

Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 12:14:47] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Robi, keep /newb for Q/A only, if you want to appeal please goto
  2. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 12:23:49] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb Please /report or appeal at Community complaints section
  3. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 12:24:31] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Fred Yes arms dealers can and you can also buy one from ammunations, costs 100,000
  4. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 12:24:38] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Fred Yes arms dealers can and you can also buy one from ammunations, costs 100,000
  5. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 12:24:39] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Fred Yes arms dealers can and you can also buy one from ammunations, costs 100,000
  6. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 18:03:38] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb
  7. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 18:11:55] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb By using /give kevelar [player id/name]
  8. server_log.txt:[14/04/2017 18:25:56] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Lucifer, if you're inside a van interior, when you /exitvan you'll exit it
  9. server_log.txt:[15/04/2017 11:58:12] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb Pushing it with non RP manner is a caar ramming indeed
  10. server_log.txt:[15/04/2017 12:02:10] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb
  11. server_log.txt:[15/04/2017 12:03:19] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Dave there's no command to know it, you may ask a friend or /report to ask
  12. server_log.txt:[16/04/2017 19:18:38] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Bendetto that's an IC issue
  13. server_log.txt:[16/04/2017 20:17:02] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Jim that's an IC issue
  14. server_log.txt:[17/04/2017 08:54:08] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Noah that's an IC issue
  15. server_log.txt:[17/04/2017 18:58:44] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Moira That's an IC issue but usually 8-10 per each
  16. server_log.txt:[17/04/2017 20:24:50] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Declan Weed isn't legal
  17. server_log.txt:[17/04/2017 20:26:33] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @DEclan please keep /newb for server related Q/A only
  18. server_log.txt:[17/04/2017 20:33:01] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Dre I'd suggest you arms dealer/bodyguard, for more info /jobhelp or /helpme for helper's assistance
  19. server_log.txt:[17/04/2017 20:33:48] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Dre it doesn't make a good profit, it's a bit hard and you'll need to wait 70 minutes to collect seeds
  20. server_log.txt:[17/04/2017 20:33:52] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Dre it doesn't make a good profit, it's a bit hard and you'll need to wait 70 minutes to collect seeds
  21. server_log.txt:[19/04/2017 03:06:02] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Mark, Angana and Raul please keep /newb for Q/A only, /report for that
  22. server_log.txt:[19/04/2017 03:07:37] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb
  23. server_log.txt:[19/04/2017 17:55:55] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Damon yes he can but it's non RP
  24. server_log.txt:[22/04/2017 13:59:54] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Abu /me for actions, and /do to respond and results
  25. server_log.txt:[22/04/2017 14:05:12] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Jonas by reloging
  26. server_log.txt:[22/04/2017 14:07:00] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Mumia by going to sprunk (can be found at gas station) or eating food like pizza
  27. server_log.txt:[22/04/2017 14:07:18] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Dave it's verbal harrising can result in a ticket
  28. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 04:20:51] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Tyrone, please keep /newb for server script related Q/A only, use /ad instead
  29. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 07:58:16] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Carlo No there's not
  30. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 08:04:05] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Justin that's not a newbie question, keep the chat for script related Q/A only
  31. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 08:07:13] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /pm Skylar this guy has abused /newb 3 times and he;s high level, I suggest warning him
  32. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 08:09:45] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb That's wrong, you must check the contact list and call them
  33. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 09:32:25] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Angela take a screen shot for the /accept car and post a GRR
  34. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 09:35:21] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb No you can't @Carlo
  35. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 09:42:23] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Jonas he was reinstated, keep /newb for server related Q/A only
  36. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 14:14:17] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @George Excutive admin
  37. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 14:46:00] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Essa by applying at>Public service->SAPD->Weapon licensing
  38. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 15:07:59] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Emily yes indeed
  39. server_log.txt:[23/04/2017 16:59:51] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Avery no it must be RPed
  40. server_log.txt:[24/04/2017 07:14:24] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Apol you need to relog
  41. server_log.txt:[24/04/2017 08:20:57] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Tyshawn /pm him please. keep /newb for script related Q/A only
  42. server_log.txt:[24/04/2017 13:23:01] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Rico It's illegal ad
  43. server_log.txt:[24/04/2017 14:39:44] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Jonas no way, they expire each month
  44. server_log.txt:[24/04/2017 14:42:43] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb
  45. server_log.txt:[24/04/2017 18:10:21] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb Try /fixvw
  46. server_log.txt:[25/04/2017 16:59:10] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Tyrone it's an IC matter, @Dan use /helpme and a helper will guid you
  47. server_log.txt:[26/04/2017 11:05:17] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Gehodch You wont get it
  48. server_log.txt:[26/04/2017 14:15:00] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Tyrone no only weapons
  49. server_log.txt:[26/04/2017 15:43:50] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @DAntrell IC issue
  50. server_log.txt:[26/04/2017 16:34:15] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Tyrone Search at Gangs places you'll find some dealers
  51. server_log.txt:[26/04/2017 16:41:55] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @James Admins can recolor names of players it's simple, you may ask them via /report
  52. server_log.txt:[26/04/2017 19:24:38] [cmd] [Robin_Marshall] /newb @Davon /helpme and a helper will guid you
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