
MRVerse 2-Nohr Arc(Episode 3)

Dec 24th, 2017
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  1. MRVerse 2-Nohr Arc(Episode 3)
  2. November
  4. -The nation mourns as King Garon's funeral happened yesteday on a cloudy day....he was laid to rest with his father, Eldigan and the other previous kings of Nohr.
  5. -Xander is busy this week prepping for his coronation as King, something that bothers Charlotte as she whines to Camilla and Leo(At his ranch while he trains Merlin[Abyss/Abyss]) while caring for Siegbert. She ask Leo why isn't he the king since he's just as smart as Xander. Leo tells her that he wasn't exactly raised to be the king and informs her that when Xander married her, she knew what she was getting into.
  6. -She sighs and resigns for now as Camilla also informs her that she will need to work on being more noble-like(Well aware of backstory of being a consort...) while she gets ready to leave out.
  7. -Leo, being quite suspicious, ask her where has she been running off to for the past couple of days. Camilla once again tell her that she's doing some personal business and leaves. Charlotte thinks Camilla found a secret lover(Hilarious in hindsight) as Leo isn't convinced and will keep an closer eye on her from now.
  9. -Back on the ranch, Robin holds a "Super Secret Deluxe Turbo Meeting" with Jalen, Camilla, and Rhiannon...over the lack of funds.
  10. -Outraged, Camilla asked Robin what happened to the money she gave her. Robin explains that she brought 2 Gadgets(Sandbag and Target) and some food...but Camilla deduces that that shouldn't had spent all the money she gave her when...Rhiannon coughs and reveal her breath to smell like weed.
  11. -Never being exposed to such a thing, Camilla demands Robin to show her this "Maryanna" and she pulls a box of blunts from the cabinet and place it on the table.
  12. -Camilla takes one and place it in the bag, curious on the substance and plan on putting it in her lab. She then tells them of the upcoming tour in Rank E, Jupiter Cup in December. Jalen and Rin nods and tell her that the 2 of them will enter(Tho Rin remarks that it's not for her much to Camilla's annoyance that the Omega still is resisting her).
  14. -Camilla then tells her that she plans on bringing the 3 of them to Xander's coronation so they can get an ideal of how the nobles operate and what to expect....Although Robin tells her she would like to stay here to keep an eye on the ranch(She's hiding something ofc, which Camilla and Rin notes. Jalen just thinks she's being honest on this.)
  15. -Thus, while Robin goes outside and watch over the monsters training, Camilla begins to train the 2 MCs(To absolutely hilarious results...Jalen can't tell a salad fork from a normal one and he refuses to shave his beard and cut his hair up, and Rhiannon is just refusing to cooperate period...Leaving Camilla to deal with her once Jalen FINALLY relents.)
  17. -Eventually, she gets them down to know at least the basics stuff and plan on training Robin. Robin enters the house and inform the 2 that Marx and Owari have done good jobs on their gadgets(Marx on Sandbag and Owari on Target.) Camilla ask her how much she knows of Nobility and is shocked at how well Robin knows the basic stuff and some of the intermediate stuff as well(Furthering her suspicsions on Robin, but don't press on her for it...she's glad that if she ever need to bring Robin to an event, she knows her shit
  18. -She nods at them and tell them all that when the Coronation begins, she will have a private limo come and pick the 2 up, letting them know that she will prepare to have them on the VIP list. Before she leaves, she hands the 2 very deluxe formal attires for them to wear for the event. She leaves and head home.
  20. -Tired and exhausted, she heads to her room and after showering, flops on her bed and sleep. Elise enters and was planning on playing with her, but she leaves her alone...however, she sees the blunt Camilla took from Robin and, Never seeing one nor knowing it, takes it to her room and look up on her computer on how to use it....
  23. >Me
  24. -Camilla
  25. -Elise
  26. -Charlotte
  28. >You
  29. -Robin
  30. -Leo
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