
F1 AIE Chapter 24

Aug 17th, 2013
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  1. Formula One Anon in Equestria: Chapter 24
  3. *Jan 11, 2016 EDIT - Eliminated script format from this chapter.
  9. >The race day hustle and bustle of the garage has long since gone. The spectators have made their way home and the cars all have been teleported to the next venue; Ponyville Circuit.
  10. >The few that are still at the track are some of the different teams, most notably, Wonderbolts Racing. It has not been a good day for them.
  11. >Sure Spitfire achieved a nice second place finish, but Soarin plummeted to 8th after his contact with Thunderlane near the end of the Grand Prix. Which subsequently hurt him in the points standings.
  12. >That and Spitfires finish wasn't too well received with any of the spectators. The fans of Wonderbolts Racing were a quiet minority next to all of the booing and jeering race fans as Spits was presented her second place trophy on the podium.
  13. >One can assume that it could be because she injured Anonymous at the hairpin. The crew chief of the team, Fleetfoot, knows full well that's why.
  14. >At the tail end of the Wonderbolts cargo truck, she helps some of the crew pack up the pit wall gantry. With a grunt from each pony, the hefty box full of monitors and computer hardware is put into place and strapped down tight.
  15. >"That's the last of it. Next stop, Ponyville, gentle-colts." Fleetfoot says as she looks to each of them.
  16. >"Roger that chief." One of the crew members states. "Lets just hope we can get there with out being ambushed by bucking Cloudsdale fans."
  17. >Another Crew pony pipes up. "Don't you remember? Anonymous is from Ponyville. Were heading straight into the damn hornets nest for the final race."
  18. >Fleetfoot raises her hoof.
  19. >"Don't worry yourselves too much. I think whatever the Marshals have in store for Spitfire will please all of em before we get there."
  20. >The three crew members begin walking back towards the open garage stall.
  21. >"I hope so. No one looked happy with any of us." A crew pony says as he grabs the keys to the truck hanging on a hook on the wall.
  22. >Fleetfoot grabs her belongings, then turns to the crew members again.
  23. >"Well I'm going to have a talk with Spitfire and Soarin at the hotel before they leave. I'm going to see if she did it on purpose or not."
  24. >"On purpose? That doesn't sound like her at all. I think it was just an accident." says a crew pony walking towards the truck.
  25. >"That's what I'm hoping it was." Fleetfoot says.
  26. >She opens the rear access door of the garage and begins to head out as the others climb into the hauler.
  27. >"Alright. We'll see you at Ponyville ma'am!" One of them yells out into the garage.
  28. >"Yep! See you then."
  30. >She silently thinks to herself as she closes the door and heads down the hallway.
  31. >*Telemetry doesn't lie. I just hope Spitfire doesn't either.*
  33. ---
  35. >In the middle of downtown sits a brand new hotel. Widely regarded as the fanciest hotel in Fillydelphia, if not all of Equestria.
  36. >Because of its presence as a high class establishment. the hotel has attracted nearly all of the Formula One teams to be used as their temporary home for the race weekend.
  37. >Most of the drivers have already packed their bags and left seeing as the weekends events have concluded. A few though, have stayed behind to enjoy the nice atmosphere of the lobby.
  38. >Contemporary is the word you could use to describe the look of the place. Everything is sleek and modern.
  39. >Scattered around the lobby are seating areas for parties to sit and chat. At one of those seating areas is none other than Soarin and Spitfire.
  40. >Their shared mood is one of anxiousness however. Knowing that whatever penalty gets enforced on Spitfire will have no benefit to the team what so ever.
  42. >"So you didn't do it on purpose?" Soarin asks.
  43. >With her head back on the couches backrest, Spitfire looks to the ceiling as she answers her teammate.
  44. >"No. I didn't. Why can't anypony see that when you're battling for second place on the final lap, you will do anything to keep whoever is behind you, back there."
  45. >"Even send them to the hospital with a concussion?"
  46. >Spitfire closes her eyes and lets loose an long annoyed exhale.
  47. >"Ok. You know I did not intend for that to happen."
  48. >"In the eyes of the Stewards, that doesn't matter." Soarin states. "Whatever they give you isn't going to be pretty. Remember the penalty they gave Vinyl Scratch in pre-season testing? All she did was block a driver. You sent one to the hospital. I'm thinking you'll be lucky if you still have a racing licence by the end of the day."
  49. >Spitfire hops off of the couch, worried.
  50. >"That's not right! They can't take that away from me!"
  52. >"I'm afraid they can." Says a voice from behind them.
  54. >Startled, both Wonderbolts turn to the direction of the voice.
  55. >"Oh, hey Fleet." Soarin says holding a hoof up.
  56. >"Good evening."
  57. >"What do you mean they can?" Spitfire inquires in a worried tone.
  58. >Fleetfoot walks up next to the table in the middle of their seating area.
  59. >"The Stewards have the power to enforce whatever penalty they see fit, ranging from ten seconds added to your total time, all the way to a complete ban from competing, forever."
  60. >Spitfire gulps at that last word.
  61. >"Is there anything we can do? Do we have a say on the matter?" Asks Spitfire.
  62. >"It's limited, but there is one thing we can do." Fleetfoot states
  63. >Interests piqued, the Wonderbolts lean in.
  64. >"And that would be?" Soarin asks raising an eyebrow.
  66. >"To file an appeal."
  68. >This statement makes Soarin audibly sigh out in annoyance and flop back into the backrest of the couch.
  69. >"We would have to go to court?!"
  70. >"Only if the penalty is outrageous." Fleetfoot exhales. "Judging from before, there is a very good chance that it might be."
  71. >Off across the room from the trio, a news report catches their attention. It's faint, but they are able to hear it from their position
  72. >*At the top of the hour, Formula One Management will hold a news conference in regard to Spitfire's consequences after today's Grand Prix in Fillydelphia. Be sure to tune in here on EBC Sport to hear the full report.*
  73. >Spitfire turns to the direction of the clock to her left. It shows 6:30 PM on its face.
  74. >"Well, we'll know my fate in 30 minutes."
  75. >The crew chief then turns to Spits.
  76. >"If it is bad, we will meet up Tuesday at Canterlot to get this mess sorted out. Alright?"
  77. >"Roger that chief."
  78. >Fleetfoot chuckles a little. Having her squad lead answer to her in that way feels pretty nice.
  79. >"Heh, I could definitely get used to that."
  80. >"Like I told you. All F1 related operations are under your jurisdiction Fleet. Everything military related is still under my control."
  81. >"I'm aware. And don't worry. I'm going to make sure you're racing in Ponyville two weeks from now."
  82. >Fleetfoot turns to leave, but stops after a few steps. Turning back to Spitfire, she asks the question shes been pondering about since the incident occurred.
  84. >"Before I forget, there is one thing I wanted to ask-"
  85. >"No, it wasn't on purpose Fleet." Spitfire interjects.
  87. >That firm answer surprised her crew chief, it's obvious Spitfire knew that question was going to come up.
  88. >Fleet knew in the back of her mind that that was the answer she was going to get, but, this explanation set her at ease.
  89. >"I did jink right to move into a defensive line, yes. I didn't know he was that far beside me though. There wasn't any malicious intent in that move. It was simply a racing incident. Swear to Celestia."
  90. >That was enough to help her feel a little better. But even with that, she knows for certain that this will be a long week for Wonderbolts Racing.
  91. >"Right, I think that answers my question. Have a good night you guys."
  92. >"We'll try. See ya Fleetfoot." Soarin says as the chief heads on out of the lobby.
  94. >Sitting back down, Spitfire inquires to Soarin.
  95. >"How did I know she would ask that question?"
  96. >"It's on everypony's mind. I would've been surprised if you didn't think she would ask you."
  97. >"Of course."
  98. >Spits sets her head back on the backrest and exhales. Overwhelmed with everything that has come up as a result of single botched racing maneuver.
  101. >"I wonder how he feels about you." Soarin says talking about Anonymous, looking at his teammate with worry.
  102. >"I don't know. But to be honest with you, it's not Anon's feelings I'm worried about."
  103. >Soarin raises an eyebrow, thinking that she can't be talking about his teammate.
  104. >"I don't understand. Rainbow Dash idolizes you Spits. Why would she hold any animosity toward you?"
  105. >Spitfire lifts her head up to look at Soarin.
  106. >"Apparently you didn't hear."
  107. >"Hear what?"
  108. >Spits pauses for a second, choosing her words.
  109. >"Those two are kind of a... thing. Now." she says motioning her arms.
  110. >Soarin's eyes go wide. The situation becoming crystal clear.
  111. >"If she sees you. You're dead."
  112. >"Now you get it."
  114. ---===---
  116. >"Concussion huh?"
  117. "Yeah."
  118. >"Well that just throws a wrench into our season." Twilight states.
  119. >"Tell me about it." Rainbow adds
  121. >Twilight arrived at your hospital room about 30 minutes after Rainbow did. She of course couldn't be happier that you made it out of that horrific crash with so few injuries. After hearing that you couldn't continue the season though, that put a damper on her mood.
  122. >Still, you're alive. Twilight saw everything happen to you before her eyes and it got to her. She told you that she hasn't felt that much dread and fear in years. It's all she could ask for in the current situation to see you alright.
  123. >From Rainbow's facial expression though, you can tell shes putting the full blame of your accident on the driver who took second today.
  124. >"Whatever penalty the stewards give that shit for brains Wonderbolt is gonna be too good for her."
  125. >"I'm thinking they might suspend her from competing in the final race." Twilight states.
  126. >Disagreeing, you shake your head.
  128. "I don't think they're going to be that 'lenient'." you say, making quotation marks with your fingers.
  130. >Twilight raises an eyebrow.
  131. >"You don't think they'll take away her license, will they?"
  132. "That's what I'm thinking they're going to do to her. If the past says anything, it says the Stewards are brutal when it comes to punishments. They're not gonna take this lightly."
  133. >Rainbow then adds "Good. The quicker they can get her kicked out, the better."
  134. >Ok, that shit is getting annoying. What the hell is up with this mare?
  135. "You do realize I'll be fully recovered in a few weeks right?" you inquire to Dash.
  136. >"I know that." she says
  137. "So, whats with this whole shitting on Spitfire now?"
  138. >Rainbow walks over to your bed and looks dead in your eyes.
  140. >"Look. We had this shit. The whole thing. Cloudsdale Weather was going to be the top team, better than any of the others! Then this happens."
  142. >She points her hoof over to the television monitor which happens to be displaying yet another replay of your crash.
  143. >Its hard to believe that you were sitting in there when that happened. Jeez.
  144. >"I go through a roller coaster of emotions so quickly that I'm left exhausted. All the way from winning the damn Grand Prix to thinking my new special somepony is dead. Er.. someone, you know what I mean."
  145. >The look Dash is giving you tells all. You don't think you've ever seen anyone that pissed off.
  146. >"She took away our glory, and she almost took your life. I think I have a valid reason as to why I dislike that fucking pegasus at the moment."
  147. >Without missing a beat, you reply.
  148. "Just because she took away 'our' glory doesn't mean she took away yours."
  149. >"That's not the point." Rainbow replied, equally as quick.
  150. "Babe, you-"
  151. >"Don't 'babe' me. You heard what I said."
  152. >You only huff through your nose in frustration. You knew she was stubborn but god damn.
  153. >"Look. I'm not going to throw away everything we've worked for this season just to get back at her. That would be dumb. I'm just not going to feel any bit sorry for her when she gets what she deserves."
  154. >Rainbow trots over to a nearby chair and sits herself down. You look over to her as a thought enters your mind.
  156. "Dash, let me play devils advocate here for just a second."
  157. >"Ok."
  158. "Lets just say, what if it really was just a racing incident. That, in the heat of competitive racing, she had not a single clue that I was next to her. and thinking that I was further back, decided at that exact moment to take the defensive inside line on approach to the turn. Only to feel a sudden bump."
  159. >Rainbow looks around in thought, contemplating the scenario in her head.
  160. >"In the off chance that was what actually happened. She still almost killed you."
  161. >Yeah, her mind is made up. Dash wants to see Spitfire burn.
  163. ---
  165. >12 minutes later, Dash and yourself are eyeing the television, awaiting the Steward's decision on Spitfire's penalty.
  166. >Returning from her trip to the restroom, Twilight asks this to you.
  167. >"How long are they gonna keep you here for?"
  168. "I think I heard one of the doctors say that I'll be released tomorrow morning."
  169. >"Oh thank goodness." Rainbow says from her chair.
  170. "What?"
  171. >"I thought we were gonna be here for alot longer than that."
  172. >Twilight then continues "How do you think you'll be on that ankle?"
  173. "I'm sure it wont be too bad. I will be limping for a couple days though I think."
  174. >Not to mention about the only thing you'll be doing for several days is resting. Concussions aren't fun at all.
  175. >"Well Rainbow, do you think we should head back to the hotel and pack up?"
  176. >"After this." she says motioning towards the tv.
  177. >EBC Sport has just begun broadcasting the news conference. Luna herself has walked up to the table and taken a seat in front of a microphone.
  178. >"Huh. Luna must be speaking on behalf of Celestia." Twilight says
  179. >"Shh!" Rainbow orders
  180. >Setting a few sheets of paper down in front of her, Luna begins speaking to the countless race fans in Equestria.
  182. >"As a result of the incident involving cars number 5 and number 1 on approach to turn 10 on the final lap, sending Anonymous to the hospital. The penalties awarded to Spitfire are as follows."
  183. >"Penalties?" Twilight worriedly states, noticing the words plural form.
  185. >Oh shit. Here we go.
  186. >"Immediate expulsion from all future Formula 1 events, racing licence revoked, and a 30,000 bit fine."
  187. >Damn...
  188. >Luna then continues "Wonderbolts Racing may file for an appeal later on this week at the F1 Headquarters in Canterlot."
  189. >With that. Luna lifts the paper from the desk and begins to walk off. Reporters ask their questions in unison and flash bulbs go off in rapid succession as she leaves.
  190. >The EBC announcer then comes in through the broadcast, "Welp. You heard it here. Spitfire is an F1 pilot no more. The field ready for Ponyville reduced to 10 drivers within the course of just a few hours. We'll be back with more on this development after a commercial break."
  191. >You look around your hospital room at your two friends. Twilight looks pretty stunned, as you'd expect. Dash however, displays a smirk as she looks toward the television.
  192. >"Heh. Sucks to be her."
  194. >You know what. Fuck that.
  196. "I'm helping them out with the appeal."
  197. >"WHAT!?!?"
  198. >Birds sitting in a tree just outside the hotel get startled and fly away. Ponies sitting outside enjoying the day look around wondering where the hell that outburst came from.
  199. >That's the first time you've seen Twi jump that hard.
  200. "You heard me. No driver deserves that. Especially if the incident wasn't intentional. Spitfire is not getting banned from competition. Not if I can help it."
  201. >Rainbow just stares at you, mouth agape. She cant believe what she just heard.
  202. >A few silent seconds pass. Twilight shifts here eyes looking at you two, anxiously awaiting whatever comes next.
  203. >Dash then closes her eyes. She gets up from her chair and looks dead at you.
  204. >"Fuck you too, Anon."
  205. >With that, she storms out of the room with a huff.
  206. "See you tomorrow." you reply as she leaves.
  207. >"FUCK OFF." Her voice echoes from down the hall.
  208. >Twilight hurries to the entrance of your room and sticks her head out from the door.
  209. >"Rainbow! Come back!"
  210. "Let her go, she'll be fine."
  211. >"Ugh. I don't think this week is going well for anyone." Twi says walking back up beside your bed.
  212. "I know." you say, exhaling.
  213. >"Are you really gonna help them?"
  215. "Yes I'm going to help them. There isn't anyone else on this planet who can better convince these corrupt stewards that this is unreasonable. I'm going to Canterlot, whether Rainbow likes it or not."
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