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Feb 1st, 2018
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  2. Hero loadout pages now show what scepter upgrades that hero has
  3. Talents can now show tooltips by pressing Alt
  4. Anyone in a party can now invite other players directly
  5. Commends now provide a notification to the player that includes your name
  6. Runes can now be pinged via the Minimap
  7. Ability icons now show a progress overlay for cast points once the button is pressed
  8. Buildings now show an effect when getting hit under backdoor protection
  9. Added spectating view for Scan and Glyph
  10. Fixed various disconnection issues that affected Custom Games
  11. Improved input latency for low end machines
  12. Unit tooltip now shows Status resistance
  13. Lifetime and Recent game stats are no longer shown to non-friends
  15. Added an option to bring Dota 2 forward when match starts and when picking phase starts
  16. Added an option to bring Dota 2 forward when a game is unpaused
  17. Added Alt-click support to the sun/moon to indicate how much time left on day/night
  18. Added the following new average stats to the profile: Networth / Avg Win Rate / Avg Damage Dealt / Avg Heals
  19. Holding Alt now shows Sentry Ward AoE
  20. Disassembling is now allowed while dead
  21. Unit tooltip now shows Movement Speed (Base + Bonus)
  22. Consumed Tomes now show up on the post game screen
  23. Skills can now be leveled up during a pause
  24. Skills can now be Alt-clicked during a pause
  25. Buying items while dead will now go to your inventory directly, rather than the stash
  26. Added a new backend feature to be able to immediately disable a hero (in the case of exploits while a fix is being processed)
  27. Added charge counts to item alerts (e.g. bottle, wand)
  28. Alt-click on Observer/Sentry combos now lists the amounts of each
  29. Alt-click on temporary buffs (like Rubick's Spell Steal) now says how much time remains
  30. Upgrade courier button's active states have now been replaced with the auto upgrade time
  31. The highlighted player on the Watch tab will always be the highest leaderboard rank pro, if one exists in the match
  32. Pro players now have an indicator next to their name in the game details panel of the Watch screen
  33. Accept/Refuse party dialog now supports enter/escape
  34. Improved UI performance
  35. When returning to base with your items after failing to deliver due to death, the Courier will now put them back in your stash
  36. Wards will no longer combine from two different player sources (previously happened when there was an observer/sentry combination in one slot)
  37. Fixed Alt-clicking an item on the courier saying ready instead of on courier
  38. Fixed Alt-clicking an item in the stash saying backpack
  39. Alt-clicking Dagon/Necro now says what level it is
  40. Disassembling is now allowed when an item is in the stash
  41. Alt-clicking items and abilities now works for Allied heroes
  42. Alt-clicking buffs now works on heroes, units, and buildings for both Allies and Enemies
  43. Added Color Blind support for Power Treads (including the color of the Agility icon to match)
  44. Taskbar icon now flashes on pregame and when game starts
  45. Taskbar icon now flashes on receiving a Party invite
  46. Added extra cosmetic slots for the following heroes: Arc Warden, Monkey King, Troll Warlord, and Viper
  47. Fixed various inconsistencies with AFK and Abandon behaviors
  48. Fixed being unable to sell items for leavers
  49. Added support for Alt-clicking on the courier while dead to display the respawn time
  50. Reduced AFK time from 6 minutes to 5 minutes
  51. Fixed a bug where summoned units of abandoned/AFK'd players were not able to be controlled by teammates
  52. Fixed Coach pings and map drawings not being seen by their party
  53. Fixed Coach chat icon
  54. Fixed Coaches having broken hero selection screen
  55. Items now combine out of your stash immediately when you die (and not reincarnating), rather than waiting until you respawn
  56. Fixed minor minimap inaccuracies
  58. Alt-clicking items with charge counts now prints number of charges (e.g. Urn of Shadows, Bottle, Wand)
  59. Alt-clicking stackable items now prints stack quantity (e.g. Wards, Tangoes, Teleport Scrolls)
  60. Fixed being unable to see party invitations from friend's you've muted
  61. Fixed First Blood kill tracker being incorrect
  62. Fixed the top bar ultimate status showing no mana if you died without mana (but would have enough after respawn)
  63. Ability Draft: Fixed a bug causing ability pings to not work reliably
  64. Ability Draft: Fixed issues with Infernal Blade causing multiple procs from abilities with trigger attacks such as Swashbuckle
  65. New hero list now allows all heroes that don't have a 3-diamond complexity rating
  66. Observer and Sentries are now in separate item slots during the strategy phase
  67. Updated default hero builds
  68. Fixed a bug where sometimes unranked games were showing ranked medals in the post-game screen
  69. Fixed Oracle not working on the Workshop
  70. The Attributes help tooltip now displays the extra bonuses heroes receive from their primary attributes
  71. Updated missing buff icons on tower auras
  72. Fixed a bug where summoned units weren't speaking
  73. Fixed a bug where the friend's list was sorted by persona name and not nickname
  74. Added a convar to allow the microphone to not be muted when tabbed out
  75. Fixed a case where the mouse cursor could be stuck after alt + tabbing
  76. Increased mesh density and small textures updates on QoP and WR
  77. Fixed a broadcasting bug where holding select to follow the hero did not work properly
  78. Added VO to Terrorblade's hero loadout
  79. Fixed being unable to jump to a hero quickly while dragging during broadcasting
  81. Walking into shop range now clears backpack item move cooldowns
  82. Fixed Linken's Sphere providing 5 HP regen instead of the displayed 5.5 amount
  83. Fixed Soul Catcher talent reducing cooldown by 5 seconds instead of the displayed 6
  84. Fixed many out-of-date tooltips
  85. Fixed Elder Titan Echo Stomp damage threshold not working properly
  86. Fixed Spiked Carapace damage return talent not working properly
  87. Fixed Homing Missile taking one extra hit than intended to kill
  88. Improved visual effect accuracy for Shrapnel
  89. Added allied visual effect to indicate which unit is the target for Tusk's Snowball
  90. Added visual effect for the Death Pact buff
  92. Fixed Test of Faith being unable to target Ancients
  93. Fixed Lycan Wolves placement when upgraded with the talent
  94. Fixed Power Cogs damage source
  95. Fixed Gust giving neutral creeps permanent phased movement
  96. Fixed Marksmanship Scepter projectile being undodgeable
  97. Fixed Fear not affecting Primal Split units properly
  98. Added a Psionic Trap buff counter
  99. Fixed various vision projectiles from blocking neutral creep spawns when moving over the spawn box
  100. Fixed some rare cases where items wouldn't combine when arriving from the courier
  101. Fixed Spirit Vessel healing through Ice Blast
  102. Fixed Spirit Vessel piercing various damage blocking abilities
  104. Fixed Familiars not gaining Grave Chill buff if cast while in Stone Form
  105. Vengeful Spirit untargetable illusion no longer appears on minimap
  106. Fixed a Dream Coil refresher orb regression
  107. Fixed Shackleshot with Status Resistance
  108. Fixed Nature's Prophet Greater Treants not getting the proper bonus from the talent
  109. Fixed Shiva's Guard interaction with Status Resistance
  110. Fixed Strafe disjointing allied projectiles
  111. Fixed Strafe disjoint not working with Bedlam and Marksmanship Scepter
  112. Penitence now functions as a proper projectile
  113. Fixed Netherstrike issues with Status Resistance
  114. Fixed visual bug with Holy Persuasion buff being dispellable
  115. Fixed Focus Fire damage working incorrectly on the first hit after changing targets
  116. Fixed Focus Fire bash talent working on non-primary targets
  117. Fixed rare cases where Javelin would sometimes proc on buildings
  118. Fixed Troll Warlord Fervor legacy keys
  119. Fixed Morphling legacy keys
  120. Ability Draft: Added support for Vengeful Spirit's Nether Swap
  121. Fixed a visual bug when attempting to place a ward
  122. Fixed incorrect stat tooltips on Necronomicon
  123. Fixed Tusk's Warlus Punch effects not being destroyed reliable when Rubick steals the spell
  124. Fixed fake projectiles (like Phantom Lancer or Naga Siren's) causing Strafe charges to be consumed
  125. Fixed Illuminate channel not working correctly with the Channel Requires Stop option
  126. Fixed Courier Shield legacy key
  127. Fixed Spirit Vessel visual effects sticking around after dispel
  128. Fixed Stampede not working properly with Monkey King
  129. Fixed various attack range modifier related bugs
  130. Fixed some courier bugs while carrying bottle
  131. Fixed Storm Spirit Level 25 Talent creating extra Remnants when skilled during Ball Lightning
  132. Fixed Tempest Aura with Status Resistance
  133. Fixed Tether pull range breaking prematurely when using cast range bonuses
  134. Fixed Null Field toggle interrupting channeling
  135. Fixed Adaptive Strike talent ignoring cast range bonuses
  136. Fixed Rubick using Strafe causing him to dodge his own Spell Steal
  137. Fixed Null Field talent not taking effect until toggled
  138. Fixed Treant Overgrowth Scepter upgrade still applying scepter effect after dropping the item
  139. Fixed Linken's Sphere going into cooldown if Homing Missile hits you while you are cycloned
  140. Fixed the delay between Pit of Malice intervals being affected by Status Resistance
  141. Fixed Flak Cannon visual bug showing non-primary projectiles as carrying proc effects like Skadi and Desolator
  142. Fixed Stifling Dagger talent ignoring cast range bonuses
  143. Fixed Chemical Rage talent malfunctioning when refreshing the Chemical Rage buff
  144. Fixed Rubick Illusion copying the incorrect state of Null Field
  145. Fixed Snowball vision duration being affected by Status Resistance
  146. Improved bot behavior for choosing lanes
  147. Improved logic for bots choosing to walk past towers for runes
  148. Fixed Hunter in the Night vs mines
  149. Fixed certain items like Ripper's Reel for Pudge being visible while hexed
  150. Fixed Status Resistance reducing Rolling Thunder's timeout debuff
  151. Custom Games: Add-ons can check for AFK / Fountain idling players by setting "CheckAFKPlayers" "1" in their addoninfo.txt
  152. Custom Games: Add-ons can add the "PenaltiesEnabled" key to enabled penalties in their custom games
  153. Custom Games: Added Lua function GetDedicatedServerKey(version) which allows authors to get access to a private key string on dedicated servers that players cannot see, but that the server can include in HTTP requests for verifying the request is secure.
  154. Disabled the ability to use the Panorama JavaScript Console to change protected settings while playing normal games of Dota.
  155. Turbo: Items will continue to deliver if the inventory is full but the items would stack
  156. Turbo: Fixed courier buffs being purgeable
  157. ARDM: Fixed consumed Aghanim's Scepter giving older values of health and mana
  158. ARDM: Fixed consumed Moon Shard night vision component not working properly for respawning heroes, Tempest Double and Spirit Bear
  159. GAMEPLAY PATCH 7.08
  161. Wards now require a constant 2 hits to kill (both Observer and Sentry Wards)
  162. Tier 1 Tower armor aura increased from 1 to 2
  163. Bounty Runes: Base XP reduced from 25 to 0
  164. Bounty Runes: Gold Growth increased from 2/min to 4/min
  165. Roshan now has 25% Status Resistance
  166. All Pick: Drafting time per hero selection reduced from 30 to 25 seconds
  169. AEON DISK:
  170. Health threshold reduced from 80% to 70%
  173. Creep Bonus damage reduced from 60% to 50%
  174. Creep Bonus no longer works with illusions
  177. Cooldown rescaled from 80/75/70/65/60/55 to 70
  180. Cooldown increased from 12 to 14
  183. Mana restore increased from 150 to 175
  186. Heal increased from 75 to 85
  189. Time it takes for the full distance to be traveled increased from 0.4 to 0.5
  192. Time it takes for the full distance to be traveled increased from 0.4 to 0.5
  193. Cooldown increased from 18 to 23
  196. Cooldown reduced from 40 to 28
  198. SOUL RING:
  199. Recipe increased from 185 to 200
  202. Recipe cost increased from 600 to 750
  206. Chemical Rage base attack time improved from 1.4/1.2/1.0 to 1.3/1.15/1.0
  207. Level 10 Talent increased from -5s Unstable Concoction Cooldown to -8s
  208. Level 15 Talent increased from +350 Health to +400
  209. Level 20 Talent increased from +360 Unstable Concoction to +400
  212. Sleight of Fist Hero Damage increased from 20/40/60/80 to 25/50/75/100
  215. Base damage reduced by 3
  217. JAKIRO:
  218. Reduced attack backswing from 0.5 to 0.3
  221. Blade Dance damage reduced from 200% to 180%
  223. LESHRAC:
  224. Split Earth manacost reduced from 100/125/140/160 to 80/100/120/140
  226. LINA:
  227. Base intelligence increased by 3
  228. Base damage random variance reduced from 18 min/max damage spread to 12
  230. LION:
  231. Mana Drain now slows the target by 14/16/18/20%
  233. LYCAN:
  234. Shapeshift cooldown increased from 120/90/60 to 130/105/80
  235. Base armor reduced by 1
  237. MEDUSA:
  238. Medusa: Mystic Snake cast range reduced from 800 to 700
  239. Medusa: Level 10 Talent increased from 12% Evasion to 15%
  240. Medusa: Level 15 Talent increased from +15% Mystic Snake Mana Steal to +20%
  241. Medusa: Level 20 Talent reduced from +800 Mana to +700
  244. Morph cast range increased from 600 to 1000
  245. Morph manacost reduced from 75/100/125 to 50
  246. Morph Replicate cast point removed
  249. Wrath of Nature cooldown reduced from 90/75/60 to 70/65/60
  252. Degen Aura range reduced from 300 to 275
  253. Purification cast range reduced from 450 to 400
  255. ORACLE:
  256. Fortune's End manacost reduced from 110 to 75
  259. Rolling Thunder cooldown increased from 50/45/40 to 70/65/60
  261. PUDGE:
  262. Rot slow rescaled from 30% to 20/24/28/32%
  264. PUGNA:
  265. Level 15 Talent increased from +1 Nether Ward Health to +2
  266. Life Drain damage increased from 150/200/250 to 150/225/300 (Scepter now only removes cooldown)
  269. Necromastry max souls reduced from 18/24/30/36 to 12/20/28/36
  272. Ether Shock cooldown increased from 8 to 14/12/10/8
  273. Shackles total damage reduced from 120/200/280/360 to 60/160/260/360
  275. TINKER:
  276. Base movement speed reduced from 305 to 290
  278. TINY:
  279. Toss cooldown increased from 8 to 11
  281. TUSK:
  282. Snowball can no longer be cast while rooted
  285. Windrun manacost reduced from 60 to 50
  286. Level 20 Talent changed from +1 Shackleshot Target to +0.5s Shackleshot Duration
  287. Level 25 Talent from +30% Ministun Focus Fire to +35%
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