnableLoadSave = 1
  640. g_enablePickups = 1
  641. g_enablePoolCache = 1
  642. g_enableStarMarineItemEntitlement = 1
  643. g_EntityEffects.DebugEntityNameFilter = <empty>
  644. g_EntityEffects.DrawDebugInfo = 0
  645. g_EntityEffects.DrawDebugSpace = 0
  646. g_entityEffectSystem.drawEffectLocation = 0
  647. g_entityEffectSystem.drawEffectLocationSize = 0.2
  648. g_entityEffectSystem.drawEntityFilter = <empty>
  649. g_entityEffectSystem.drawInfo = 0
  650. g_entityEffectSystem.drawMaxDistance = 2000
  651. g_EquipDevice_LoadFromDatastore = 0
  652. g_facewareCaptureFPS = 60
  653. g_facewareCaptureHeight = 480
  654. g_facewareCaptureWidth = 640
  655. g_facewareEnablePreOptmisation = 0
  656. g_facewareFreeLookLostTrackingTimeoutMS = 2000
  657. g_facewareHeadTrackPitchMultiplier = 2
  658. g_facewareHeadTrackRemoteSmoothing = 0.35
  659. g_facewareHeadTrackYawMultiplier = 2
  660. g_facewarePushToRemoteHeadTrack = 0
  661. g_facewareRecalibrate = 0
  662. g_facewareReloadMLScript = 0
  663. g_flyCamLoop = 0
  664. g_FlyModeSpeedScaler = 1
  665. g_FoleyCollisionDebug = 0
  666. g_footstepSoundMaxDistanceSq = 2500
  667. g_forceAlerted = 1
  668. g_forcedReviveTime = 14
  669. g_forceSoftwareCursor = 0
  670. g_FPSDebugInfo = <empty>
  671. g_friendlyfireratio = 0
  672. g_gameFXLightningProfile = 0
  673. g_gameFXSystemDebug = 0
  674. g_gameRules.control.terminalDebug = 0
  675. g_gameRules.control.terminalsDisabledTime = 5
  676. g_gameRules.postGame.HUDMessageTime = 3
  677. g_gameRules.postGame.LeavingTime = 0
  678. g_gameRules.postGame.PostScoreboardLogoTime = 4.5
  679. g_gameRules.postGame.RetryTime = 10
  680. g_gameRules.postGame.ScoreboardTime = 20
  681. g_gameRules.postGame.Top3Time = 7
  682. g_glassAutoShatter = 0
  683. g_glassAutoShatterMinArea = 0.5
  684. g_glassAutoShatterOnExplosions = 0
  685. g_glassForceTimeout = 0
  686. g_glassForceTimeoutSpread = 0
  687. g_glassMaxPanesToBreakPerFrame = 0
  688. g_glassNoDecals = 0
  689. g_glassSystemEnable = 0
  690. g_gostDebug = 0
  691. g_groundeffectsdebug = 0
  692. g_hideArms = 0
  693. g_holoVolumeDebug = 0
  694. g_initialMissionOverride = <empty>
  695. g_instantKillDamageThreshold = -1
  696. g_itemsLodRatioScale = 1
  697. g_itemsViewDistanceRatioScale = 2
  698. g_joint_breaking = 1
  699. g_language = english
  700. g_languageAudio = english
  701. g_ledgeGrabMovingledgeExitVelocityMult = 1.5
  702. g_LightningRegionCascadeMaxTime = 1
  703. g_LightningRegionCascadeProbability = 1
  704. g_LightningRegionDebugPoints = 0
  705. g_LightningRegionDisableStrikeGasCloudLights = 0
  706. g_LightningRegionEnable = 1
  707. g_LightningRegionMetersPerVoxel = 100
  708. g_LightningRegionOverride_NoiseExponent = -1
  709. g_LightningRegionOverride_NoiseFrequency = -1
  710. g_LightningRegionOverride_NoiseOctaves = -1
  711. g_LightningRegionOverride_NoiseStrength = -1
  712. g_LightningRegionStandardLightBrightnessMultiplier = 0.5
  713. g_LightningRegionStandardLightBulbRadiusMultiplier = 0.5
  714. g_loadPlayerModelOnLoad = 1
  715. g_localPacketRate = 50
  716. g_logPrimaryRound = 0
  717. g_logVehicleSpawning = 1
  718. g_manualFrameStepFrequency = 0
  719. g_MatchmakingBlock = 2008
  720. g_MatchmakingVersion = 5367
  721. g_maxGameBrowserResults = 50
  722. g_maximumDamage = -1
  723. g_maxNumberOfPlayers = -1
  724. g_minPlayersForRankedGame = 1
  725. g_minWeaponConvergenceDist = 20
  726. g_movementTransitions_debug = 0
  727. g_movementTransitions_enable = 1
  728. g_movementTransitions_log = 0
  729. g_muzzleFlashCull = 1
  730. g_muzzleFlashCullDistance = 30000
  731. g_NetPlayerBurstVelocityAmount = 1
  732. g_NetPlayerBurstVelocityDot = 0.2
  733. g_NetPlayerFinalDistThreshold = 0.15
  734. g_NetPlayerFinalDistThresholdZ = 0.01
  735. g_NetPlayerForcedJumpThreshold = 0
  736. g_NetPlayerForceTeleportPastJumpThreshold = 5
  737. g_NetPlayerIntput_MaxPendingMoves = 30
  738. g_NetPlayerSnapDistance = 5
  739. g_NetPlayerStoppedMovementCorrectionSpeed = 0.11
  740. g_NetPlayerVelocityHighPeriod = 1.2
  741. g_NetPlayerVelocityHighScalar = 1.5
  742. g_net_resetPlayerMoveOnSnap = 1
  743. g_no_breaking_by_objects = 0
  744. g_no_secondary_breaking = 0
  745. g_persistentSpawning_logOffFromShipBed = 1
  746. g_persistentSpawning_useLogoffTimer = 0
  747. g_PlanetSerializationMode = 0
  748. g_PlanetTerrainLowResMeshLOD = 2
  749. g_PlanetTerrainTextureArrayLog = 0
  750. g_PlanetTerrainTextureResolution = 1024
  751. g_PlayerLoadout = Scripts/Loadouts/Player/Default_Everything_Loadout.xml
  752. g_playerLodRatio = 80
  753. g_playerLowHealthThreshold = 20
  754. g_playerMidHealthThreshold = 60
  755. g_postEffect.FilterGrain_Amount = 0
  756. g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_Amount = 0
  757. g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_Radius = 1
  758. g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_ScreenPosX = 0.5
  759. g_postEffect.FilterRadialBlurring_ScreenPosY = 0.5
  760. g_postEffect.Global_User_Brightness = 1
  761. g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorC = 0
  762. g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorHue = 0
  763. g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorK = 0
  764. g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorM = 0
  765. g_postEffect.Global_User_ColorY = 0
  766. g_postEffect.Global_User_Contrast = 1
  767. g_postEffect.Global_User_Saturation = 1
  768. g_postEffect.HUD3D_FOV = 0
  769. g_postEffect.HUD3D_Interference = 0
  770. g_procedural_planet_rotation_scale = 1
  771. g_procedural_planet_rotation_speed = 0
  772. g_ProjectileLightDebug = 0
  773. g_ProjectileLightLimit = 50
  774. g_pu_timeToGetOutOfBed = 40
  775. g_readyForceTime = -1
  776. g_rejectEffectCullDistance = 625
  777. g_rejectEffectVisibilityCull = 1
  778. g_removePlayerOnDisconnect = 1
  779. g_removePlayerSessionDelay = 600
  780. g_roundlimit = -1
  781. g_roundScoreboardTime = 5
  782. g_roundStartTime = 10
  783. g_rtt_entity_screen_enabled = 1
  784. g_saveLoadBasicEntityOptimization = 1
  785. g_saveLoadExtendedLog = 0
  786. g_saveLoadUseExportedEntityList = 1
  787. g_scoreLimitOverride = -1
  788. g_ServerDisableClientIdleKick = 0
  789. g_ServerKickPlayersUICountdown = 30
  790. g_SessionSeed = 0
  791. g_shipSelector_debugProvider = 0
  792. g_showHints = 0
  793. g_skipAutoexec = 0
  794. g_spaceLoop_disableDefaultInEditor = 0
  795. g_spaceLoop_gascloudMaxDensity = 0.02
  796. g_spawningPUDebugLevel = 0
  797. g_spawnPrecacheTimeBeforeRevive = 1.5
  798. g_spawn_explosiveSafeDist = 7
  799. g_spawn_recentSpawnTimer = 2.5
  800. g_spawn_timeToRetrySpawnRequest = 0.4
  801. g_spawn_vistable_numAreaTestsPerFrame = 20
  802. g_spawn_vistable_numLineTestsPerFrame = 3
  803. g_spectate_skipInvalidTargetAfterTime = 4
  804. g_spectate_TeamOnly = 1
  805. g_statisticsMode = 2
  806. g_stereoFrameworkEnable = 1
  807. g_suppressHitSanityCheckWarnings = 1
  808. g_svNoOpponentsCheckMinTimeRequired = 120
  809. g_svNoOpponentsEndGameTime = 10
  810. g_syncClassRegistry = 0
  811. g_takedownMode = 1
  812. g_telemetryConfig = MP
  813. g_telemetryDisplaySessionId = 0
  814. g_telemetryEnabledSP = 0
  815. g_telemetryEntityClassesToExport = <empty>
  816. g_telemetrySampleRateBandwidth = 3
  817. g_telemetrySampleRateMemory = 2
  818. g_telemetrySampleRatePerformance = 1
  819. g_telemetrySampleRateSound = -1
  820. g_telemetryTags = <empty>
  821. g_telemetry_compression_level = 2
  822. g_telemetry_compression_mem_level = 3
  823. g_telemetry_compression_window_bits = 24
  824. g_telemetry_compress_gamelog = 1
  825. g_telemetry_drawcall_budget = 2000
  826. g_telemetry_enabled = 1
  827. g_telemetry_gameplay_copy_to_global_heap = 1
  828. g_telemetry_gameplay_enabled = 1
  829. g_telemetry_gameplay_gzip = 1
  830. g_telemetry_gameplay_save_to_disk = 0
  831. g_telemetry_logging = 0
  832. g_telemetry_memory_display = 0
  833. g_telemetry_memory_size_mp = 2097152
  834. g_telemetry_memory_size_sp = 0
  835. g_telemetry_mp_upload_delay = 5
  836. g_telemetry_onlyInGame = 1
  837. g_telemetry_serialize_method = 1
  838. g_telemetry_transaction_recording = 0
  839. g_telemetry_upload_errorlogs = 1
  840. g_telemetry_upload_gamelogs = 2
  841. g_telemetry_upload_in_progress = 0
  842. g_terrainCollision = 0
  843. g_ThirdPersonFallbackHeightOffset = 0
  844. g_timeLimitOverride = -1
  845. g_transportConsole_offset_x = -0.953
  846. g_transportConsole_offset_y = 0.001
  847. g_transportConsole_offset_z = -0.001
  848. g_transportConsole_rotation = -23.2
  849. g_tree_cut_reuse_dist = 0
  850. g_usable.debugdist = 50
  851. g_usable.debugdraw = <empty>
  852. g_usable.debugLog = 0
  853. g_usable.useAITag = 1
  854. g_useFemaleSkeleton = 0
  855. g_useNetSyncToSpeedUpRMIs = 1
  856. g_useOnlineServiceForDedicated = 0
  857. g_useXMLCPBinForSaveLoad = 1
  858. g_vaultMinHeightDiff = 0.9
  859. g_voip_bufferDelaySize = 1
  860. g_voip_localMonitorDelayBypass = 0
  861. g_voip_localMonitorLevel = 0
  862. g_voip_minBuffersToCatchUp = 4
  863. g_voip_testPushDataToLocalPlayerActor = 0
  864. g_voip_testSyncOffset = 0
  865. g_voip_voiceAlwaysOn = 0
  866. g_waterHitOnly = 0
  867. g_weaponModifiers.debugWeaponOffset = 0
  868. g_weaponModifiers.debugWeaponRaise = 0
  869. g_weaponModifiers.debugWeaponRecoilDisabled = 0
  870. g_weaponModifiers.debugWeaponSway = 0
  871. g_weaponModifiers.debugWeaponSwayDisabled = 0
  872. g_weaponModifiers.debugWeaponSwayOverride = -1
  873. g_weaponModifiers.disableHelmetRotation = 0
  874. g_weaponModifiers.disableWeaponProcClipModifiers = 0
  875. g_weaponModifiers.disableWeaponProcClipModifiersConstantUpdate = 1
  876. g_weaponModifiers.disableWeaponProcClips = 0
  877. g_weaponModifiers.disableWeaponRaise = 0
  878. g_weaponModifiers.disableWeaponSway = 0
  879. g_wrinkleMapDebug = -1
  880. g_wrinkleMapExaggerate = 1
  881. http_password = password
  882. hud_aspectCorrection = 0
  883. hud_cockpitAudioSubtitles = 0
  884. hud_contextualDialogSubtitles = 0
  885. hud_Crosshair_ironsight_fadeInDelay = 1
  886. hud_Crosshair_ironsight_fadeInTime = 1
  887. hud_Crosshair_ironsight_fadeOutTime = 1
  888. hud_Crosshair_laser_fadeInTime = 1
  889. hud_Crosshair_laser_fadeOutTime = 1
  890. hud_Crosshair_shotgun_spreadMultiplier = 1
  891. hud_debug_target = 0
  892. hud_hide = 1
  893. hud_highestLod = 2
  894. hud_minimap_debugDraw = 0
  895. hud_pip_snapDist = 0.005
  896. hud_stereo_icon_depth_multiplier = 1
  897. hud_stereo_minDist = 1
  898. hud_turret_mouseReticleDeadZone = 0.25
  899. hud_turret_mouseReticleSpeed = 1
  900. hud_turret_stickReticleSpeed = 2
  901. hud_use_lead_pips = 0
  902. hud_visor_hide = 0
  903. IFCSOS.afterburner.allowToggle = 0
  904. IFCSOS.afterburner.maxThrottleOnExit = 0
  905. IFCSOS.afterburner.snapThrottleToABSpeed = 0
  906. IFCSOS.brake.boost = 1
  907. IFCSOS.comstab.defaultOn = 1
  908. IFCSOS.coupled.defaultOn = 1
  909. IFCSOS.gsafe.defaultOn = 1
  910. IFCSOS.gsafe.disableOnBoost = 1
  911. ip_debug_player = 0
  912. i_bufferedkeys = 1
  913. i_debug = 0
  914. i_debugDigitalButtons = 0
  915. i_debuggun_1 = ai_statsTarget
  916. i_debuggun_2 = ai_BehaviorStatsTarget
  917. i_defaultProfileFilepath = Libs/Config/defaultProfile.xml
  918. i_equippableKnife = 0
  919. i_equip_debug = 0
  920. i_equip_toggleActivation = 1
  921. i_eyexCleanUIDebug = 0
  922. i_eyexDebug = 0
  923. i_eyexInfiniteScreen = 1
  924. i_eyexInfiniteScreenDebug = 0
  925. i_failedDetonation_lifetime = 1
  926. i_flashlight_has_shadows = 1
  927. i_forcefeedback = 1
  928. i_grenade_trajectory = 0
  929. i_grenade_trajectory_dashes = 0.5
  930. i_grenade_trajectory_gaps = 0.3
  931. i_grenade_trajectory_resolution = 0.03
  932. i_headTrackingMaxTranslation = 0.5
  933. i_highlight_dropped_weapons = 2
  934. i_ironsight_falling_unzoom_minAirTime = 0.8
  935. i_ironsight_while_falling_mp = 1
  936. i_ironsight_while_jumping_mp = 1
  937. i_joystickSleepTime = 60
  938. i_kinectDebug = 1
  939. i_kinectXboxConnect = 1
  940. i_kinectXboxConnectIP = <empty>
  941. i_kinectXboxConnectPort = 62455
  942. i_kinGlobalExpCorrectionFactor = 0.5
  943. i_kinGlobalExpDeviationRadius = 0.04
  944. i_kinGlobalExpJitterRadius = 0.05
  945. i_kinGlobalExpPredictionFactor = 0.5
  946. i_kinGlobalExpSmoothFactor = 0.5
  947. i_kinSkeletonMovedDistance = 0.125
  948. i_kinSkeletonSmoothType = 1
  949. i_laser_hitPosOffset = 0.1
  950. i_lighteffects = 1
  951. i_lying_item_limit_mp = 64
  952. i_lying_item_limit_sp = 64
  953. i_medipen_quick_select = 1
  954. i_mouse_accel = 0
  955. i_mouse_accel_max = 250
  956. i_mouse_buffered = 0
  957. i_mouse_inertia = 0
  958. i_mouse_smooth = 0
  959. i_particleeffects = 1
  960. i_ports_debugdist = 10
  961. i_ports_debugdraw = 0
  962. i_ports_filter = <empty>
  963. i_ports_log_error = 0
  964. i_ports_rootEntityFilter = <empty>
  965. i_precache = 1
  966. i_rawMouse = 1
  967. i_rawMouseMoveDeferred = 1
  968. i_rejecteffects = 1
  969. i_resolveModifierConflicts = 1
  970. i_seatedTracking = 1
  971. i_showKeybindLog = 0
  972. i_takedown_quick_select = 1
  973. i_throwableCollisionEnabled = 1
  974. i_useKinect = 1
  975. i_xinput = 1
  976. i_xinput_deadzone_handling = 1
  977. i_xinput_poll_time = 1000
  978. kyt_DebugBehavior = 0
  979. kyt_DrawLogEntityName = <empty>
  980. kyt_DrawMaster = 0
  981. kyt_DrawNavMesh = 0
  982. kyt_DrawNavPaths = 0
  983. kyt_DrawNavVoxels = 0
  984. kyt_InspectorPort = 8081
  985. kyt_LogVerbosityDrawLog = 1
  986. kyt_LogVerbosityMaster = 2
  987. kyt_MaxJobThreads = 2
  988. kyt_NavSplineResolutionModifier = 0.0003
  989. kyt_NavTilesToCollect = 4
  990. log_Filter = <empty>
  991. log_IncludeTime = 0
  992. log_Module = <empty>
  993. log_RemoteConsoleVerbosity = 4
  994. log_SpamDelay = 0
  995. log_tick = 0
  996. log_UseFilter = 0
  997. log_Verbosity = 0
  998. log_WriteToFile = 1
  999. log_WriteToFileVerbosity = -2
  1000. ls_enableLoudSpeakerAnnouncer = 1
  1001. lua_stackonmalloc = 0
  1002. MemInfo = 0
  1003. menu3D_enabled = 1
  1004. mfx_Debug = 0
  1005. mfx_DebugFlowGraphFX = 0
  1006. mfx_DebugVisual = 0
  1007. mfx_pfx_maxDist = 35
  1008. mfx_pfx_maxScale = 1.5
  1009. mfx_pfx_minScale = 0.5
  1010. mfx_Timeout = 0.01
  1011. mfx_useNewMaterialEffectsXML = 1
  1012. mg_loadout_dummy_debug = 0
  1013. mg_loadout_preview_debug = 0
  1014. mg_useHoloVolume = 1
  1015. mn_allowEditableDatabasesInPureGame = 0
  1016. mn_procContext.movementControlMethod.enabled = 1
  1017. movie_physicalentity_animation_lerp = 0.85
  1018. mov_cameraPrecacheTime = 1
  1019. mov_NoCutscenes = 0
  1020. mov_overrideCam = <empty>
  1021. m_DrawMusicSystemDebug = 0
  1022. m_MusicLogicHandlerDebugEnabled = 0
  1023. m_MusicLogicHandlerLoggingEnabled = 0
  1024. m_MusicSystemEnabled = 1
  1025. m_MusicSystemLogging = 0
  1026. net_batch_sv_callbacks = 0
  1027. net_debugVerboseLevel = 0
  1028. net_disableSessionRemoteConnectionsBroadcast = 1
  1029. net_disconnect_on_rmi_error = 0
  1030. net_enableNetChannelsAssert = 1
  1031. net_exponentialMovingAverageBlend = 0.3
  1032. net_exponentialMovingVarianceBlend = 0.1
  1033. net_inactivitytimeout = 30
  1034. net_inactivitytimeoutDevmode = 30
  1035. net_kes_connectionTimeout = 300
  1036. net_kes_stateTimeout = 30
  1037. net_lobby_suppressTestErrors = 1
  1038. net_log = -1
  1039. net_log_remote_methods = 0
  1040. net_mqhealth_statsDataRangeMs = 5000
  1041. net_mqhealth_statsViewRefreshMs = 333
  1042. net_pack_channelByteLimit = 80000
  1043. net_pack_channelPacketLimit = 0
  1044. net_pack_packetByteLimit = 1400
  1045. net_phys_lagsmooth = 0.1
  1046. net_phys_pingsmooth = 0.1
  1047. net_predictorTransitions = 1
  1048. net_print = 0
  1049. net_receiveQueueSize = 20971520
  1050. net_sendQueueSize = 5242880
  1051. net_serviceVerbosity = 0
  1052. net_sim_enabled = 0
  1053. net_sim_log = 0
  1054. net_sim_loss_warning = 20
  1055. net_sim_recv = perfect
  1056. net_sim_send = perfect
  1057. net_trackConnectionState = 0
  1058. net_useMegaMap = 1
  1059. ph_debug = 0
  1060. pipes_batchUpdate = 2
  1061. pl_3PCamera.PosInterpRate = 8
  1062. pl_3PCamera.PosInterpRateSpeedModifier = 0.25
  1063. pl_3PCamera.RotInterpRate = 10
  1064. pl_AbilityDebug = 0
  1065. pl_adjustJumpAngleWithFloorNormal = 0
  1066. pl_aimStance.enableLowered = 0
  1067. pl_aimStance.enableRelaxed = 0
  1068. pl_aim_acceleration_enabled = 1
  1069. pl_aim_near_lookat_target_distance = 0.65
  1070. pl_arenaCommanderCustomServerIp = <empty>
  1071. pl_arenaCommanderCustomServerPort = -1
  1072. pl_arenaCommanderUIUseRealLobby = 1
  1073. pl_armode_debug_focus_zone_enabled = 0
  1074. pl_armode_debug_prototype_enabled = 0
  1075. pl_armode_debug_query_enabled = 0
  1076. pl_armode_debug_query_freeze_frustum = 0
  1077. pl_armode_enabled = 1
  1078. pl_armode_npc_nametags_enabled = 0
  1079. pl_autoPickupMinTimeBetweenPickups = 2
  1080. pl_breath.debug = 0
  1081. pl_breath.enabled = 1
  1082. pl_buffDebug = 0
  1083. pl_camera3PFollowViewDir = 1
  1084. pl_carryable_debugdraw = 0
  1085. pl_chat_enabled = 1
  1086. pl_choice.allow_audio_ui_with_dialogue = 1
  1087. pl_choice.debug = 0
  1088. pl_choice.debug_headlook = 0
  1089. pl_choice.debug_kiosk = 0
  1090. pl_choice.debug_screenfocus = 0
  1091. pl_choice.debug_thoughts = 0
  1092. pl_choice.dialogue_audio_delay = 0.6
  1093. pl_choice.enable_dialogue_audio = 1
  1094. pl_choice.interaction_mode = 1
  1095. pl_choice.personal_thoughts = 0
  1096. pl_choice.screenfocusmode = 1
  1097. pl_choice.show_curve = 0
  1098. pl_choice.show_signal = 1
  1099. pl_choice.worldDisplay_cursormode = 0
  1100. pl_clientInertia = 0
  1101. pl_controls.showDebug = 0
  1102. pl_controls.virtualJoystickDeadzoneInner = 0.15
  1103. pl_controls.virtualJoystickDeadzoneInner_Fixed = 0.01
  1104. pl_controls_Exponent_default_value = 1
  1105. pl_controls_Exponent_maximum_value = 3
  1106. pl_controls_Exponent_minimum_value = 0.1
  1107. pl_controls_Exponent_step_value = 0.1
  1108. pl_crumple.downBackwardLengthScale = 0.3
  1109. pl_crumple.downBackwardPitch = -35
  1110. pl_crumple.downForwardLengthScale = 1.25
  1111. pl_crumple.downForwardPitch = -5
  1112. pl_crumple.downHipOffset = 0.2
  1113. pl_crumple.downRayMaxAge = 0.5
  1114. pl_crumple.downRayUpdateRate = 0.2
  1115. pl_crumple.enabled = 0
  1116. pl_crumple.jumpDampenTime = 0.25
  1117. pl_crumple.jumpStength = 3
  1118. pl_customAttachments.debug = 0
  1119. pl_deathReaction.animChanceAI = 0
  1120. pl_deathReaction.animChancePlayer = 0
  1121. pl_deathReaction.enabled = 1
  1122. pl_debug_pickable_items = 0
  1123. pl_defaultShip = <empty>
  1124. pl_drawMarkerDebug = 0
  1125. pl_dummy.changeWeapon = 0
  1126. pl_dummy.fireEnabled = 0
  1127. pl_dummy.jumpChance = 0.5
  1128. pl_dummy.loadout = Scripts/Loadouts/Player/StarMarine/StarMarine_Marine_Light.xml
  1129. pl_dummy.maxInTime = -1
  1130. pl_dummy.maxOutTime = -1
  1131. pl_dummy.minInTime = -1
  1132. pl_dummy.minOutTime = -1
  1133. pl_dummy.moveEnabled = 0
  1134. pl_dummy.respawnAtDeathPosition = 0
  1135. pl_dummy.respawnMaxDelay = 7
  1136. pl_dummy.respawnMinDelay = 1
  1137. pl_dummy.showDebugText = 0
  1138. pl_dummy.suicideEnabled = 0
  1139. pl_dummy.turnEnabled = 0
  1140. pl_dynamic_cam_focus_overshoot_decay = 3.8
  1141. pl_dynamic_cam_focus_overshoot_decay_rand = 0.3
  1142. pl_dynamic_cam_focus_overshoot_frequency = 1.2
  1143. pl_dynamic_cam_focus_overshoot_frequency_rand = 0.2
  1144. pl_dynamic_cam_focus_rate = 0.85
  1145. pl_eva.maxPitchAngle = 45
  1146. pl_eva.maxYawAngle = 45
  1147. pl_eva.minPitchAngle = 0
  1148. pl_eva.minYawAngle = 0
  1149. pl_eva.ragdollFall = 1
  1150. pl_eva.ragdollStiffness = 5000
  1151. pl_eva.surfaceAutoAlign = 0
  1152. pl_eva.surfaceProbeDistance = 1.2
  1153. pl_eva.surfaceProbeValidTime = 0.5
  1154. pl_eva.surfaceShowDebug = 0
  1155. pl_eva.viewInputSmoothing = 0.25
  1156. pl_eva.viewLimitH = 85
  1157. pl_eva.viewLimitV = 75
  1158. pl_eva.ZeroGCollisionWarningMinMass = 20
  1159. pl_eva.ZeroGCollisionWarningMinSpeed = 3
  1160. pl_fall_camera_shake = 0
  1161. pl_fall_intensity_hit_multiplier = 0.3
  1162. pl_fall_intensity_max = 1.5
  1163. pl_fall_intensity_multiplier = 0.1
  1164. pl_fall_time_max = 0.05
  1165. pl_fall_time_multiplier = 0.05
  1166. pl_fastContactList_enabled = 1
  1167. pl_fastContactList_showHangarInviteOption = 0
  1168. pl_gforce.debug = 0
  1169. pl_gforce.enabled = 1
  1170. pl_health.bleedBlackout_blur = 0.3
  1171. pl_health.bleedBlackout_contrast = 0.1
  1172. pl_health.bleedBlackout_frequency = 2
  1173. pl_health.bleedBlackout_luminance = 0.05
  1174. pl_health.bleedBlackout_saturation = 0.3
  1175. pl_health.enableDowning = 0
  1176. pl_health.healBlur = 0.3
  1177. pl_health.healBrightness = 2
  1178. pl_health.HealButtonPromptLevel = 10
  1179. pl_health.HealButtonPromptPersist = 5
  1180. pl_health.healEffectDuration = 0.5
  1181. pl_health.healSharpness = 10
  1182. pl_health.hitBlur_addPerHit = 0.5
  1183. pl_health.hitBlur_decayPerSecond = 1
  1184. pl_health.hitBlur_maxIntensity = 0.5
  1185. pl_health.hitBlur_persistTime = 0.2
  1186. pl_health.hitColor_maxIntensity = -0.5
  1187. pl_health.HitIndicatorPersist = 3.5
  1188. pl_hitReaction.animWeightAI = 1
  1189. pl_hitReaction.animWeightPlayer = 0.2
  1190. pl_hitReaction.enabled = 1
  1191. pl_hostility_UI_enabled = 1
  1192. pl_hudDebugAim = 0
  1193. pl_input.useDummyInput = 0
  1194. pl_inputAccel = 30
  1195. pl_inspect.viewLimitH = 85
  1196. pl_inspect.viewLimitV = 75
  1197. pl_jump.airControl.controlScale = 1
  1198. pl_jump.airControl.inertiaScale = 0.3
  1199. pl_jump.airControl.resistanceScale = 1.3
  1200. pl_jump.bumpSpeedMax = 10
  1201. pl_jump.bumpSpeedMin = 4.5
  1202. pl_jump.debugDraw = 0
  1203. pl_jump.enableGravity = 1
  1204. pl_jump.enableSpeeds = 0
  1205. pl_jump.landAnimTime = 0
  1206. pl_jump.time.baseAddedPerJump = 0.4
  1207. pl_jump.time.currentMultiplierOnJump = 1.5
  1208. pl_jump.time.maxValue = 0
  1209. pl_ladder.debugAnimEmbarkPoints = 0
  1210. pl_ladder.debugAnimGetOnDistances = 0
  1211. pl_ladder.debugDraw = 1
  1212. pl_ladder.debugRungs = 0
  1213. pl_ladder.logVerbosity = 0
  1214. pl_livedriver_enable = 0
  1215. pl_looting.downViewLimit = 10
  1216. pl_looting.enableIK = 0
  1217. pl_looting.horizontalViewLimit = 60
  1218. pl_looting.itemFocusSphere = 0.1
  1219. pl_looting.itemSwapTime = 1
  1220. pl_looting.showDebug = 0
  1221. pl_looting.upViewLimit = 60
  1222. pl_melee.angle_limit_from_behind = 70
  1223. pl_melee.damage_multiplier_from_behind = 1
  1224. pl_melee.damage_multiplier_mp = 1
  1225. pl_melee.debug_gfx = 0
  1226. pl_melee.impulses_enable = 1
  1227. pl_melee.mp_melee_system = 1
  1228. pl_mobiglas_background_exposure = -3
  1229. pl_mobiglas_brightness = 1
  1230. pl_mobiglas_debug_position = 0
  1231. pl_mobiglas_inventory_enabled = 0
  1232. pl_mobiglas_menu_angle = 0
  1233. pl_mobiglas_menu_tilt = 0
  1234. pl_mobiglas_offset_x = -0.02
  1235. pl_mobiglas_offset_y = -0.17
  1236. pl_mobiglas_offset_z = -0.1
  1237. pl_mobiglas_remote_client = 0
  1238. pl_mobiglas_scale = 0.43
  1239. pl_mobiglas_viewlock_rot_x = 0.05
  1240. pl_mobiglas_viewlock_rot_z = 0
  1241. pl_mobiglas_viewlock_smooth_time = 0.2
  1242. pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 55
  1243. pl_movementTransition.allowProne = 0
  1244. pl_movementTransition.enabled = 1472
  1245. pl_movementTransition.logVerbosity = 0
  1246. pl_movementTransition.minJukeAngle = 0
  1247. pl_movementTransition.naturalMotionAcceleration = 0
  1248. pl_movementTransition.strafeHipFlipBlockAngle = 10
  1249. pl_movementTransition.strafeHipFlipBlockTime = 1
  1250. pl_movementTransition.zeroGStanceChange = 0.05
  1251. pl_orbit_cam_zoomspeed = 0.1
  1252. pl_portModification.drawDebug = 0
  1253. pl_portModification.drawSize = 0.5
  1254. pl_portModification.enableObstruction = 1
  1255. pl_portModification.maxDistance = 50
  1256. pl_portModification.minDistance = 2
  1257. pl_power_sprint.foward_angle = 45
  1258. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.blendInMaxTime = 0.5
  1259. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.blendInMinTime = 0.4
  1260. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.blendOutMaxTime = 0.6
  1261. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.blendOutMinTime = 0.5
  1262. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.lingerDistance = -0.02
  1263. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.maxTestPitchOffset = -45
  1264. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.maxTestYawOffset = 60
  1265. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.minTestPitchOffset = 45
  1266. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.minTestYawOffset = 15
  1267. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.rayMaxAge = 0.5
  1268. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.rayRelativeVelocityOffset = 0.1
  1269. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.rayUpdateRate = 0.2
  1270. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.requestedVelocityBias = 0.2
  1271. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.scuffleDistancePercent = 0.2
  1272. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.shoulderOffsetPercent = 0.25
  1273. pl_pushPull.armSurfaceProbe.surfaceOffset = 0.04
  1274. pl_pushPull.enabled = 0
  1275. pl_pushPull.movement.inputMultiplier = 25
  1276. pl_pushPull.movement.shoveOffMassMaxMultiplier = 3
  1277. pl_pushPull.movement.shoveOffMassMinMultiplier = 0.5
  1278. pl_pushPull.movement.shoveOffMassMultiplier = 2.5
  1279. pl_pushPull.orientation.gripVelocityDampening = -0.05
  1280. pl_pushPull.orientation.gripVelocityMax = 3
  1281. pl_pushPull.orientation.maxClosenessPercent = 0.5
  1282. pl_pushPull.orientation.maxTimeWithoutDesiredOrientation = 2.5
  1283. pl_pushPull.orientation.minClosenessPercent = 0.35
  1284. pl_pushPull.orientation.movementDeadZone = 0.01
  1285. pl_pushPull.orientation.perHandCenteringRate = 0.5
  1286. pl_pushPull.orientation.positionChangeRate = 5
  1287. pl_pushPull.orientation.pullInRate = 1.75
  1288. pl_pushPull.orientation.pushOutRate = 0.5
  1289. pl_pushPull.orientation.rotationRate = 0.01
  1290. pl_pushPull.torsoSurfaceProbe.backStep = 0.3
  1291. pl_pushPull.torsoSurfaceProbe.checkDistance = 1.8
  1292. pl_pushPull.torsoSurfaceProbe.rayMaxAge = 0.4
  1293. pl_pushPull.torsoSurfaceProbe.rayUpdateRate = 0.2
  1294. pl_ragdoll.logVerbosity = 0
  1295. pl_renderInNearest = 0
  1296. pl_seItemUseTestTime = 3
  1297. pl_shotgunDamageCap = 3.40282e+38
  1298. pl_skyLine_enabled = 1
  1299. pl_skyLine_map_overlay_alpha = 0
  1300. pl_skyLine_offset_x = 0
  1301. pl_skyLine_offset_y = 0.045
  1302. pl_skyLine_offset_z = 0.32
  1303. pl_skyLine_scale = 0.39
  1304. pl_skyLine_tilt = 180
  1305. pl_sliding_control.deceleration_speed = 2.2
  1306. pl_sliding_control.delay_to_sprint = 2
  1307. pl_sliding_control.max_downhill_acceleration = 0
  1308. pl_sliding_control.max_downhill_threshold = 50
  1309. pl_sliding_control.min_downhill_threshold = 5
  1310. pl_sliding_control.min_speed = 7
  1311. pl_sliding_control.min_speed_threshold = 8
  1312. pl_SmoothingRagdollAngularRate = 0.15
  1313. pl_SmoothingRagdollAngularRateNoGravity = 0.05
  1314. pl_SmoothingRagdollEnabled = 1
  1315. pl_SmoothingRagdollQuaternionRate = 0.05
  1316. pl_SmoothingRagdollQuaternionRateNoGravity = 0.05
  1317. pl_SmoothingRagdollSnapDistance = 20
  1318. pl_SmoothingRagdollUsePredictor = 1
  1319. pl_SmoothingRagdollUsePredictorNoGravity = 1
  1320. pl_SmoothingRagdollVelocityRate = 0.25
  1321. pl_SmoothingRagdollVelocityRateNoGravity = 0.05
  1322. pl_SmoothingRagdollVelocityScale = 0
  1323. pl_SmoothingRagdollVelocityScaleNoGravity = 0
  1324. pl_socialNotification_duration_hangarInvite_hurry = 5
  1325. pl_socialNotification_duration_hangarInvite_normal = 8
  1326. pl_speedThrottle.defaultFixedSpeed = 4.65
  1327. pl_speedThrottle.inputMode = 1
  1328. pl_stamina.debug = 0
  1329. pl_stamina.enabled = 1
  1330. pl_stamina.gasTankAutoRefill = 1
  1331. pl_stamina.suitPunctureChance = 0
  1332. pl_state_carry.showDebugInfo = 0
  1333. pl_state_reload.interruptWhenSprinting = 1
  1334. pl_state_take.showDebugInfo = 0
  1335. pl_status.debug = 0
  1336. pl_targetMarkerEdgeDistance = 0.075
  1337. pl_targetMarkerScale = 0.05
  1338. pl_throw.quickSelect = 1
  1339. pl_throw.remoteCatchupStrategy = 2
  1340. pl_throw.serverInstantThrow = 0
  1341. pl_throw.throwModeAngle = -0.2
  1342. pl_ui_scrollbar_sound_interval_ms = 50
  1343. pl_velocityInterpAirControlScale = 1
  1344. pl_visorReticleModelScale = 0.14
  1345. pl_weaponCheckTime = 3
  1346. pl_zeroGravityRotateSpeedIncrease = 0.25
  1347. pl_zeroGravityRotateSpeedMax = 0.65
  1348. pl_zeroGravityRotateSpeedStart = 0.5
  1349. pp_LoadOnlineAttributes = 1
  1350. pp_RichSaveGames = 0
  1351. pp_RSFDebugWrite = 0
  1352. pp_RSFDebugWriteOnLoad = 0
  1353. preferred_region_id = 2
  1354. profile = 0
  1355. profileStreaming = 0
  1356. profile_additionalsub = 0
  1357. profile_allthreads = 0
  1358. profile_filter = <empty>
  1359. profile_filter_thread = <empty>
  1360. profile_graph = 0
  1361. profile_graphScale = 100
  1362. profile_pagefaults = 0
  1363. profile_peak = 10
  1364. profile_peak_display = 8
  1365. profile_sampler = 0
  1366. profile_sampler_max_samples = 2000
  1367. profile_smooth = 1
  1368. profile_weighting = 1
  1369. p_accuracy_LCPCG = 0.005
  1370. p_accuracy_LCPCG_no_improvement = 0.05
  1371. p_accuracy_MC = 0.002
  1372. p_adaptive_substeps = 0
  1373. p_approx_caps_len = 1.2
  1374. p_async_rwi_use_spu = 0
  1375. p_break_on_validation = 0
  1376. p_check_out_of_bounds = 3
  1377. p_cull_distance = 100
  1378. p_cyclic_ent_grid = 1
  1379. p_damping_group_size = 8
  1380. p_damping_zerog = 0.154321
  1381. p_debug_explosions = 0
  1382. p_debug_joints = 0
  1383. p_debug_network_cones = 0
  1384. p_distance_to_snap_rigidentities = 0
  1385. p_enforce_contacts = 1
  1386. p_ent_grid_use_obb = 1
  1387. p_force_sync = 1
  1388. p_GEB_max_cells = 4096
  1389. p_GEB_warn_cells = 3072
  1390. p_gravity_z = 0
  1391. p_grid_max_nodes_to_srt = 4
  1392. p_group_damping = 0.5
  1393. p_joint_damage_accum = 2
  1394. p_joint_damage_accum_threshold = 0.2
  1395. p_joint_gravity_step = 1
  1396. p_jump_to_profile_ent = 0
  1397. p_large_map_grid_cell_size = 256
  1398. p_lattice_max_iters = 100000
  1399. p_limit_simple_solver_energy = 1
  1400. p_list_active_objects = 0
  1401. p_log_lattice_tension = 0
  1402. p_max_approx_caps = 7
  1403. p_max_bone_velocity = 10
  1404. p_max_contacts = 150
  1405. p_max_contact_gap = 0.01
  1406. p_max_contact_gap_player = 0.01
  1407. p_max_contact_gap_simple = 0.03
  1408. p_max_debris_mass = 1e+10
  1409. p_max_entity_cells = 10000
  1410. p_max_LCPCG_contacts = 100
  1411. p_max_LCPCG_fruitless_iters = 4
  1412. p_max_LCPCG_iters = 5
  1413. p_max_LCPCG_microiters = 12000
  1414. p_max_LCPCG_microiters_final = 25000
  1415. p_max_LCPCG_subiters = 120
  1416. p_max_LCPCG_subiters_final = 250
  1417. p_max_MC_iters = 6000
  1418. p_max_MC_mass_ratio = 100
  1419. p_max_MC_vel = 15
  1420. p_max_object_splashes = 3
  1421. p_max_plane_contacts = 8
  1422. p_max_plane_contacts_distress = 4
  1423. p_max_player_velocity = 50
  1424. p_max_spu_rwi_cells = 5
  1425. p_max_substeps_large_group = 5
  1426. p_max_timestep = 0.0166667
  1427. p_max_unproj_vel = 2.5
  1428. p_max_velocity = 2000
  1429. p_max_world_step = 0.3
  1430. p_min_grid_cell_size = 16
  1431. p_min_LCPCG_improvement = 0.05
  1432. p_min_MC_iters = 4
  1433. p_min_separation_speed = 0.02
  1434. p_net_debugDraw = 0
  1435. p_net_early_apply = 1
  1436. p_net_extrapmax = 0.5
  1437. p_net_fix_time = 0.2
  1438. p_net_interp = 0.1
  1439. p_net_optimize_attached = 0
  1440. p_net_pos_dist_scale = 10
  1441. p_net_pos_snap_distance = 1.5
  1442. p_net_rbex_enable_corrections = 1
  1443. p_net_rbex_tolerance_max = 1
  1444. p_net_rbex_tolerance_min = 0.05
  1445. p_net_rbex_tolerance_time_max = 5
  1446. p_net_rbex_tolerance_time_min = 2
  1447. p_net_rot_dist_scale = 10
  1448. p_net_rot_snap_distance = 0.5
  1449. p_net_sequencefrequency = 256
  1450. p_net_use_impulses = 1
  1451. p_net_use_predictors = 1
  1452. p_net_use_variables = 1
  1453. p_num_bodies_large_group = 100
  1454. p_num_jobs = 4
  1455. p_num_startup_overload_checks = 20
  1456. p_num_threads = 4
  1457. p_on_demand_cell_size = 32768
  1458. p_penalty_scale = 0.3
  1459. p_players_can_break = 0
  1460. p_player_draw_colliding_geom = 0
  1461. p_player_draw_ground_collider_finders = 0
  1462. p_player_extremity_unprojection_rate = 25
  1463. p_pool_size = 1536
  1464. p_profile = 0
  1465. p_profile_entities = 0
  1466. p_profile_functions = 0
  1467. p_profile_geometries = 0
  1468. p_prohibit_unprojection = 1
  1469. p_proxy_highlight_range = 800
  1470. p_proxy_highlight_threshold = 80000
  1471. p_ray_fadeout = 0.2
  1472. p_ray_peak_time = 0
  1473. p_remesh_interior_grids = 0
  1474. p_rope_collider_size_limit = 0
  1475. p_rwi_break_at_length = 10000
  1476. p_RWI_log = 0
  1477. p_RWI_max_len = 100000
  1478. p_RWI_warn_len = 10100
  1479. p_skip_redundant_colldet = 1
  1480. p_splash_dist0 = 7
  1481. p_splash_dist1 = 30
  1482. p_splash_force0 = 10
  1483. p_splash_force1 = 100
  1484. p_splash_vel0 = 0.5
  1485. p_splash_vel1 = 10
  1486. p_sync_rwi_use_spu = 0
  1487. p_tick_breakable = 0.1
  1488. p_time_granularity = 1e-05
  1489. p_unproj_vel_scale = 10
  1490. p_use_actor_entity = 1
  1491. p_use_distance_contacts = 0
  1492. p_use_substep_physics = 0
  1493. p_use_substep_physics_server_only = 0
  1494. p_use_unproj_vel = 0
  1495. p_wireframe_distance = 40
  1496. q_Renderer = 3
  1497. q_ShaderDecal = 3
  1498. q_ShaderFX = 3
  1499. q_ShaderGeneral = 3
  1500. q_ShaderGlass = 3
  1501. q_ShaderHDR = 3
  1502. q_ShaderParticle = 3
  1503. q_ShaderPostProcess = 3
  1504. q_ShaderShadow = 3
  1505. q_ShaderSky = 3
  1506. q_ShaderWater = 1
  1507. rc_debugVerboseLevel = 0
  1508. rm_occupant_refreshTime = 2
  1509. r_AABBSortOffsetRatio = 0.5
  1510. r_AnalyticShadowDebug = 0
  1511. r_AnalyticShadowEnable = 1
  1512. r_AntialiasingMode = 4
  1513. r_AntialiasingModeDebug = 0
  1514. r_AntialiasingModeSCull = 1
  1515. r_AntialiasingTAAExtraSharpening = 0
  1516. r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffHiFreq = 6
  1517. r_AntialiasingTAAFalloffLowFreq = 2
  1518. r_AntialiasingTAAJitterEditor = 1
  1519. r_AntialiasingTAAPattern = 6
  1520. r_AntialiasingTSAAFilterFPSAware = 1
  1521. r_AntialiasingTSAAResolveHDR = 1
  1522. r_Batching = 1
  1523. r_Beams = 5
  1524. r_BreakOnError = 0
  1525. r_Brightness = 0.5
  1526. r_buffer_sli_workaround = 0
  1527. r_Character_NoDeform = 0
  1528. r_ChromaticAberration = 3
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  1582. r_DeferredShadingLights = 1
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  1594. r_DepthBits = 32
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  1600. r_DisplayInfo = 0
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  1628. r_ExposureCompensationEV16 = 2
  1629. r_ExposureCompensationEV4 = -3.7
  1630. r_ExposureCompensationEV8 = -1
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  1632. r_ExposureDiscardRatioBright = 0.01
  1633. r_ExposureDiscardRatioDark = 0.01
  1634. r_ExposureMultiplierMax = 20
  1635. r_ExposureMultiplierMin = 0.0001
  1636. r_exposureNoiseRatio10EV = 5
  1637. r_exposureNoiseRatio40EV = 10
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  1658. r_FogShadows = 1
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  1695. r_Height = 2160
  1696. r_HideSunInCubemaps = 1
  1697. r_holograms = 1
  1698. r_LightsSinglePass = 1
  1699. r_MaterialsBatching = 1
  1700. r_MergeGeneralDrawcalls = 1
  1701. r_MergeRenderChunks = 1
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  1703. r_MeshInstancePoolSize = 0
  1704. r_MeshPoolSize = 0
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  1708. r_MotionBlurGBufferVelocity = 1
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  1713. r_MotionBlurTileSize = 20
  1714. r_MotionBlurVelocityThreshold = 0.5
  1715. r_MotionVectors = 1
  1716. r_MSAA = 0
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  1719. r_MSAA_samples = 2
  1720. r_MSAA_threshold_depth = 0.1
  1721. r_MSAA_threshold_normal = 0.9
  1722. r_MultiGPU = 1
  1723. r_MultiThreaded = 1
  1724. r_NightVision = 2
  1725. r_NightVisionBrightLevel = 3
  1726. r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseAmount = 0.4
  1727. r_NightVisionCamMovNoiseBlendSpeed = 2
  1728. r_NightVisionFinalMul = 6
  1729. r_NightVisionSonarLifetime = 2
  1730. r_NightVisionSonarMultiplier = 0.2
  1731. r_NightVisionSonarRadius = 32
  1732. r_NoDrawNear = 0
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  1734. r_OIT_Debug = 0
  1735. r_OpticsBloom = 2
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  1737. r_OpticsExposure = 3
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  1739. r_OpticsFlares = 3
  1740. r_OpticsPreset = DefaultLens
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  1743. r_overrideDXGIAdapter = -1
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  1767. r_PlanetOceanTessellationCullingThreshold = -0.15
  1768. r_PlanetOceanTessellationCurvature = 0.5
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  1774. r_PlanetTerrainTessellation = 1
  1775. r_PlanetTerrainTessellationCullingThreshold = -0.15
  1776. r_PlanetTerrainTessellationCurvature = 0.5
  1777. r_PlanetTerrainTessellationMaxSubdivisions = 7
  1778. r_PlanetTerrainTessellationQuadSize = 16
  1779. r_PlanetTerrainWireframe = 0
  1780. r_PlanetTerrainWireframeColor = 1
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  1782. r_PositionBoneMap_BaseResolution = 256
  1783. r_PostHoloBloomStrength = 1
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  1788. r_PostProcessHUD3D = 1
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  1798. r_PosX = -1
  1799. r_PosY = -1
  1800. r_PredicatedTiling = 0
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  1808. r_RainMaxViewDist_Deferred = 150
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  1834. r_ShaderCompilerPort = 61453
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  1864. r_ShadowBiasClamp = 0.006
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  1868. r_ShadowBiasSunConstJitterMultiplier = 0.3
  1869. r_ShadowBiasSunConstLinearMultiplier = 1
  1870. r_ShadowBiasSunConstMaxAngle = 18
  1871. r_ShadowBiasSunSlopeJitterMultiplier = 0.9
  1872. r_ShadowBiasSunSlopeMaxAngle = 89
  1873. r_ShadowBiasSunSlopeMultiplier = 1.5
  1874. r_ShadowBlur = 3
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  1880. r_ShadowJitteringProjectionLight = 1.5
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  1884. r_ShadowsAdaptionRangeClamp = 0.02
  1885. r_ShadowsAdaptionSize = 0.3
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  1895. r_Sharpening = 0
  1896. r_ShowBufferUsage = 0
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  1900. r_ShowMT = 0
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  1903. r_SilhouettePOM = 0
  1904. r_Snow = 2
  1905. r_SnowDisplacement = 0
  1906. r_SnowFlakeClusters = 100
  1907. r_SnowHalfRes = 0
  1908. r_SonarVision = 1
  1909. r_ssdo = 1
  1910. r_ssdoAmountAmbient = 1
  1911. r_ssdoAmountDirect = 1.5
  1912. r_ssdoAmountReflection = 1.5
  1913. r_ssdoColorBleeding = 1
  1914. r_ssdoHalfRes = 1
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  1916. r_SSReflections = 1
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  1918. r_StencilBits = 8
  1919. r_StereoDevice = 100
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  1921. r_StereoFlipEyes = 0
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  1926. r_StereoOutput = 0
  1927. r_StereoScreenDist = 0.25
  1928. r_StereoStrength = 1
  1929. r_sunshafts = 2
  1930. r_Supersampling = 1
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  1932. r_TessellationDebug = 0
  1933. r_TessellationTriangleSize = 8
  1934. r_testCard = 0
  1935. r_TexAtlasSize = 2048
  1936. r_TexelsPerMeter = 0
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  1975. r_texturesstreampooldefragmentationmaxmoves = 8
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  1977. r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = 1280
  1978. r_ThermalVision = 1
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  1980. r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFlickerMinIntensity = 1
  1981. r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFrequencyPrimary = 1
  1982. r_ThermalVisionViewCloakFrequencySecondary = 1
  1983. r_TranspDepthFixup = 1
  1984. r_UIBaseChromaAmount = 0
  1985. r_UIBlendMode = 3
  1986. r_UILuminanceThreshold = 0.5
  1987. r_UIShadowAmount = 0
  1988. r_UseAlphaBlend = 1
  1989. r_UseDisplacementFactor = 1
  1990. r_UseESRAM = 1
  1991. r_UseHWSkinning = 1
  1992. r_UseMergedPosts = 1
  1993. r_UsePersistentRTForModelHUD = 0
  1994. r_UserChromaticAberration = 0
  1995. r_UserSharpening = 0
  1996. r_UseZPass = 2
  1997. r_UV_DebugGun = 0
  1998. r_ValidateDraw = 0
  1999. r_VisAreaClipLightsPerPixel = 0
  2000. r_VSync = 0
  2001. r_WaterCaustics = 0
  2002. r_WaterCausticsDeferred = 2
  2003. r_WaterCausticsDistance = 100
  2004. r_WaterGodRays = 1
  2005. r_WaterGodRaysDistortion = 1
  2006. r_WaterReflections = 1
  2007. r_WaterReflectionsMGPU = 0
  2008. r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateDistanceMul = 10
  2009. r_WaterReflectionsMinVisUpdateFactorMul = 20
  2010. r_WaterReflectionsQuality = 4
  2011. r_WaterReflectionsUseMinOffset = 1
  2012. r_WaterVolumeCaustics = 1
  2013. r_WaterVolumeCausticsDensity = 256
  2014. r_WaterVolumeCausticsMaxDist = 35
  2015. r_WaterVolumeCausticsRes = 1024
  2016. r_WaterVolumeCausticsSnapFactor = 1
  2017. r_Width = 3840
  2018. r_ZPassDepthSorting = 1
  2019. r_ZPrepassMaxDist = 16
  2020. r_ZReadbackNaNCheck = 0
  2021. ShipComputer_Debug = 0
  2022. ShipComputer_Logging = 0
  2023. slide_spread = 1
  2024. spu_debug = <empty>
  2025. spu_dump_stats = 0
  2026. spu_enable = 1
  2027. spu_max = 5
  2028. spu_profile_mode = 0
  2029. spu_streaming = 1
  2030. svDedicatedMaxFPS = 30
  2031. sv_AISystem = 1
  2032. sv_autoconfigurl = <empty>
  2033. sv_bandwidth = 2147483647
  2034. sv_bind =
  2035. sv_debris_count = 128
  2036. sv_DedicatedCPUPercent = 0
  2037. sv_DedicatedCPUVariance = 10
  2038. sv_dumpstats = 1
  2039. sv_dumpstatsperiod = 1000
  2040. sv_gamerules = DFM_FreeFlight
  2041. sv_gamerulesdefault = SC_Default
  2042. sv_map = megamap
  2043. sv_megamapinstance = Stanton_Area18
  2044. sv_pacifist = 0
  2045. sv_packetRate = 30
  2046. sv_port = 64090
  2047. sv_requireinputdevice = dontcare
  2048. sv_restrict_connections_to_prematch = 0
  2049. sv_servername = <empty>
  2050. sv_statsDumpEnabled = 0
  2051. sv_timeofdayenable = 0
  2052. sv_timeofdaylength = 1
  2053. sv_timeofdaystart = 12
  2054. sv_timeout_disconnect = 0
  2055. sys_AI = 1
  2056. sys_analytics_disable = 0
  2057. sys_asserts = 1
  2058. sys_asserts_info = 1
  2059. sys_audio_disable = 0
  2060. sys_CurrentHMDType = 0
  2061. sys_datacore_enableexport = 1
  2062. sys_datacore_enableliveupdate = 1
  2063. sys_DeactivateConsole = 0
  2064. sys_deferAudioUpdateOptim = 1
  2065. sys_display_threads = 0
  2066. sys_dll_game = Game
  2067. sys_dump_aux_threads = 1
  2068. sys_dump_type = 2
  2069. sys_entities = 1
  2070. sys_firstlaunch = 0
  2071. sys_flash_allow_reset_mesh_cache = 1
  2072. sys_flash_check_filemodtime = 0
  2073. sys_flash_curve_tess_error = 2
  2074. sys_flash_debuglog = 0
  2075. sys_flash_edgeaa = 1
  2076. sys_flash_log_options = 0
  2077. sys_flash_newstencilclear = 1
  2078. sys_flash_pixels_per_meter = 1000
  2079. sys_flash_reset_mesh_cache = 0
  2080. sys_flash_static_pool_size = 0
  2081. sys_flash_stereo_maxparallax = 0.02
  2082. sys_flash_video_buffertime = 2
  2083. sys_flash_video_buffertime_loading = 2
  2084. sys_flash_video_buffertime_startup = 15
  2085. sys_flash_video_soundvolume = 1
  2086. sys_flash_video_subaudiovolume = 1
  2087. sys_flash_warning_level = 1
  2088. sys_float_exceptions = 0
  2089. sys_force_installtohdd_mode = 0
  2090. sys_game_folder = Data
  2091. sys_game_name = Star Citizen
  2092. sys_gfx_bink_video_enable_audio = 0
  2093. sys_hmd_reset_sensor = 0
  2094. sys_initpreloadpacks = <empty>
  2095. sys_intromoviesduringinit = 1
  2096. sys_job_system_enable = 1
  2097. sys_job_system_enable_batchworker = 1
  2098. sys_job_system_filter = CBrush_Render
  2099. sys_job_system_max_worker = 6
  2100. sys_job_system_profiler = 0
  2101. sys_keyboard = 1
  2102. sys_keyboard_break = 0
  2103. sys_languages = english,french
  2104. sys_LoadFrontendShaderCache = 0
  2105. sys_localization_folder = Localization
  2106. sys_main_CPU = 0
  2107. sys_MaxFPS = 0
  2108. sys_maxTimeStepForMovieSystem = 0.1
  2109. sys_max_step = 0.05
  2110. sys_menupreloadpacks = <empty>
  2111. sys_min_step = 0.01
  2112. sys_newNetworkOrder = 1
  2113. sys_no_crash_dialog = 0
  2114. sys_PakDisableNonLevelRelatedPaks = 1
  2115. sys_PakEnableInlcusionCheck = 0
  2116. sys_PakInMemorySizeLimit = 6
  2117. sys_PakLoadCache = 0
  2118. sys_PakLoadModePaks = 0
  2119. sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess = 0
  2120. sys_PakLogMissingFiles = 0
  2121. sys_PakMessageInvalidFileAccess = 0
  2122. sys_PakReadSlice = 0
  2123. sys_PakSaveFastLoadResourceList = 0
  2124. sys_PakSaveLevelResourceList = 0
  2125. sys_PakSaveMenuCommonResourceList = 0
  2126. sys_PakSaveTotalResourceList = 0
  2127. sys_PakStreamCache = 0
  2128. sys_PakTotalInMemorySizeLimit = 30
  2129. sys_PakValidateFileHash = 0
  2130. sys_physics = 1
  2131. sys_physics_CIG = 0
  2132. sys_physics_CPU = 1
  2133. sys_public_crash_handler = 1
  2134. sys_rad3_enable_logging = 0
  2135. sys_rad3_log_file = rad3.tmcap
  2136. sys_rad3_minimal_logging = 0
  2137. sys_rad3_profiling_cap = 0
  2138. sys_rad3_server_ip = localhost
  2139. sys_rad3_server_socket = 4719
  2140. sys_rendersplashscreen = 1
  2141. sys_root = <empty>
  2142. sys_scale3DMouseTranslation = 0.2
  2143. sys_Scale3DMouseYPR = 0.05
  2144. sys_screensaver_allowed = 0
  2145. sys_SimulateTask = 0
  2146. sys_skip_data_verification = 0
  2147. sys_spec = 4
  2148. sys_spec_full = 4
  2149. sys_spec_gameeffects = 4
  2150. sys_spec_light = 4
  2151. sys_spec_objectdetail = 4
  2152. sys_spec_particles = 4
  2153. sys_spec_physics = 4
  2154. sys_spec_postprocessing = 4
  2155. sys_spec_quality = 4
  2156. sys_spec_shading = 4
  2157. sys_spec_shadows = 4
  2158. sys_spec_sound = 4
  2159. sys_spec_texture = 4
  2160. sys_spec_textureresolution = 4
  2161. sys_spec_volumetriceffects = 4
  2162. sys_spec_water = 4
  2163. sys_SSInfo = 0
  2164. sys_streaming_CPU = 1
  2165. sys_streaming_CPU_worker = 5
  2166. sys_streaming_debug = 0
  2167. sys_streaming_debug_filter = 0
  2168. sys_streaming_debug_filter_min_time = 0
  2169. sys_streaming_in_blocks = 1
  2170. sys_streaming_max_bandwidth = 0
  2171. sys_streaming_max_finalize_per_frame = 0
  2172. sys_streaming_memory_budget = 10240
  2173. sys_streaming_requests_grouping_time_period = 2
  2174. sys_streaming_resetstats = 0
  2175. sys_TaskThread0_CPU = 3
  2176. sys_TaskThread1_CPU = 5
  2177. sys_TaskThread2_CPU = 4
  2178. sys_TaskThread3_CPU = 3
  2179. sys_TaskThread4_CPU = 2
  2180. sys_TaskThread5_CPU = 1
  2181. sys_trackview = 1
  2182. sys_UncachedStreamReads = 1
  2183. sys_update_profile_time = 1
  2184. sys_UseKythera = 1
  2185. sys_user_folder = <empty>
  2186. sys_vtune = 0
  2187. sys_warnings = 0
  2188. sys_watchdog_enable_hard_timeout = 1
  2189. sys_watchdog_hard_timeout = 1800
  2190. sys_watchdog_soft_timeout = 30
  2191. sys_xml_enable_string_reuse = 1
  2192. s_ATLPoolSize = 32768
  2193. s_AudioAtmosphericPressureOverride = -1
  2194. s_audioDefaultMaterialOcclusion = 0.5
  2195. s_AudioEventPoolSize = 256
  2196. s_AudioListenerAtmosphericPressureOverride = -1
  2197. s_AudioObjectPoolSize = 512
  2198. s_AudioProxiesInitType = 0
  2199. s_AudioSystemImplementationName = CryAudioImplWwise
  2200. s_cameraViewFStopOverwrite = 0
  2201. s_CaptureAllWwiseRequests = 0
  2202. s_DebugAudioRayOcclusion = 0
  2203. s_debugCameraFOVLensSize = 0
  2204. s_debugVOIPForLocalPlayer = 0
  2205. s_DropListener = 0
  2206. s_DynamicRangePreset = 2
  2207. s_enableActorAudioOcclusion = 1
  2208. s_enableOperatorShake = 1
  2209. s_enablePlayerVoice = 0
  2210. s_enableRaceCommentary = 1
  2211. s_enableRaycastForClientFootsteps = 1
  2212. s_enableVehicleAudioOcclusion = 1
  2213. s_FileCacheManagerSize = 524288
  2214. s_forceEnableRoomSystemPressurisationForAudio = 0
  2215. s_IgnoreWindowFocus = 0
  2216. s_invertCameraOrbitPitch = 0
  2217. s_MixDebugXPos = 100
  2218. s_MixDebugYPos = 120
  2219. s_MixEnable = 1
  2220. s_MixLevelMaster = 0
  2221. s_MixLevelMusic = 1
  2222. s_MixLevelSfx = 1
  2223. s_MixLevelShipComputerSpeech = 1
  2224. s_MixLevelSimulationAnnouncer = 1
  2225. s_MixLevelSpeech = 1
  2226. s_OcclusionMaxDistance = 0
  2227. s_PreloadGlobalBanks = 2
  2228. s_ShipComputerVerbosityPreset = 4
  2229. s_WwiseAudioAPI = 0
  2230. s_WwiseCommandQueueSize = 2048
  2231. s_WwiseDefaultPoolSize = 65536
  2232. s_WwiseEngineDefaultPoolSize = 32768
  2233. s_WwiseNumRefillsInVoice = 4
  2234. s_WwiseNumSamplesPerFrame = 1024
  2235. s_WwisePrimaryPoolSize = 163840
  2236. s_WwiseSecondaryPoolSize = 0
  2237. s_WwiseSeparateEngineThreadPriority = 1
  2238. s_WwiseStreamMgrPoolSize = 512
  2239. s_WwiseUseSeparateEngineThread = 1
  2240. t_Debug = 0
  2241. t_FixedStep = 0
  2242. t_MaxStep = 0.25
  2243. t_Scale = 1
  2244. t_Smoothing = 1
  2245. t_SystemTimeRegressionSamples = 32
  2246. ui_frontend.activate_customizer = 0
  2247. ui_frontend.spectatormode_enabled = 1
  2248. ui_frontend.spectatormode_visible = 1
  2249. ui_frontend.startup_mode = 3
  2250. ui_frontend.teamelimination_available = 0
  2251. ui_shopping.fake_currency_balance = -1
  2252. ui_shopping.fake_purchase_price = -1
  2253. ui_shopping.fake_purchase_result = 0
  2254. ui_shopping.force_ar_action = -1
  2255. visor_disable_reticles = 0
  2256. visor_flash_clamp_distance = 100
  2257. visor_flash_look_reticle_scale = 1
  2258. visor_flash_scale = 120
  2259. visor_flash_tag_min_size = 1
  2260. visor_flash_tag_scale = 1
  2261. visor_no_head_bob = 0
  2262. visor_show_vehicle_collision_markers = 1
  2263. VisualConsole = 0
  2264. VisualConsoleSubStr = <empty>
  2265. v_aimSimulatedStickSensitivity = 0.025
  2266. v_aimStickSensitivity = 0.04
  2267. v_analogueAimStickThreshold = 0.001
  2268. v_analogueAimStickTime = 1.5
  2269. v_comstab_mode = 1
  2270. v_debugSounds = 0
  2271. v_debugSuspensionIK = 0
  2272. v_debug_retune_ignore_multi_dir = 0
  2273. v_debug_retune_thrusters = 0
  2274. v_debug_usage = 0
  2275. v_dedi_follow = -1
  2276. v_dedi_offset_x = 0
  2277. v_dedi_offset_y = -20
  2278. v_dedi_offset_z = 0
  2279. v_disableEntry = 0
  2280. v_disable_hull = 0
  2281. v_disable_thruster_mods = 0
  2282. v_draw_slip = 0
  2283. v_draw_suspension = 0
  2284. v_evacs.angular_control_scale = 2
  2285. v_evacs.angular_settle_time = 0.5
  2286. v_evacs.ang_jerk_percent = 50
  2287. v_evacs.attitude_settle_time = 3
  2288. v_evacs.control_mode = 1
  2289. v_evacs.debug_on = 0
  2290. v_evacs.despin_strength = 1
  2291. v_evacs.enabled = 1
  2292. v_evacs.jerk_percent = 50
  2293. v_evacs.linear_control_scale = 2
  2294. v_evacs.linear_settle_time = 2
  2295. v_filter_thrust = 1
  2296. v_gforce_animations = 1
  2297. v_gforce_on = 1
  2298. v_gsafe_mode = 1
  2299. v_ifcs.ab.noTurnLimit = 1
  2300. v_ifcs.ab.turnLimitStart = 0
  2301. v_ifcs.esp.accel = 0
  2302. v_ifcs.esp.on = 0
  2303. v_ifcs_aim_assist = 1
  2304. v_ifcs_ai_aiming_angle_multiplier = 5
  2305. v_ifcs_allow_spin = 1
  2306. v_ifcs_allow_thruster_naf = 0
  2307. v_ifcs_ang_accel_scale = 0
  2308. v_ifcs_ang_jerk_scale = 0
  2309. v_ifcs_auto_follow = 0
  2310. v_ifcs_cruise_rot_scale = 1
  2311. v_ifcs_debug_flight_modes = 0
  2312. v_ifcs_debug_net = 0
  2313. v_ifcs_debug_net2 = 0
  2314. v_ifcs_debug_prediction = 0
  2315. v_ifcs_debug_prediction2 = 0
  2316. v_ifcs_disable = 0
  2317. v_ifcs_dynamic_safety = 1
  2318. v_ifcs_enable_thruster_error = 0
  2319. v_ifcs_esp_dir_precision = 0.5
  2320. v_ifcs_esp_level = 1
  2321. v_ifcs_esp_mag_precision = 4
  2322. v_ifcs_esp_mode = 0
  2323. v_ifcs_esp_on = 1
  2324. v_ifcs_esp_sensitivity = 0.5
  2325. v_ifcs_esp_window = 20
  2326. v_ifcs_flight_modes_on = 1
  2327. v_ifcs_gforce_allowDeath = 0
  2328. v_ifcs_gforce_debug_mode = 0
  2329. v_ifcs_gforce_debug_x = 0
  2330. v_ifcs_gforce_debug_y = 0
  2331. v_ifcs_gforce_debug_z = 0
  2332. v_ifcs_gi_debug = 0
  2333. v_ifcs_gi_incap_time = 5
  2334. v_ifcs_gi_on = 3
  2335. v_ifcs_gi_recovery_time = 5
  2336. v_ifcs_gi_sudden_death_time = 1000
  2337. v_ifcs_glat_max = 20
  2338. v_ifcs_glat_min = 4
  2339. v_ifcs_gtrans_max = 30
  2340. v_ifcs_gtrans_min = 6
  2341. v_ifcs_gyro_torque = 100000
  2342. v_ifcs_landing_mode = 0
  2343. v_ifcs_lin_accel_scale = 0
  2344. v_ifcs_lin_jerk_scale = 0
  2345. v_ifcs_min_distance_before_jump = 150
  2346. v_ifcs_mp_turbulence = 0
  2347. v_ifcs_network_push_strength = 5000
  2348. v_ifcs_net_max_pos_period = 4
  2349. v_ifcs_net_min_pos_period = 2
  2350. v_ifcs_nosync = 0
  2351. v_ifcs_on = 1
  2352. v_ifcs_opcom_mode = 1
  2353. v_ifcs_ori_damping = 2
  2354. v_ifcs_prec_lin_scale = 0.25
  2355. v_ifcs_prec_rot_scale = 0.25
  2356. v_ifcs_predictor = InterpolatePredictor
  2357. v_ifcs_ropcom_cruise_limit = 1
  2358. v_ifcs_ropcom_decoupled_x = 5
  2359. v_ifcs_ropcom_mode = 0
  2360. v_ifcs_scm_autoshift_split = 0.333333
  2361. v_ifcs_speed_limit = -1
  2362. v_ifcs_speed_scale = 0
  2363. v_ifcs_spin_alpha_x = 1
  2364. v_ifcs_spin_alpha_y = 1
  2365. v_ifcs_spin_alpha_z = 1
  2366. v_ifcs_spin_angle_x = 1
  2367. v_ifcs_spin_angle_y = 1
  2368. v_ifcs_spin_angle_z = 1
  2369. v_ifcs_stick_scale = 0
  2370. v_ifcs_test_control = 1
  2371. v_ifcs_thrust_power_on = 0
  2372. v_ifcs_velocity_override = 1
  2373. v_ifcs_visual_net_debug = 0
  2374. v_InitialSpawn_DamageDelay = 1.5
  2375. v_instant_thrust = 100
  2376. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.borderColorModifier = 0.75
  2377. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.borderWidth = 2.5
  2378. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.debugOpacity = 0
  2379. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.debugVisibleList = 0
  2380. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.enabled = 1
  2381. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.maxBorderOpacity = 0.8
  2382. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.maxOpacity = 0.4
  2383. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.minSpireOpacity = 0.4
  2384. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.opacityFarDist = 5000
  2385. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.opacityNearDist = 100
  2386. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.quadColorModifier = 0.5
  2387. v_landingSystem.areaGeom.showSpire = 1
  2388. v_landingSystem.assistedManualTakeoff = 1
  2389. v_landingSystem.assistedMaxOrient = 180
  2390. v_landingSystem.assistedMinOrient = 165
  2391. v_landingSystem.autolandAI = 0
  2392. v_landingSystem.debug = 0
  2393. v_landingSystem.debugEntityName = <empty>
  2394. v_landingSystem.debugStateHierarchy = 0
  2395. v_landingSystem.disabled = 0
  2396. v_landingSystem.dockingGeom.debugFlags = 0
  2397. v_landingSystem.dockingGeom.enabled = 1
  2398. v_landingSystem.drawBounds = 0
  2399. v_landingSystem.eventlog = 0
  2400. v_landingSystem.fixedShipAlt = 1
  2401. v_landingSystem.ifcsIdle = 0
  2402. v_landingSystem.landingSpeedScale = 0.1
  2403. v_landingSystem.manualGears = 0
  2404. v_landingSystem.manualOnly = 0
  2405. v_landingSystem.maxScaleDist = 600
  2406. v_landingSystem.maxShaftScale = 4
  2407. v_landingSystem.minScaleDist = 400
  2408. v_landingSystem.netlog = 0
  2409. v_landingSystem.orientGrid = 1
  2410. v_landingSystem.scaleDistRange = 1000
  2411. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.autoland.autoalign = 1
  2412. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.autoland.enabled = 1
  2413. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.autoland.forceActive = 0
  2414. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.autoland.padCentric = 1
  2415. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.autoland.showPrompt = 1
  2416. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.autotouchdown.enabled = 0
  2417. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.autotouchdown.height = 5
  2418. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.debugArea = 0
  2419. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.dockingSystem.abortEnabled = 0
  2420. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.dockingSystem.autoDockEnabled = 1
  2421. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.dockingSystem.hoverTime = 2
  2422. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.dockingSystem.requirePlayerInteraction = 1
  2423. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.orientWithPlane = 0
  2424. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.uiMarkers.maxDist = 150
  2425. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.uiMarkers.minDist = 100
  2426. v_landingSystem.simpleLanding.useLandingHelperNode = 1
  2427. v_landingSystem.spawnLandedTimeout = 1
  2428. v_landingSystem.uiMaxAltitude = 0.4
  2429. v_landingSystem.uiNormalisedAltFixedFraction = 0.2
  2430. v_landingSystem.uiNormalisedAltNonLinearScale = 1
  2431. v_landingSystem.uiOffsetZ = -0.15
  2432. v_landingSystem.uiScale = 1.75
  2433. v_lights = 2
  2434. v_lookahead_aimdecay = 0.79
  2435. v_lookahead_on = 1
  2436. v_lookahead_reticleOffset = 1
  2437. v_lookahead_sensitivity = 0.2
  2438. v_playPassBySoundOnPlayersShip = 0
  2439. v_predict_compare_angvelocity = 0.1
  2440. v_predict_compare_orientation = 0.01
  2441. v_predict_compare_position = 3.16
  2442. v_predict_compare_velocity = 0.5
  2443. v_predict_compare_wake_angvelocity = 0.0001
  2444. v_predict_compare_wake_orientation = 0.0001
  2445. v_predict_compare_wake_position = 0.0001
  2446. v_predict_compare_wake_velocity = 0.0001
  2447. v_predict_force_gap = 0
  2448. v_predict_max_send_time = 0.1
  2449. v_predict_min_send_time = 0.1
  2450. v_predict_physics_step = 0.02
  2451. v_predict_smooth_time = 0.25
  2452. v_profileMovement = 0
  2453. v_profile_graph = <empty>
  2454. v_qdrive.aimCorrection = 0.3
  2455. v_qdrive.alignMaxAngle = 30
  2456. v_qdrive.alignmentTest = 0
  2457. v_qdrive.alignTime = 2
  2458. v_qdrive.debug = 0
  2459. v_qdrive.detectCollisions = 1
  2460. v_qdrive.detectSelectionObstructions = 1
  2461. v_qdrive.driveSpeed = 0
  2462. v_qdrive.emergencyStopTime = 2
  2463. v_qdrive.enableHistory = 0
  2464. v_qdrive.fuel.distancePerCapacityUnit = 1000
  2465. v_qdrive.fuel.enabled = 1
  2466. v_qdrive.fuel.refuelTimePerCapacityUnit = 1e-05
  2467. v_qdrive.fuel.tankCapacity = 0
  2468. v_qdrive.maxArrivalDelta = 1000
  2469. v_qdrive.maxArrivalDistanceForDelta = 10000
  2470. v_qdrive.minExitSpeed = 20
  2471. v_qdrive.overrideCooldown = 0
  2472. v_qdrive.overrideEnabled = -1
  2473. v_qdrive.rampDownTime = 0
  2474. v_qdrive.rampUpTime = 0
  2475. v_qdrive.renderNodeVFX = 1
  2476. v_qdrive.resolver.debug = 0
  2477. v_qdrive.resolver.drawAllVehicles = 0
  2478. v_qdrive.resolver.drawContainer = 0
  2479. v_qdrive.resolver.drawSpheres = 1
  2480. v_qdrive.resolver.enabled = 1
  2481. v_qdrive.resolver.viewCameraRelative = 1
  2482. v_qdrive.resolver.viewRefresh = 1
  2483. v_qdrive.resolver.viewType = 0
  2484. v_qdrive.showOrbitRadius = 0
  2485. v_qdrive.showSurfaceRadius = 0
  2486. v_qdrive.showTargetsForSCItemVehicle = 0
  2487. v_qdrive.showUndiscoveredTargets = 0
  2488. v_qdrive.spoolUpTime = 0
  2489. v_radar.alignLabels = 1
  2490. v_screen_rtt_bias = 1.2
  2491. v_SmoothingDebug = 0
  2492. v_SmoothingQuaternionRate = 0.03
  2493. v_SmoothingVelocityRate = 0.03
  2494. v_SmoothingVelocityScale = 0.03
  2495. v_sprintSpeed = 0
  2496. v_tankReverseInvertYaw = 1
  2497. v_useCombatMarker = 0
  2498. v_vehicle_quality = 4
  2499. v_virtualJoystickMaxAim = 0.33
  2500. v_weaponGimbalLockDefaultOn = 0
  2501. watch_enabled = 1
  2502. watch_text_render_fxscale = 13
  2503. watch_text_render_lineSpacing = 9.3
  2504. watch_text_render_size = 1.75
  2505. watch_text_render_start_pos_x = 35
  2506. watch_text_render_start_pos_y = 180
  2507. w_debug_weapon = 0
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