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Mar 30th, 2020
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  1. <template>
  2. <div class="form-builder">
  4. <!-- Create Steps header from form groups-->
  5. <el-steps :active="activeStep" align-center>
  6. <template v-for="(formgroup, index) in formData">
  7. <el-step :title="index | camelToWords" :key="`form-group-${index}`" />
  8. </template>
  9. </el-steps>
  11. <el-form
  12. :ref="formName"
  13. v-loading="isLoading"
  14. label-width="120px"
  15. :model="formData"
  16. label-position="top">
  17. <template v-for="(formgroup, index, i) in formData">
  18. <div :key="`formgroup-${index}`" v-if="activeStep === i">
  19. <h3>{{ index | camelToWords }}</h3>
  20. <el-row :gutter="10">
  21. <template v-for="(formItem, index2) in formgroup">
  22. <el-col
  23. v-if="(formItem.dependency && checkDependency(formItem.dependency, index, index2)) || !formItem.dependency"
  24. :key="`formItem-${index2}`"
  25. :span="24"
  26. :gutter="0"
  27. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-col-${index2}`">
  28. <transition name="fade">
  29. <el-form-item
  30. :label="formItem.label"
  31. :rules="formItem.validation"
  32. :prop="`${[index]}.${[index2]}.value`">
  33. <template v-if="formItem.type === 'placeholder'">
  34. <div class="placeholder" />
  35. </template>
  36. <!-- Text Input Field -->
  37. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'textarea' || formItem.type === 'text' || formItem.type === 'email' || formItem.type === 'tel' || formItem.type === 'number'">
  38. <el-input
  39. v-model="formItem.value"
  40. :type="formItem.type"
  41. :disabled="isLoading"
  42. :placeholder="formItem.placeholder"
  43. :clearable="formItem.clearable"
  44. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`" />
  45. </template>
  47. <!-- Password Input Field -->
  48. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'password'">
  49. <el-input
  50. v-model="formItem.value"
  51. :disabled="isLoading"
  52. :placeholder="formItem.placeholder"
  53. :clearable="formItem.clearable"
  54. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`"
  55. show-password />
  56. </template>
  58. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'radio'">
  59. <el-radio-group v-model="formItem.value">
  60. <template v-for="(option, index) in formItem.options">
  61. <el-radio :label="option.value" :key="`radio-option-${index}`">{{ option.label }}</el-radio>
  62. </template>
  63. </el-radio-group>
  64. </template>
  66. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'slider'">
  67. <el-slider
  68. v-model="formItem.value"
  69. :range="formItem.range"
  70. :marks="formItem.marks"
  71. :min="formItem.min"
  72. :max="formItem.max"
  73. :show-stops="formItem.showStops"
  74. :step="formItem.step"
  75. :format-tooltip="formItem.formatTooltip"
  76. />
  77. </template>
  79. <!-- Single Date Input Field -->
  80. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'time'">
  81. <el-time-picker
  82. v-model="formItem.value"
  83. :picker-options="formItem.options"
  84. :disabled="isLoading"
  85. :placeholder="formItem.placeholder"
  86. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`" />
  87. </template>
  89. <!-- Single Date Input Field -->
  90. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'date'">
  91. <el-date-picker
  92. v-model="formItem.value"
  93. type="date"
  94. :disabled="isLoading"
  95. :placeholder="formItem.placeholder"
  96. :picker-options="formItem.options"
  97. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`" />
  98. </template>
  100. <!-- Single Date Time Input Field -->
  101. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'dateTime'">
  102. <el-date-picker
  103. v-model="formItem.value"
  104. type="datetime"
  105. :disabled="isLoading"
  106. :placeholder="formItem.placeholder"
  107. :picker-options="formItem.options"
  108. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`" />
  109. </template>
  111. <!-- Single DateRange Input Field -->
  112. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'dateRange'">
  113. <el-date-picker
  114. v-model="formItem.value"
  115. type="daterange"
  116. range-separator="To"
  117. start-placeholder="Start date"
  118. end-placeholder="End date"
  119. :picker-options="formItem.options"
  120. :disabled="isLoading"
  121. :placeholder="formItem.placeholder"
  122. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`" />
  123. </template>
  125. <!-- Color Picker Input Field -->
  126. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'color'">
  127. <el-color-picker
  128. v-model="formItem.value"
  129. :color-format="formItem.colorFormat"
  130. :predefine="formItem.predefinedColors"
  131. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`" />
  132. </template>
  134. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'switch'">
  135. <el-switch
  136. v-model="formItem.value"
  137. active-color="#35c58b"
  138. inactive-color="#ddd"
  139. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`" />
  140. </template>
  142. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'select'">
  143. <el-select
  144. v-model="formItem.value"
  145. filterable
  146. class="dpl-block"
  147. :placeholder="formItem.placeholder"
  148. :data-testid="`form-${formName}-input-${index2}`">
  149. <el-option
  150. v-for="item in formItem.options"
  151. :key="item.value"
  152. :label="item.label"
  153. :value="item.value">
  154. <template v-if="!formItem.hideLabel">
  155. <span style="float: left">{{ item.label }}</span>
  156. <span style="float: right; color: #8492a6; font-size: 0.8em">{{ item.value }}</span>
  157. </template>
  158. </el-option>
  159. </el-select>
  160. </template>
  162. <template v-else-if="formItem.type === 'image-upload'">
  163. <el-upload
  164. class="image-uploader"
  165. :action="formItem.uploadAction"
  166. :show-file-list="false"
  167. :on-success="formItem.uploadSuccess"
  168. :before-upload="formItem.beforeUpload"
  169. :on-preview="formItem.handlePreview">
  170. <img
  171. v-if="formItem.imageUrl"
  172. :src="formItem.imageUrl"
  173. class="image">
  174. <i
  175. v-else
  176. class="el-icon-plus image-uploader-icon" /> Upload Image
  177. </el-upload>
  178. </template>
  180. <div
  181. v-if=""
  182. class="system-message-container info">
  183. {{ }}
  184. </div>
  185. </el-form-item>
  186. </transition>
  187. </el-col>
  188. </template>
  189. </el-row>
  190. </div>
  191. </template>
  192. <transition name="fade">
  193. <el-alert
  194. v-if="formError"
  195. title="Please fill out all required fields."
  196. type="error"
  197. effect="dark" />
  198. </transition>
  199. <template v-if="finalStep !== (activeStep + 1)">
  200. <el-button style="margin-top: 12px;" :key="`step-${index}`" @click="activeStep = activeStep + 1">Next step &rsaquo;</el-button>
  201. </template>
  202. <template v-if="activeStep !== 0">
  203. <el-button style="margin-top: 12px;" :key="`step-${index}`" @click="activeStep = activeStep - 1">&lsaquo; Previous step</el-button>
  204. </template>
  206. <template v-if="finalStep === (activeStep + 1)">
  207. <footer>
  208. <transition name="fade">
  209. <FormFooterOptions v-if="formUpdated">
  210. <button
  211. class="button btn-cancel"
  212. @click="cancelForm(formName)">
  213. Cancel Changes
  214. </button>
  215. <button
  216. class="button cta"
  217. @click="submitForm(formName)">
  218. Submit Changes
  219. </button>
  220. </FormFooterOptions>
  221. </transition>
  222. </footer>
  223. </template>
  224. </el-form>
  225. <!-- <el-button style="margin-top: 12px;" :key="`step-${index}`">Next step</el-button>-->
  226. </div>
  227. </template>
  229. <script>
  230. import FormFooterOptions from "./FormFooterOptions"
  231. export default {
  232. name: "CoreFormBuilderElementUIHandler",
  233. components: {
  234. FormFooterOptions
  235. },
  236. filters: {
  237. camelToWords(string) {
  238. const result = string.replace(/([A-Z])/g, " $1")
  239. return result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1)
  240. }
  241. },
  242. props: {
  243. value: {
  244. type: Object,
  245. required: true
  246. },
  247. isLoading: {
  248. type: Boolean,
  249. default: false
  250. },
  251. formName: {
  252. type: String,
  253. default: "defaultForm"
  254. }
  255. },
  256. data() {
  257. return {
  258. formUpdated: false,
  259. formError: false,
  260. activeStep: 0
  261. }
  262. },
  263. computed: {
  264. finalStep() {
  265. return Object.keys(this.value).length
  266. },
  267. formData: {
  268. get() {
  269. return this.value
  270. },
  271. set(val) {
  272. console.log(val)
  273. }
  274. }
  275. },
  276. watch: {
  277. formData: {
  278. handler(val) {
  279. if (val && !this.initialising) {
  280. this.formUpdated = true
  281. }
  282. },
  283. deep: true
  284. }
  285. },
  286. methods: {
  287. checkDependency(value, key) {
  288. if (typeof value === "object") {
  289. if (value.value === '*') {
  290. return this.formData[key][value.field].value != null
  291. } else {
  292. return this.formData[key][value.field].value === value.value
  293. }
  294. } else {
  295. return this.formData[key][value].value
  296. }
  297. },
  298. submitForm(formName) {
  299. this.$refs[formName].validate(valid => {
  300. if (valid) {
  301. this.formError = false
  302. this.$emit("submitForm", this.formData)
  303. } else {
  304. this.formError = true
  305. return false
  306. }
  307. })
  308. },
  309. cancelForm(formName) {
  310. this.$refs[formName].resetFields()
  311. this.$emit("cancelForm")
  312. }
  313. },
  314. created() {
  316. }
  317. }
  318. </script>
  320. <style lang="scss" scoped>
  321. /deep/ .el-form--label-top {
  322. .el-form-item__label {
  323. margin: 0;
  324. padding: 0;
  325. }
  326. }
  327. /deep/ .options-panel {
  328. margin: 4em -2em 0 -2em;
  329. }
  331. /deep/ .el-input__icon,
  332. /deep/ .el-date-editor .el-range__icon {
  333. color: #787879;
  334. }
  336. /deep/ .el-form-item__label {
  337. font-weight: bold;
  338. }
  340. footer {
  341. margin-top: 3em;
  342. }
  343. .dpl-block {
  344. display: block;
  345. }
  346. .placeholder {
  347. width: 100%;
  348. height: 6em;
  349. }
  350. .image-uploader {
  351. border-radius: 6px;
  352. cursor: pointer;
  353. position: relative;
  354. overflow: hidden;
  355. border: 1px dashed var(--main-border-color);
  356. transition: var(--main-transition);
  357. }
  358. .image-uploader:hover {
  359. border-color: var(--main-darker-grey);
  360. background: var(--main-light-blue);
  361. }
  362. .image-uploader-icon {
  363. font-size: 1em;
  364. color: #8c939d;
  365. width: 1em;
  366. height: 1em;
  367. margin: 0 1em;
  368. line-height: 1em;
  369. text-align: center;
  370. }
  371. .image {
  372. width: 1em;
  373. height: 1em;
  374. display: block;
  375. }
  376. </style>
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