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- ;Writtn By: Hellbent aka CivReborn
- ;Written for: CivReborn Youtube Channel-
- ;Date Written: Nov 26th, 2017
- #SingleInstance,Force
- global StopWatch_State:=0,Pauseit:=0,Sound_Setting:=1,Tx:=600,Ty:=100,myHour:=A_Hour,Alarm_Off:=0,colour_List:= ["Lime","Yellow","Red"],lnum:=1
- FormatTime, Time1,h , h tt
- StringRight,time2,time1,2
- myHour>=13?myHour-=12:myHour<1?myHour+=12
- Clock_Gui()
- SetTimer,Main_Clock,1000
- return
- Turn_Off_Alarm:
- Alarm_Off:=1
- return
- Watch_Alarm:
- New_Second:=(A_TickCount-Alarm_Tick)//1000
- if(New_Second>Last_Second){
- Last_Second:=New_Second
- GuiControl,1:,Alarm_Progress,% Last_Second
- update_edit3_1:=(Alarm_Seconds-Last_Second)//60,update_edit3_2:=(Alarm_Seconds-Last_Second)-(update_edit3_1*60),update_Edit3_1<10?update_edit3_1:="0" update_edit3_1,update_Edit3_2<10?update_edit3_2:="0" update_edit3_2
- GuiControl,3:,edit3,% update_edit3_1 " : " update_edit3_2
- }
- if(Last_Second>=Alarm_Seconds){
- if(Sound_Setting=1){
- SetTimer,Watch_Alarm,Off
- Gui,1:Show
- Gui,4:Destroy
- while(!GetKeyState("RButton"))
- SoundBeep,850,500
- GuiControl,1:,Alarm_Progress,0
- }else if(Sound_Setting=2){
- SetTimer,Watch_Alarm,Off
- Gui,1:Show
- Gui,4:Destroy
- Flashing()
- while(Alarm_Off=0){
- Gui,5:Color,% colour_List[lnum]
- lnum++
- (lnum=4)?(lnum:=1)
- sleep,500
- }
- GuiControl,1:,Alarm_Progress,0
- Gui,5:Destroy
- }else if(Sound_Setting=3){
- SetTimer,Watch_Alarm,Off
- Gui,1:Show
- Gui,4:Destroy
- Flashing()
- while(Alarm_Off=0&&!GetKeyState("RButton")){
- Gui,5:Color,% colour_List[lnum]
- lnum++
- (lnum=4)?(lnum:=1)
- SoundBeep,850,500
- }
- GuiControl,1:,Alarm_Progress,0
- Gui,5:Destroy
- }
- }
- return
- Set_Alarm_Time:
- if(Time_Radio=1)
- Alarm_Seconds:=3600
- else if(Time_Radio=2)
- Alarm_Seconds:=(Min_Slide*60)+Sec_Slide
- GuiControl,1:+Range0-%Alarm_Seconds%,Alarm_Progress
- GuiControl,1:,Alarm_Progress,0
- Last_Second:=0,Alarm_Tick:=A_TickCount,Alarm_Off:=0
- SetTimer,Watch_Alarm,333
- Gui,3:Destroy
- return
- Cancel:
- Gui,3:Destroy
- return
- Submit_All:
- Gui,3:Submit,NoHide
- GuiControl,3:,edit1,% Min_Slide
- GuiControl,3:,edit2,% Sec_Slide
- if(Time_Radio=1)
- GuiControl,3:,edit3,60 : 00
- else
- GuiControl,3:,edit3,% Min_Slide " : " Sec_Slide
- return
- Reset:
- Gui,3:Destroy
- SetTimer,Watch_Alarm,Off
- GuiControl,1:,Alarm_Progress,0
- return
- set_Alarm:
- Gui,3:Destroy
- Gui,3:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Owner1 +Border
- Gui,3:Color,0x72B4B1
- Gui_Control_Types := ["Radio","Radio","Groupbox","Text","Slider","Edit","Groupbox","Text","Slider","Edit","Groupbox","Edit","Groupbox","Button","Button","Button"]
- Control_Text:= ["1 Hour","Set Amount",Fake_Value,"Mins:",Fake_Value,Fake_Value,Fake_Value,"Secs:",Fake_Value,Fake_Value,Fake_Value,"60 : 00",Fake_Value,"Set","Reset","Back"],Fake_Value:=""
- for k, v in ["x10 y10 Checked vTime_Radio gSubmit_All","x100 y10 gSubmit_All","x10 y30 w200 h60 Section","xs+10 ys+20 w30,Mins:","x+10 w100 Range0-59 AltSubmit vMin_Slide gSubmit_All","x+10 w30 Center ReadOnly -E0x200 vedit1","x10 y100 w200 h60 Section","xs+10 ys+20 w30","x+10 w100 Range0-59 AltSubmit vSec_Slide gSubmit_All","x+10 w30 Center ReadOnly -E0x200 vedit2","x10 y160 w200 h40 Section","xs+10 ys+13 w180 h20 ReadOnly Center -E0x200 vedit3","x10 y200 w200 h40 Section","xs+10 ys+13 w50 h20 gSet_Alarm_Time","x+15 ys+13 w50 h20 gReset","x+15 ys+13 w50 h20 gCancel"]
- Gui,3:Add,% Gui_Control_Types[A_Index],% v ,% Control_Text[A_Index]
- gosub,Submit_All
- Gui,3:Show,AutoSize ,Alarm Setup
- return
- Show_StopWatch:
- GuiControl,1:Hide,Main_Clock_Time
- GuiControl,1:Show,Stop_Watch
- Loop 6
- GuiControl,1:Show,SW%A_Index%
- Loop 3
- GuiControl,2:Show,% "SW" A_Index+6
- return
- Show_Clock:
- GuiControl,1:Hide,Stop_Watch
- Loop 6
- GuiControl,1:Hide,SW%A_Index%
- Loop 3
- GuiControl,2:Hide,% "SW" A_Index+6
- GuiControl,1:Show,Main_Clock_Time
- return
- Start_StopWatch:
- if(StopWatch_State=0){
- StopWatch_State:=1,Pauseit:=0,Start_Tick:=A_TickCount
- SetTimer,StopWatch_Timer,10
- }
- return
- Pause_StopWatch:
- if(StopWatch_State=1)
- Pauseit:=!Pauseit,Start_Tick:=A_TickCount-Start_Tick
- return
- Reset_StopWatch:
- StopWatch_State:=0
- Pauseit:=0
- SetTimer,StopWatch_Timer,Off
- GuiControl,1:,Stop_Watch, 000 : 00 : 00 : 000
- return
- StopWatch_Timer:
- Stop_Hour:=((A_TickCount-Start_Tick)//3600000)
- Stop_Min:=(((A_TickCount-Start_Tick)-(Stop_Hour*3600000))//60000)
- Stop_Sec:=(((A_TickCount-Start_Tick)-(Stop_Hour*3600000)-(Stop_Min*60000))//1000)
- Stop_MS:=(((A_TickCount-Start_Tick)-(Stop_Hour*3600000)-(Stop_Min*60000)-(Stop_Sec*1000)))
- Stop_Hour<10?Stop_Hour:="00" Stop_Hour
- Stop_Min<10?Stop_Min:="0" Stop_Min
- Stop_Sec<10?Stop_Sec:="0" Stop_Sec
- Stop_MS<100?Stop_MS:="0" Stop_MS
- if(Pauseit=0)
- GuiControl,1:,Stop_Watch,% Stop_Hour " : " Stop_Min " : " Stop_Sec " : " Stop_Ms
- return
- GuiClose:
- ExitApp
- Sounds:
- Sound_Setting++
- Sound_Setting>=4?Sound_Setting:=1
- (Sound_Setting=1)?(HList:=["1:Show","1:Show","1:Show","1:Show","1:Hide","1:Hide","1:Hide"])
- :(Sound_Setting=2)?(HList:=["1:Hide","1:Hide","1:Hide","1:Hide","1:Show","1:Show","1:Hide"])
- :(Sound_Setting=3)?(HList:=["1:Hide","1:Hide","1:Hide","1:Hide","1:Show","1:Hide","1:Show"])
- for,k,v in HList
- GuiControl,% v,SG%A_Index%
- return
- Move_Window:
- PostMessage,0xA1,2
- While(GetKeyState("LButton"))
- sleep 10
- WinGetPos,wx,wy,,,Hellbents StopWatch/Alarm TL
- Gui,1:Show,x%wx% y%wy%
- return
- Minimize_Window:
- Gui,1:Minimize
- return
- Move_Tab:
- PostMessage,0xA1,2
- While(GetKeyState("LButton"))
- sleep,10
- WinGetPos,Tx,Ty,,,StopWatch Tab
- return
- 4Guicontextmenu:
- Gui,1:Show
- Gui,4:Destroy
- return
- 2Guicontextmenu:
- Gui,1:Minimize
- Gui,4:Destroy
- Gui,3:Destroy
- Gui,4:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Border +Owner1
- Gui,4:Color,0x72B4B1
- Gui,4:Font,cBlack s8 Bold Q5,Segoe UI
- Gui,4:Add,Text,x0 y3 w40 h20 Center gMove_Tab,HBSW
- Gui,4:Show,x%Tx% y%Ty% w40 h20,StopWatch Tab
- return
- Main_Clock:
- myHour:=A_Hour
- myHour>=13?myHour-=12:myHour<1?myHour+=12
- FormatTime, Time1,h , h tt
- StringRight,time2,time1,2
- GuiControl,1:,Main_Clock_Time,% MyHour " : " A_Min " : " A_Sec " " Time2
- return
- Flashing(){
- Gui,5:Destroy
- Gui,5:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Border +Owner1
- Gui,5:Color,Red
- Gui,5:Font,s12 Bold Q5,Segoe UI
- Gui,5:Add,Button,x120 y270 w60 h25 gTurn_Off_Alarm,Ok
- Gui,5:Show,w300 h300
- }
- Clock_Gui(){
- global
- Gui,1:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption
- Gui,2:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Owner1 +LastFound
- WinSet,Transparent,1
- Gui,2:Color,Blue
- Gui,1:Color,Black,0x72B4B1
- Gui,1:Add,Edit,x-100 y0 w10 h10
- Gui,1:Add,Progress,x0 y0 w300 h65 BackgroundBlack c0x72B4B1,100
- Gui,1:Font,cBlack s12 underline Bold Q5 ,Nirmala UI
- Gui,1:Add,Text,x25 y0 r1 Backgroundtrans ,Hellbents StopWatch
- For k,v in ["x5 y15 w2 h5 Backgroundaa8800 vSG1","x+1 y11 w2 h9 Backgroundaaff00 vSG2","x+1 y7 w2 h13 Background00ff00 vSG3","x+1 y4 w2 h16 Background00ff00 vSG4"]
- Gui,1:Add,Progress,% v
- Gui,1:Font
- Gui,1:Font,cLime s9 Bold Q5 ,Nirmala UI
- Gui,1:Add,Progress,x5 y5 w15 h15 BackgroundBlack c555555 Hidden vSG5,100
- Gui,1:Add,Text,x5 y5 w15 r1 Center BackgroundTrans Hidden vSG6,M
- Gui,1:Font
- Gui,1:Font,cLime s12 Bold Q5 ,Nirmala UI
- Gui,1:Add,Text,x5 y0 w15 r1 Center BackgroundTrans Hidden vSG7,+
- Gui,1:Font
- Gui,1:Font,cYellow s9 Bold Q5 ,Nirmala UI
- For k,v in ["x200 y5 w15 h15 BackgroundBlack c555555","x220 y5 w15 h15 BackgroundBlack c555555","x240 y5 w15 h15 BackgroundBlack c555555","x260 y5 w15 h15 BackgroundBlack c555555","x280 y5 w15 h15 BackgroundBlack c555555"]
- Gui,1:Add,Progress,% v ,100
- Button_Text1 := ["C","A","S","-","X"]
- For k,v in ["x200 y5 w15 r1 Center BackgroundTrans","x220 y5 w15 r1 Center BackgroundTrans","x240 y5 w15 r1 Center BackgroundTrans","x260 y5 w15 r1 Center BackgroundTrans","x280 y5 w15 r1 Center BackgroundTrans"]
- Gui,1:Add,Text,% v ,% Button_Text1[A_Index]
- Gui,1:Font
- Gui,1:Font,cBlack s14 Bold Q5 ,Nirmala UI
- Gui,1:Add,Edit, x2 y25 w296 h20 Center -E0x200 BackgroundTrans vMain_Clock_Time ,% MyHour " : " A_Min " : " A_Sec " " Time2
- Gui,1:Add,Edit,x10 y25 w180 h20 BackgroundTrans -E0x200 Hidden vStop_Watch,000 : 00 : 00 : 000
- For,k,v in ["x192 y27 w22 h22 BackgroundBlack csilver Hidden vSW1","x229 y27 w22 h22 BackgroundBlack csilver Hidden vSW3","x266 y27 w22 h22 BackgroundBlack csilver Hidden vSW5"]
- Gui,1:Add,Progress,% v ,100
- NL1:= ["S","P","R"]
- for,k,v in ["x192 y25 w22 r1 Center Backgroundtrans Hidden vSW2","x229 y25 w22 r1 Center Backgroundtrans Hidden vSW4","x266 y25 w22 r1 Center Backgroundtrans Hidden vSW6"]
- Gui,1:Add,Text,% v,% NL1[A_Index]
- Gui,1:Add,Progress,x10 y53 w280 h10 BackgroundBlack cred vAlarm_Progress range0-1000,
- for,k,v in ["x1 y0 w20 h23 Border gSounds","x25 y0 w170 h20 Border gMove_Window","x200 y5 w15 h15 Border gShow_Clock","x220 y5 w15 h15 Border gSet_Alarm","x240 y5 w15 h15 Border gShow_StopWatch","x260 y5 w15 h15 Border gMinimize_Window","x280 y5 w15 h15 Border gGuiClose","x192 y27 w22 h22 Border Hidden vSW7 gStart_StopWatch","x229 y27 w22 h22 Border Hidden vSW8 gPause_StopWatch","x266 y27 w22 h22 Border Hidden vSW9 gReset_StopWatch"]
- Gui,2:Add,Text,% v
- Gui,1:Show,x900 y50 w300 h65 ,Hellbents StopWatch/Alarm BL
- Gui,2:Show,x900 y50 w300 h65 ,Hellbents StopWatch/Alarm TL
- }
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