
mao mao heroes of pure heart - Yakuza mao mao AU part 1

Jan 17th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. /mmm/ Mao Mao: Heroes of Vintage Memes
  2. part 2:
  3. part 3:
  4. -----
  5. ok cool, I am wondering if anyone want to hear my stupid crossover/what if idea I have,
  7. it's about the yakuza game series.
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  9. Do it
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  11. ok, so since we all know that mao mao did not have the best life. his own aunt try to kill him in Lonely Kid, his dad is not the best dad and we don't know what his sisters & mom are like.
  13. because what we seen so far, it made me think "what if mao mao just quit being a hero like his family and be his own person"?... enter the yakuza idea.
  15. there 2 ways how I see this will go.
  17. 1. he ran away from home, he been found by a yakuza clan and become one of their "first lieutenant" over years of hard work.
  19. or 2. he accidentally found a book all about yakuza, got inspire by it, and want to be a yakuza. it's like a rebellious teenage phase that never when away.
  21. I don't know what type of an tattoo mao mao will have but I think it be something cool.
  23. that my idea.
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  25. i would say 2 as moa mao would do his own thing and have crazy interpretations
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  27. yeah, that does sound like mao mao to me.
  29. btw if he decided to be a yakuza, will he still use Geraldine or no?.
  31. I feel like he will use golden knuckle duster or something else, since he is a yakuza now.
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  33. its a katanna do you even need to ask its fits the mottif of yakuza its like you forgot its a katanna and its orgin
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  35. I know but his dad gave it to him, so I feel like every time he hold it or see it. it remind him that he has terrible dad who give no fucks about him and hand him a "glow stick".
  37. because of that, it give me a idea that mao mao need to "warm up" to Geraldine and decided to use it again.
  39. if we are going with that idea, it can be a "EP" idea that there is a monster that only can be kill by a katana. mao mao have one but he is too much of a Prideful person and he think he can take out the monster with his golden knuckle duster.
  41. after that, he realized that he need to use Geraldine again to kill the monster to save the people he love/care for.
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  43. its still important to him offering him comfort the only one at his side
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  45. as I more think about the "EP" idea, maybe it can be "facing your past" ep?...
  47. like in Lonely Kid, he tell adorabat about Geraldine and what it's like to have it as a kid. yeah there is going to be/have bad memories with Geraldine but the good memories out way the bad stuff.
  49. it can have a cheesy meaning behind his talk/story or something.
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  51. he is going to describe it in such a way she thinks geraldine is a girl
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  53. PFFF yeah, I can see that.
  55. holy shit I got to say this is fun to talk about, I hope you are having fun as well anon.
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  57. i am having a decent time its interesting seeing you goo off on this idea
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  59. thanks dude, I save the idea of this
  61. I am going to take a break for my brain right now, I don't know what else to think about.
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  63. so what do you guys think of this idea I made?... I am thinking about making more but not right.
  65. maybe in the future?.
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  67. Only if BC gets to be Majima
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  69. I like it. Its a bit similar to Weapon of Choice, but I like the idea of exploring Mao's rebellion years.
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  71. >Only if BC gets to be Majima
  73. I like that idea
  75. >I like it. Its a bit similar to Weapon of Choice, but I like the idea of exploring Mao's rebellion years.
  77. thank anon and is "Weapon of Choice" a story?... or I am being an idiot right now.
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  79. Weapon of Choice is an episode.
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  81. >Weapon of Choice is an episode.
  83. oh...I forgot about that,
  85. I need to re-watch mao mao
  86. --------------
  87. Ok I am back now.
  89. I got some new ideas for the Yakuza mao mao AU if you want hear it.
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  91. *if you guys want to hear it.
  93. fml
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  95. sure i would like to hear more and i was the one from earlier who you talked with about the sword
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  97. >sure i would like to hear more and i was the one from earlier who you talked with about the sword
  99. oh shit, hey dude.
  101. I have been think about what kind of tattoo mao mao will have.demon tattoo like majima goro(?) because at 3:40 of "Mao Mao's True Origins".
  105. it show an dragon statue of how they got there golden weapons, since this all about mao mao being a rebellious teenage/yakuza. I think he will turn his back on the dragon and become a "demon".
  107. does this work or you have a different tattoo idea for mao mao?
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  109. *I have been think about what kind of tattoo mao mao will have.and I think a he will have a demon tattoo like majima goro(?).
  111. why do I keep forgetting the most obvious things right in front of me?...
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  113. this reminds me all of Maos siblings are useless without there golden items like completely reliant on it much like the dad the infinite storage one would be a hoarder of the highest degree that does not know how to throw things away or really remembering where they put stuff in the real world kind of like how a astronaut just lets things lose from there grip forgetting about gravity.
  115. the flyer would so be used to using it they would forget things like falling form great heights hurt and take dumb shortcuts that could really injure them.
  117. the golden eyed sister would act like she is blind and likely lose her magic powers.
  119. spear gall well its a spear that effortlessly penetrates something you dont need alot of strength or well planning or really knowing where to strike so well she would not be that good at knowing where to hit or how much.
  120. golden banglas or what ever those wrist things are spelled well its the perfect defense so its easy to guess how that would go.
  122. where moa moa can just really use any sharp bit of metal
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  124. like the idea of it but like is not majima called the demon and he have a demon on his back? and would it not be felt as a dishonor to carry around the mark of his legendary but lazy fucked up idiots of a family who are useless without there artifacts
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  126. that is true, you got a idea of what mao mao tattoo should be?
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  128. fuck, this gave me a great idea.
  130. since you know that the yakuza game series are know for there "heat moves"
  134. it made me think that mao mao is the only one that can survive without there golden weapons, if any of mao mao sisters (and shin mao) lost there golden weapons. maybe they are good as dead.
  136. not mao mao, if you knock his katana out of his hands, he will just use his fighting styles and heat moves your ass.
  140. I find that really funny, mao mao is the only one in his trash family that can fight without using legendary stuff.
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  142. hmmm i am the one from earlier and its like i both want and dont want the golden dragon beacuse both the shame moa moa would have and the want to be legendary like them
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  144. >hmmm i am the one from earlier and its like i both want and dont want the golden dragon beacuse both the shame moa moa would have and the want to be legendary like them
  146. I was thinking about that and I got one for mao mao.
  148. A Koi.
  150. I got that idea from this:
  152. (1:41)
  154. since mao mao still want to be legendary like them but sill be his own person, I think a Koi will work because he want to be a "dragon" but he want to be his own dragon, not like his family "dragon".
  156. does that make sense?
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  158. what do you guys think of the Koi tattoo idea for mao mao?...
  160. also I just realized that if badgerclops saw mao mao Koi tattoo, he is going to laugh uncontrollably and poke fun at him for "cats love fish" thing.
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  162. one more thing, do you think that mao mao will keep his hero outfit or wear a suit?.
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