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Feb 11th, 2016
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  1. SMT demons and Touhou dual-references. Backstory and character designs highly prominent for the latter!
  3. ": Rather obscure reference in Touhou. Dialogue, song title, spellcard, those non-game albums, manga example / allusions.
  4. Manga chapter topics are free game, though, even if they're not read nearly enough.
  5. ^: Rather obscure SMT use. Persona 2, DemiKids, not-followed-up SNES days, etc. Devil Survivor 1/2, Strange Journey, SMT 4, Persona 3/4
  7. "Acala
  8. "Agni
  9. Alice
  10. ^"Ashinaga-tenaga
  11. ^Amanojaku
  12. Bai Zhe (Hakutaku)
  13. Bishamatoten
  14. "Brahman
  15. ^"Bunbuku Chagama
  16. Brockengenspenst
  17. Chupacabra
  18. ^Dullahan
  19. Doppelganger
  20. "Durga
  21. "Garuda
  22. "Genbu
  23. Gozu-Tennoh
  24. Hecate
  25. Hare of Inaba
  26. "Hanuman
  27. Hobgoblin
  28. Huoniao
  29. "Itsumade
  30. "Izanagi
  31. Jinwu (Huoniao)
  32. ^Kaguya-hime
  33. "Mandrake
  34. Mamedanuki
  35. ^MIB
  36. Mishaguji-sama
  37. Mermaid
  38. Nekomata
  39. Nue
  40. ^Owatatsumi (Wadatsumi, Ryujin)
  41. Take-Minakata
  42. "Tesso
  43. ^"Tsukuyomi
  44. Otohime
  45. P'eng (Dapeng)
  46. Pixie
  47. "Polaris
  48. "Preta
  49. Raiju
  50. ^Red Cloak (Aka Manto)
  51. Sariel
  52. "Salamander
  53. ^Shuten-doji
  54. ^"Skyfish
  55. "Slyph
  56. "Sokushinbutsu (Daisoujou)
  57. "Tamamo-no-Mae
  58. Tengu
  59. Tsuchigumo
  60. ^Tsuchinoko
  61. ^Vampire
  62. ^Werewolf
  63. Yama
  64. ^Yamawaro
  65. Yuki-onna
  66. Yatagarasu
  67. ^Zashiki-warashi
  68. "^Zenki-Goki
  70. I swear Prince Shotoku appeared somewhere in Persona 1/2, but I can't find him again.
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