
BasedWritefag - Daring's Treasure

Aug 14th, 2014
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  1. ”According to my map, the chamber should be just up these steps.”
  2. >Dash turned her gaze from the yellowed paper and up the stairs. The light from downstairs slowly faded to darkness by the time her eyes reached the top.
  3. >But Rainbow was never one to be scared. She pulled her safari hat down over her forehead and got ready to climb the steps.
  4. >She kept her footsteps silent, cursing the wooden stairs as they creaked under her feet.
  5. >She had to keep quiet; if anyone found her it would be her head---if she was lucky.
  6. >In no time she’d ascended the steps, and poked her head around the corner. Down the hall a bright light shone from around an old door.
  7. >”There it is,” Dash narrated quietly, “King Nutahnkun’s Chamber!”
  8. >The door’s light danced against the wall, tempting her to come closer. Dash knew her prize lay inside, and didn’t need any persuasion.
  9. >The idol lay just a few feet beyond that door; a few more steps and it would be hers.
  10. >She brushed the dust off her coat and straightened her hat before starting her slow creep towards the chamber.
  11. “I can see it now,” she whispered with a smirk, “Daring Do Discovers Nutahnkun’s Treasure! I’ll be swimming in cash before you can say---”
  12. >She was interrupted by her legs being pulled out from under her. She managed to get her arms out to catch her fall, but she still fell hard on her face.
  13. >She spun around to see a length of rope pulled tight around her ankles, holding her legs together.
  14. >In her confusion a bright light flicked on above her. It was only then she saw a figure with his finger on the light switch, a cocky smile on his face and a rope in the other.
  15. “How nice of you to stop in, Miss Do,” Brad smirked, “I never thought I’d see you here…”
  16. >“Ahuizotl!” Dash shouted, “What are you doing here?!”
  17. “The same reason you are, Daring, to claim my greatest treasure,” he pulled on the rope, dragging Dash about an inch closer to him, “All I had to do was have one of my spies hand you a map, and you’d come buzzing by like the pest you are.”
  18. >”Wonderful story, Ahui,” Dash chuckled, “But do you really think a rope is gonna hold me back?”
  19. “Then why haven’t you broken free yet, Miss Do?”
  20. >”Heh, just watch me.”
  21. >Dash tried to wriggle free from the rope binding her ankles, but they refused to budge.
  22. >She tried every trick she knew, rolling her feet and trying to open up the rope, but the more she fought the weaker she felt.
  23. >”What the hell?”
  24. “Having a bit of trouble there, Daring?” Brad snickered, “I should have told you earlier. This isn’t an ordinary rope. This rope is completely unbreakable to women. Ol’ King Nutahnkun didn’t like his slaves getting loose.”
  25. >The fear in her doubled as the weight of his words reached her. No wonder she couldn’t break free.
  26. >She wasn’t given time to dwell on it, however, as she suddenly noticed Brad getting closer.
  27. >Or rather, she was getting closer to Brad. Her khakis ground against the carpet as he pulled the rope in.
  28. >He had a hungry smile, like a fisherman reeling in his catch. Dash tried to grab at the carpet’s threads but she couldn’t get a grip.
  29. >She could only struggle until she was right at Brad’s feet. He took a step and brought his foot down on her stomach.
  30. >”The mighty Daring Do, stuck under my heel,” Brad chuckled, looking over her tiny frame that was tucked under tight safari clothes, “I guess every dog has his day…”
  31. “You’ll never get away with this, Ahuizotl,” Dash said through her teeth.
  32. >”Oh but I already have...you love to explore, don’t you, Daring? Well how about I do the exploring this time?”
  33. >He brandished another length of rope and rolled Dash onto her back. It was a struggle getting her arms behind her back, but to see how helpless she was once they were locked together was more than worth it.
  34. >She watched her roll on the ground a little, his tight blue spandex getting even tighter.
  35. >He looked up and down her body, his eyes lingering on her most sensitive places.
  36. >Dash turned onto her back and froze when she saw the large bulge in his crotch.
  37. “You like what you see, Daring? I know I do.”
  38. >”You always were a perv, Ahui,” Dash smirked, “You think I’m scared of you?”
  39. “No, but I know you’re scared of what I’m going to DO to you,” he smiled and presented another long length of rope.
  40. >He knelt down and started looping more and more rope around Dash. Soon her legs were completely tied together and her arms locked behind her back.
  41. >There was a line of rope above and below her tiny breasts, making them stick out just a little further.
  42. >Brad grabbed her by the waist and flung her over his shoulder. He turned towards the room that just moments ago his captive was heading.
  43. “I’ve been watching you strut that little tail of yours around me for years, Daring. Looks like I finally get a piece of it.”
  44. >He reached across his body and gave her ass a firm slap. Dash squeaked and shut her eyes, reeling from the stinging pain in her rump.
  45. “I can’t wait to hear more of those cute little squeals, Miss Do,” Brad said, pushing open the door.
  46. >Dash continued to struggle in vain, hoping that she could worm her way out like she always could.
  47. >But when she saw the insides of the room she’d thought was a burial chamber, her hopes seemed to vanish in a blinding light.
  49. >She looked around the room, her eyes glittering with fear as she saw what lied on a shelf near the bed.
  50. >Dozens of plastic vibrator eggs and phalluses of all shapes and sizes stood proudly for her.
  51. >She was no stranger to these devices, but she hoped they weren’t there for a reason.
  52. >She didn’t get much time to look at them before she was tossed off his shoulder, landing on a mattress with a thud.
  53. ”Like what I’ve done with the place, Daring?” Brad chuckled, scanning over the different toys and turning back to his captive.
  54. >”The paint looks nice Ahui, but I didn’t know you were into that kinda stuff,” she smirked.
  55. >Brad furrowed his brow and gave her rump a hard smack. Dash bit her lip and kept her squeal down to a quiet moan.
  56. “You always did have quite a mouth on you, Miss Do,” Brad said with a smile, “Let’s see if it has any use other than backtalk.”
  57. >He kept a hungry look in his eyes and he pulled the speedo down around his ankles. When he came back up, Dash gasped at what she saw.
  58. >He had his hands to his sides, letting his length speak for itself. It was easily seven inches long, maybe eight.
  59. >Length wasn’t all it had, either. It was about an inch and a half wide, almost like a paper-towel roll.
  60. >Dash tried not to let him on, but she could feel the blood running hot in her cheeks.
  61. >He quickly clambered onto the bed and straddled her neck.
  62. >Rainbow tried to wriggle out from under him, but he had other ideas. He smiled and laid his cock on her face.
  63. >She felt sick as his meat throbbed against her nose, knowing exactly where it wanted to be.
  64. “Open wide…”
  65. >”In your dreams, Ahuizotl!” Dash shouted, quickly shutting her mouth as he pushed his tip against her lips.
  66. “Oh I assure you, Miss Do, ever since you first foiled my plans, it’s been very much a part of my dreams…”
  67. >He kept trying to force his way in. His position gave him plenty of leverage to fuck her mouth, but still she kept her lips shut.
  68. >Brad didn’t have time for this. He wanted his cock lodged in her throat, and he wanted it now.
  69. >While still pushing his tip against her, he reached down and pinched her nose shut.
  70. >Dash froze when she realized what was happening. She looked up at him, watching the evil glint in his eyes as her lungs screamed for air.
  71. >Her body begged for her to open her mouth but her mind stubbornly held it shut.
  72. >She would rather die than have Ahuizotl shove his dick in her, even it was as slow and painful as suffocating.
  73. >But try as she might, her instinct to breathe was too strong for her. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath.
  74. >She tried to shut her mouth before he could get a chance, but she only closed her lips around his shaft.
  75. >He wasted no time shoving his entire length down her throat at once. She was happy she’d just taken a breath, because there was no way she could breathe now.
  76. “God damn you’re tight,” Brad groaned as he felt her cheeks grind against his shaft, “You’ve never been throatfucked this deep, have you, Daring?”
  79. >She let out a whine that was easily muffled by his girth, but Brad didn’t really care what she sounded like.
  80. >He was thrusting so ferociously that he had to grab her head for support.
  81. >The tight warmth of her throat was enough for him, but the sound of his sack slapping against her chin made it feel even better.
  82. >She was all his, and they were just getting started. He looked down at his captive, watching the bulge in her throat bob back and forth.
  83. >He withdrew his cock and Dash finally had a chance to catch her breath. Thick ropes of drool hung from her lips and appeared to tether her to his shaft.
  84. “As much as I wanna make you choke on my cock, Daring, there’s so much more we have to do.”
  85. >Brad got off of her and went over to the nearby dresser. Dash tried again to break free from the ropes, but the knots were expertly tied.
  86. >She was so focused on the ropes that she’d hardly noticed what Brad had retrieved from the desk.
  87. >Her head as suddenly wrenched in one direction and a small rubber ball was stuffed between her teeth.
  88. >Her whimpers went unheard as he locked the gag with a click behind her ears.
  89. “There, now I won’t hear your annoying jokes. But I’ll still get to hear your cute little moans...won’t I, Daring?”
  90. >She shot him a glare and grunted into her gag. He was sure he heard “Fuck you Ahuizotl” in there somewhere, but he couldn’t be sure.
  91. >His attention was entirely on her body as he looked for the next place to attack.
  92. >Every instinct he had told him to abuse the tiny groove that she tried to keep tucked between her thighs, but something else was distracting him.
  93. >He couldn’t take his eyes off the way her shirt bulged between the ropes, making her look way more endowed than before.
  94. >Dash watched in horror as Brad slipped his hands down the front of her jacket and roughly ripped it apart.
  95. >A pair of buttons popped off as he pulled her open, a wicked smile stretching across his face.
  96. “Not even a bra under your jacket, Daring? You’re naughtier than I thought…”
  97. >He looked down at the pair of tits poking through the hole he’d made in her shirt. They were exactly how’d he dreamed they’d look.
  98. >They were a little squished between the ropes, and made them look bigger than they actually were.
  99. >She’d hardly been an A cup before, now she boasted a blooming B cup.
  100. “These babies look like they’re BEGGING to be touched…”
  101. >He timed his words with his actions, grabbing as much of her breasts in each hand and giving them a light squeeze.
  102. >She couldn’t hold back a whine as he fondled her. The way he ran his fingers across her chest was the work of a master.
  103. >Every night he’d traced his steps in his head, thinking of all the spots that would make her squirm.
  104. “You like getting groped, don’t you Daring?” he cooed, pinching her nipples tight between his fingers.
  105. >Dash let out a long whine and tossed her head back. They were never this sensitive when she did it.
  106. >His dexterity was incredible, like he knew exactly where her she loved being touched.
  107. >”Of course he knows,” Dash thought to herself, “He’s got those damn mind-reading powers. He knows exactly what I want.”
  108. “Oh, I know EXACTLY what you want,” she heard a voice growl in her ear, “But first, let me get a taste of what I want.”
  109. >Daring suddenly felt his hands pull away from her and she fell back to the mattress. She didn’t get an opportunity to struggle this time as Brad kept her pinned under one knee.
  110. “Don’t worry, Miss Do, I won’t forget about your cute little tits,” he brandished a pair of plastic eggs in his hand, “These should keep them occupied for a while…”
  111. >Rainbow watched as he set the eggs onto her nipples and secured them with tape. A long wire ran from each one down to a single remote that Brad kept clutched in his hand.
  112. >He flashed a lazy smile as he pushed the knob on the remote up one click.
  113. >Her reaction was immediate as the vibrators went to work. Her nipples stung a bit from the constant buzzing and they stood even stiffer than before.
  114. >She turned away from him to hide her face, but he wasn’t going to be denied.
  115. >He grabbed her shoulder and flipped her onto her back, watching as she squirmed from the teasing eggs on her breasts.
  116. “I found these things lying around in my ancestor’s temple,” he gave one a flick, “A little bit of Aztec magic…”
  117. >Rainbow whined into the gag as the egg shifted to a new position against her nipple. It fell along the side, buzzing against even more of her nub.
  118. >She got so lost in her ecstasy that she didn’t realize the new position she’d been propped into.
  119. >She’d been placed on her knees, with her head angled down into the mattress while her rump stayed high in the air.
  120. >Brad swooped in before she had a chance to roll to her side. He grabbed her hips to hold her up as he brought his head close between her thighs.
  121. >Suddenly she felt something plunge into her crotch and take a long breath. Brad pulled his head away again and relished in her scent.
  122. “You’re a virgin.”
  123. >Dash froze, her eyes locked on a point in the distance.
  124. “I can smell it on your crotch,” he smirked, “And that’s not all I can tell about you…”
  125. >She was too terrified by his revelation to react to what he did next. Brad simply hooked his thumbs around her safari shorts and pulled them down over her rump.
  126. >He brought them down as far as they could go, but he didn’t need to go far to see what he wanted.
  127. “Just as I thought,” he smiled, “I can see you not wearing a bra, but no panties either? No wonder your scent was so strong.”
  128. >Dash winced as she felt a finger run up and down her slit. She wanted to kick him, do anything to stop him from exploring her body.
  129. >But she was as helpless as a turtle on its back. The eggs kept buzzing against her nipples as she felt something slip inside her.
  130. “All those caves you’ve explored, and never once have you gone in this one? Looks like I get to be the first…”
  131. >He pushed inside her all the way up to the bottom knuckle and twisted it, feeling her walls tighten around him.
  132. >She loved the cute little sounds she made as he dug into her insides; he was the first thing she’d ever had in there.
  133. >He didn’t plan on it being the only thing. He could feel and smell her purity, but nothing beat the taste of a young flower.
  134. >He quickly yanked his finger out of her, not bothering to be careful with her. She felt suddenly empty, a feeling she wished she never would have.
  135. “What a catch I’ve got here…” Brad said, spreading her lips and looking over her folds, “Not only to I get to play with you, Miss Do, but I get the honor of breaking you in.”
  136. >All Rainbow could do was whine into the gag. She couldn’t believe it was all happening...she’d tried so hard to keep herself pure…
  137. >Countless numbers of creatures had tried to deflower her, and countless times she’d gotten away unscathed.
  138. >But here she was, completely powerless to stop the one creature she never wanted to touch her from uncovering every little secret about her.
  139. “As much as I’m gonna enjoy cracking you open, Daring,” Brad whispered, “I wanna get a taste of you first…”
  140. >Even when Dash knew what was coming she was caught off-guard. She shut her eyes and grimaced as he brought his tongue against her folds.
  141. >He was quick to explore as much of her as he could, probing every nook and cranny of her slit.
  142. >It darted under her lips and swirled around her defenseless clit. Constant pulses of ecstasy made her body turn to jelly; she could hardly keep herself upright.
  143. >He was getting into spaces that even she hadn’t explored yet. She bit hard on the gag to keep from moaning, but it got more difficult to keep quiet as he got more bold.
  144. >Brad pulled back to get some air, and that’s when he saw it. Her tight little entrance, a dark hole set in a sea of pink.
  145. >His cock twitched at the thought of plunging into her, but he had to do a little bit of exploration first.
  146. >He spread apart her lips and dove back in, thrusting his tongue as deep as he could inside her.
  147. >Now Dash really screamed as something warm and slippery wriggled around her walls, bumping back and forth like a worm on a hook.
  148. >He dragged the tip down the length of her insides, as if hollowing her out to make room for later.
  149. >To make matters worse, he started grinding his thumb against her clit, trying his hardest to make her cry.
  150. >Tears rolled out of shut eyes as he took one last lap at her slit. She breathed again only when she felt a cold draft against her folds.
  151. >Something warm trickled down her thigh, and she hoped that it was just his spit.
  152. “Looks like someone’s enjoying themselves,” Brad chuckled, “Maybe it’s about time I did too…”
  153. >In all her years of spelunking, tomb-raiding, and grave-robbing, Daring had never been so scared as she was when she felt a thick, warm shaft alight between her cheeks.
  154. “Mmmm, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this, Daring…” Brad hissed, pumping his hips to grind his cock against her rump, “All those years of watching you slip away...this makes up for all of it…”
  155. >Dash whined into the rag and threw her body back and forth to shake him off, but he had a firm grip on her.
  156. >She heard the dreadful sound of springs creaking as he shifted into position. She didn’t want to lose her virginity...not like this...not to the creature she’d foiled so many times.
  157. >But it was far too late to stop him now. She gave one last whimper as he pushed his tip against her entrance.
  158. >He leaned down low over her back and groped her. The eggs were still vibrating beneath his fingers as Dash started to sob.
  159. “Don’t worry, Daring, it won’t hurt...after a while.”
  160. >He let out an evil cackle as he pushed his hips forward. Her screams were muffled in the gag as he slowly split her open.
  161. >Her body shook under his hands as he went deeper. He kept pushing until stopping about halfway.
  162. “I knew you were a virgin…” he pulled back his hips and poised his tip just inside her walls. Dash knew what was coming and tried one more time to crawl away.
  163. >The instant Brad felt her squirm he brought her hips down hard, colliding with her rump with a loud smack.
  164. >The scream that followed was the loudest of the night, and rang in Brad’s ears like a fire alarm.
  165. >In one thrust he’d completely enveloped his cock with her pure, untouched walls. She’d clenched so tightly around his shaft that he had trouble pulling back. Every inch his cock moved was a mile of pain, with only a tiny scrap of pleasure mixed in.
  166. >While he started fucking her properly, getting into a steady rhythm, Dash could only think about the pain that racked her body.
  167. >She felt empty, like a piece of her had just been ripped out. She had protected her body for years, keeping it safe from all the hardships of the jungle...but she couldn’t stop Ahuizotl from jamming his cock inside her.
  168. >There was no reason to resist anymore. He’d already taken what she cared about the most.
  169. >She let her head sink into the mattress and relaxed her body. Brad smiled as he felt the girl go limp under him, completely submitting to his thrusts.
  170. >Even when she relaxed her insides were tighter than anything he’d felt before.
  171. >The physical sensations on his cock were great, but the thoughts flashing through his head were greater.
  172. >He was touching her in places where no one had gone before, a fresh, untouched field of pulsing warmth.
  173. >She’d taken so much treasure from him in the past, but now it was his turn to take her treasures away.
  174. >He’d already deflowered her, stolen her greatest treasure, but there was still something he had left to take.
  175. >While keeping his thrusts as strong as possible, he leaned back down to whisper into Dash’s ear.
  176. “You know Daring, your ass isn’t the only thing I’ve wanted from you all these years...I’ve wanted something more...personal…”
  177. >Dash whimpered, her response cut up by his animalistic pounding. He kept one hand on her rump and another on her neck, forcing her head down into the mattress.
  178. “I need to slow you down...keep you off the adventures for good...and I know just how to do it…”
  179. >Rainbow tried to think of all the horrible things we could mean, but the pain ringing through her body made it difficult to focus.
  180. >He’d already taken her virginity; what more could he want from her?
  181. “Hmm...maybe a nice baby in your belly would keep you...occupied.”
  182. >Dash’s eyes widened and she shouted loudly into the gag. Every muscle tensed at once, the horror of his plan falling into place.
  183. “What’s wrong Daring? Can’t bear the thought of your arch-rival stealing your womb? A thief like you should know what it’s like to take things for yourself…”
  184. >She started to weep, her begs muffled by the tiny rubber ball in her teeth. It’s not like he would have listened anyway.
  185. >Her cries of terror only made his cock swell inside her. This, coupled with her sudden tenseness, made her feel twice as tight.
  186. >His thrusts were hard and unforgiving, a flurry of furious pounds at her rump.
  187. >He was like a dog, desperate to pump his seed inside her. He grabbed her hips to give him even more power.
  188. “I wonder what sort of plans you had...You were gonna settle down, find a husband and have a child...but now I get to have that honor…” Brad chuckled, trying to stay in character.
  189. >”Please...please don’t…” Dash thought to herself, praying that he wouldn’t go through with it.
  190. >But knowing Ahuizotl the way she did, he would stop at nothing until he’d gotten his prize.
  191. >The pain had given way to pure pleasure, but the defeat had turned to panic.
  192. >He felt him thrusting harder, faster, his moans getting closer and closer together. She had to act fast...there had to be another way out.
  193. “I’m gonna cum, Daring,” his groan rattling in his throat, “You better buy some looser safari gear…”
  206. >His low chuckle crawled down her spine like a beetle, making her entire body quiver.
  207. >She grimaced as his cock started to swell inside her, spreading her open even more than before.
  208. >Every thrust brought him closer, a well of pleasure building behind his shaft.
  209. >He started to moan with every pump of his hips, forcing Dash to listen to his approaching climax.
  210. >He grabbed a handful of hair and held her head up, letting him hear every panicked scream from the adventurer.
  211. >Finally, all the years of pent-up frustration, her constant poking around in his plans, were about to be redeemed.
  212. >Every brush against her walls felt like a shot of morphine as his climax surged ahead.
  213. >He wanted to say something witty but all that came out were moans. With a final, hard thrust against her hips, he finally got his greatest treasure.
  214. >Dash could only scream as she felt his cock pulse, followed by a hot splash of cum.
  215. >Her body quivered as sticky jets of landed inside her, coating her walls in a thick paste of seed.
  216. >She could feel her stomach turn on its side as he pumped his load inside, pooling around her cervix.
  217. >His moans rang long and low in the night as he emptied every pulse of his cock further sealing her fate.
  218. >She held her face into the pillow, not having the strength but do anything but cry.
  219. >The last dribble of cum poured into her as Brad pulled out. He was half flaccid by the time he’d fully withdrew.
  220. >He stared down at his spoils, basking in the glory of destroying his rival.
  221. “That was so much fun, Daring,” Brad chuckled, “I hope you like my souvenir…”
  222. >Dash didn’t look at him and only wept. She tried to clench her muscles to push out his intruding seed, but gravity worked against her.
  223. >Brad flopped onto the bed, his afterglow slowly creeping across his body.
  224. “Wow, Dash,” he said, “You make a really convincing virgin.”
  225. >Rainbow tried to respond but she was still gagged. She squirmed in her bonds as if reminding him about her position.
  226. “Oh, sorry. Let me get you out of that,” Brad hopped to his knees and undid the knots in the rope. >Once she could move her body again she simply fell limp to the mattress, trying to get sensation back in her jaw.
  227. >”Thanks, I practiced getting the screams just right. You didn’t do such a bad job yourself.”
  228. “Oh please,” Brad laughed, “All Ahuizotl does is be evil, playing him as a rapist was easy.”
  229. >Dash smiled at him and turned her attention between her legs. She dug her fingers in her abused folds and pulled out a glob of his seed.
  230. >”I was actually scared you were gonna knock me up for a second there.”
  231. “Who said I wasn’t trying to?”
  232. >”Because that’s what I need,” Dash rolled her eyes, “A pregnancy while trying to play striker.”
  233. >The pair chuckled and smiled at each other, reminiscing on their night. They soon got off the bed and Brad gathered his clothes. Dash only grabbed her undies and made her way towards the door.
  234. “Wait, where are you going?”
  235. >”I gotta take a shower,” Dash smirked, “Wanna join me, ‘Ahui’? You look a little dirty~”
  236. “Of course, ‘Daring’...You think you’ll go for another roleplay afterwards.”
  237. >”We’ll see,” Dash giggled, “Maybe I can be on top this time…”
  238. >She tickled Brad’s chin and started walking towards the bathroom, letting her hips sway with every step.
  239. >He didn’t have to be told twice to follow her. He checked the clock in the hall: 6 PM.
  240. >This was gonna be a long, exciting night. He couldn’t wait to see what was Daring’s next adventure.
  242. END
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