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Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. 1 extra/eclipse 3.4.2-1
  2. An IDE for Java and other languages
  3. 2 extra/eclipse-cdt 5.0.2-1
  4. C/C++ Plugin for Eclipse
  5. 3 extra/eclipse-ecj 3.4.2-1
  6. Eclipse java bytecode compiler
  7. 4 community/eclipse-emf 2.4.2-1
  8. EMF, SDO and XSD frameworks for the Eclipse platform
  9. 5 community/eclipse-epic 0.6.13-2
  10. Perl development framework for the Eclipse platform
  11. 6 community/eclipse-gef 3.4.2-1
  12. GEF framework for the Eclipse platform
  13. 7 community/eclipse-mylyn 3.1.1-1
  14. A task-focused interface for Eclipse
  15. 8 community/eclipse-phpeclipse 1.2.1-1
  16. PHP - Support for the Eclipse IDE Framework
  17. 9 community/eclipse-pydev 1.4.5-1
  18. Plugin for using Eclipse as a Python IDE
  19. 10 community/eclipse-subclipse 1.6.2-1
  20. Subversion integration for the Eclipse platform
  21. 11 community/eclipse-ve 1.2.3_jem-3
  22. Visual Editor framework for the Eclipse platform
  23. 12 aur/apachedirectorystudio 1.4.0.v20090407-1 (2)
  24. An Eclipse-based LDAP browser and directory client
  25. 13 aur/bytecode-outline 2.2.6-1 (3)
  26. Eclipse Bytecode Outline plugin shows disassembled bytecode of current java editor or class file
  27. 14 aur/cmakeed 1.1.2-2 (18)
  28. CMake plugin for Eclipse
  29. 15 aur/eclim 1.4.1-1 (Out of Date) (28)
  30. Brings Eclipse functionality to Vim
  31. 16 aur/eclipse33 3.3.2-2 (4)
  32. Eclipse 3.3 (An IDE for Java and other languages)
  33. 17 aur/eclipse33-dtp 1.6.0-1 (1)
  34. The Data Tools Platform project is an open source project of
  35. 18 aur/eclipse33-emf 2.4.0-1 (1)
  36. EMF, SDO and XSD frameworks for Eclipse33
  37. 19 aur/eclipse33-gef 3.4.0-1 (1)
  38. GEF framework for Eclipse33
  39. 20 aur/eclipse33-pdt 1.0.3-1 (0)
  40. PHP Development Tools framework for Eclipse33
  41. 21 aur/eclipse33-wsdl4j 1.4.0-1 (1)
  42. Web Services Description Language 1.4 for Eclipse33
  43. 22 aur/eclipse33-wtp 3.0.1-2 (0)
  44. Webtools framework for Eclipse33
  45. 23 aur/eclipse-android 0.9.0-1 (46)
  46. Eclipse plugin for android
  47. 24 aur/eclipse-antlr-runtime 3.0.0-1 (8)
  48. Support for antlr parser generator in Eclipse
  49. 25 aur/eclipse-anyedittools (14)
  50. Adds several new tools to the context menu of text-based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor toolbar.
  51. 26 aur/eclipse-bazaar-plugin (6)
  52. Bazaar Plugin for Eclipse
  53. 27 aur/eclipse-cdt-i18n-fr 3.4.0.v20090222043401-1 (0)
  54. French language pack for eclipse IDE CDT plug-in
  55. 28 aur/eclipse-cdt-i18n-pl 3.4.0.v20090111043401-1 (1)
  56. Polish language pack for eclipse IDE CDT plug-in
  57. 29 aur/eclipse-derby (2)
  58. Apache Derby plugin for Eclipse
  59. 30 aur/eclipse-dltk-core 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (53)
  60. Support for dynamic languages in Eclipse
  61. 31 aur/eclipse-dltk-itcl 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (1)
  62. incr Tcl IDE for Eclipse
  63. 32 aur/eclipse-dltk-javascript 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (10)
  64. Javascript IDE for Eclipse
  65. 33 aur/eclipse-dltk-mylyn 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (4)
  66. Mylyn support for DLTK in Eclipse
  67. 34 aur/eclipse-dltk-python 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (13)
  68. Python IDE for Eclipse
  69. 35 aur/eclipse-dltk-rse 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (1)
  70. Mylyn support for DLTK in Eclipse
  71. 36 aur/eclipse-dltk-ruby 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (15)
  72. Support for Ruby in Eclipse
  73. 37 aur/eclipse-dltk-tcl 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (3)
  74. TCL IDE for Eclipse
  75. 38 aur/eclipse-dltk-xotcl 1.0_200812290249S_M4-1 (1)
  76. XOTcl IDE for Eclipse
  77. 39 aur/eclipse-doc-cppref 2006.08.06-2 (16)
  78. C/C++ reference documentation for eclipse help system
  79. 40 aur/eclipse-doc-j2se 6.0-2 (15)
  80. java documentation for eclipse help system
  81. 41 aur/eclipse-dtp 1.6.1-1 (45)
  82. Data Tools Platform for Eclipse
  83. 42 aur/eclipse-emf 2.4.2-1 (43)
  84. EMF, SDO and XSD frameworks for the Eclipse platform
  85. 43 aur/eclipse-emf-query 1.2.0_R200806091744-1 (10)
  86. Eclipse Modeling Framework (Model Query subproject)
  87. 44 aur/eclipse-emf-transaction 1.2.1_R200808130946-1 (10)
  88. Eclipse Modeling Framework (Model Transaction subproject)
  89. 45 aur/eclipse-emf-validation 1.2.1_R200808130931-1 (9)
  90. Eclipse Modeling Framework (Model Validation subproject)
  91. 46 aur/eclipse-epic 0.6.13-2 (37)
  92. Perl development framework for the Eclipse platform
  93. 47 aur/eclipse-findbugs (6)
  94. plugin allows FindBugs to be used within the Eclipse IDE
  95. 48 aur/eclipsefp-haskell 0.10-1 (11)
  96. Haskell, functional programming support for eclipse
  97. 49 aur/eclipse-fullscreen 1.0.7-1 (2)
  98. Plugin for running Eclipse in fullscreen mode.
  99. 50 aur/eclipse-gef 3.4.2-1 (36)
  100. GEF framework for the Eclipse platform
  101. 51 aur/eclipse-gmf 2.1.1_R200808151718-1 (9)
  102. Graphical Modeling Framework for developing editors based on EMF and GEF
  103. 52 aur/eclipse-htmleditor (3)
  104. Eclipse plugin for HTML/JSP/XML Editing
  105. 53 aur/eclipse-i18n-de (1)
  106. German language pack for eclipse IDE
  107. 54 aur/eclipse-i18n-es 3.4.0-1 (0)
  108. Spanish language for eclipse IDE
  109. 55 aur/eclipse-i18n-es-pack 3.4.0-1 (0)
  110. Spanish language pack for eclipse IDE
  111. 56 aur/eclipse-i18n-fr 3.4.0.v20090222043401-1 (2)
  112. French language pack for eclipse IDE
  113. 57 aur/eclipse-i18n-pack1 3.2.1-1 (23)
  114. German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese translations for the Eclipse platform
  115. 58 aur/eclipse-i18n-pack2 3.2.1-1 (Out of Date) (19)
  116. Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Russian translations for the Eclipse platform
  117. 59 aur/eclipse-i18n-pack2a 3.2.1-1 (3)
  118. Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish and Turkish translations for the Eclipse platform
  119. 60 aur/eclipse-i18n-packbidi 3.2.1-1 (3)
  120. Arabic and Hebrew translations for the Eclipse platform
  121. 61 aur/eclipse-i18n-pl 3.4.0.v20090104043401-1 (1)
  122. Polish language pack for eclipse IDE
  123. 62 aur/eclipse-icc 10.0.026-1 (Out of Date) (0)
  124. The Intel C/C++ Compiler integration into Eclipse
  125. 63 aur/eclipse-ingres 1.0.1-2 (1)
  126. Ingres plugin for Eclipse.
  127. 64 aur/eclipse-java ganymede.SR2-1 (7)
  128. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  129. 65 aur/eclipse-javacc-plugin 1.5.12-1 (1)
  130. A JavaCC Editor and builder which processes .jj .jjt .jtb files and integrates with Eclipse's incremental build system
  131. 66 aur/eclipse-jee ganymede.SR2-2 (17)
  132. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  133. 67 aur/eclipse-jigloo 4.2.0-1 (Out of Date) (8)
  134. Jigloo - Eclipse plugin SWT/Swing GUI Builder
  135. 68 aur/eclipse-jpox 1.1.1-2 (3)
  136. Java Persistent Objects (JPOX) eclipse plugin
  137. 69 aur/eclipse-linuxtools 0.1.0-1 (Out of Date) (5)
  138. Linux Tools Project for Eclipse
  139. 70 aur/eclipse-mdt-ocl 1.2.1_R200808130848-1 (10)
  140. Eclipse Model Development Tools (Object Constraint Language subproject)
  141. 71 aur/eclipse-mdt-uml2 2.2.0_R200806091546-1 (15)
  142. Eclipse Model Development Tools (UML2 subproject)
  143. 72 aur/eclipse-mdt-uml2tools 0.8.1_R200809231457-1 (9)
  144. A set of GMF-based editors for viewing and editing UML models
  145. 73 aur/eclipse-mercurial 1.3.1019-1 (6)
  146. Eclipse plugin for Mercurial Version Control System
  147. 74 aur/eclipse-mtj 0.9.1-1 (2)
  148. The goal of the Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project is to extend existing Eclipse frameworks to support mobile device Java application development.
  149. 75 aur/eclipse-mylyn 3.1.1-1 (22)
  150. A task-focused interface for Eclipse
  151. 76 aur/eclipse-mylyn-extras 3.0.3-1 (Out of Date) (1)
  152. Support for additional task repositories (Trac and RIRA) in Mylyn for Eclipse
  153. 77 aur/eclipse-mylyn-incubator 3.0.3-1 (Out of Date) (0)
  154. Experimental components for Mylyn for Eclipse
  155. 78 aur/eclipse-oaw 4.3.1-1 (0)
  156. openArchitectureWare is modular MDA/MDD generator framework
  157. 79 aur/eclipse-ocaide 1.2.3-1 (5)
  158. OCaml Plugin for Eclipse
  159. 80 aur/eclipse-pdt 2.0.0-1 (41)
  160. PHP Development Tools for Eclipse
  161. 81 aur/eclipse-pdt-all-in-one 2.0.1-1 (8)
  162. PHP Development Tools framework for the Eclipse platform (included).
  163. 82 aur/eclipse-photran 40b5-1 (3)
  164. IDE for Fortran 77, 90, and 95 based on Eclipse and the CDT
  165. 83 aur/eclipse-phpeclipse 1.2.1-1 (103)
  166. PHP - Support for the Eclipse IDE Framework
  167. 84 aur/eclipse-pydev-mylyn 0.3.0-1 (5)
  168. Mylyn support for Pydev in Eclipse
  169. 85 aur/eclipse-qt-eclipse-integration 1.5.1-1 (12)
  170. Qt Eclipse integration for C++
  171. 86 aur/eclipse-rdt (32)
  172. Ruby development tools for the Eclipse platform
  173. 87 aur/eclipse-rse 3.0.2-1 (3)
  174. Manage remote projects in Eclipse
  175. 88 aur/eclipse-smartypdt-plugin 0.5.4-1 (1)
  176. Smarty support for PDT
  177. 89 aur/eclipse-subclipse 1.6.2-1 (139)
  178. Subversion integration for the Eclipse platform
  179. 90 aur/eclipse-subversive 0.7.8.I20090506_1500-1 (23)
  180. Eclipse plug-in that provides Subversion support.
  181. 91 aur/eclipse-subversive-svn-connector 2.2.0.I20090505_1500-1 (17)
  182. Subversive SVN Connectors
  183. 92 aur/eclipse-subversive-svn-connector-svnkit 2.2.0.I20090505_1500-1 (16)
  184. Subversive SVN Connectors SVN Kit
  185. 93 aur/eclipsetrader 0.30.0-2 (9)
  186. Stock exchange analysis system, featuring shares pricing watch, intraday and history charts with technical analysis indicators, level II/market depth view, news watching, automated trading systems, integrated trading.
  187. 94 aur/eclipse-umlet 9.1-1 (19)
  188. Simple UML drawing tool (Eclipse plugin version)
  189. 95 aur/eclipse-ve 1.2.3_jem-3 (45)
  190. Visual Editor framework for the Eclipse platform
  191. 96 aur/eclipse-wickedshell 2.0.4-3 (7)
  192. a plugin that enables the use of the system shell directly from the eclipse IDE
  193. 97 aur/eclipse-wtp 3.0.3-1 (Out of Date) (68)
  194. Webtools framework for the Eclipse platform
  195. 98 aur/eclipse-wtp-i18n-fr 3.4.0.v20090222043401-1 (0)
  196. French language pack for eclipse IDE webtool plug-in
  197. 99 aur/eclipse-wtp-i18n-pl 3.4.0.v20090111043401-1 (1)
  198. Polish language pack for eclipse IDE webtool plug-in
  199. 100 aur/eclipse-wtp-wst 3.0.4-2 (20)
  200. Web Developer Tools for the Eclipse platform - part of webtools, includes enough to do web development (e.g. HTML, CSS, Javascript, and XML)
  201. 101 aur/eclipse-xmind 3.0.1-1 (3)
  202. Xmind - Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Plugin for Eclipse
  203. 102 aur/eclox 0.8.0-1 (6)
  204. doxygen plugin for Eclipse
  205. 103 aur/egit 0.4.0-1 (7)
  206. an eclipse team provider for git
  207. 104 aur/php-zend-debugger 5.2.15-1 (13)
  208. PHP extension for debugging web servers with Eclipse
  209. 105 aur/texlipse 1.2.2-3 (35)
  210. a plugin that adds LaTeX support to the Eclipse IDE
  211. 106 aur/violet 0.21.1-1 (26)
  212. A UML editor for quickly producing simple UML diagrams (also an Eclipse plugin)
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