

Aug 8th, 2018
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text 18.89 KB | None | 0 0
  1. tfm.exec.setGameTime(3,true)
  2. dp={}
  3. roles={0,1}
  4. maps={7489629}
  5. data={}
  6. text={}
  7. lang={}
  8. players={}
  9. ids={
  10. 0,
  11. 0,
  12. 0,
  13. 0
  14. }
  15. alive=0
  16. lang.en={
  17. menu="Menu",
  18. profile2="Profile",
  19. help2="Help",
  20. help="In #kidnapper the goal of the game is for protectors to catch the mouse with the bomb before the mouse gets to the hole. The mouse with the bomb can use attacks to shield off protectors.",
  21. wins="Total Wins",
  22. wins_Bomber="Wins As Kidnapper",
  23. wins_Protector="Wins As Protector",
  24. close="Close",
  25. health=100,
  26. bomber_Wins="Kidnapper Wins!",
  27. protector_Wins="Protectors Win!",
  28. powerups2="Powerups",
  29. powerup1="[Normal Attack]</J> Is activated by pressing space. Only works for Protectors when they are near the bomber.",
  30. powerup2="[Mega Jump]</J> Is activated by the down arrow.",
  31. mouseStolen="kidnapped the mouse!",
  32. buy="Buy",
  33. bought="Bought",
  34. shop="Shop",
  35. points="Points"
  36. }
  37. for _, s in next, {'AutoTimeLeft', 'PhysicalConsumables', 'AfkDeath', 'AutoShaman', 'AutoNewGame'} do
  38. tfm.exec['disable' .. s]()
  39. end
  40. function Dp(name)
  41. name = name:sub(1,1):upper()
  42. for i,dp in ipairs(dp) do
  43. if name==dp then
  44. return true
  45. end
  46. end
  47. return false
  48. end
  49. function stolen(n)
  50. data[n].p=player
  51. data[n].stolen="<R>"[n].p.."<J> "..text[n].mouseStolen
  52. tfm.exec.chatMessage(data[n].stolen,n)
  53. end
  54. function particles(x,y)
  55. tfm.exec.displayParticle(9,x,y+10,-0.4,0.1,0.2,0.3,nil)
  56. tfm.exec.displayParticle(9,x,y+10,-0.6,0.2,0.6,0.2,nil)
  57. tfm.exec.displayParticle(9,x,y+10,-0.8,0.3,0.8,0.1,nil)
  58. tfm.exec.displayParticle(9,x,y+10,0.4,0.4,-0.4,0.3,nil)
  59. tfm.exec.displayParticle(9,x,y+10,0.6,0.5,-0.6,0.2,nil)
  60. tfm.exec.displayParticle(9,x,y+10,0.8,0.6,-0.8,0.1,nil)
  61. end
  62. function bigJump(n,x,y)
  63. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,0,0,false,0,-80,true)
  64. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x-5,y+10,-0.8,0,0,0,n)
  65. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x+5,y+10,0.8,0,0,0,n)
  66. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x-10,y+10,-1.7,0,0,0,n)
  67. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x+10,y+10,1.7,0,0,0,n)
  68. particles(x,y)
  69. end
  70. function identifyBomber(n)
  71. if data[n].role==0 then
  72. tfm.exec.setNameColor(n,0x00FF00)
  73. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,1023,432,false,0,50,false)
  74. elseif data[n].role==1 then
  75. tfm.exec.setNameColor(n,0xFF0000)
  76. end
  77. end
  78. function countAlive()
  79. alive=0
  80. for n,player in pairs( do
  81. if[n].isDead==false then
  82. alive=alive+1
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. function removeWinner()
  87. ui.removeTextArea(20,nil)
  88. ui.removeTextArea(30,nil)
  89. ui.removeTextArea(40,nil)
  90. ui.removeTextArea(50,nil)
  91. ui.removeTextArea(60,nil)
  92. ui.removeTextArea(19,nil)
  93. end
  95. function win(n)
  96. if[n].isDead==false and data[n].role==0 then
  97. data[n].wins=data[n].wins+1
  98. data[n].wins_Protector=data[n].wins_Protector+1
  99. end
  100. end
  101. function insertName(n)
  102. table.insert(players,n)
  103. end
  104. function setLang(n)
  105. text[n]=lang[[n].community] or lang.en
  106. end
  107. function setData(n)
  108. data[n]=
  109. {
  110. wins=0,
  111. role=0,
  112. health=100,
  113. spawn=1,
  114. wins_Protector=0,
  115. wins_Bomber=0,
  116. p="",
  117. stolen="",
  118. shopItems={propellerMouse=0,greenMouse=0,lightningMouse=0,tigerMouse=0},
  119. buy1=text[n].buy,
  120. buy2=text[n].buy,
  121. buy3=text[n].buy,
  122. buy4=text[n].buy,
  123. using="1651b5bc86d.png",
  124. points=0
  125. }
  126. end
  127. function chooseRole()
  128. for n,player in pairs( do
  129. data[n].role=0
  130. end
  131. player=players[math.random(#players)]
  132. data[player].role=1
  133. player=""..player
  134. end
  135. function bindKeyboard(n)
  136. for i=0,150 do
  137. tfm.exec.bindKeyboard(n,i,true,true)
  138. end
  139. end
  140. function showMenu(n)
  141. ui.addTextArea(0, "<p align='center'><font face='calibri'><a href='event:menu2'>"..text[n].menu, n, 10, 30, 42, 20, 0x000001, 0xFFFFFF, 1, true)
  142. end
  143. function showMenu2(n)
  144. ui.addTextArea(0, "<p align='center'><font face='calibri'><a href='event:Menu'>"..text[n].menu.." </a>| <a href='event:Help'>"..text[n].help2.."</a> | <a href='event:Profile'>"..text[n].profile2.."</a> | <a href='event:Powerups'>"..text[n].powerups2.."</a> | <a href='event:Shop'>"..text[n].shop, n, 10, 30, 210, 20, 0x000001, 0xffffff, 1, true)
  145. end
  146. function removeImage(n)
  147. for i=1,4 do
  148. tfm.exec.removeImage(ids[i])
  149. end
  150. end
  151. function removeShop(n)
  152. for i=1000,10000 do
  153. ui.removeTextArea(i)
  154. end
  155. end
  156. function showHealth(n)
  157. ui.addTextArea(-3, "", n, 319, 27, 100, 18, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 1, true)
  158. ui.addTextArea(-1, "", n, 319, 27, data[n].health, 18, 0x1aff00, 0x1aff00, 1, true)
  159. ui.addTextArea(-2, "<p align='center'><b><font color='#000000'>"[n].health.."%", n, 345, 27, 54, 18, 0x324650, 0x000000, 0, true)
  160. end
  161. function displayTab(n,info,subject)
  162. ui.addTextArea(2, "", n, 262, 72, 360, 290, 0x331f15, 0x331f15, 1, true)
  163. ui.addTextArea(3, "", n, 262, 125, 4, 180, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  164. ui.addTextArea(5, "", n, 295, 72, 290, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  165. ui.addTextArea(4, "", n, 618, 125, 4, 180, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  166. ui.addTextArea(6, "", n, 295, 358, 295, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  167. ui.addTextArea(1, "<p align='center'><font face='calibri'><font size='17'><b>#KIDNAPPER - "..subject.."</b></font></font><font size='14'>\n\n", n, 271, 80, 342, 270, 0x1b262b, 0x131c21, 1, true)
  168. ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'>"..text[n].close.."</a></font>", n, 272, 330, 339, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  169. end
  170. function profile(n,info)
  171. ui.addTextArea(2, "", n, 262, 72, 268, 290, 0x331f15, 0x331f15, 1, true)
  172. ui.addTextArea(3, "", n, 262, 120, 4, 180, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  173. ui.addTextArea(5, "", n, 295, 72, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  174. ui.addTextArea(4, "", n, 526, 120, 4, 180, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  175. ui.addTextArea(6, "", n, 295, 358, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  176. ui.addTextArea(1, "<p align='center'><font face='calibri'><font size='17'><b>"..n.."</b></font></font></p><font size='14'>\n<font face='calibri'>\n", n, 270, 82, 252, 270, 0x1b262b, 0x131c21, 1, true)
  177. ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'>"..text[n].close.."</a></font>", n, 272, 330, 248, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  178. end
  179. function profile2(n,info,l)
  180. ui.addTextArea(2, "", l, 262, 72, 268, 290, 0x331f15, 0x331f15, 1, true)
  181. ui.addTextArea(3, "", l, 262, 120, 4, 180, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  182. ui.addTextArea(5, "", l, 295, 72, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  183. ui.addTextArea(4, "", l, 526, 120, 4, 180, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  184. ui.addTextArea(6, "", l, 295, 358, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  185. ui.addTextArea(1, "<p align='center'><font face='calibri'><font size='17'><b>"..n.."</b></font></font></p><font size='14'>\n<font face='calibri'>\n", l, 270, 82, 252, 270, 0x1b262b, 0x131c21, 1, true)
  186. ui.addTextArea(7, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'>"..text[l].close.."</a></font>", l, 272, 330, 248, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  187. end
  188. function close(n)
  189. for i=1,7 do
  190. ui.removeTextArea(i,n)
  191. end
  192. end
  193. function nearBomber(n,x,y,p)
  194. if (([n].x<[p].x+100 and[n].x<[p].x) and[n].y<[p].y+50 and[n].y>[p].y-50) and not (n==p) and data[p].health>0 and[n].isFacingRight==true then
  195. tfm.exec.movePlayer(p,0,0,false,operation[math.random(#operation)],operation[math.random(#operation)],true)
  196. data[p].health=data[p].health-12.5
  197. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,0.2,0,0.2,0,nil)
  198. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,0.4,0,0.4,0,nil)
  199. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,0.6,0,0.6,0,nil)
  200. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,0.8,0,0.8,0,nil)
  201. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,1,0,1,0,nil)
  202. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,0.2,0,0.2,0,nil)
  203. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,0.4,0,0.4,0,nil)
  204. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,0.6,0,0.6,0,nil)
  205. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,0.8,0,0.8,0,nil)
  206. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,1,0,1,0,nil)
  207. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,0.2,0,0.2,0,nil)
  208. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,0.4,0,0.4,0,nli)
  209. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,0.6,0,0.6,0,nil)
  210. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,0.8,0,0.8,0,nil)
  211. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,1,0,1,0,nil)
  212. end
  213. if (([n].x>[p].x-100 and[n].x>[p].x) and[n].y<[p].y+50 and[n].y>[p].y-50) and not (n==p) and data[p].health>0 and[n].isFacingRight==false then
  214. tfm.exec.movePlayer(p,0,0,false,operation[math.random(#operation)],operation[math.random(#operation)],true)
  215. data[p].health=data[p].health-12.5
  216. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,-0.2,0,-0.2,0,nil)
  217. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,-0.4,0,-0.4,0,nil)
  218. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,-0.6,0,-0.6,0,nil)
  219. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,-0.8,0,-0.8,0,nil)
  220. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y,-1,0,-1,0,nil)
  221. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,-0.2,0,-0.2,0,nil)
  222. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,-0.4,0,-0.4,0,nil)
  223. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,-0.6,0,-0.6,0,nil)
  224. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,-0.8,0,-0.8,0,nil)
  225. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y-10,-1,0,-1,0,nil)
  226. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,-0.2,0,-0.2,0,nil)
  227. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,-0.4,0,-0.4,0,nli)
  228. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,-0.6,0,-0.6,0,nil)
  229. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,-0.8,0,-0.8,0,nil)
  230. tfm.exec.displayParticle(1,x,y+10,-1,0,-1,0,nil)
  231. end
  232. if data[p].health<1 then
  233. tfm.exec.killPlayer(p)
  234. end
  235. end
  236. operation={-110,110}
  237. function nearProtector(n,p,x,y)
  238. if not (n==p) and data[p].health>0 and data[n].health>0 then
  239. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,-0.2,0.1,-0.2,0.1,nil)
  240. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,-0.4,0,-0.4,0,nil)
  241. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,-0.6,0,-0.6,0,nil)
  242. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x,y,-0.8,0,-0.8,0,nil)
  243. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x,y,-8,0,-1,0,nil)
  244. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x,y-10,-0.2,0.1,-0.2,0.1,nil)
  245. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,-0.4,0,-0.4,0,nil)
  246. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,-0.6,0,-0.6,0,nil)
  247. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,-0.8,0,-0.8,0,nil)
  248. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,-1,0,-1,0,nil)
  249. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,-0.2,0.1,-0.2,0.1,nil)
  250. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,-0.4,0,-0.4,0,nli)
  251. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,-0.6,0,-0.6,0,nil)
  252. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,-0.8,-0.1,-0.8,-0.1,nil)
  253. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,-1,0,-1,0,nil)
  254. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,0.2,0,0.2,0,nil)
  255. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,0.4,0,0.4,0,nil)
  256. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,0.6,0,0.6,0,nil)
  257. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,0.8,0,0.8,0,nil)
  258. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y,1,0,1,0,nil)
  259. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,0.2,0.1,0.2,0.1,nil)
  260. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,0.4,0,0.4,0,nil)
  261. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,0.6,0,0.6,0,nil)
  262. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,0.8,0,0.8,0,nil)
  263. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y-10,1,0,1,0,nil)
  264. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,0.2,0,0.2,0,nil)
  265. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,0.4,0,0.4,0,nli)
  266. tfm.exec.displayParticle(13,x,y+10,0.6,0,0.6,0,nil)
  267. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x,y+10,0.8,0,0.8,0,nil)
  268. tfm.exec.displayParticle(3,x,y+10,8,0,1,0,nil)
  269. end
  270. if ([n].x<[p].x+70 and[n].x>[p].x-70 and[n].y<[p].y+30 and[n].y>[p].y-30) and not (n==p) and data[p].health>0 and data[n].health>0 then
  271. data[n].health=data[n].health-12.5
  272. tfm.exec.movePlayer(n,0,0,false,operation[math.random(#operation)],operation[math.random(#operation)],true)
  273. end
  274. if data[n].health<1 then
  275. tfm.exec.killPlayer(n)
  276. end
  277. end
  279. for n,player in pairs( do
  280. bindKeyboard(n)
  281. setLang(n)
  282. insertName(n)
  283. setData(n)
  284. showMenu(n)
  285. table.insert(dp,n)
  286. end
  287. chooseRole()
  288. for n,player in pairs( do
  289. identifyBomber(n)
  290. end
  291. function allInfo(n)
  292. bindKeyboard(n)
  293. setLang(n)
  294. insertName(n)
  295. setData(n)
  296. showMenu(n)
  297. identifyBomber(n)
  298. table.insert(dp,n)
  299. end
  300. function eventNewGame()
  301. players={}
  302. for n,player in pairs( do
  303. insertName(n)
  304. end
  305. chooseRole()
  306. countAlive()
  307. removeWinner()
  308. for n,player in pairs( do
  309. identifyBomber(n)
  310. data[n].health=100
  311. stolen(n)
  312. end
  313. id=tfm.exec.addImage(data[player].using,"$"..player, -40, -25)
  314. end
  315. function eventTextAreaCallback(txt, n, a)
  316. if a=="Menu" then
  317. showMenu(n)
  318. elseif a=="menu2" then
  319. showMenu2(n)
  320. elseif a=="Help" then
  321. displayTab(n,text[n].help,text[n].help2)
  322. elseif a=="close" then
  323. close(n)
  324. removeImage(n)
  325. removeShop(n)
  326. elseif a=="Profile" then
  327. profile(n,text[n].wins..": <J>"[n].wins.."\n\n</J>"..text[n].wins_Bomber..": <J>"[n].wins_Bomber.."\n\n</J>"..text[n].wins_Protector..": <J>"[n].wins_Protector.."</J>\n\n"..text[n].points..": <J>"[n].points)
  328. elseif a=="Powerups" then
  329. displayTab(n,"<J>"..text[n].powerup1.."\n\n<J>"..text[n].powerup2,text[n].powerups2)
  330. elseif a=="Shop" then
  331. shop(n)
  332. elseif a=="buy1" and data[n].points>=0 then
  333. data[n].buy1="</a><G>"..text[n].bought
  334. data[n].using="1651ca2b636.png"
  335. shop(n)
  336. elseif a=="buy2" and data[n].points>=0 then
  337. data[n].buy2="</a><G>"..text[n].bought
  338. data[n].using="1651ca29934.png"
  339. shop(n)
  340. elseif a=="buy3" and data[n].points>=0 then
  341. data[n].buy3="</a><G>"..text[n].bought
  342. data[n].using="1651ca27c02.png"
  343. shop(n)
  344. elseif a=="buy4" and data[n].points>=0 then
  345. data[n].buy4="</a><G>"..text[n].bought
  346. data[n].using="1651ca26129.png"
  347. shop(n)
  348. end
  349. end
  350. function eventNewPlayer(n)
  351. allInfo(n)
  352. end
  353. function eventLoop(time,timeRemaining)
  354. for n,player in pairs( do
  355. data[n].spawn=data[n].spawn+0.5
  356. showHealth(n)
  357. end
  358. if timeRemaining<=0 then
  359. tfm.exec.newGame(maps[math.random(#maps)])
  360. end
  361. end
  363. function eventKeyboard(n, k, d, x, y)
  364. if k==32 and data[n].role==0 and data[n].spawn>0 and[n].isDead==false then
  365. nearBomber(n,x,y,player)
  366. data[n].spawn=-1
  367. elseif k==32 and data[n].role==1 and data[n].spawn>0 and[n].isDead==false then
  368. data[n].spawn=-1.5
  369. player=player
  370. for n in pairs( do
  371. nearProtector(n,player,[player].x,[player].y)
  372. end
  373. elseif k==3 and data[n].spawn>0 then
  374. data[n].spawn=-2
  375. player=player
  376. bigJump(n,x,y)
  377. elseif k==112 then
  379. end
  380. end
  381. function eventPlayerDied(n)
  382. for n,player in pairs( do
  383. win(n)
  384. end
  385. countAlive()
  386. data[n].health=0
  387. if data[n].role==1 then
  388. for n,player in pairs( do
  389. ui.addTextArea(20, "", n, 262, 172, 268, 66, 0x331f15, 0x331f15, 1, true)
  390. ui.addTextArea(30, "", n, 262, 191, 4, 26, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  391. ui.addTextArea(50, "", n, 300, 172, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  392. ui.addTextArea(40, "", n, 526, 192, 4, 26, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  393. ui.addTextArea(60, "", n, 300, 234, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  394. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='center'><font size='20'><VP>"..text[n].protector_Wins, n, 270, 182, 252, 44, 0x1b262b, 0x131c21, 1, true)
  395. tfm.exec.setGameTime(5,true)
  396. end
  397. end
  398. end
  400. function eventMouse(playerName,x,y)
  401. print("<VP>X</VP><N>:</N><J> "..x.."</J><VP> Y</VP><N>:</N><J> "..y)
  402. end
  403. system.bindMouse("Fuzzyfirsdog#0000", true)
  404. function eventPlayerGetCheese(n)
  405. if data[n].role==1 then
  406. data[n].wins=data[n].wins+1
  407. data[n].wins_Bomber=data[n].wins_Bomber+1
  408. tfm.exec.setGameTime(10,true)
  409. for n,player in pairs( do
  410. ui.addTextArea(20, "", n, 262, 172, 268, 66, 0x331f15, 0x331f15, 1, true)
  411. ui.addTextArea(30, "", n, 262, 191, 4, 26, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  412. ui.addTextArea(50, "", n, 300, 172, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  413. ui.addTextArea(40, "", n, 526, 192, 4, 26, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  414. ui.addTextArea(60, "", n, 300, 234, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  415. ui.addTextArea(19, "<p align='center'><font size='20'><R>"..text[n].bomber_Wins, n, 270, 182, 252, 44, 0x1b262b, 0x131c21, 1, true)
  416. if not (data[n].role==1) then
  417. tfm.exec.killPlayer(n)
  418. end
  419. end
  420. end
  421. end
  422. system.disableChatCommandDisplay("p",true)
  423. function eventChatCommand(l,c)
  424. if c=="p" then
  425. profile(l,text[l].wins..": <J>"[l].wins.."\n\n</J>"..text[l].wins_Bomber..": <J>"[l].wins_Bomber.."\n\n</J>"..text[l].wins_Protector..": <J>"[l].wins_Protector)
  426. end
  427. if c:sub(0,1)=="p" and Dp(c:sub(3))then
  428. n = c:sub(3,3):upper()..c:sub(4):lower()
  429. profile2(n,text[l].wins..": <J>"[n].wins.."\n\n</J>"..text[l].wins_Bomber..": <J>"[n].wins_Bomber.."\n\n</J>"..text[l].wins_Protector..": <J>"[n].wins_Protector.."</J>\n\n"..text[l].points..": <J>"[n].points,l)
  430. end
  431. end
  432. function shop(n)
  433. ui.addTextArea(7000, "", n, 113, 58, 643, 260, 0x331f15, 0x331f15, 1, true)
  434. ui.addTextArea(5000, "", n, 296, 314, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  435. ui.addTextArea(3000, "", n, 113, 111, 4, 151, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  436. ui.addTextArea(4000, "", n, 752, 111, 4, 151, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  437. ui.addTextArea(6000, "", n, 296, 58, 198, 4, 0x6b4231, 0x6b4231, 1, true)
  438. ui.addTextArea(2000, "<p align='center'><font size='20'><VP>", n, 122, 68, 626, 240, 0x1b262b, 0x131c21, 1, true)
  439. ui.addTextArea(8000, "", n, 154, 94, 100, 100, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  440. ui.addTextArea(9000, "<p align='center'><b><a href='event:buy1'>"[n].buy1, n, 153, 238, 100, 23, 0x324650, 0x12191c, 1, true)
  441. ui.addTextArea(1000, "<p align='center'><b><a href='event:buy2'>"[n].buy2, n, 309, 238, 100, 23, 0x324650, 0x12191c, 1, true)
  442. ui.addTextArea(1100, "<p align='center'><b><a href='event:buy3'>"[n].buy3, n, 468, 238, 100, 23, 0x324650, 0x12191c, 1, true)
  443. ui.addTextArea(1200, "", n, 617, 94, 100, 100, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  444. ui.addTextArea(1300, "<p align='center'><b><a href='event:buy4'>"[n].buy4, n, 617, 238, 100, 23, 0x324650, 0x12191c, 1, true)
  445. ui.addTextArea(7700, "<p align='center'><font size='13'><a href='event:close'>"..text[n].close.."</a></font>", n, 125, 285, 620, 20, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  446. ui.addTextArea(9200, "", n, 309, 94, 100, 100, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  447. ui.addTextArea(9100, "", n, 468, 94, 100, 100, 0x324650, 0x324650, 1, true)
  448. ids[1]=tfm.exec.addImage("1651ca2b636.png", "&1", 153, 115, n)
  449. ids[2]=tfm.exec.addImage("1651ca29934.png", "&2", 312, 110, n)
  450. ids[3]=tfm.exec.addImage("1651ca27c02.png", "&3", 467, 110, n)
  451. ids[4]=tfm.exec.addImage("1651ca26129.png", "&4", 617, 120, n)
  452. end
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