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Jun 12th, 2021
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  1. ❯ nix -L build .#leash
  2. warning: Git tree '/home/starlord/projects/leash' is dirty
  3. leash> setupCompilerEnvironmentPhase
  4. leash> Build with /nix/store/cs1hv1111as1y806xaiazm6va94xhf0i-ghc-8.10.4.
  5. leash> unpacking sources
  6. leash> unpacking source archive /nix/store/yf9cqmd9jhf96f7q6615gbrscibqjghn-source
  7. leash> source root is source
  8. leash> patching sources
  9. leash> compileBuildDriverPhase
  10. leash> setupCompileFlags: -package-db=/build/setup-package.conf.d -j12 +RTS -A64M -RTS -threaded -rtsopts
  11. leash> [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, /build/Main.o )
  12. leash> Linking Setup ...
  13. leash> configuring
  14. leash> configureFlags: --verbose --prefix=/nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash- --libdir=$prefix/lib/$compiler --libsubdir=$abi/$libname --docdir=/nix/store/4crfk9bb5z24g0k72skwdndiznll5ds2-leash- --with-gcc=gcc --package-db=/build/package.conf.d --ghc-options=-j12 +RTS -A64M -RTS --disable-split-objs --enable-library-profiling --profiling-detail=exported-functions --disable-profiling --enable-shared --disable-coverage --enable-static --disable-executable-dynamic --enable-tests --disable-benchmarks --enable-library-vanilla --disable-library-for-ghci --ghc-option=-split-sections --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/him2krcndagwpw60d0qwa1w8s0nyjxyq-ncurses-6.2/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/9ysrnpijf5yi6zvp22jfp96iw85m2nlb-libffi-3.3/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/83k1jk69mlzi8l9jajwnh0625fja94x0-gmp-6.2.1/lib
  15. leash> Using Parsec parser
  16. leash> Configuring leash-
  17. leash> Dependency array -any: using array-
  18. leash> Dependency base -any: using base-
  19. leash> Dependency bytestring -any: using bytestring-
  20. leash> Dependency containers -any: using containers-
  21. leash> Dependency data-fix -any: using data-fix-0.3.1
  22. leash> Dependency deriving-compat -any: using deriving-compat-0.5.10
  23. leash> Dependency errors -any: using errors-2.3.0
  24. leash> Dependency free -any: using free-5.1.5
  25. leash> Dependency mtl -any: using mtl-2.2.2
  26. leash> Dependency prettyprinter -any: using prettyprinter-1.7.0
  27. leash> Dependency process -any: using process-
  28. leash> Dependency recursion-schemes -any: using recursion-schemes-
  29. leash> Dependency text -any: using text-
  30. leash> Dependency transformers -any: using transformers-
  31. leash> Dependency unix -any: using unix-
  32. leash> Dependency array -any: using array-
  33. leash> Dependency base -any: using base-
  34. leash> Dependency bytestring -any: using bytestring-
  35. leash> Dependency containers -any: using containers-
  36. leash> Dependency data-fix -any: using data-fix-0.3.1
  37. leash> Dependency deriving-compat -any: using deriving-compat-0.5.10
  38. leash> Dependency errors -any: using errors-2.3.0
  39. leash> Dependency free -any: using free-5.1.5
  40. leash> Dependency haskeline -any: using haskeline-
  41. leash> Dependency leash -any: using leash-
  42. leash> Dependency mtl -any: using mtl-2.2.2
  43. leash> Dependency optparse-applicative -any: using optparse-applicative-
  44. leash> Dependency prettyprinter -any: using prettyprinter-1.7.0
  45. leash> Dependency process -any: using process-
  46. leash> Dependency recursion-schemes -any: using recursion-schemes-
  47. leash> Dependency text -any: using text-
  48. leash> Dependency transformers -any: using transformers-
  49. leash> Dependency unix -any: using unix-
  50. leash> Dependency xdg-basedir -any: using xdg-basedir-0.2.2
  51. leash> Dependency HUnit -any: using HUnit-
  52. leash> Dependency array -any: using array-
  53. leash> Dependency base -any: using base-
  54. leash> Dependency bytestring -any: using bytestring-
  55. leash> Dependency containers -any: using containers-
  56. leash> Dependency data-fix -any: using data-fix-0.3.1
  57. leash> Dependency deriving-compat -any: using deriving-compat-0.5.10
  58. leash> Dependency errors -any: using errors-2.3.0
  59. leash> Dependency free -any: using free-5.1.5
  60. leash> Dependency hspec -any: using hspec-2.7.10
  61. leash> Dependency leash -any: using leash-
  62. leash> Dependency mtl -any: using mtl-2.2.2
  63. leash> Dependency prettyprinter -any: using prettyprinter-1.7.0
  64. leash> Dependency process -any: using process-
  65. leash> Dependency recursion-schemes -any: using recursion-schemes-
  66. leash> Dependency text -any: using text-
  67. leash> Dependency transformers -any: using transformers-
  68. leash> Dependency unix -any: using unix-
  69. leash> Source component graph:
  70. leash> component lib
  71. leash> component exe:leash dependency lib
  72. leash> component test:spec dependency lib
  73. leash> Configured component graph:
  74. leash> component leash-
  75. leash> include array-
  76. leash> include base-
  77. leash> include bytestring-
  78. leash> include containers-
  79. leash> include data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  80. leash> include deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  81. leash> include errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  82. leash> include free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  83. leash> include mtl-2.2.2
  84. leash> include prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  85. leash> include process-
  86. leash> include recursion-schemes-
  87. leash> include text-
  88. leash> include transformers-
  89. leash> include unix-
  90. leash> component leash-
  91. leash> include array-
  92. leash> include base-
  93. leash> include bytestring-
  94. leash> include containers-
  95. leash> include data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  96. leash> include deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  97. leash> include errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  98. leash> include free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  99. leash> include haskeline-
  100. leash> include leash-
  101. leash> include mtl-2.2.2
  102. leash> include optparse-applicative-
  103. leash> include prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  104. leash> include process-
  105. leash> include recursion-schemes-
  106. leash> include text-
  107. leash> include transformers-
  108. leash> include unix-
  109. leash> include xdg-basedir-0.2.2-BqCctxbjkCHCnIL6NK3wKf
  110. leash> component leash-
  111. leash> include HUnit-
  112. leash> include array-
  113. leash> include base-
  114. leash> include bytestring-
  115. leash> include containers-
  116. leash> include data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  117. leash> include deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  118. leash> include errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  119. leash> include free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  120. leash> include hspec-2.7.10-JtgMhUSlWJGJqcUyuZ3qPc
  121. leash> include leash-
  122. leash> include mtl-2.2.2
  123. leash> include prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  124. leash> include process-
  125. leash> include recursion-schemes-
  126. leash> include text-
  127. leash> include transformers-
  128. leash> include unix-
  129. leash> Linked component graph:
  130. leash> unit leash-
  131. leash> include array-
  132. leash> include base-
  133. leash> include bytestring-
  134. leash> include containers-
  135. leash> include data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  136. leash> include deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  137. leash> include errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  138. leash> include free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  139. leash> include mtl-2.2.2
  140. leash> include prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  141. leash> include process-
  142. leash> include recursion-schemes-
  143. leash> include text-
  144. leash> include transformers-
  145. leash> include unix-
  146. leash> Data.Either.Extra=leash-,Data.Map.Extra=leash-,Data.Tuple.Extra=leash-,Language.Leash=leash-,Language.Leash.Annotated=leash-,Language.Leash.Ast=leash-,Language.Leash.Cst=leash-,Language.Leash.Inference=leash-,Language.Leash.Interpreter=leash-,Language.Leash.Lexer=leash-,Language.Leash.Parser=leash-,Language.Leash.Rewrite=leash-,Language.Leash.Type=leash-,Prettyprinter.Extra=leash-
  147. leash> unit leash-
  148. leash> include array-
  149. leash> include base-
  150. leash> include bytestring-
  151. leash> include containers-
  152. leash> include data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  153. leash> include deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  154. leash> include errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  155. leash> include free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  156. leash> include haskeline-
  157. leash> include leash-
  158. leash> include mtl-2.2.2
  159. leash> include optparse-applicative-
  160. leash> include prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  161. leash> include process-
  162. leash> include recursion-schemes-
  163. leash> include text-
  164. leash> include transformers-
  165. leash> include unix-
  166. leash> include xdg-basedir-0.2.2-BqCctxbjkCHCnIL6NK3wKf
  167. leash> unit leash-
  168. leash> include HUnit-
  169. leash> include array-
  170. leash> include base-
  171. leash> include bytestring-
  172. leash> include containers-
  173. leash> include data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  174. leash> include deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  175. leash> include errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  176. leash> include free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  177. leash> include hspec-2.7.10-JtgMhUSlWJGJqcUyuZ3qPc
  178. leash> include leash-
  179. leash> include mtl-2.2.2
  180. leash> include prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  181. leash> include process-
  182. leash> include recursion-schemes-
  183. leash> include text-
  184. leash> include transformers-
  185. leash> include unix-
  186. leash> Ready component graph:
  187. leash> definite leash-
  188. leash> depends array-
  189. leash> depends base-
  190. leash> depends bytestring-
  191. leash> depends containers-
  192. leash> depends data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  193. leash> depends deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  194. leash> depends errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  195. leash> depends free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  196. leash> depends mtl-2.2.2
  197. leash> depends prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  198. leash> depends process-
  199. leash> depends recursion-schemes-
  200. leash> depends text-
  201. leash> depends transformers-
  202. leash> depends unix-
  203. leash> definite leash-
  204. leash> depends array-
  205. leash> depends base-
  206. leash> depends bytestring-
  207. leash> depends containers-
  208. leash> depends data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  209. leash> depends deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  210. leash> depends errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  211. leash> depends free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  212. leash> depends haskeline-
  213. leash> depends leash-
  214. leash> depends mtl-2.2.2
  215. leash> depends optparse-applicative-
  216. leash> depends prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  217. leash> depends process-
  218. leash> depends recursion-schemes-
  219. leash> depends text-
  220. leash> depends transformers-
  221. leash> depends unix-
  222. leash> depends xdg-basedir-0.2.2-BqCctxbjkCHCnIL6NK3wKf
  223. leash> definite leash-
  224. leash> depends HUnit-
  225. leash> depends array-
  226. leash> depends base-
  227. leash> depends bytestring-
  228. leash> depends containers-
  229. leash> depends data-fix-0.3.1-D6JbZdELPW6JZJtgzoPwcG
  230. leash> depends deriving-compat-0.5.10-CLkgCHr9hHb6JUxZ0V9wCN
  231. leash> depends errors-2.3.0-IGZva5pM0d075BOUXhEk3i
  232. leash> depends free-5.1.5-99KxR1SnpAp13xGq114jc8
  233. leash> depends hspec-2.7.10-JtgMhUSlWJGJqcUyuZ3qPc
  234. leash> depends leash-
  235. leash> depends mtl-2.2.2
  236. leash> depends prettyprinter-1.7.0-MyQaq6vEptLUwfImcZX6Q
  237. leash> depends process-
  238. leash> depends recursion-schemes-
  239. leash> depends text-
  240. leash> depends transformers-
  241. leash> depends unix-
  242. leash> Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-8.10
  243. leash> Using compiler: ghc-8.10.4
  244. leash> Using install prefix:
  245. leash> /nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash-
  246. leash> Executables installed in:
  247. leash> /nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash-
  248. leash> Libraries installed in:
  249. leash> /nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash-
  250. leash> Dynamic Libraries installed in:
  251. leash> /nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash-
  252. leash> Private executables installed in:
  253. leash> /nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash-
  254. leash> Data files installed in:
  255. leash> /nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash-
  256. leash> Documentation installed in:
  257. leash> /nix/store/4crfk9bb5z24g0k72skwdndiznll5ds2-leash-
  258. leash> Configuration files installed in:
  259. leash> /nix/store/r9dawnipagvb7kg26cnz5khw4knbqd3z-leash-
  260. leash> Using alex version 3.2.6 found on system at:
  261. leash> /nix/store/24wxvlg5fprhmv6w58mgk3w12dnd6wq3-alex-3.2.6/bin/alex
  262. leash> Using ar found on system at:
  263. leash> /nix/store/5xyjd2qiily84lcv2w2grmwsb8r1hqpr-binutils-2.35.1/bin/ar
  264. leash> No c2hs found
  265. leash> No cpphs found
  266. leash> No doctest found
  267. leash> Using gcc version 10.2.0 given by user at:
  268. leash> /nix/store/zzvq5qwlm2xikawfqxb0q8gl2bw391a9-gcc-wrapper-10.2.0/bin/gcc
  269. leash> Using ghc version 8.10.4 found on system at:
  270. leash> /nix/store/cs1hv1111as1y806xaiazm6va94xhf0i-ghc-8.10.4/bin/ghc
  271. leash> Using ghc-pkg version 8.10.4 found on system at:
  272. leash> /nix/store/cs1hv1111as1y806xaiazm6va94xhf0i-ghc-8.10.4/bin/ghc-pkg
  273. leash> No ghcjs found
  274. leash> No ghcjs-pkg found
  275. leash> No greencard found
  276. leash> Using haddock version 2.24.0 found on system at:
  277. leash> /nix/store/cs1hv1111as1y806xaiazm6va94xhf0i-ghc-8.10.4/bin/haddock
  278. leash> Using happy version 1.20.0 found on system at:
  279. leash> /nix/store/nsx2ar6xcw0xzs2xz8hdnii0mihx3rsj-happy-1.20.0/bin/happy
  280. leash> Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
  281. leash> Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
  282. leash> No hmake found
  283. leash> Using hpc version 0.68 found on system at:
  284. leash> /nix/store/cs1hv1111as1y806xaiazm6va94xhf0i-ghc-8.10.4/bin/hpc
  285. leash> Using hsc2hs version 0.68.7 found on system at:
  286. leash> /nix/store/cs1hv1111as1y806xaiazm6va94xhf0i-ghc-8.10.4/bin/hsc2hs
  287. leash> Using hscolour version 1.24 found on system at:
  288. leash> /nix/store/zsakqgfd987pl0dskznz9ms8rjxlz4bj-hscolour-1.24.4/bin/HsColour
  289. leash> No jhc found
  290. leash> Using ld found on system at:
  291. leash> /nix/store/wgxv2r5c78bmdmhzyv130g59x5lnkvy8-binutils-wrapper-2.35.1/bin/
  292. leash> No pkg-config found
  293. leash> Using runghc version 8.10.4 found on system at:
  294. leash> /nix/store/cs1hv1111as1y806xaiazm6va94xhf0i-ghc-8.10.4/bin/runghc
  295. leash> Using strip version 2.35 found on system at:
  296. leash> /nix/store/5xyjd2qiily84lcv2w2grmwsb8r1hqpr-binutils-2.35.1/bin/strip
  297. leash> Using tar found on system at:
  298. leash> /nix/store/jf77pfkb8s029d7lafjrp9w920056z32-gnutar-1.34/bin/tar
  299. leash> No uhc found
  300. leash> building
  301. leash> Preprocessing library for leash-
  302. leash> shift/reduce conflicts: 117
  303. leash> Building library for leash-
  304. leash> [ 1 of 14] Compiling Data.Either.Extra ( lib/Data/Either/Extra.hs, dist/build/Data/Either/Extra.o, dist/build/Data/Either/Extra.dyn_o )
  305. leash> [ 2 of 14] Compiling Data.Map.Extra ( lib/Data/Map/Extra.hs, dist/build/Data/Map/Extra.o, dist/build/Data/Map/Extra.dyn_o )
  306. leash> [ 3 of 14] Compiling Data.Tuple.Extra ( lib/Data/Tuple/Extra.hs, dist/build/Data/Tuple/Extra.o, dist/build/Data/Tuple/Extra.dyn_o )
  307. leash> [ 4 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Annotated ( lib/Language/Leash/Annotated.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Annotated.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Annotated.dyn_o )
  308. leash> [ 5 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Ast ( lib/Language/Leash/Ast.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Ast.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Ast.dyn_o )
  309. leash> [ 6 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Cst ( lib/Language/Leash/Cst.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Cst.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Cst.dyn_o )
  310. leash> [ 7 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Lexer ( dist/build/Language/Leash/Lexer.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Lexer.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Lexer.dyn_o )
  311. leash> [ 8 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Parser ( dist/build/Language/Leash/Parser.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Parser.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Parser.dyn_o )
  312. leash> [ 9 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Rewrite ( lib/Language/Leash/Rewrite.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Rewrite.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Rewrite.dyn_o )
  313. leash> [10 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Type ( lib/Language/Leash/Type.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Type.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Type.dyn_o )
  314. leash> [11 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Inference ( lib/Language/Leash/Inference.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Inference.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Inference.dyn_o )
  315. leash> [12 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash ( lib/Language/Leash.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash.o, dist/build/Language/Leash.dyn_o )
  316. leash> [13 of 14] Compiling Prettyprinter.Extra ( lib/Prettyprinter/Extra.hs, dist/build/Prettyprinter/Extra.o, dist/build/Prettyprinter/Extra.dyn_o )
  317. leash> [14 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Interpreter ( lib/Language/Leash/Interpreter.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Interpreter.o, dist/build/Language/Leash/Interpreter.dyn_o )
  318. leash> [ 1 of 14] Compiling Data.Either.Extra ( lib/Data/Either/Extra.hs, dist/build/Data/Either/Extra.p_o )
  319. leash> [ 2 of 14] Compiling Data.Map.Extra ( lib/Data/Map/Extra.hs, dist/build/Data/Map/Extra.p_o )
  320. leash> [ 3 of 14] Compiling Data.Tuple.Extra ( lib/Data/Tuple/Extra.hs, dist/build/Data/Tuple/Extra.p_o )
  321. leash> [ 4 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Annotated ( lib/Language/Leash/Annotated.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Annotated.p_o )
  322. leash> [ 5 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Ast ( lib/Language/Leash/Ast.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Ast.p_o )
  323. leash> ghc: ^^ Could not load 'recursionzmschemeszm5zi2zi2zi1zm2ri6G2mQFpu3w2XaR4mNsE_DataziFunctorziFoldableziTH_zdfMakeBaseFunctorNamezuzdcmakeBaseFunctor_closure', dependency unresolved. See top entry above.
  324. leash> <no location info>: error:
  325. leash> ByteCodeLink.lookupCE
  326. leash> During interactive linking, GHCi couldn't find the following symbol:
  327. leash> recursionzmschemeszm5zi2zi2zi1zm2ri6G2mQFpu3w2XaR4mNsE_DataziFunctorziFoldableziTH_zdfMakeBaseFunctorNamezuzdcmakeBaseFunctor_closure
  328. leash> This may be due to you not asking GHCi to load extra object files,
  329. leash> archives or DLLs needed by your current session. Restart GHCi, specifying
  330. leash> the missing library using the -L/path/to/object/dir and -lmissinglibname
  331. leash> flags, or simply by naming the relevant files on the GHCi command line.
  332. leash> Alternatively, this link failure might indicate a bug in GHCi.
  333. leash> If you suspect the latter, please report this as a GHC bug:
  334. leash>
  335. leash>
  336. leash> [ 7 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Lexer ( dist/build/Language/Leash/Lexer.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Lexer.p_o )
  337. leash> [13 of 14] Compiling Prettyprinter.Extra ( lib/Prettyprinter/Extra.hs, dist/build/Prettyprinter/Extra.p_o )
  338. error: builder for '/nix/store/nm8q5z7aaly25qcp0w3ydvdw7jygwxsk-leash-' failed with exit code 1;
  339. last 10 log lines:
  340. > This may be due to you not asking GHCi to load extra object files,
  341. > archives or DLLs needed by your current session. Restart GHCi, specifying
  342. > the missing library using the -L/path/to/object/dir and -lmissinglibname
  343. > flags, or simply by naming the relevant files on the GHCi command line.
  344. > Alternatively, this link failure might indicate a bug in GHCi.
  345. > If you suspect the latter, please report this as a GHC bug:
  346. >
  347. >
  348. > [ 7 of 14] Compiling Language.Leash.Lexer ( dist/build/Language/Leash/Lexer.hs, dist/build/Language/Leash/Lexer.p_o )
  349. > [13 of 14] Compiling Prettyprinter.Extra ( lib/Prettyprinter/Extra.hs, dist/build/Prettyprinter/Extra.p_o )
  350. For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/nm8q5z7aaly25qcp0w3ydvdw7jygwxsk-leash-'.
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