Guest User


a guest
Aug 1st, 2018
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  1. -- Luanub's Login Script
  3. local prog = ("launcher.lua") -- program to launch after sucessful password entry
  4. local defPass= ("password") -- default password
  6. local uname = {}
  7. local passwd = {}
  8. local user = ""
  10. local currentX = 1
  11. local currentY = 5
  12. local selection = 1
  14. --[[
  15. function os.pullEvent()
  16. local event, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = os.pullEventRaw()
  17. if event == "terminate" then
  18. sleep(0)
  19. end
  20. return event, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
  21. end
  22. ]]--
  24. if not fs.exists(".users") then
  25. local file =".users", "w")
  26. file:write("admin,")
  27. file:close()
  28. end
  30. if not fs.exists(".pass") then
  31. local file =".pass", "w")
  32. file:write(defPass..",")
  33. file:close()
  34. end
  36. function pattern(text,pattern,start)
  37. return string.sub(text,string.find(text,pattern,start)) end
  39. function split(string)
  40. local sep = {}
  41. local done = false
  42. local count,prevVars,tmp = 0,0,0
  43. string = string..",|"
  44. while not done do
  45. count = count + 1
  46. tmp = pattern(string,"[^,]+",count+prevVars)
  47. if tmp == "|" then done = true return sep end
  48. prevVars = prevVars + tmp:len()
  49. table.insert(sep,count,tmp)
  50. end
  51. return sep
  52. end
  55. function getUsers()
  56. local file =".users", "r")
  57. local usernames = file:read()
  58. file:close()
  59. uname = split(usernames)
  60. end
  62. function getPass()
  63. local file =".pass", "r")
  64. local passwords = file:read()
  65. file:close()
  66. passwd = split(passwords)
  67. end
  69. function changePass()
  70. while true do
  71. getPass()
  72. local a = table.maxn(uname)
  73. term.clear()
  74. term.setCursorPos(1,3)
  75. print ("Welcome "..user.."\n")
  76. write (" Enter Current Password: ")
  77. local pass = read("*")
  78. c = 0
  79. for x=1, a do
  80. c = c + 1
  81. if user == uname[c] and pass == passwd[c] then
  82. local sUser = uname[c]
  83. write ("\nChange your password? ")
  84. local input = read()
  85. print ()
  86. if input == "y" or input == "Y" then
  87. local test = "false"
  88. repeat
  89. write (" Enter new password: ")
  90. local sPass = read("*")
  91. write (" Verify new password: ")
  92. local sPass2 = read("*")
  93. if sPass == passwd[c] then
  94. term.setCursorPos(1,7)
  95. print ("Can not use your current password\n")
  96. elseif sPass == sPass2 then
  97. table.remove(passwd, c )
  98. table.insert(passwd, c, sPass)
  99. local newNum = table.maxn(passwd)
  100. local sPass = passwd[1]
  101. local g = newNum - 1
  102. local r = 2
  103. for x=1, g do
  104. sPass = sPass..","..passwd[r]
  105. r = r + 1
  106. end
  107. local file =".pass", "w")
  108. file:write(sPass..",")
  109. file:close()
  110. print ("\nPassword Updated")
  111. sleep(2)
  112. test = "true"
  113. else
  114. term.setCursorPos(1,7)
  115. print ("Passwords entered do not match, try again\n")
  116. end
  117. until test == "true"
  118. end
  119. if sUser == "admin" then
  120. adminMenu()
  121. return
  122. end
  123. loginMenu()
  124. return
  125. end
  126. end
  127. print ("Invalid User/Password Entered")
  128. sleep(2)
  129. end
  130. end
  132. function drawCursor()
  133. term.setCursorPos(currentX, currentY)
  134. write("->")
  135. end
  137. function addUser()
  138. term.clear()
  139. term.setCursorPos(1,6)
  140. write ("Username: ")
  141. local sName = read()
  142. local file =".users", "a")
  143. file:write(sName..",")
  144. file:close()
  145. term.clear()
  146. term.setCursorPos(1,6)
  147. local file =".pass", "a")
  148. file:write(defPass..",")
  149. file:close()
  150. print ("User "..sName.." has been added")
  151. sleep(2)
  152. end
  154. function adminUser()
  155. currentX = 1
  156. currentY = 5
  157. selection = 1
  158. while true do
  159. getUsers()
  160. getPass()
  161. local num = table.maxn(uname)
  162. term.clear()
  163. term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
  164. print ("User Administration Menu")
  165. print ("------------------------")
  166. local n = 1
  167. for x=1, num do
  168. print (" "..uname[n])
  169. n = n + 1
  170. end
  171. print ("\n Add User")
  172. print (" Menu")
  173. local c = num + 1
  174. local d = num + 2
  175. if num == 0 then
  176. selection = c
  177. currentY = 6
  178. end
  179. drawCursor()
  180. local e,key, msg = os.pullEvent()
  181. if e == "key" then
  182. if key == 17 or key == 200 then
  183. if selection - 1 == num then
  184. selection = selection - 1
  185. currentY = currentY - 2
  186. elseif selection - 1 >= 1 then
  187. selection = selection - 1
  188. currentY = currentY - 1
  189. end
  190. elseif key == 31 or key == 208 then
  191. if selection + 1 <= num then
  192. selection = selection + 1
  193. currentY = currentY + 1
  194. elseif selection + 1 == c then
  195. selection = selection + 1
  196. currentY = currentY + 2
  197. elseif selection + 1 == d then
  198. selection = selection + 1
  199. currentY = currentY + 1
  200. end
  201. elseif key == 28 then
  202. if selection == c then
  203. addUser()
  204. currentX = 1
  205. currentY = 5
  206. selection = 1
  207. elseif selection == d then
  208. adminMenu()
  209. break
  210. elseif selection == 1 then
  211. term.clear()
  212. term.setCursorPos(1,6)
  213. print ("Unable to delete user")
  214. sleep (2)
  215. elseif selection >=2 or selection <= num then
  216. term.clear()
  217. term.setCursorPos(1,6)
  218. local sPlayer = uname[selection]
  219. write ("Delete User "..sPlayer.." y/n? ")
  220. local input = read()
  221. if input == "y" or input == "Y" then
  222. table.remove(uname, selection )
  223. table.remove(passwd, selection )
  224. local newNum = table.maxn(uname)
  225. local sUsers = uname[1]
  226. local f = newNum - 1
  227. local q = 2
  228. for x=1, f do
  229. sUsers = sUsers..","..uname[q]
  230. q = q + 1
  231. end
  232. local sPass = passwd[1]
  233. local g = newNum - 1
  234. local r = 2
  235. for x=1, g do
  236. sPass = sPass..","..passwd[r]
  237. r = r + 1
  238. end
  239. local file1 =".users", "w")
  240. file1:write(sUsers..",")
  241. file1:close()
  242. local file2 =".pass", "w")
  243. file2:write(sPass..",")
  244. file2:close()
  245. print ("User "..sPlayer.." has been deleted.")
  246. sleep(2)
  247. end
  248. currentX = 1
  249. currentY = 5
  250. selection = 1
  251. else
  252. print("Error: Selection out of bounds: ", selection)
  253. read()
  254. end
  255. end
  256. end
  257. end
  258. end
  260. function adminPass()
  261. currentX = 1
  262. currentY = 5
  263. selection = 1
  264. while true do
  265. getUsers()
  266. getPass()
  267. local num = table.maxn(passwd)
  268. term.clear()
  269. term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
  270. print ("Password Administration Menu")
  271. print ("----------------------------")
  272. local n = 1
  273. for x=1, num do
  274. print (" "..uname[n])
  275. n = n + 1
  276. end
  277. print ("\n Menu")
  278. print("\nSelect User to reset password")
  279. local c = num + 1
  280. drawCursor()
  281. if num == 0 then
  282. selection = c
  283. currentY = 6
  284. end
  285. drawCursor()
  286. local e,key, msg = os.pullEvent()
  287. if e == "key" then
  288. if key == 17 or key == 200 then
  289. if selection - 1 == num then
  290. selection = selection - 1
  291. currentY = currentY - 2
  292. elseif selection - 1 >= 1 then
  293. selection = selection - 1
  294. currentY = currentY - 1
  295. end
  296. elseif key == 31 or key == 208 then
  297. if selection + 1 <= num then
  298. selection = selection + 1
  299. currentY = currentY + 1
  300. elseif selection + 1 == c then
  301. selection = selection + 1
  302. currentY = currentY + 2
  303. end
  304. elseif key == 28 then
  305. if selection == c then
  306. adminMenu()
  307. break
  308. elseif selection >=1 or selection <= num then
  309. term.clear()
  310. term.setCursorPos(1,6)
  311. local sPlayer = uname[selection]
  312. write ("Reset "..sPlayer.."'s password y/n? ")
  313. local input = read()
  314. if input == "y" or input == "Y" then
  315. table.remove(passwd, selection)
  316. table.insert(passwd, selection, defPass)
  317. local newNum = table.maxn(passwd)
  318. local sPass = passwd[1]
  319. local g = newNum - 1
  320. local r = 2
  321. for x=1, g do
  322. sPass = sPass..","..passwd[r]
  323. r = r + 1
  324. end
  325. local file =".pass", "w")
  326. file:write(sPass..",")
  327. file:close()
  328. print ("User "..sPlayer.." password has been reset.")
  329. sleep(2)
  330. end
  331. currentX = 1
  332. currentY = 5
  333. selection = 1
  334. else
  335. print("Error: Selection out of bounds: ", selection)
  336. read()
  337. end
  338. end
  339. end
  340. end
  341. end
  343. function adminMenu()
  344. currentX = 1
  345. currentY = 5
  346. selection = 1
  347. while true do
  348. term.clear()
  349. term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
  350. print (" Select Action")
  351. print ("---------------------")
  352. print ("| User Maintenance |")
  353. print ("| Reset Passwords |")
  354. print ("| Change Password |")
  355. print ("| Exit |")
  356. print ("---------------------")
  357. drawCursor()
  358. local e, key = os.pullEvent("key")
  359. if key == 17 or key == 200 then
  360. if selection - 1 >= 1 then
  361. selection = selection - 1
  362. currentY = currentY -1
  363. end
  364. elseif key == 31 or key == 208 then
  365. if selection + 1 <= 4 then
  366. selection = selection + 1
  367. currentY = currentY +1
  368. end
  369. elseif key == 28 then
  370. if selection == 1 then
  371. adminUser()
  372. break
  373. elseif selection == 2 then
  374. adminPass()
  375. break
  376. elseif selection == 3 then
  377. changePass()
  378. break
  379. elseif selection == 4 then
  380. loginMenu()
  381. break
  382. else
  383. print("Error: Selection out of bounds: ", selection)
  384. read()
  385. end
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  390. function loginMenu()
  391. while true do
  392. getUsers()
  393. getPass()
  394. local a = table.maxn(uname)
  395. term.clear()
  396. term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
  397. write (" Username: ")
  398. user = read()
  399. write (" Password: ")
  400. local pass = read("*")
  401. c = 0
  402. for x=1, a do
  403. c = c + 1
  404. if user == uname[c] and pass == passwd[c] then
  405. print ("\nLogin Sucessful")
  406. sleep(1)
  407. if user == "admin" then
  408. adminMenu()
  409. return
  410. end
  411. write ("\nChange Password y/n? ")
  412. local input = read()
  413. if input == "y" or input == "Y" then
  414. changePass()
  415. return
  416. end
  418. return
  419. end
  420. end
  421. print ("Invalid Username or Password Entered")
  422. sleep(2)
  423. end
  424. end
  426. loginMenu()
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