

Feb 26th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. name: &kG&f&c&lエクスプロージョン&f&kG
  3. enchant effect: 10000 #effect=密度
  4. portal effect: 150
  5. spark effect: 100
  6. flame effect: 50
  7. smoke effect: 100
  8. potion effect: 3000
  9. on rightclick holding stick:
  10. name of held item contains "{@name}"
  11. execute console command "/playsound entity.illusion_illager.prepare_mirror master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1.2 1"
  12. show {@enchant effect} ENCHANTMENT_TABLE particles at player offset by 0, 0, 0
  13. wait 18 tick
  14. execute console command "/playsound entity.zombie_villager.converted master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  15. loop 80 times:
  16. set {_portallocY} to random integer between -2 and 2
  17. set {_portallocZX} to random integer between -1 and 6
  18. show {@portal effect} PORTAL particles at player offset by {_portallocZX}, {_portallocY}, {_portallocZX}
  19. wait 35 tick
  20. loop 100 times:
  21. set {_sparkY} to random integer between -2 and 30
  22. show {@spark effect} FIREWORKS_SPARK particles at targeted block offset by 0, {_sparkY}, 0
  23. wait 2 seconds
  24. loop 50 times:
  25. set {_flameY} to random integer between -2 and 5
  26. set {_flameZX} to random integer between -3 and 5
  27. show {@flame effect} FLAME particles at targeted block offset by {_flameZX}, {_flameY}, {_flameZX}
  28. wait 5 tick
  29. create an explosion of force {power.%player%} at targeted block #地形破壊したくない場合 an safe explosion にする
  30. set block at targeted block to string
  31. wait 5 tick
  32. loop 100 times:
  33. set {_smokeloc} to random integer between 1 and 10
  34. show {@smoke effect} SMOKE_LARGE particles at targeted block offset by {_smokeloc}, {_smokeloc}, {_smokeloc}
  35. wait 5 tick
  36. execute console command "/playsound entity.wither.death master %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.1 2 0.4"
  37. wait 10 tick
  38. show {@potion effect} SPELL_MOB particles at player offset by 0, 0, 0
  39. on right click on stone:
  40. player is sneaking
  41. give stick named "{@name}" to player
  43. command /power [<number>]:
  44. trigger:
  45. set {power.%player%} to arg 1
  46. send "&cSet power &a%arg 1%"
  48. command /test [<text>]:
  49. trigger:
  50. loop 50 times:
  51. show 50 CLOUD particles at player offset by 0, 0, 0
  52. every 3 tick:
  53. if {bob} is true:
  54. loop all players:
  55. create an explosion of force {power.%loop-player%} at loop-player
  56. command /change <text>:
  57. trigger:
  58. if arg 1 is "on":
  59. set {bob} to true
  60. if arg 1 is "off":
  61. set {bob} to false
  64. #
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