

Feb 10th, 2015
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  1. # Building
  3. ##General
  5. For builds, check [this page]( While building in Smite is very situational, offers a nice basic build that off of which
  6. you can base your own, optimized build. If you want me to go into details on a certain item / on all of them simply say so and I will.
  8. #Skills
  10. ##Skilling
  11. Keep in mind that everyone has their own preferences and that the "best" way to skill is the one that best suits your playstyle. There are, however, some basic guidelines that are worth following, which are what I'll try to list below.
  13. ###Priority
  14. 4 > 1 > 2 > 3
  15. ###First five levels
  16. 1 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 4
  19. ###General
  21. Don't skill until the very second that you're going to use it. Keep your skillpoint ready incase the enemy tries to invade / your team needs you. Be ready to put a point in your escape ability if you need to get out quick: it's better to
  22. lose out on a little bit of earlygame power instead of giving away first blood.
  24. ##Funeral Rites
  25. Honestly, you wont really notice this passive all that much and you can't really actively use it. It's nice to have, as it gives HP5 and MP5 but that's about it.
  27. ##Wing Gust
  28. Insane skills. Great clear , additional movementspeed, immunity to root and knockup, everything you want as a mage. This skills allows Isis to counter other Gods that rely on knockup's or roots.
  30. ##Spirit Ball
  31. Stun that gains power with increased range. Wonderful damage at maxrange, even earlygame, and greate zoning tool.
  32. ##Dispel Magic
  33. A very useful and often undervalued skill. The silence is great to stop someone from engaging onto you or to stop someone from escaping when you're chasing them. Same thing goes for the slow. The protection removal makes it a good opener.
  34. ##Circle of Protection
  35. Wonderful teamfight skill. Provides damage reduction to you and your teammates while you're standing in it and deals damage & heals when activated again.
  36. #Tips
  38. ##General
  39. Isis has insane clear, especially earlygame. Her Wing Gust allows you to outpush pretty much everyone. While you do have to get somewhat close to the wave to clear, you're much more mobile than most Gods while clearing and thus much harder to poke out while doing so. The knock-up and root immunity allows you to get out of tough situations or to continue an attack where other Gods would get interrupted. Her entire kit is great at zoning enemies and dealing poke damage, making you a force to be reckoned with in the backline and one that can easily fend an opponent diving you off. Your objective secure is one of the best in the game.
  40. l
  42. ##Wing Gust
  43. ###Use the movementspeed and the lack of backpeddling movementspeed reduction
  44. Your 1 not only provides a 25% movementspeed bonus, but also removes the movementspeed reduction you normally get from backpeddling. This means that you can back off and get some distance between you and your opponent while still dealing damage to them. The movement speed, obviously, really helps when you're chasing someone too.
  46. ###Use the immunities
  47. The knock-up and root immunities are invaluable when you're chasing someone or being chased. Not only should you be using your 1 for the extra movement speed, but try to use it reactively too. Vulcan throwing a meatball at you that you can't dodge? Just press 1 and he wont knock you up.
  49. ###Stay mobile
  50. The extra movement speed allows you to stay very mobile while casting your 1. Make use of this whenever you're using the skill, especially while clearing. You have to get relatively close to the wave in order to hit both the meele and the archers which normally makes you an easy target for your opponent to poke, but by constantly strafing while casting it you can avoid most of that.
  52. ###Your 1 goes through walls
  53. A minor thing but still useful. You can kill people you chase through thin walls (if they leaped over them), through corners or even towers. You can also help clear buffs without having to walk all the way around the wall.
  55. ##Spirit Ball
  56. ###Learn the speed of your 2
  57. Good spirit balls are absolutely devistating to your opponent. The longer it travels the more damage it does, so learning to properly time your 2 is vital. While you do have to aim ahead of your opponents, it does have quite a large AOE, so if you get a feeling for the travel-speed you can easily force enemies to either leap away or take a huge chunk of damage. You can practice with a friend, having him run straight a head at a certain distance while you try to hit him with a spirit ball or just play bot games.
  59. ###Use long range Spirit Balls for extra damage
  60. Pretty self explanitory but still worth mentioning. While you can't always hit other players at max range (because they move unpredictably), you definitely can hit camps at max range. Once you've got the range and speed down, you can throw your 2 as you're approaching a jungle camp for a little more extra damage.
  62. ###Your 2 is a fantastic zoning tool
  63. While the travel time of your 2 is a downside when it comes to dealing instant damage, it's a huge plus when it comes to zoning. You can stop opponents from clearing the wave by aiming your 2 to where they're trying to clear from. This is exceptionally effective against Gods like Zhong, whose clear pattern is very predictable and who have to get up-close and personal. Spirit ball is also an exceptionally zoning tool in small corridors, e.g. the jungle entrance in mid lane. If you send your spirit ball through that pathway you force anyone who's standing there to either back off, risk getting hit or use a leap to get out of the way.
  65. ###Your 2 goes through walls
  66. Same thing applies to your 2 as to your 1, but there's a little more to it. While your 2 has a longer range than your 1, it wont do damage unless you detonate it, which means that you have to guess (or get a feeling for) when you have to detonate your skill. Once again, get a feeling for the distance and travel speed (hit the odin bots through the wall from varios angles and distances) and you can easily steal buffs, secure objectives or just poke enemies out. Another fantastic use for your through-the-wall-2s is when someone's coming to midlane. If you have wards telling you that someone's coming from the jungle, you can send your spirit ball through the wall into the passage way. That way your opponent wont see it coming and you can get a large chunk of health off of them.
  68. ##Dispel Magic
  70. ###Use your 3 before you attack
  71. Your 3 not only silences and slows, but also removes magical protections. Using it before you attack an enemy allows for your and your teammate's abilities to do more damage.
  73. ###Use the slow & silence to peel and combo it with your 2
  74. Your 3 is incredibly good at keeping enemies off of you or your team mates, especially if you follow it up with your 2. The slow makes it very easy for your 2 to land and the silence stops them from using leaps to escape your follow up 2. Useful both when chasing and when engaging, as people will often expect a spirit ball in those situations and might juke it if you haven't applied your 3 first.
  76. ##Circle of Protection
  78. ###Use your ult to finish enemies off
  79. There's no shame in using your ultimate to finish someone off. It has a good range and decent damage, even if it's not charged. If someone only has a sliver of health left and is running away / in the tower, throw down your ult and quickly activate it again instantly to deal the finishing blow.
  82. ###Try to predict teamfights
  83. Your ultimate has the greatest effect if you manage to place it right in a teamfight. It'll quickly charge, reduce the damage your teammates take, deal a lot of damage when activated and heal your teammates for a lot. It's often hard to predict exactly where teamfights will happen but especially around objectives, narrow jungle passages or large, slow AOE attacks (e.g. Ymir or Hades ult) you can get a lot of use out of it. Make sure not to hold it too long for that "perfect" ult though.
  85. ###Objectives
  86. If you're taking a Firegiant or a Goldfury, use your ult once it's somewhat low. It'll scare enemies off, secure the objective, heal your teammates and reduce the damage you take. You can also use it if the enemy team is taking the objective, even through walls! Throw it down, wait a bit for it to charge and deal a good chunk of damage and perhaps even steal the objective.
  88. ###Use the heal on your ult
  89. This has saved me plenty of times. Isis is usually played in mid, and as such prone to being ganked. There have been a lot of fights where I was losing a 2v1 fight before I deployed my ult. Stay inside it, either forcing the enemy out (allowing you to escape) or have them fight you inside it: giving you an advantage as you take less damage, have the potential to deal a lot to them and heal yourself up at the end. Keep in mind that your ult charges with **any** damage dealt within, so if you land your 2-1 combo on someone you've almost charged it on your own.
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