
RP in Forgotten Fae 4

Aug 20th, 2019
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  1. Vaizel: (So, your character is standing there too?)
  2. Rebourn: ][ Yisss ][
  3. Vaizel: (Okies woot! posting :D)
  4. Rebourn: ][ Elloooo Dehma~ & okay! :D ][
  5. TemptingKiss: ((*Waves** Oherro~ ))
  6. Rebourn: ][ How was work? ^^ ][
  7. TemptingKiss: ((Uhhghghghh... It hasn't been bad, but I keep covering for people when they have to call out. It's been five days on, today is my one off, and I've got six more coming up.))
  8. Vaizel: /me The rays of the moon gave the forest a kiss of beauty and a warm welcoming to those traveling through. However, near the river- blood spilled and the scent of cooper soon reach anyone's nostrils near by. But, the warlock seemed to not budge as he stared at the flames before him, watching the prince burning into ashes until there was no trace of him. There was a silence even after the kings arrival to the scene. The tall figure that stood 6'2 didn't move a muscle as his hands dangled to his side in that over size sleeves to his kimono, in which at the moment had droplets of blood decorating it over his chest. Then, those soft full lips finally parted while his back was turned to the king. "Considering your heart is beating harshly against your rib cage, you wanted to save them?" The warlock return his attention back to the crackling fire for a moment longer as he waited for the other to respond. He closed those two tone eyes slowly, tilting his head back as he let those strands of black hair that dangled over his face to brush across his cheeks. "Can you hear it? Silence." He enjoyed peace, humans however seemed to always ruin it. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking a few times to gather his vision before turning to face the king as his long hair dragged some against the grass with his elegant movements. "Tell me- who are you?" He asked, face emotionless though there was a soft twinkle in those eyes of his.
  9. Rebourn: ][ Oops, wb Uma ][
  10. Vaizel: [Welcome back Uma.)
  11. Guest_Uma358668: (Thanks Sorry I’ve been dealing with a asshole)
  12. Rebourn: /me The wolf paused at the thing speaking to it, his eyes rolling some as he turned back around and emerged from the black corner casted by the large tree above. He approached the bodies, confirming where they came from before looking at the bloody scene and sitting by he warm fire, its nose filling with the scent of death. The wolf curled his tail around his hind legs, not caring to even look toward the man as it's ears lowered at the question. The King didn't wish to involve himself, but his manners wanted otherwise. His fur shrunk into his skin, his bones wavering as he shifted into his Fae form, his shirt still gone as he stood straight with a groan of soreness. His golden eyes never left the dancing flames of the campfire as he spoke and answered. "Just the guardian of the forest. I'll grant you my name:" He paused, almost hesitant as he snuck a glance to the man. "Geraint Rownans." A subtle bow of his head, a sigh following after.
  13. Guest_Uma358668: (Sorry crashed)
  14. Rebourn: ][ Np ^^ ][
  15. Rebourn: /me He was unsure to mention he was King, to bring up he held the power in this corner of the world. So he cleared his throat, ridding himself of the lingering emotions. "And you are..? I have guesses but it's not my sort of game." He rolled his neck and shoulders, trying to feel the limits of this form again, the corners of his limbs conforming him in a body that had to be used for diplomacy.
  16. HikatsueHatu: ((Ah, hello. RP in session?))
  17. Rebourn: ][ Yes indeeeed ][
  18. HikatsueHatu: ((Ight. I also believe there is some petty drama about to build up me boi.))
  19. HikatsueHatu: ((That you may want to look into Geraint.))
  20. Vaizel: /me Those eyes seemed to have widen slightly, expecting to see a form of a man but a wolf form instead. He grew silent again, observing the fascinating creature before him before lifting a hand up to brush a few strands of hair away from his face, tucking it behind a pointy ear similar to an elf. He could sense the other was displeased by their surroundings but- it could not be helped. He was not going to allow these knights to cause a crime and the prince to continue on harming innocent children. He observed carefully as the other began to transform back to his true self and took one step back to keep his distance. "That looks quite painful." He muttered under his breath, lowering his hand to his side and allowed those over size sleeves to his kimono to keep his hands hidden again. The cool breeze that blew around them played with a few delicate and deadly strands of hair. "Guardian?" He questioned him with a slight tilt of his head. "Are you a guardian to the forest?" He was rather amused and confused by this. "And yet- you smell of royalty." He replied dryly, letting those two tone eyes to trail over the mans face down his collar bone and to his chest. When he spoke again to reveal his name his eyes shifted back to his face. His face simply harden at the sight of the subtle bow of his head and that sigh that soon followed after. The warlock's crown stayed within place as he return the bow of his head in return. "Vaizel." It was a simple name, it's meaning 'Lord of Freedom' but he didn't live by it.
  21. HikatsueHatu: ((Also, posting order?))
  22. HikatsueHatu: ((Do we have a sorta villian/hero within our RP?))
  23. Vaizel: (So far it's just Rebourn (king) and myself.)
  24. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o Ight.))
  25. Guest_Uma358668: (Can today get anymore fucked up)
  26. HikatsueHatu: ((I shall hop in after Geraint posts.))
  27. Rebourn: ][ Wym, Hika? Petty drama? ][
  28. HikatsueHatu: ((Someone messaged me privately saying "Kill Uma" some stupid ass OOC drama that I don't tolerate.))
  29. Rebourn: ][ Ah Scarlette? ][
  30. HikatsueHatu: ((By the name Scarlett44170.))
  31. Rebourn: ][ Block her, it's Uma's RP Mom who takes imvu too seriously. ][
  32. Guest_Uma358668: (Not her again holy cow. And prince g not drama it’s I just forgot to do something this morning)
  33. Guest_Uma358668: (She has apparently messaged many people that I’ve blocked her and stuff I won’t stand for that it’s stupid)
  34. Rebourn: ][ If you let her pretend to kill you, will she go away again? ][
  35. HikatsueHatu: ((There is no pretending.....))
  36. HikatsueHatu: ((Don't bring OOC drama into our story line.))
  37. HikatsueHatu: ((If her RPC isn't here nothing counts.))
  38. Rebourn: ][ T.T But she's harrassing my peoples and I dun likeeee ][
  39. HikatsueHatu: ((You can't do much at all without breaking rules such as meta gaming, OOC fighting within IC, etc. etc.))
  40. HikatsueHatu: ((If she wants to step in here and let the story do whatever then fine. She can bring her story here and see where it goes.))
  41. HikatsueHatu: ((You can't mix OOC with IC. It would be considered meta gaming.))
  42. HikatsueHatu: ((Also, I am kinda getting hyped for RP. XDDDD))
  43. Vaizel: (*blink*)
  44. Vaizel: (Poof she goes)
  45. TemptingKiss: ((Yeah, me too.))
  46. HikatsueHatu: ((I also don't take orders from scum. I take orders from nearly no one.))
  47. Rebourn: /me Furrowing his brows, he looked down at his own body, wondering if it was indeed painful but his body suppressed the feeling. Unknowing, he shrugged his shoulders and slightly shook his head, mumbling a 'maybe' as he crossed his arms over his bare chest. Meeting eyes with the stranger, he nodded again, confirming his role/duty to his surroundings and chuckled at the spot-on guess. "I am the Princeling of the Forgotten Fae. I am royal." Geraint's throat wanted to close shut as he still was unsure of revealing too much, but his homeland gave him an advantage against anyone. "Vaizel, you say? Are you a bounty hunter? Mm, no that can't be.." A pause, an assessment as he overlooked the dress style and demanor. "You don't dwindle in mortal roles. Did these men have it coming to them? Are you their karma perhaps~?" Now interested, he turned to Vai and cocked his head curiously. "Do you have places to go? I do not wish to be away for too long." The King's golden eyes lifted toward the stars, almost as if he was apart of them somewhere as the sky was slowly but surely brightening.
  48. HikatsueHatu: ((I shall post now. o-o))
  49. Rebourn: ][ "I don't take orders from scum." x'D F ][
  50. HikatsueHatu: The large muscular toned being slowly made his way up onto his knees from his original sitting spot next to the King's throne. He had sat down in a criss cross position with his head lowered his back slumped. He had taken a nap...a really good nap. His black straw hat was angeled on his head to cover most of his face. It would reveal a partial bit of his fancied hair style he had. He had made it to his knees partailly drowzy but the sleepiness was slowly dissapearing from his body. His body awakening from the good slumber. He then manuavered to his his feet to finally stand up brushing his body off from the dust he had collected. His head swung to the right to look at the King's throne. His eyes darting to the empty spot he was now looking at as his head immediately tilted to the right side. His thought blank as he brought his hands close together and began to weave a sign while muttering a few ancient words "De'shodia". He had lowered his head once again while this was being said. His eyes closing as his senses enhanced looking for the King's soul. It pinged not to far from him. The Mongrel now knowing where the King was had dropped his hands back down to his side and would squat down grabbing his nodachi style katana "The Death Walker" and his katana "The Death Dealer" and would pick them up in both his hands grasping the sheaths losely as he would stand back up and straighten up. His right foot now taking a step forward as he would then head off to find the King. His Commander's cloack flailing softly as the wind passed his around his body to make the cloak sway.-
  51. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o Detailed but small. I will increase the post line later.))
  52. HikatsueHatu: ((How would you think of a RPC that was a Shinobi?))
  53. HikatsueHatu: ((Currently in the process of doing a few more RPCs and reworking a few others.))
  54. Rebourn: ][ I'll accept anything from you, Hika. A shinobi sounds dope tho B) ][
  55. HikatsueHatu: ((XDDDD))
  56. HikatsueHatu: ((Whose post?))
  57. TemptingKiss: ((Can I?))
  58. HikatsueHatu: ((Hop in. o-o))
  59. TemptingKiss: ((*Hops*))
  60. Rebourn: ][ ^^~ So the order is Vai, Me, Hika, than Tempting ][
  61. Rebourn: ][ aka Dehma ][
  62. HikatsueHatu: ((Dope this is gonna be wicked. I am actually getting super hyped. XDD))
  63. HikatsueHatu: ((Not sure how long it will last.))
  64. Rebourn: ][ In further news: I think Uma's Mom is actually Uma ][
  65. HikatsueHatu: ((Wouldn't doudt it. Petty drama.))
  66. HikatsueHatu: ((Don't get yourself involved.))
  67. Rebourn: ][ -Pats Hika's hyped head.- There, there ][
  68. Rebourn: ][ Yeh T_T ][
  69. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma shoved a few of the books back into their homes on the bookshelves, a slight layer of dust puffing into the air as she did, she was a bit upset by the end of all of her studying for the political aspect of her job. It was all so predictable to her, she thought to herself 'This is why I told you, Nori, I don't think I'm a good fit for politics. I don't understand why people don't just kill --' She cut herself short in her mind, not only because Nori wouldn't respond but because she had made a vow to not kill. So she sighed again and put up the remainder of the books, giving a gentle shoulder pat to the stone statue that watched over her in the study before making her way to the throne room. Not hungry, or wanting anything... the truth of it all is her mind was bored and restless, she needed something to do. She saw the shadowed man disappear out the front door and instantly her first thought was to follow him, though she didn't B-line it to him, she turned down a corridor that she knew would lead her around to the direction he was heading. Once outside she caught the scent of death in the air and her target shifted from the shadowed man to where that came from, as it was still night she had an easy time sneaking around soundlessly, no weapons at her side yet until she saw a fire in the distance and she felt one manifest at the small of her back. Knowing the distance she was at was probably close enough for her to be detected she stopped in place and waited on the dew coated grass, wishing Nori was still in her mind to help pass the time.
  70. Vaizel: /me He couldn't help but let those soft lips curled up once more in amusement. "And, here I thought when a wolf became a man, he was going to be completing naked." He in a playful manner eyeing the others chest for a moment before turning his attention away to stare into the forest silently. "Hm?" His attention returned to the other when he finally revealed himself and he was pleased to hear he was right. "I figured as much, though- you should cover up." With a motion of his right hand, he tossed the other's shirt at him with out warning. The warlock didn't move from the spot he was in to retrieve the shirt- this was simply an act of magic. "A bounty hunter?" He laughed softly behind his sleeve. "I am far to elegant to be one." Which was entirely true. He lowered his arm to his side and with another motion of his hand the fire pit defused leaving nothing left but the smoke that traveled through the cool breeze. "Karma? Perhaps." He said looking over at him. "Of course, what would the people do with out their majesty within their premises- you best hurry back." He couldn't help but smirk a little, those two tones eyes stared at him with curiosity. "Is the prince of the forgotten fae insinuating I should come with?" He arched a playful brow. When the other lift his gaze to stare up at the stars he lowered his own gaze to the ground, staring at the tint of blood decorating the grass. "I would like to clean up." He meant his kimono. "If is not much trouble, prince Geraint." oddly enough there was a sense of calmness from the prince's aura and the warlock's gaze simply soften. However, that was interrupted by a strange aura that soon reached the forest, whatever it was made the warlock turn his body around to face the trail. "Whatever it is- it's fascinating." The wind would pick up, swirling around them and causing those strands of long hair to wave in the breeze at all directions behind him. His demonic tail swayed behind him while those horns were resting on the top of his head behind his crown proudly. "Does it belong to you?" He turned back to the prince, staring at him with that same emotional face whenever he killed three men. "And the woman?" He added, sensing her as well.
  71. Rebourn: ][ Welcome Lyrl, we are RPing right now ][
  72. Rebourn: ][ I can paste the setting if you wish, or I can answer questions you might have? ][
  73. ILyraI: ((Yes, if later would be better I can come back, im curious about your RP))
  74. Rebourn: ][ Welcome back Mala, and hello Simo ][
  75. Rebourn: ][ RP in progress, if you wanna join I can paste setting, if not I can answer questions ][
  76. Simochii: ((what type of rp is this , are actual fae allowed here?))
  77. Enbei: (Yea, feel free to post the setting.)
  78. Guest_Malacath2704: (Setting?)
  79. Rebourn: ][ Mala, you know this is a RP room. <_< Why have you returned? ][
  80. Guest_Malacath2704: (To be recruited.)
  81. Rebourn: ][ Fae is allowed, yes Simo. Though I may have a different definition of fae than you. ][
  82. Simochii: ((i have a nature sprite id like to bring into this rp, is that allowed?))
  83. Rebourn: ][ Mmmmm okay let me finish my post before I get the setting for you guys. Hello again, Ebei. Hope today is better for you. ][
  84. Rebourn: ][ It is allowed, mhm ]
  85. Enbei: (Kinda better.)
  86. Enbei: (I just wanna post an entrance of sorts.)
  87. Enbei: (So that I can RP.)
  88. Enbei: (Without having to bother worrying about being introduced into the story.)
  89. Enbei: (Just, kinda busy with studying atm.)
  90. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o Impatient. o-o))
  91. Vaizel: (. . .maybe they shouldn't rp while studying? -blink-)
  92. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o I dunno.))
  93. Guest_Malacath2704: (Haha yea not a very good student)
  94. Simochii: ((vai i have that hair ... nice))
  95. Vaizel: (^^)
  96. HikatsueHatu: ((Post?))
  97. Rebourn: /me The King was pleased to be in the presence of someone, something with some spine, though his unexpected joke had caught the Fae off-guard, getting out a belowing laugh witha quick catch, the magic of the other feeling so closely to his, it was instinctual to feel it coming. He muttered a thanks before slipping it over his head, nodding in agreement at Vai's responses to his inquiries. The male stretched his spine and turned toward Vai again, a wave of dismissal at what was said. "Not trouble at all. " The Fae King nose was able to pick his Second's scent from the rich smells of the woods, and even the coming storm. He paid no mind to it's approaching, a pleasant but surprised raise coming from his eyebrows as he grinned, a flash of canines following. "It does." Turning toward the scent, he raised an eyebrow at the invisible Dehma, knowing she was around, curious just as His Mongrel. He almost felt proud. "The woman is taking shelter. Though I do wish her to be in my court." He bagan walking toward Hikatsue, unstopping as they met paths, knowing he'd follow suit and take his place on his right. "The demon will come with us. Maybe you can make a friend, hmm?" A teasing chuckle as he motioned for Dehma to follow.
  98. Vaizel: [Vai, King , Hika, Tempting. Is the King's post we are waiting on ^^]
  99. Vaizel: [Oops, there it is.]
  100. Rebourn: ][ Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-King and his Mongrels of darkness. ][
  101. Simochii: ((when can i post))
  102. Vaizel: (I'm sleepy not sure how much longer I'll last but I'll try to give in a few more posts.)
  103. Rebourn: ][ Alright, lad ^^ ][
  104. Rebourn: ][ & when we get to the manor at least. ][
  105. Vaizel: (Hai, I hope to make it that far at least get him in lol)
  106. Rebourn: ][ We shall xP ][
  107. Rebourn: ][ Welcome Heart, RP in progress. If you wanna join, I can paste the setting, if you have any questions before you do so, I can answer them ][
  108. Rebourn: ][ -Pets the sleepy Vai in the mean time.- ][
  109. Vaizel: [-purring lightly-]
  110. HikatsueHatu: The Mongrel met paths with the King. His body lose and relaxed as he stopped completely in his tracks to meet the other figure. His head lowered and his gaze was brought down to the ground. His hands clenching the sheath's of both katanas as she chains that were hooked to the sheaths jingled from the movements of the Mongrel. His right hand holding his nodachi style katana would move to above his head and his fingers would let go of the lose grasp he had of the sheath. The sheath's chains fell over his neck and would the wrap around his chest. The nodachi weapon now angeled sideways on his back. His left hand now moving to wrap the other weapon around his waist on his right hip. The sheath's were ellaborate and so were the blades. They were covered with crimson blood stains and etched with ancient symbols from his universe. Hikatsue looked at the other man and turned around around sharply on his heels as he began walking off to the King. His head staying low as he kept quiet. His commanders cloak flailing in the soft breeze of the wind. The forest around them heavy and thick with trees. The dirt path slightly moist with moisture from the air with the thick heavy dark clouds that presented a storm brewing in the mists. His black straw hat angeled ever so slightly to hide his black charcoal emotioneless eyes. His greyish dark skin tone covered with tattoos that all meant something or the life's he has taking which his skin tone didn't allow for any light to bounce off his skin. His black attire hiding him almost like a shadow and the extra gear on his chest made him look like a freaking Commando Unit Leader. His heads now would rest by his sides as he walked with a softness to him as his feet landed gently on the ground. His black boots making no noise or footprints as he took each step.
  111. TemptingKiss: (My bad, I'm still here. Going to read and post now.)
  112. Guest_Malacath2704: *Fem walked casually as he lingered slowly into the village. behind his back he fiddled with his fingers. His companion, a shadow would follow scarily and automatically behind him as he strode into the grounds. *Shadow* “Are we there yet?” *Fem* “Ha, does it look like it? We’re lost thanks to you!” *shadow* “Scuse me, but you're the one who tampered with the map.” *Fem* “whatever just keep walking I think i know where we are.” It seemed that the pair were arguing quite loudly. Fem with a sour look on his face and the shadow crossing its arms. Fem eyes would dance over the people that he passed, spotting a coven the pair would make there way to the doors and knock.*
  113. Rebourn: ][ Wb Rav ][
  114. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Thank you kindly sir))
  115. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Rp currently?))
  116. Rebourn: ][ Indeed, 4 of us are on our way back to the manor, Mala just knocked if you wish to interact with him before we do. ][
  117. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Yes sir, when might I post? An might I see his post in the discord chat?))
  118. Rebourn: ][ Sure, and you can post when you're ready ][
  119. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Yay thank you kindly* moms a carrot* CD couldn't help it lol))
  120. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((XD))
  121. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma could see easily in the dark, through the shadows towards the group of them that had now converged to one, seeing Geraint motion for her to follow she thought about listening to the suggestion but her feet remained bare in the grass. Her black horns that grew from her head seemed heavier than normal, it was as though they were attracted to the direction of the storm that was threatening to break over the horizon, she looked out at it with her silver illuminated eyes and lifted a hand to the black mask that covered her nose and mouth. The moment her fingers touched the strange fabric it constricted around her face, refusing to move to her will, she sighed softly as it itched the bridge of her nose. The curved blade at the small of her back seemed to dissipate from existance as she chose to move now, taking another scenic route back into the manor, her feet sliding through the grass with ease as she was in no hurry. The route she chose would have her arriving just before the group would, despite being taken by smaller steps due to her smaller stature and size. Eventually the warmth of the manor greeted her when she slid back in through an open window and perched herself on a raised ledge near the throne, one leg curled up to her chest while the other dangled down below. Her eyes stayed fixed on the large double doors as her usually motionless wings settled in against her back. 'I wonder who that was.' She called out to her mind, though nothing responded. 'Probably someone of importance, I'm sure.' She sighed again as she held this conversation with herself time and time again. She could feel someone on the other side of the door, seemingly arguing with themselves, but she chose to not answer it. Instead she sat here patiently from her perch and waited to see the events unfold before her.
  122. Vaizel: /me He was pleased to see this fae had a sense of humor. But, said nothing in regards to it. "Is that so?" He replied dryly with a blank face as he followed his gaze over to the forest once more. "I'm sure she would be able to handle herself..." He cast him a glance. "or so I hope." He moved past him to bend at the waist and reach for the knights pouch of coins that was attached to his sheath tied with a string. He then proceed to the other knight who had a similar pouch. He then straighten his spine, slipping the pouches somewhere underneath one of those sleeves. When the other began to lead the way, the warlock demon hesitated at first but sighed under his breath before following after him. His goal was to wash his kimono, bathe and be out of the royal's premises by morning. He blink softly over hearing him speak to the figure he sensed earlier. "Demon?" He muttered, bothered some by this. "What was the point of telling you my name, 'fae' 'prince'?" His two tone eyes then shifted over to the other figure who was 'well equipped and by that i meant with weapons. "Hmph." He felt the other was exaggerating. He couldn't help but notice the silence in his steps though and how there was no trace of his foot prints upon the ground they walked on. "How..bizarre." He muttered under his breath, long hair dragging behind him as he walked, following the two from behind but kept his distance. And, from the looks of things it was just the three of them as the woman seemed to have retrieved and returned back to the royal home. He could only wonder what the place was like, he had never heard of it before nor- has he, seen a fae before either. At the thought he glance over at the prince, staring at the back of his head before eyes wondered to that shirt he finally slipped on and he smirked a little looking away to observe their surroundings.
  123. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: *she yawns and slowly opens her rainbowed eyes blinking a couple times as a sharp knock would awaken her from her lovely dream, she sits up on the couch where she had fallen asleep then reaches her tanned arms above her head stretching, as she stretches each one of her vertebra in her back would make a small popping sound causing her to release a low soft sound of pleasure. Ravenna would then stand and pick up her long blood red silk skirts smiling a bit at the light texture of them against her soft hands, she then makes her way towards the door her foot falls silent against then marbled floors as she approaches the door. She stops at the door and fixes her long light locks before opening it and offering her brightest smile her small fangs flashing with the rest of her pearly whites* Darkest greetings to you sir, how might I assist you? *she allows her voice to take on a melodic sound and pretends not to notice the shadowy figure with the young male*
  124. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((I'm mobile sorry for any shortness of posts or poofs))
  125. HikatsueHatu: ((Posting order?))
  126. Rebourn: ][ Vai, Me, You, Dehma.. after I respond to everyone we'll adopt that order. I wanna hurry so sleepy-san over here> can rest ][
  127. Vaizel: (-yawns and hums- )
  128. HikatsueHatu: ((Vai your RP is very pleasant. I love it. ^o^))
  129. Vaizel: (>///< thank you)
  130. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Vai is very very good^^))
  131. Vaizel: (my face cant get any redder xD)
  132. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((No need for reddness))
  133. HikatsueHatu: ((Go drink some energy drinks or something. Stay a little longer. XDDD))
  134. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Did mala die?))
  135. Guest_Malacath2704: *Fem would peek inside to see if there are any others before looking back at his shadow. *Shadow* Do you think she is a vampire? *Fem* Definitely a werewolf. *Shadow* No idiot she is a dragon *Fem* who are you calling a idiot your nothing but a shadow! *Fem* “Anyway how are you miss werewolf sorry that we were arguing he can be a dum dum sometimes! Fem would smile back to the “werewolf” and he would reach his hand out to initiate a handshake. *Fem* i am fem the demon and this is my shadow his name is shadow.*
  136. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Nvm xD))
  137. Vaizel: (I wish i had energy drink....but i do have some sweets.. that might help. o///O)
  138. Guest_Malacath2704: ((Lol I prefer smaller posts but I usually put in alot for people to work with))
  139. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((So after Fem is Vai then the king then dehma then me then fem yes?))
  140. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Oh wait hike is in there too))
  141. Vaizel: (-flops down eating an oatmeal creampie-)
  142. Vaizel: (Hikatsue-san, i blame you for my five pounds im about to gain.)
  143. HikatsueHatu: __
  144. HikatsueHatu: ((XDDD))
  145. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Yya my.posts ready :)))
  146. Guest_Malacath2704: (Wait then i will brb)
  147. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Is there a rp in session
  148. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ))*
  149. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Yes em))
  150. Guest_KaiTheStorm: (( may I join))
  151. Rebourn: /me The King nodded, waving a hand in the general direction of her. "She is more than capable." He didn't care to watch the male retrieve the money sacks, his throat bobbing with a silent laugh as he turned and smiled almost apologetically. "My apologies, Vaizel. My Second here is the only evil-smelling thing I've encountered that's beyond this realm. You resemble it some." He shrugged at the rebuttle nickname, a grin smearing across his lips with an approved nod. Though as they neared the manor he narrowed his eyes and pointed to his door, a cold glance to Hika. "See why that boy is on my front steps at this hour. Scare him a little too." The King lifted the end of his shirt to pat away any sweat, slowing his pace to fall back to Vai. "My residential wing is seperate from the noises of the Manor. Any bedroom preferences? Big windows? Conservative quarters? Big bathroom?" With a flick of his finger, The Fae shot a sliver of his powers toward the manor, it hitting and sinking into the wall as one if his stone elf statues moved, preparing for his and a guest's arrival, readying ale for the men. "Leave your clothes outside your door and I'll have it attended to, but other than that, welcome." Swinging the doors wide with his magic he continued his patient pace, bowing a head in greeting to Dehma's waiting face as he turned to the bar, hoping for some sort of nourishment from his night adventure. A statue hurried over, his hand ready to swipe the cold brew of ale as he chugged some, turning toward the long-haired. "Anything to drink? I've got quite the collection for immortal tongues."
  152. Rebourn: ][ Yes, I will paste the setting. ][
  153. Rebourn: ][ Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-King and his Mongrels of darkness. ][
  154. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Who do I post after?))
  155. Rebourn: ][ You can go when you're ready. ][
  156. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((He poofies now idk what to do :'( ))
  157. Vaizel: (Wb Uma. -gives half of his oatmeal cookie to Hikatsu-san.- I'll start typing part of my post, brb)
  158. Rebourn: ][ You help new guests, Rav. Get ready to help me help Vai, and eventually Kai. ][
  159. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Yes sir *salutes*))
  160. Guest_KaiTheStorm: There was a slight tumble ad bumble as Kai rode quietly in the horse drawn carraige, it hadnt been a long ride to Ariendale but e knew better than to fly in places he hadnt bee before. He wasnt sure how he would be accepted here by appearence. His candy pink and white horns were among the first things noted about him with thins vines adorning their length and crown'd roses at each base. His stark platnium blode hair was thesecond, for it seemed to glow like twilight. Now, his clothing was of the standard fashio of the time, or from what he saw whilst shopping in town, for he wore a wide rounded collar with gold buttons. A button-up shhurt white as snow and a jacket of the darkest ebony; which, matched perfect to his heeled fot fashion. Kai, had heard that this was a place where may Fae resisded but from what he could tell from the manor on high, maybe there wasnt the greatest of relations. All the same, he was a fairy, a deviant of the sky and, a storm mage. So he felt it proper to visit one who could appreciate his....defferences from mud men.
  161. Guest_Uma358668: (Prince G I sent you a message)
  162. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Srry I pressed enter to early))
  163. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((disregard))
  164. SageDamhin: (o-o Hey)
  165. Rebourn: ][ Yo rp in progress ][
  166. SageDamhin: (>-> Kinda figured that with this many people in here XD)
  167. Rebourn: ][ <w<~ ][
  168. SageDamhin: (I desire head pats. o-o)
  169. Vaizel: (I only get head pats >w>)
  170. TemptingKiss: ( *Waves to Sage and pats her head* )
  171. SageDamhin: (-Flips the bird getting head pats from Tempting.- Bite me.)
  172. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((I'm ready to post whenever))
  173. Vaizel: (Oi... am i still posting after the tempating?)
  174. TemptingKiss: (Wait have we been waiting on me this whole time?)
  175. Vaizel: (-let gasp-)
  176. Vaizel: ( not sure.. o.O)
  177. TemptingKiss: (No, it's Hika. *Phew* He's been posting.)
  178. TemptingKiss: (It's like that dream where you're naked and have nothing prepared for the meeting.)
  179. SageDamhin: (I feel mad at myself. I saw KaiTheStorm and immediately thought, White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.)
  180. Guest_KaiTheStorm: There was a slight tumble ad bumble as Kai rode quietly in the horse drawn carraige, it hadnt been a long ride to Ariendale but e knew better than to fly in places he hadnt bee before. He wasnt sure how he would be accepted here by appearence. His candy pink and white horns were among the first things noted about him with thins vines adorning their length and crown'd roses at each base. His stark platnium blode hair was thesecond, for it seemed to glow like twilight. Now, his clothing was of the standard fashio of the time, or from what he saw whilst shopping in town, for he wore a wide rounded collar with gold buttons. A button-up shhurt white as snow and a jacket of the darkest ebony; which, matched perfect to his heeled fot fashion. Kai, had heard that this was a place where may Fae resisded but from what he could tell from the manor on high, maybe there wasnt the greatest of relations. All the same, he was a fairy, a deviant of the sky and, a storm mage. So he felt it proper to visit one who could appreciate his....defferences from mud men. As he stepped out from the dark but elegant carriage and pid his fee, he asked the faced the driver," Who resides atop the his at the Manor? I have heard whispers but, nothing more, mere whisp of words unheard." The driver curtly spat on the ground before Kais feet and hurredily spedd off, a cloud of dust in tow." By this point they were a little ways from the nearest homes and busnisses that made of the village outskirts so, Kai felt it ok to take flight not wanting to walk to the front door, for he could see no direct route. WWith a burst of static energy taking the color of the notheren lights, he flew through the air eager to reach his destination so that he may knock, enter and hopefully be welcomed with snacks. He had been a bit famished from his travels.
  181. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Ok actual post, limited editing. :/ ))
  182. SageDamhin: (-Looks at tempting.- I see another one I want to bring home.)
  183. TemptingKiss: (Hm? *Looks over to Damhin* Who?)
  184. SageDamhin: (Who else in this room is petite and adorible looking besides you?)
  185. TemptingKiss: (I think you have a type. *Laughs* You collecting?)
  186. Rebourn: ][ This isn't a room for you to find a partner, Sage >A> Weirdo ][
  187. Guest_Prettykitty262422: ((Hi?)
  188. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((Wheres the adorableness *looks around aggressively*))
  189. SageDamhin: (... I mean I know I have two types depending on which persona I'm in. <.< Bish Tempting isn't a partnet, she's a charge... She's someone I think is adorible and want to protect XD Big brotherly instincts.)
  190. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((I wants it))
  191. SageDamhin: <_,
  192. SageDamhin: (<_< Nien.)
  193. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((*takes it anyway*))
  194. Vaizel: (*blinks*)
  195. Rebourn: ][ Good post, Kai ^^ ][
  196. SageDamhin: (I'm fairly certain Tempting would almost likely poof if you tried XD)
  197. Guest_RavennaDarkstorm: ((*switches to her cute outfit and abducts herself*))
  198. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Thanks, so what exactly is going on atm inside the manor? lol I wast sure how to get to the
  199. Rebourn: ][ Welcome Pretty RP in progress. If you wish to join, I can paste setting, but if you have questions, I'm the one to ask ][
  200. Guest_Prettykitty262422: ((Do you mind sending the setting?))
  201. Rebourn: ][ Right now we're just getting back from some commotion Vaizel caused. To simplify it. ][
  202. Rebourn: ][ Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-King and his Mongrels of darkness. ][
  203. Vaizel: (*unsure of when to post and looks to Hikatsu-san then back to the King.*)
  204. Guest_Prettykitty262422: ((This sounds a lot more interesting then the others I’ve gone too! ^^))
  205. Rebourn: ][ -Sets a hand on Vai's head, ruffling his hair as he waited for Hika.- Mala left and I wanted Hika to be scary :( Idk what he's gonna do now ][
  206. Rebourn: ][ Happy to hear, Kitty. ^^ ][
  207. Rebourn: ][ Sage? Dehma? Care to respond to Kai? ][
  208. Rebourn: ][ I don't want him to wait so :P Fudge an order right now. ][
  209. Guest_KaiTheStorm: (( XD ))
  210. TemptingKiss: (Sorry, my dog peed on the floor. Was cleaning it. Still needs me post? )
  211. Rebourn: ][ Yes, pls ][
  212. SageDamhin: (Tempting post, just see me as not here for the moment. I need to work on something.)
  213. Rebourn: ][ Wait nvm Hika is interacting w Kai ][
  214. Vaizel: (*purring softly.*)
  215. TemptingKiss: (Okie dokie.)
  216. Vaizel: (Hikatsu- are you going to post in before i do?)
  217. Vaizel: (Oh wait, i see a bubble now. -pokes at it with amazement- oooh )
  218. HikatsueHatu: The Mongrel stopped for a second as the command hit his ears. He would then give a soft nod to the King has he brought his hands together once again and muttered a few words from his language. He would weave a sign with his hands. His fingers moving wildly with his sign weaving. His senses enhancing once again like before as he searched for any nearby souls. He didn't sense any around him that was supposed to be in the specific area the King had said but he did sense a another he was unaware of. He dropped his hands back down to his side as he began to walk off towards the front of the coven. His feet barely stepping on the ground making no signs of traces as he walked forward. His steps light like a feather. He would look upwards at the sky moving his head upwards in a slow motion. His eyes bouncing around sparatically at the thick dark clouds moving over the village. It already began to a few moments after he was looking up at the dark sky. The light turning into darkness. The ground becoming wet. The sun disappearing behind the dark, thick and heavy clouds. The water droplets hit him directly in the face and with that doing so he lowered his head back down again. His other sense not used by any kind of energy that he could conjure went off. He felt a eletric based energy go off near his surroundings which wasn't to far. Maybe a mile or so from his current position. He looked up in the sky to pin point the exact being and would tilt his head mutter a few more words as his left hand would reach up to the chains around his chest to grab a summoning scroll. His left hand would grasps the scroll tightly and would pull it out of it's sheath. "Another scum....or being within these parts that are unknown. Zhiatka! (Death to those, in his language)" He muttered to himself as he tossed down the summoning scroll at the wet dirt path he stood on. The summoning scroll landed hard on the pathway bouncing a few times and finally landing on the floor with a roll to it. The figure would blink with no emotion to express but his hands moved back together to weave another sign. The scroll exploaded into a massive blood pool sending blood splatter all over the place. The giant puddle of blood acted as a portal from another world it would seem and out came a creature. The creature's claws catching onto the edge of the portal seeing those black sharp piercing dagger like claws clenching onto the ground. Then, a head would slowly emerge along with the blackish crimson body of a demon like creature. The massive black horns on the creature now emerging along with the large swaying tail with a sharp blade like end on the creature's tail. The extremely toned but extremely fammined creature so it would seem would crawl out of the portal on all fours now. It's firey crimson eyes seering through whatever it looked like. The dog like figure stood there in the puddle of blood as he looked at the summoner. It's body extremely toned and a blackish and silverish body color of the creatrue which was also still covered in blood that stained it's leathery skin. Hikatsue looked down at the creature and gestured it forward while saying in a very low and stern voice which was raspy and deep " fucking Hellhound. Meet that guests up in the sky....would ya...." Hikatsue demanded and as he turned around the creature bolted into the sky as blood was being slung of it from the amount of force it took off. It's movement fast like a lightning bolt and would aim for the creature's body to smash into it. If the other being didn't move or attempt to evade the creature's attack the being (Kai) would be met with the creature's extremely sharp claws slashing into the being's abdomen and slammed into with the force of a extremely massive blunt hit into his mid section. This would all happen if the being did no evade or attempt to counter.
  219. HikatsueHatu: ((There we go. o-o))
  220. Vaizel: (-fans self- oh my, reading)
  221. HikatsueHatu: ((Had to give me a bit. People kept posting in and fucking shit up.))
  222. HikatsueHatu: ((Had to keep changing who I was going to interact with and shit. .-.))
  223. HikatsueHatu: The Mongrel stopped for a second as the command hit his ears. He would then give a soft nod to the King has he brought his hands together once again and muttered a few words from his language. He would weave a sign with his hands. His fingers moving wildly with his sign weaving. His senses enhancing once again like before as he searched for any nearby souls. He didn't sense any around him that was supposed to be in the specific area the King had said but he did sense a another he was unaware of. He dropped his hands back down to his side as he began to walk off towards the front of the coven. His feet barely stepping on the ground making no signs of traces as he walked forward. His steps light like a feather. He would look upwards at the sky moving his head upwards in a slow motion. His eyes bouncing around sparatically at the thick dark clouds moving over the village. It already began to a few moments after he was looking up at the dark sky. The light turning into darkness. The ground becoming wet. The sun disappearing behind the dark, thick and heavy clouds. The water droplets hit him directly in the face and with that doing so he lowered his head back down again. His other sense not used by any kind of energy that he could conjure went off. He felt a eletric based energy go off near his surroundings which wasn't to far. Maybe a mile or so from his current position. He looked up in the sky to pin point the exact being and would tilt his head mutter a few more words as his left hand would reach up to the chains around his chest to grab a summoning scroll. His left hand would grasps the scroll tightly and would pull it out of it's sheath. "Another scum....or being within these parts that are unknown. Zhiatka! (Death to those, in his language)" He muttered to himself as he tossed down the summoning scroll at the wet dirt path he stood on. The summoning scroll landed hard on the pathway bouncing a few times and finally landing on the floor with a roll to it. The figure would blink with no emotion to express but his hands moved back together to weave another sign. The scroll exploaded into a massive blood pool sending blood splatter all over the place. The giant puddle of blood acted as a portal from another world it would seem and out came a creature. The creature's claws catching onto the edge of the portal seeing those black sharp piercing dagger like claws clenching onto the ground. Then, a head would slowly emerge along with the blackish crimson body of a demon like creature. The massive black horns on the creature now emerging along with the large swaying tail with a sharp blade like end on the creature's tail. The extremely toned but extremely fammined creature so it would seem would crawl out of the portal on all fours now. It's firey crimson eyes seering through whatever it looked like. The dog like figure stood there in the puddle of blood as he looked at the summoner. It's body extremely toned and a blackish and silverish body color of the creatrue which was also still covered in blood that stained it's leathery skin. Hikatsue looked down at the creature and gestured it forward while saying in a very low and stern voice which was raspy and deep " fucking Hellhound. Meet that guests up in the sky....would ya...." Hikatsue demanded and as he turned around the creature bolted into the sky as blood was being slung of it from the amount of force it took off. It's movement fast like a lightning bolt and would aim for the creature's body to smash into it. If the other being didn't move or attempt to evade the creature's attack the being (Kai) would be met with the creature's extremely sharp claws slashing into the being's abdomen and slammed into with the force of a extremely massive blunt hit into his mid section. This would all happen if the being did no evade or attempt to counter.
  224. HikatsueHatu: ((Reposted for Gavlyn.))
  225. GavlynofSidhe: (Yas I made it <3)
  226. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Should I ait or repond ?))
  227. GavlynofSidhe: (Awe thanks Hika.)
  228. Rebourn: ][ Wb Gav ^^ ][
  229. GavlynofSidhe: (Ty Kingy :D)
  230. TemptingKiss: (*Waves excitedly at Gavlyn* I wait for Vai's sleepy head?)
  231. cuRsedANGEL: well hello peasants
  232. Rebourn: ][ Respond, Kai unless others wish to interract with you two. Vai you can post too. ][
  233. cuRsedANGEL: :P
  234. GavlynofSidhe: (*Waves back like a loon*)
  235. Rebourn: ][ Brackets, Curse. ][
  236. Rebourn: ][ Can I help you? ][
  237. cuRsedANGEL: [how can you you help me}
  238. Rebourn: ][ You know what kinda room you're in? ][
  239. cuRsedANGEL: [tbh no]
  240. TemptingKiss: (*Waves excitedly at the booting*)
  241. TemptingKiss: (So, did you mean for me to respond?)
  242. HikatsueHatu: ((Bruh...he left....))
  243. Rebourn: ][ ._. ][
  244. Rebourn: D:<
  245. Rebourn: -wpagwrhn
  246. Vaizel: (posting half way done)
  247. Rebourn: ][ -Holds Hika like a baby.- Shhh GerBear is here :( ][
  248. GavlynofSidhe: (Vaizeeeeel.)
  249. GavlynofSidhe: (Hika Im so glad you reposted.)
  250. HikatsueHatu: ((XDDD))
  251. Vaizel: (wait... Hikatsu-san . . .-tugs on his sleeve softly- ... o__o are u trying to fight me? -still reading-)
  252. Vaizel: (GAV!(
  253. GavlynofSidhe: (<3 Yo)
  254. GavlynofSidhe: (I think he was aimed towards Kai?)
  255. Vaizel: (Oh wait wait.. -raise hands in prayer- lawrd... i almost choke on this piece of chocolate chip)
  256. GavlynofSidhe: (XD)
  257. Vaizel: /me Dear lord, a demon does not ever pray but this one is doing so- make this fae keep this shirt down. What was up with all this nudity? Smh. When the other apologized for calling him demon instead of his given name he simply gave him a faint nod in acknowledgement followed by a slight, small, tiny, spec of glaring behind those long eye lashes. "I suppose even those of royalty have bad manners at times." He said looking away with a little huff under his breath as he brought his arms in front of him to slip in the sleeves like kimonos were meant to be treated. "evil-smelling thing you've encounter and I resemble it?" He made a face, horrid one at that. "I- . . .smell?" His face heat up some and his feet came to a halt a little disturbed. If the other was complimenting him even the slightest he was terrible at it. And, with that kind of complement would not lead him to second base at all. "Rude!" He barked at him but brought the back of his sleeve to cover his face, trying to hide the embarrassment for shouting that out-load. He curse the heavens for having him run into a fae. "Hm?" He broke out of that embarrassment instantly the moment the other mentioned about his manor. He shook his head softly. "I'm not picky, however- peace and quiet chambers would be appreciated." He paused for a moment in thought frowning his brows. "Um, perhaps a big.. bathroom." He said motioning over to his long hair. "It's a handful." He nodded at the instructions to leave his clothes outside of the door but- what would he wear in the meantime? He wondered, walking again and following them inside. He glanced around with amazement and even took a good look at the floor as his bare feet pressed against it, cool under his feet. He watched as the other nurse a cold brew of ale. "Sake." He replied, he could really use something to drink but only one could wonder if a warlock demon could actually get drunk or tipsy. Either way it would be comical to see the outcome. It didn't take much to realize his kimono had droplets from the sudden rain that came down like bullets and-- was 'well equip man fighting something he summoned? He stepped back frowning his brows a bit standing near the king. "Has he gone mad?" He muttered looking over at him then back at the massive demon with black horns that was fighting with the other just outside in the premises. He could see it all from the large windows.
  258. Rebourn: ][ -Sits on Hika's shoulders, petting his hat.- We'll say you killed him, okay? <3 ][
  259. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o No it was for Kai.))
  260. Vaizel: (xD . . -falls over-)
  261. Vaizel: (Sorry there was so much going on >___<)
  262. HikatsueHatu: ((Nah. We can just say he poofed or something. XDD Reading post in a second.))
  263. Vaizel: (GAV GAV! -clings to his leg-)
  264. Rebourn: ][ You ready, Dehma? ^^ ][
  265. TemptingKiss: (*Gasps* G, look look. He said nurse! *Points excitedly*)
  266. TemptingKiss: (I am le ready. *Pretends to crack her knuckles.*)
  267. Rebourn: ][ Who said nurse? 0.0 Where -Looks around frantically.-
  268. GavlynofSidhe: (*Plucks Vai from his leg and lifts him up like the big boy he is* Yuuus?)
  269. GavlynofSidhe: (Weba Kai.)
  270. Vaizel: (-grabby hands towards him- oi! )
  271. GavlynofSidhe: (Lol *hugs*)
  272. Rebourn: ][ Welcome back, Kai :P ][
  273. Vaizel: (*purr*)
  274. HikatsueHatu: ((Kai needs my post again. I repost it for him.))
  275. HikatsueHatu: The Mongrel stopped for a second as the command hit his ears. He would then give a soft nod to the King has he brought his hands together once again and muttered a few words from his language. He would weave a sign with his hands. His fingers moving wildly with his sign weaving. His senses enhancing once again like before as he searched for any nearby souls. He didn't sense any around him that was supposed to be in the specific area the King had said but he did sense a another he was unaware of. He dropped his hands back down to his side as he began to walk off towards the front of the coven. His feet barely stepping on the ground making no signs of traces as he walked forward. His steps light like a feather. He would look upwards at the sky moving his head upwards in a slow motion. His eyes bouncing around sparatically at the thick dark clouds moving over the village. It already began to a few moments after he was looking up at the dark sky. The light turning into darkness. The ground becoming wet. The sun disappearing behind the dark, thick and heavy clouds. The water droplets hit him directly in the face and with that doing so he lowered his head back down again. His other sense not used by any kind of energy that he could conjure went off. He felt a eletric based energy go off near his surroundings which wasn't to far. Maybe a mile or so from his current position. He looked up in the sky to pin point the exact being and would tilt his head mutter a few more words as his left hand would reach up to the chains around his chest to grab a summoning scroll. His left hand would grasps the scroll tightly and would pull it out of it's sheath. "Another scum....or being within these parts that are unknown. Zhiatka! (Death to those, in his language)" He muttered to himself as he tossed down the summoning scroll at the wet dirt path he stood on. The summoning scroll landed hard on the pathway bouncing a few times and finally landing on the floor with a roll to it. The figure would blink with no emotion to express but his hands moved back together to weave another sign. The scroll exploaded into a massive blood pool sending blood splatter all over the place. The giant puddle of blood acted as a portal from another world it would seem and out came a creature. The creature's claws catching onto the edge of the portal seeing those black sharp piercing dagger like claws clenching onto the ground. Then, a head would slowly emerge along with the blackish crimson body of a demon like creature. The massive black horns on the creature now emerging along with the large swaying tail with a sharp blade like end on the creature's tail. The extremely toned but extremely fammined creature so it would seem would crawl out of the portal on all fours now. It's firey crimson eyes seering through whatever it looked like. The dog like figure stood there in the puddle of blood as he looked at the summoner. It's body extremely toned and a blackish and silverish body color of the creatrue which was also still covered in blood that stained it's leathery skin. Hikatsue looked down at the creature and gestured it forward while saying in a very low and stern voice which was raspy and deep " fucking Hellhound. Meet that guests up in the sky....would ya...." Hikatsue demanded and as he turned around the creature bolted into the sky as blood was being slung of it from the amount of force it took off. It's movement fast like a lightning bolt and would aim for the creature's body to smash into it. If the other being didn't move or attempt to evade the creature's attack the being (Kai) would be met with the creature's extremely sharp claws slashing into the being's abdomen and slammed into with the force of a extremely massive blunt hit into his mid section. This would all happen if the being did no evade or attempt to counter.
  276. Vaizel: (xD)
  277. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Thanks my computer decided to reboot itself.))
  278. Vaizel: (*sneaks away to take a piss*)
  279. SageDamhin: (why is drawing baby hair up to dev is such a pain in the ass!)
  280. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma shifted uneasily on the marble ledge she sat on, it was not an uncomfortable position in the least, but a strange prickle down her spine had her feeling like she wanted to be on the move. It was something that happened to her each time magic was at work in close proximity to her and it had her silver lit eyes bouncing around looking at everything in silence as she wondered whom else she would see come through the door, the strange boy with a shadow pet seemed to not want to stick around for too much longer and decided it was time to rush away into some safer part of the world while the fully figured woman who greeted him looked unsure as of what to do next, behind her Dehma saw Geraint come inside his manor and nod to her in greeting. Dehma would have nodded in return yet her muscles were already primed and unwilling to act on anything that wasn't an attack, she tracked everyones movements from afar, not interacting with any of them for the time being. From behind Geraint came a handsome looking male with long hair and layers upon layers of what she had known to be called a 'Keemon' in the past, a quiet laughter erupted in her mind as Nori's voice finally after so many years graced her ears. 'It isn't a Keemon, you adorable thing. It is a Kimono. It is traditional wear for highly respected noblemen and women from a distant land. They are actually quite nice.' Dehma's head snapped up and her spine straightened, from behind the mask she smiled so wide she thought her lips would crack and bleed. She wanted to say everything to Nori but was afraid of chasing her off. 'Well, come on, then. Introduce me to your friends.' She felt her body be nudged off the ledge and a retort came from Dehma in almost a childish way. 'They aren't all my friends...' She looked to the statue as she hopped down from the ledge and forced herself to be friendly for the sake of Nori. Dehma approached Geraint at first and stood awkwardly near him, listening to Nori in her mind. 'Oh, I remember this one. He's so handsome.' Dehma scoffed and nodded a hello to Geraint, picking up a glass of she-didn't-care-what from a statue and held it in her hand, her eyes shifting to the one in the Kimono. 'Do we know who this one is?' Nori would ask in her mind, Dehma shook her head in response until she realized she was shaking her head to what appeared to be herself to others. So, she strode up to the man clad in layers upon layers of fabric and lifted her hand, again for Nori's sake then spoke in an almost mechanically rehearsed tone. "Hello there friend, I am Dehma. Nice to meet you."
  281. TemptingKiss: (Tell me about it, Sage. I had to take a break after doing it for a couple weeks.)
  282. SageDamhin: (x.x)
  283. GavlynofSidhe: (I rememba the days when you just had hair and then skin. No little hairs to fade into. Hell somedays the hair just floated off the head because BETA.)
  284. GavlynofSidhe: (Yall doin a great service. Thank you. XD)
  285. TemptingKiss: (^__^)
  286. SageDamhin: (pfft... I only derive things for my own use..)
  287. GavlynofSidhe: (</3)
  288. TemptingKiss: (It's okay, Gav. I put my stuff up for sale. XD)
  289. GavlynofSidhe: (<3)
  290. Guest_KaiTheStorm: Already flying at a high speed, well a speed most morals would not be able to follow without magical aid, the lightning danced like spring in motion around his body. He marveled in the feeling, for fairies loved the air. This it hit him like a brick wall, the sickly sweet stencth of blood. Strong enough even, to make him almost stop midair and vomit but; he held his compuure noting also that something or someone had come hurtling straight for him. Immedialt a few things happened; His eyes sliveded like liquid metals- the electric tantalazingly visual of his aura became much more than that; it was his mode of transport, it blazed like the crack of lightning blidinging those who would have looked at it directly and dazzling any of him lucky enough to look away in time. He spun like a practiced dancer, narrowly missing what he realized was some dark beast, andas he spun h e whipped out lightning from his body, barrlled to the ground sliding across its surface raising a cloud cover aroud him so that he may regain himself. "You must be the Welcoming Comittee Ive heard so much about." Upon further inspectio he saw it was some for of infernal dog. "I mush more of a cat person the way, its a shame you cant meow." He stadied himself. The beast had been moving with amazing speed nearly matching his own and its claws had slit his shirt, much to his annoyance, leaving a small yet bloody stain. "How about we begin with names or something akin to that, where Im from that is most customary, be it duel or a drink." He had a innocently bored grin on his face but his inside was anything but calm.
  291. HikatsueHatu: ((I am gonna pause real quick doing something.))
  292. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Oke, heck of a welcome though. XD))
  293. Rebourn: /me The King nodded instinctually as Vaizel spoke, shrugging a shoulder as he scratched his head nervously, unknowing why it would be offensive. "Ah- yes. Everyone 'smells.' Each species usually has something different, yanno?" His lips tightened in regret as he was labeled as rude, turning away to roll his eyes at the feminine aspects of the male. He shrugged it away, dusting the name off his shoulder as he gestured Vai to follow, slowly walking toward the back room as he grinned. "I'm a sucker for big bathrooms too, but it's only because I am big." He let a dramatic frown curl before shaking his head of the emotion, nodding as he took a seconnd-look at the hair. "No kidding. I'd go crazy. I like keeping mine at a tolerable level." With a firm nod, the King paid no mind to Hika's attack, giving Vai his answer. "I've stopped questioning him centuries ago. He's only known bloodshed, who am I to stop him?" Dehma's approach made him lighten up some, a wave of his hand greeting her as he introduced the male. "Dehma, this is Vaizel. He'll be our guest for tonight." With a pause, Geraint's eyes fell into DEhma's his curiosity searching for someone more than her, but for Nori. He'd sense her aura somehow, somewhere and only just a sliver it. He looked back to Vai, deciding to say nothing of it for now to prevent confusion. "Vaizel, this is the lovely woman you sensed earlier. Charming in person, hmm?" The King chuckled and took another sip of his ale, a statue finally returning as it gave a whole bottle of sake for the guest, it bowing and hurrying away back toward the front doors. The fighting outside had Geraint's would-be hackles raised, his ears listening to the commotion to be prepared for anything that could 'go wrong.' He did well covering his worry, gesturing to the two to enter the back room with him. "Shall we?"
  294. GavlynofSidhe: (>.>)
  295. Rebourn: ][ <.<? Wb Asterin ][
  296. AsterinKhisfire: ( ty )
  297. GavlynofSidhe: (I like his level of diplomacy "Hes only known bloodshed, who am I to stop him?" XD )
  298. HikatsueHatu: ((Posting.))
  299. Rebourn: ][ xP Lol ][
  300. Rebourn: ][ You can hop in or read up first Asterin ^^ ][
  301. Vaizel: /me Vaizel, simply stood there with his arms to his side and those sleeves keeping his hands hidden. He observed the king silently, nodding occasionally before letting his eyes travel back to the massive windows where the man from before was sparing. Only known bloodshed? He seemed to let his mind wonder a bit at his own past till present. This was also the life he had ever known and he felt sorry for the other more than he did for himself. When the King mentioned the bathroom needing to be large enough for a king he nod at him silently. The warlock demon was exhausted, filthy and all he wanted to do was scrub himself down and smell nice. When Dehma was introduced he formally bowed to her from the waist up like a formal Japanese citizen would, letting those strands of hair fall over his shoulder before he straighten his spine. "Pleasure." He said dryly. Was it? He wasn't sure- he had never been surrounded by these many souls before unless of course there were souls outside of their motionless bodies. "Thank you." He said taking the whole bottle of sake. When the king gestured to escort him to a back room he shook his head softly at him. "Pardon, I would rather wash and lay down." He said hugging the bottle of sake against his chest. "If you don't mind." He wasn't certain which way was to his room. "I'll be sure to leave tomorrow morning, I'll send my gratitude to you once I reach my destination." In all honesty he had no where to go but there was a orphan he wanted to visit and hand over the pouches of coins he gathered from the knights he had killed earlier. It wasn't well earn money but it was certainly going to put a loaf of bread in empty plates and keep the boys and girls from dying of hunger. For a demon, he hated everyone except children, wishing he could have a few of his own but of course that was impossible. After all despise being beautiful and almost always confused for a woman he was all male undernreath his kimono.
  302. Rebourn: ][ Dehma? ][
  303. TemptingKiss: (What me? I thought it was Hika?)
  304. TemptingKiss: (*Instantly awake*)
  305. Rebourn: ][ Welcome Aerendel. RP in progress, if you wanna join, I'll paste setting, if not I can answer your questions ][
  306. HikatsueHatu: "Back you fucking dog...." He muttered and the Hellhound immediately vanished into a blood mist exploading a cloud of crimson mist everywhere as if it was a decoy of some sort. Kaguza (Hellhound) would then reappear in a different cloud of blood mist that sprayed the crimson mist everywhere and would then fall to create another blood pool. Hikatsue looked over at the summoning scroll which was still there covered in another different blood pool that was used to summon the Hellhound creature. He looked down to see the dog and he tilted his head at it watching Kaguza pierce the dirt with his razor sharp claws. Hikatsue tilted his head and turned around sharply on the balls of his feet and would then raise his right hand up to gesture the Hellhound to retreave the summoning scroll. He heard the Hellhound moving over towards the scroll and would snarl at it while he then leant down to grasp it into his mouth with his crimson stained, disgusting yellowish ugly teeth. That ravager beast able to rip apart what he wants with the snap of the summoner's fingers. The beast snarled and walked back over to Hikatsue as they then left to head back inside the Coven as Hikatsue would then say in a low but deep voice "You have a guest here my King...."
  307. Vaizel: (*yawns and stretches* ..sugar rush going bye byes out of my system)
  308. HikatsueHatu: ((Sorry for not so good post I am distracted.
  309. HikatsueHatu: ))*
  310. Rebourn: ][ We can say you went and found a room. Everything un occupied is unlocked anyway :P ][
  311. Rebourn: ][ You rite, we were waiting for Hika owo oops ][
  312. TemptingKiss: (You scared me.)
  313. Vaizel: ( xD! )
  314. Vaizel: (I see how it is KING)
  315. Vaizel: (I'm going to make an exit and poof im sleepy xD)
  316. AsterinKhisfire: (nini)
  317. Rebourn: ][ < o<?~ ][
  318. GavlynofSidhe: (Everytime Vai, leavin me.)
  319. Vaizel: /me He waited until the King was distracted with his guests and sneaked out of there in a hurry. He wanted to be alone, rest and just enjoy some peace and quiet for once. He wondered about a little, stopping ever so often to stare at the portraits on the walls. This place was rather large for his taste and getting lost was easy for a human. The warlock demon however could find his way back out of here with just following his demonic scent. He slowly made his way to one of the rooms, opening the door and poke his head in. "Hello?" He called out but no one answered so he entered, setting the sake bottle down at a night stand and bend at the waist to gather all of his long strands of hair to pull it inside the room then shut the door closed. He turned to glance around, brushing his finger tips over the bed before rushing over to the large balcony with silk curtains like a child. "Whoa." He place his hands on the rails, peering outside and enjoying the rain that continue to fall from the heavenly sky. His hair soaked and his kimono as well almost instantly. With little care he went back inside, long hair dragging behind him as he found the bathroom connected to his room and his eyes widen at the sight of it. The bathroom was spotless and it was large for four or six people to bathe at the same time. He didn't waste much time, slipping off that dirty kimono, standing nude for a moment exposing those pink erect nipples from the sudden chill in the room. He bend at the waist to turn the water on, making sure it was hot to the touch before stepping in one foot at a time and sink down with a moan. He leaned back against the tub, tilting his head back while a portion of his hair was in the water and the rest spread out on the bathroom floor. After a few minutes of relaxation he would began to scrub his body with soap and a rag that was near by. He washed his hair, every single inch of it that took him about an hour to do. And before he knew it- he was under the covers on his stomach, passed out with the bottle of sake empty, snoring and that sheet of black hair on his back like a second blanket.
  320. Vaizel: (exit xD and awww -hugs Gav-)
  321. GavlynofSidhe: (*Hugs* Sleep well mi amigo.)
  322. Vaizel: (xD!!! pfft.. spanish?)
  323. Guest_KaiTheStorm: The clouds subsided as Kai, felt the presence disappear. Then moments they reappeared, the feeling still very much so thratening but not in th same way it was earlerm an; Im gonna kill you feeling. So he relaaxed ever so slightly and noticed someoe he had been far to distractd to see or feel before. He had noticed that the dog beast mustve been asome sort of familliar o summon and that its master was heading toward the Manor he intended to enter. Things seem very curious around here. From the rude carridge driver to the unseemly welcome he had recieved. nd, Once again, as he had looked over himself, he saw the stained tear in his attire and a boom of thundered echoed his frustration. It seemed to begain to rain anyhow so he doubted anyone would align him with the sound. He allowed himself that small bit of uncontrol. Gathering his charm and wits, he fixed his over coat and hoveded over to the doors he assumed was the entrance. It was where the figure from momnts ago and dissappeared off to. He wasnt one to sjy away from danger so he followed in the entities footsetps He hoped he would be getting some answeres as to what sort of place attacked first and asked questions later. Assuming they knew of his pressence he bootsed his aura dramaticly, this time it taking the form of fallig feathers and small orbs of light. This to him seemed to be more apprpriate. Those who felt it would feel as if they were standing in a feild of static or like they were in the center of a cloud yet to give way to storm. He wanted it known, he was no noob or plaything to be baited and attcked without cause.
  324. GavlynofSidhe: (Pshaw ya. I knows some tings!)
  325. GavlynofSidhe: (ooo...*reading*)
  326. Rebourn: ][ Nice exit ^^ See ya tomorrow, Vaiiii ][
  327. Rebourn: ][ Rest well & sweet dreams~ ][
  328. Vaizel: (xD bye everyonnnnnnneeeeeeee )
  329. Rebourn: ][ Lol aww Kai das cute xD ][
  330. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((hehehe i get one in every once in awhile. :3 ))
  331. AsterinKhisfire: ( so is there a post order? or do I just jump and hope for the best?)
  332. Rebourn: ][ Jump in, we will adjust ][
  333. Guest_KaiTheStorm: (( falls over @hope for the best ))
  334. HikatsueHatu: ((Back.))
  335. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((weba))
  336. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma watched the delicately featured male with trained eyes as he bowed curteously to her, she heard Nori's voice in her head again prompting her to return in kind. 'Go on, don't be rude, Dehmi...' Dehma squinted her eyes and offered him the slightest of nods in his direction and she heard Nori's voice in her head groan in protest. Despite not being with her companion for years she almost instantly remembered how Nori loved to dote on her and tell her what is proper, perhaps it was why Dehma took such a liking to the Statues around the manor, they listened to her and only had quiet emotion to offer back. 'I'd like to see more of this place, Dehmi! C'mon. I've been sleeping forever show me around!' Dehma watched the male mention he wanted to retire to bed, still unable to place a finger on why he seemed familiar, she did manage to glance to Geraint once during the interaction but didn't linger too long on his features as Nori was already trying to pull her in the direction of the alcohol. Finally Dehma responded quickly to the suggestion, 'Nori, if we drink that I can't rightly do my job.' From her mind she heard the childish protest as Nori attempted to reason with her. 'Oh, come on. You got to try it! I wasn't even awake yet, that's just no fun. Besides, how much harm can we get into?' Dehma couldn't control her eyes now as they rolled nearly to the back of her head, she tightened her grip around the cup in her hand and shook her head once again, lifting her hand to the male once more she chose to not say anything to him but she did offer a deeper nod to him as she turned on her heel and walked herself to sit down near one of the statues. Once alone she let her self smile ear to ear again and in her mind she whispered to Nori 'I've missed you, are you alright? You were gone so long because I....' Dehma shook the thought from her mind quickly before the pain of their past could traumatize them again. 'And then I felt you awaken, you used so much of your power... why did you do that? You don't even know these people.' Dehma tried to compose herself while she was alone in this moment, met only with silence for a long while until, finally, Nori's gentle tone eased her tension. 'I helped them because they were in pain. I'm back because you were in pain. Let's have fun like we used to, hm?' Just as she whispered the sentance in her minds ear did the hair on Dehma's neck stand on end, bringing her to her feet at once at the feeling. 'Hey, we don't even know--' Dehma cut off Nori quickly as she stood in place. 'Quiet.' She set the cup she had grabbed from a statue back down onto a table near her and stood at the doorway to the throne room where the aura was coming from, she feigned a casual stance and pressed her shoulder against the jamb. Looking down at her small hand forming slowly into Nori's hand as it was poised and ready to release the mask that held back Dehma's true potential. 'No.' Dehma said in her mind, almost a command. So instead she took the role she normally did and observed, waiting to see if there was danger accompanied by the power she felt.
  337. TemptingKiss: (Daaang. Look at me go. >///<
  338. Rebourn: ][ Noice :P ][
  339. AsterinKhisfire: ~ Asterin made her way through the familiar woods that surounded the coven, having not visited for a while she was surprised at herself for how excited she was to return. Her footsteps made no sound despite her heeled boots. She was dressed in a white and gold dress, slits up to her hips on either side with matching boots that went up to mid thigh. Her silver hair was braided to one side, her freckles replaced with small white stars that complemented her dusk coloured eyes. She had a youthful and innocent looking face, which she often used to her advantage. Once she made it to the coven she could feel the power of someone and let out a soft sigh at the obvious intimidation tactic as she made her way inside, seeking out those she knew ~
  340. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((You guys make rp-ing worth it. ))
  341. Rebourn: ][ <3 Aww how nice ][
  342. TemptingKiss: (Awhh <3 )
  343. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o))
  344. AsterinKhisfire: (aww)
  345. Rebourn: ][ x'D Asterin walks right past Kai lol feck ][
  346. TemptingKiss: (That is the equivilant of 0 fucks given.)
  347. HikatsueHatu: ((Walks past everyone. o-o))
  348. Rebourn: ][ <3 ][
  349. HikatsueHatu: ((O FUCKS GIVEN!))
  350. AsterinKhisfire: ( i read that post like 3 times and still couldnt figure out if he was inside or out lol
  351. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((lol falls over offended XD ))
  352. AsterinKhisfire: ( its been a long day :P)
  353. HikatsueHatu: ((OOF Inside. o-o ALSO, OFFENDED!))
  354. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((lmao))
  355. HikatsueHatu: ((No worries my posts are now slightly confusing. I am distracted...))
  356. HikatsueHatu: ((Now my attention is here. XDD))
  357. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((hi o.o)
  358. GavlynofSidhe: (brb)
  359. AsterinKhisfire: ( and I thought I was bright )
  360. HikatsueHatu: ((o.o...))
  361. AsterinKhisfire: ( at least im not alone )
  362. Guest_KaiTheStorm: Kai felt rather than saw an individual stoll past him. Giving of a strong sense of ' I belong here' before dissappearing. Also there was the feeling of another individual on the otherside of the door he had the slightest of glimpses of as the door shut behind the one who just walked in . Hovering in place, he stomped his foot midair, verging on throwing a tantrum. He had never been treated with such hostility and disregard. A bolt of lightning stuck somewhere in the distace as his temper flared. But, once again he regained his composure. He decided to let imself in, he grabed hold of a few drafts of wind flowig from inside maybe from an open window or somethhing, he pulled a gust fully opening the doors. He had the most minimal look of irritataion on his face he slowly made his way through the air. he stopped at the entrance noting that someone, the pressence he initially felt, was observing him. Or rather something close to studying hi, and he wellknew fom his welcome, the she would be prepared for anthing. Not really wanting to come of intimidating he withdrew his aura from the area. The static , in its multicolored form, shelling itself the smallestv of measurements from his skin.wwwHe offereded her his salutation, " Hail, Clear skies... I am Kai or the Storm-kin Fae. What in the blazing sun did you ttack me with out there and way?" As mch as he tried to hid his tmeper he just couldnt. This was all very unseemly and he wouldnt tolerate such treatment. Trying his very best not to look down and fiddle with the stained tear in his shirt, he stared directly into the eyes of the one before him almost demanding an answer with the curious severity of his silver iris.
  363. Rebourn: /me The King waved Vaizel goodnight, turning his heel toward his gross shirt as he moved his fingers in particular directions, a knew one arriving to him by his magic. Slipping the formal attire on, he straightened his sleeves as he walked toward the front room again, leaving Dehma to what she wished to do alone. Nori's presence still lingered on the girl, his ears flattening as he wanted to ask now, but the back commotion simmered down and he figured he'd have a looksie. Plopping onto his throne, he huffed as he finally had some time to relax his legs and spine, motioning for Hika to come to his side, inviting him to sit as well instead of the usual standing. The first incoming stranger was slightly smaller than expected, his eyebrow raising as he turned his chin toward Hikatsue with a questioning glance. "This is what you were playing fetch with, Second? Interesting thing.. Doesn't look like it's from here." He cleared his throat and broadened his voice, inviting the thing to enter and approach the throne for an audience. The second being entering was a familiar and kind face, a wave of a hand as he groaned quiet enough for only Hika to hear. "Busy morning already, hmm?" He sighed and looked outside, the moonlight was long gone as the morning chirping of birds filled the outside space. Geraint sighed as his eyes itched to be closed, smiling at the approaching unknown creature. "Good Morning, newcomer. My apologies you were attacked," An innocent chuckle followed by a sympathetic look, having taken notice of the torn fabric and small scent of blood. A questionable species indeed. "We're not used to things flying above us.. Might've mistaken you for something. May I get you any herbs to help ease the wound?" Everything about Geraint seemed genuine, his offer to help was but an outreach. He was capable of helping though it wasn't safehouse he wanted to be. It was a coven with people and purposes. Perhaps he'd chill on letting stray cats inside. He snuck a glance to his right, widening his eyes in annoyance as the apparent Fae creature revealed its temper. It was an effort not to laugh.
  364. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((o.o ouu longish posts))
  365. Rebourn: ][ Hello again Kira ^^ Nice new look ]
  366. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((srry* are we cutting my last post - im not sure it flows with urs and i premptivly))
  367. Rebourn: ][ Nope, it's good keeping it in :)) ][
  368. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((ty ty for our rp =3))
  369. Rebourn: ][ Hika, I made you mod if you wanna leave & come back after reading. ][
  370. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((brb- need to have a quick cig))
  371. HikatsueHatu: ((Okie and is it my post? o.o))
  372. Rebourn: ][ Yus.. I think. I could be wrong o.o ][
  373. TemptingKiss: (I think you are.)
  374. Rebourn: ][ Wrong? ][
  375. TemptingKiss: (Oh! No sorry. Next. I think he is next. I never know the posting order.)
  376. TemptingKiss: (Don't let me call anyone out. XD )
  377. Rebourn: ][ The map is coming along :') I'll have to label it and stuff tomorrow but I wanted to do at least biomes today. ][
  378. Rebourn: ][ Oh lol xD Fuck, I was like damn she stone cold ][
  379. TemptingKiss: (Lmaooo yeah got me like Donald Trump over here. "you're wrong. WRONG.")
  380. Rebourn: ][ x'DD Bruhh [p
  381. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((fake news,all of it fake.))
  382. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((points at rebourn ponytail-also fake))
  383. AsterinKhisfire: ( I didnt know there was an order)
  384. TemptingKiss: (Daaang, G. She comin' for you.)
  385. Rebourn: ][ :(( ][
  386. Rebourn: ][ ouch ][
  387. AsterinKhisfire: (:P)
  388. Rebourn: ][ There's no order to ppl who are not directly interacting w someone. Like Dehma would be able to continue her thing, Asterin, you are able to foam or join the convo or something. Kira is free to enter whenever, it's Hika, Kai and I that are in a midst of stuff. Does that make sense? ][
  389. Rebourn: ][ How do I simplify that to make it a rule? -Just went and puffed on wax pen.- halp ][
  390. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((-pets- Rebourn taking charge of the rp =O))
  391. Rebourn: roam* not foam xD
  392. Rebourn: ][ :O Always ][
  393. TemptingKiss: ((I liked foam better.)
  394. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((-gives you a 10 points sticker-))
  395. Rebourn: ][ x'D How does she foam on command ][
  396. TemptingKiss: ((If your character is not in direct contact with another there is no order. If you are in contact with others you must abide by the order. *Tries her best at simplifying it*)
  397. Rebourn: ][ -Takes sticker and puts it on his left cheek.- Yes ][
  398. TemptingKiss: (Hey, I don't begin to know all the secrets us women keep. If she's got a button or something I'm not gonna judge.)
  399. HikatsueHatu: The tall figure moved to the right side of the King's throne. His foot steps silent and leaving no trace of any foot prints. The Hellhound behind him then would sling his head upwards launching the summoning scroll up into the air and would unhinge it's jaws to completely swallow the summoning scroll. A extremely foul odder escaped it's mouth like burning flesh from a burn pile of bodies of the after maths of war. The Hellhound would then gulp the summoning scroll down in one swallow as another blood puddle would begin to seep from the beast's leathery skin. The blood dripping down the beast's skin and onto the floor infront of him as the blood puddle would then consume the beast and swallow it up whole and send it back to where it came from. Hikatsue looked at the seat next to himself and would move to take the seat. His movements precise, smooth and silent with each step he took. Once, he sat down he lowered his head once again. His black straw hat angeled once more to covered his eyes as his hands would then be moved to rest by his sides. His attire slightly soaked by the storm that was down pouring rain and thunder dancing in the skys.-
  400. HikatsueHatu: ((o-o Short post. o-o))
  401. HikatsueHatu: ((Not much going on either. o-o))|
  402. AsterinKhisfire: ( ~sticks alkaseltzer tabs in her mouth, and giggles as it foams ~)
  403. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Wait so is Tempting still standing by the door))
  404. TemptingKiss: (She's a witch. Burn her. I wasn't standing by the front door, no. But I mean, I could be. *Feigns dodging left to right* Want me to slide into your door jamb?)
  405. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Oh I read that wrong lol oopsie))
  406. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((-gets the flamethrower-ouuu a witch hunt))
  407. TemptingKiss: (I think it was a bit of me and a bit of you. Either way.)
  408. TemptingKiss: (Also I just wanna point out Dehma could totally be your twin. It's cuh-rayzee.)
  409. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((mine?))
  410. TemptingKiss: ((Mmhm.)
  411. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((That may prove interesting in the near future. XD))
  412. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((dead))
  413. TemptingKiss: (Heck yeh, boiiii. *Unnecesarily hyped*))
  414. Rebourn: ][ I'm waiting for someone to join and offer to be my child :(( ][
  415. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((its favor flav long lost child))
  416. TemptingKiss: ((Aww, you want a wee little babe?))
  417. Rebourn: ][ Maybe :P ][
  418. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((winks- hee want someone to call him daddy))
  419. Rebourn: ][ I have to do it the long way u.u ][
  420. Rebourn: ][ T_T Duh ][
  421. TemptingKiss: ((You mean the normal way?))
  422. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((not that kind of daddy =3))
  423. Rebourn: ][ Yes, "normal." ][
  424. Rebourn: ][ Kira >A> shhhh dont expose me secrets, mate ][
  425. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((mew mew <3))
  426. HikatsueHatu: ((o.o))
  427. Guest_KaiTheStorm: Kai had become so flustered that he hadnt realized what he saw was a spectore created from his own imagination. He further levitated into the main part of the front are that made up the Manor. Hoping he hadnt already made a fool of himself from his outburst he foud hisway to what he assumed to be a dias where a throne and other seats were located. On the thronre was an individual Kai thought to be the one in charge, probally not the one who attacked but the one next to him, in the seat closest to the throne, sat a man or ma-like entity whose presence felt a bit familiar, which was his 2nd hint as the same bloodied houd appeared before him making a mess and dissappearing in the a smilillarly disgusting fashion. "Hail and Clear Skies to you..." The salutation was loosing its flavor iin his mouth. Hee had began to even taste something rotting in the air. It was probally the demonic summon, the scent stil present andl assailing his olfactory. "Does this ruling family of the Manor greet all of its guest with puppies and wine.?" He ad been loking at the an in the the throne but his comment was just as much toward the one sitting beside the throneas it was to the one sitting in the aformentioned.
  428. Guest_KaiTheStorm: (srry a bit rushed out-if its hard to follow lmk))
  429. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((I can re-type if nccessary))
  430. Rebourn: ][ All good, mate ][
  431. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma felt the hostile aura fade and the electric signals running rampant up and down her spine had slowly stopped firing on overdrive, she felt Nori's hand disappear into her own body as she took a short breath to ease the tension in her chest. She had been studying the friendly statues around here so much she had begun to resemble them standing so still awaiting an outside action to spring her to life. While her eyes were still trained on the throne room before her as she hung back at the entrance to the lounging area she finally caught the eyes of the one whose aura was so palpable earlier. 'Is that...?' It was a tone of disbelief inside her head as Nori spoke up to break the tension. 'I thought he was...' The appearane of the formal male who had entered the manor slightly upset was so similar to that of someone she had known decades ago, even his features looked similar to the masks that she once trained beside. White hair, elongated horns atop his head, smaller features for agility and proper breeding to ensure effectiveness, even down to the way his aura could extend and affect others were characters of masks she had known. Though, there was one issue with this... He bore no mask, there was no inkling of that device that was drilled so expertly into the back of Dehma's neck. 'I don't understand, Dehmi.' Nori's voice was almost a whisper and Dehma quieted her. 'It isn't him.' She finally chose to move now, shifting her weight from the frame to her feet as she descended a few stairs that led into the throne room, wanting to get a better look at him all the same. 'It's eerie, though, isn't it Dehmi?' In response to Nori's question Dehma simply just nodded her head twice, the wings on her back shivering slightly at the unease that Nori felt. She was right though, it was odd to see what appears to be the visage of an old ally turned enemy after they have been dead and gone for a couple decades at least. 'Should we... go talk to him?' Dehma ignored Nori's question as she could sense her unease was noticable to others and sat down on the last step before hitting the stone floor of the throne room. 'What could be the harm, Dehmi?' Still ignoring Nori she picked at her clothes a moment before she felt herself stand of it's own volition and cursed in her head as Nori began to move the body they shared. 'Nori! What are you doing?!' She screamed at her through their shared mind link all the way until she was infront of the white haired male and felt her body bow gracefully while Nori's voice escaped past her lips. "Well, hello there. I am No--... I am Dehma, it's my utmost pleasure to meet you. Who might you be?" Dehma's eyes still spat fire out through her expression at Nori's blatant disregaurd for her job of protecting the two of them, it must have been a strange sight for such a charming and kind voice as Nori's to speak while Dehma's eyes were nothing but daggers and a tightening mask covering their mouth. Nori kept their hand extended outward to the male awaiting it to be shook.
  432. SalembloodX: /me Garrett would walk in, his hands in his pockets. Casually looking around as he approached the group. " Good evening/night. How do we all fare?" He would ask as he stepped up toward the others.
  433. TemptingKiss: (Hey, Salem. RP in progress can post a setting if you want it. ^_^)
  434. Rebourn: /me The King's eyes rested on the stranger, bored, untelling eyes that just listened to the complaining. He lowered his head into a bow, apologizing again for His Second's actions, and again offered herbal medicine to ease him. Though Geraint's growled at the stranger scowling his Commander, answering the male with retort. "The only puppies we have are to be fed to the hounds, now may I ask what brings you to these lands? Has no one informed you of this manor's reputation? Are you passing through or investigating Fenryn?" Geraint stared at the formal wear of the newcomer, a silent observation of the same ancestors. He toned it down a bit, waving a hand to a statue. "Are you famished? Let us apologize with a meal, hmm?"
  435. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Who is Geraint))
  436. Rebourn: ][ Meee ][
  437. Guest_KaiTheStorm: (are u playing to chars or are they one in the same?)
  438. Rebourn: ][ Nope just 1, just english-ed wrong ;P ][
  439. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((ahh oke gotcha.))
  440. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Also, is Dhema on the outside or Noir?))
  441. TemptingKiss: ((Yes, sorry. I had to step away. I'm playing two characters inside one body.))
  442. Rebourn: ][ -Chews loudly with dry cereal.- ou o ][
  443. TemptingKiss: (Is it my turn to post? O_O)
  444. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: (noms some of his cereal-))
  445. Rebourn: ][ -Swats her hand away.- D< ][
  446. TemptingKiss: (Oh I forgot the other question, yes Dehma is on the outside currently.)
  447. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: -bites his hand-and takes some still-
  448. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((,))*
  449. TemptingKiss: (Now I'mconfused if those questions were even for me.)
  450. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((takes it and runs-*))
  451. Rebourn: ][ They were, silly lol -Nudges Hika and points at dry cereal.- D: Thief! ][
  452. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((lol yes they were, im typing lol))
  453. HikatsueHatu: Hikatsue chuckled at the creature beneath him as he sat on one of the thrones. He turned his head to the King and would merely chuckle while he defended him from the scolding creature. Hikatsue slowly stood up and pointed to the blood pool that was slowly disapating from existence. His lips parting ever so slightly to speak to the man. His height towering over the other creature "You must be irrational to understand that is not a 'puppy' or...a fool?" He chuckled and let his hand rest back down to his side "Don't let that 'puppy' fool you. It will shred you like you are a piece of shit to him." He chuckled and would slowly sit back down as he lowered his head once again and sat back down in his seat next to the King. He would lean back relaxing a bit almost as if it was a half slumber to him.-
  454. HikatsueHatu: ((Sorry short post but not to much going on.))
  455. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((-shares with hika-I got it =D))
  456. GavlynofSidhe: (Baaack and posted in discord.)
  457. Rebourn: ][ !!! Yay ][
  458. GavlynofSidhe: (Okay I gotta ask, so is there like a constant bloody ichor dripping from Hika? Like it just magically is always there but never spreads out beyond him?)
  459. HikatsueHatu: ((In a sense it can be yes.))
  460. Guest_KaiTheStorm: Without even thinking Kai extended his hand also making as if to connect. But his focus were on the 2 seated uopon the dias. He dismissed the idea of food and drink, choosing instead to poke at the man for he seemed agitated by the the mention of puppies. He had yet to realize what his hands hand been doing and spoke, " Had i seen any hounds in the generl area I would have done as what is stated and fed the charming little pooch to any seen in the vincinity. Als, there weren't any to be found. It was at the mention of a place not afore mentioned to him that drew his attemtion ...a Fenryn.... But before he could even produce a question from his quick mind he gained notice of what his body was doing. HIs silver moon eyes widened in near horror. This was quite the day and he was being thrown off his game quite a bit. First the hell hound, then seing spectres ow someone was pinpoint in his face, how had he not gotten that? He stopped in he his tiraid and hovered back a few paces. "Who ar-" He cut himself off again, back to his customery greet. "Clear skies to you...I am Kai, Storm -kin." It donned on him that he had so much traiing in formalities that he was ignoring the key and cardinal rue, FInish a task before one began the next. This ad been a hard pressed situation for circumstaces dictated that he do otherwise . He begn to feel a bit surrounded and withdrew a brimming energy of a storm just over his skin. A natrual defensive tatic for those like him. A slight cloud barely visable surrouded him with short popig sounds of static. Keeping himself in cheack he decided to speak to all at once. Disregarding or rather hoping to organize himself more, " I am Kai... Storm-kin. I am of the Fae race, more specificly those of us born within the eye of a storm. I am here seeking a place to explore. For I have nowhere but the sky to call my home." With onelast attempt at witticisim, he restated himself from earlier, "I tend to be a cat person but pups are fine to." He had backed a fewaces away from those gthered and waited to see how he would be recieved.
  461. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((I hope that was done right. :3 ))
  462. HikatsueHatu: ((The blood doesn't come out unless he wishes or such. It's kinda hard to explain. o-o))
  463. BookWriter: (( Rebourn here? ))
  464. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: (9takes more of his cereal-i think he is))
  465. Rebourn: ][ Yes, just reading owo Hello again! ][
  466. BookWriter: (( Mind if I step in, Rebourn? ))
  467. GavlynofSidhe: (Im just trying to get it right in my head. Otherwise Im like how do they keep the place so clean with blood ereware? lol)
  468. GavlynofSidhe: (XD aaaah magic erasure sponges by Mr.Clean)
  469. Rebourn: ][ Be my guest, Writer -Bows.- ][
  470. HikatsueHatu: ((I control the blood. o3o ^o^ Dun worry a mess is made unless I allow it to be made with the blood. XDD Well my own blood to be exact in a sense.))
  471. BookWriter: (( Then I shall type a entrance right now. Thank you. ))
  472. HikatsueHatu: ((I will probably use my last post as an exit...maybe unsure.))
  473. BookWriter: (( Ah, I wanted to fight you. ))
  474. HikatsueHatu: ((For?))
  475. BookWriter: (( You looked strong. ))
  476. HikatsueHatu: ((.-. Kinda gay.))
  477. BookWriter: (( I eat subways on every sunday. ))
  478. GavlynofSidhe: (:I )
  479. HikatsueHatu: ((.__.))
  480. Guest_llsammyachooll: hi all how is ever one?
  481. BookWriter: (( Is there anything changed in the setting? ))
  482. GavlynofSidhe: (Hey Sammy, brackets please for ooc.)
  483. Guest_llsammyachooll: (ok sorry >.<)
  484. Rebourn: /me All of Hitasue's chuckling had him feel lighter, a rare occasion of such emotion. Geraint just waved a hand toward his Second, a silent order for him to behave. His eyes stayed on the small male, bowing his head in respects for his blessed greeting. The King's magic rattled at the other's, coiling inside himself as he sat eerily still up on his throne, studying the stranger. "Welcome to My Forest, Kai. I am the Princeling of an old empire for Fae-folk. If your memory serves you, I am of the Rownan Family." A pause, a breathe of regret, but the quickness to move on. "What services are you experienced in? Perhaps I can offer you a home, but not for cheap." Leaning back, he rested is back with a sigh, crossing his ankles as he folded his arms over his chest.
  485. Rebourn: ][ PFF- I didn't realize it was that short ][
  486. BookWriter: (( Thats what she said. ))
  487. Rebourn: ][ That's what I get for day dreaming :( ][
  488. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: (( thats what she also said))
  489. Rebourn: ][ Nothing changes in setting, Writer :P ][
  490. TemptingKiss: (My bad guys idk if y'all were waiting on me, I had to make my lunch for work tomorrow.)
  491. BookWriter: (( I forgot what the setting is and im lowkey looking at league videos. ))
  492. Rebourn: ][ Than do thatttt >.> ][
  493. Rebourn: ][ & Np ][
  494. BookWriter: (( Kk haha. ))
  495. Guest_llsammyachooll: *bows down * i am sammy i have a home all realy my home is frosthaven i am one of the laeders there i just like makeing friend ever were i go nice to meet you all
  496. BookWriter: (( I'll swing back by later. ))
  497. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((whose post is up next?))
  498. HikatsueHatu: ((I don't really know at this point. Debating on whether to exit or not. o-o))
  499. Rebourn: ][ Damn FrostHaven must be a known name, I've had a friend call her room that before ][
  500. Rebourn: ][ Go ahead and exit, mate ][
  501. HikatsueHatu: ((I don't know what to do at the moment. XDDD))
  502. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((Vail =3))
  503. Rebourn: ][ Ayo ][
  504. TemptingKiss: ((Lmao I just noticed my dog stepped on my keyboard and it probably looked like I was brewin' a post.))
  505. Guest_llsammyachooll: (i am sorry my mom make that name up when we make are pack i do not no uther frosthaven packs or kingdoms o.o )
  506. Vaizel: (Hi! sorry was atrying to eat my cereal before it got soggy.)
  507. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: (gets her spoon-))
  508. Vaizel: (o.o)
  509. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: (comere ))
  510. GavlynofSidhe: (Whoa I didnt rightly get to see everyone yet. Lookin good!)
  511. Vaizel: (xD)
  512. Vaizel: (GAV! -hugs-)
  513. GavlynofSidhe: (*Hug snugs* Vai! did you sleep?)
  514. Vaizel: (nope.. had to drive around :/)
  515. Vaizel: (I'm sleepy but wanted to see what was happening here ^^)
  516. Guest_KaiTheStorm: Hearing the Fae from the throne speak, Kai tured his attention there. ..."Rowan...." He said the name half aloud half to himself... It was an old name. One of the Royal fmiles, that he could verify but he wasnt sure how the family played in his life. Maybe from the good dys back when Fae were the domininant species and the mud-men were still young. He wondered if it had anything to do with the name Fenryn mention moments before. "By what meaning do you mean it wont come cheaply, I enjoy a good bargain or deal." He was never one to lie...wel fully and he most definatly never broke his word. Kai became intrigued but the potential offer.
  517. HikatsueHatu: ((Imma use my last post or create a really small post as an exit.)
  518. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((I also am getting a little restless, my add is kicking in. I may have to exit soon for a bit as well.))
  519. HikatsueHatu: ((Facts. I got ADHD. .-))
  520. GavlynofSidhe: (Okie dokie smokies.)
  521. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((lol the STRUGGLE))
  522. Rebourn: ][ Kai do you have a discord? ][
  523. Guest_KaiTheStorm: (Yes, leme pull it up))
  524. Rebourn: ][ Welcome, Fate, RP in progressss, if you wish to join I can paste setting, if not I can answer any questions you may have about the rp ][
  525. Rebourn: ][ Word ][
  526. FlameOfFate: [I would love to join, can I get the setting/current plot and post order?]
  527. Rebourn: ][ uwu I gotta go to the store soon. 30/40 mins maybe. ][
  528. Rebourn: ][ Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-King and his Mongrels of darkness. ][
  529. Guest_KiraUzumaki1: ((bring back more cereal-she waves her spoon.))
  530. Guest_llsammyachooll: (nice meeting yall i am going to jet )
  531. FlameOfFate: [Thank you, Rebourn]
  532. Vaizel: (Lol)
  533. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((My discord id magnaKarter))
  534. TemptingKiss: /me Dehma felt imprisoned as Nori took control of their host body, not yet strong enough to willingly shift into her own form she chose to inhabit Dehma's instead. She was slowly walking around the fae male infront of her, her thumb and forefinger placed upon her chin in deep thought until she felt she had seen him enough to remember the smallest of features at a later time. Nori had the both of them casually stroll to the bar and look around at all the different bottles. She chose the most elaborate and elegant looking cask and watched as it was poured for her by those stone statues that Dehma has begun to adore. 'I don't understand the appeal of these beings to you, Dehmi.' The words sounded a little judgemental inside Dehma's mind as Nori still controlled her body and walked back down the stairs with a hum and a skip, her palm placed over the cup so it would not spill out. She stepped up to the throne but stopped dead before the actual threshold of the heightened seat, instead choosing to just stare at the invisible barrier of the steps that she knew not to cross. "Hm." That lilting tone escaping her, sounding delicate despite the way Dehma looked, Nori spun their heel and faced away from any eyes so that she could take a sip of the liquid courage in her cup. 'Nori, don't. I don't wish to drink right now.' Dehma pleaded with her quietly, knowing full well that Nori would ignore her. A delicate finger slipped underneath the mask and Dehma's pupils became so dialated it almost looked like her eyes were pitch black, though Nori was sure of her grip on the mask, she only lifted it a small amount so she could slip the eedge of the cup past the mechanical folds that gave way to her touch easily without hesitation, her lips on the brim she gulped once and winced at the burning route down her throat that the liquid chose to take. With deliberate movement she placed the mask back in place, it never leaving her touch, and the folds seemed to latch onto Dehma's skin instinctually and had no give in them whatsoever. Slowly, Dehma's eyes returned to their normal size even though she was panting slightly. 'Are you kidding? For a fucking drink, Nori?' Dehma's tone spat out in her mind and Nori just shrugged their shoulders as she felt they were in no particular danger here. At this point Dehma resorted to ignoring the voice she wanted to hear so desperately for years as her body spun back around and lifted a free hand to the king, her pleasant sounding voice addressing the two on the throne. "Hello again, friends. It's nice to see you, are you well?" It was as if Nori was unaware of any conversations currently being held by those present in the room, or if she were... she was choosing to feign ignorance.
  535. TemptingKiss: (Sorry Hika, I hope that didn't mess you up any.)
  536. Rebourn: ][ what's your numbers Kai? magnakarter#____? ][
  537. Guest_KaiTheStorm: 3980
  538. Guest_KaiTheStorm: (())*
  539. GavlynofSidhe: (Nutella is the bees knees <3 ugh)
  540. TemptingKiss: ((*Gag* Bees knees must taste like butt, then.)
  541. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((Did you find me?))
  542. FlameOfFate: [Lol, agreed. PB/Nutella with a layer of honey in the middle... Mmm.]
  543. Rebourn: ][ Welcome Evie, RP in progress if you wanna join I will paste setting, if not I can answer your questions ][
  544. Rebourn: ][ It didn't work, Kai ][
  545. Rebourn: ][ Lol nvm ][
  546. TemptingKiss: (Gravy train, I don't know if you see my discord messages or not but liek... woulda look with your special eyes? <3 _ <3 )
  547. Guest_KaiTheStorm: magnaKarter#3980
  548. EvieBean: ((I would love to see the setting.))
  549. Guest_KaiTheStorm: acceoted
  550. Guest_KaiTheStorm: accepted.
  551. TemptingKiss: ((Setting: A secluded and almost secret part of the Arindale continent. unbeknownst to most, a praised and ancient village lies in a tree-flooded valley in the country of Fenryn. The village being the size of a small town, it's walls and borders are patrolled by the secret manor that looms high above the hills, daring anyone to mess with its people. Snow-tipped mountains, fresh-water streams, and waterfalls coating the forest floor and cliffs; a would-be paradise, if it wasn't known for being the land of a fallen, once great Fenryn Kingdom. No roads lead to the mysterious manor, and only the most brave, dumb or arrogant people have tried to make the journey. What awaits is nothing but the Fae-King and his Mongrels of darkness.))
  552. GavlynofSidhe: (Oh shiz just figured out Im Gravy train lol. Just a sec.)
  553. HikatsueHatu: ((Nah I already exited. XD))
  554. TemptingKiss: ((^-^))
  555. Guest_KaiTheStorm: ((afk for a little bit))
  556. EvieBean: ((Oh, lovely. Just let me know the post order and I may post in after watching some rp.))
  557. HikatsueHatu: ((Imma hop off for a bit. XD))
  558. Rebourn: ][ Same I gotta get ready to go uhhh Fate, do you have a discord? ][
  559. Rebourn: ][ Evie? ][
  560. EvieBean: ((Hm?))
  561. GavlynofSidhe: (Hi Fate, hi Evie. :D )
  562. Vaizel: (-yawns- night everyone)
  563. Rebourn: ][ You have a discord? Or perhaps I can add ya here and invite you when I'm on tomorrow? ][
  564. FlameOfFate: [I do, yes. It is FlameOfFate XD]
  565. Rebourn: ][ Night Vaiiii ][
  566. EvieBean: (Good night.)
  567. Rebourn: ][ What are your #s? ][
  568. GavlynofSidhe: (Awe all yous leavin.)
  569. TemptingKiss: ((;__;))
  570. EvieBean: (Not me, I'm just watching them all poof.)
  571. Rebourn: ][ Geraint#6278 & So sorry T_T ][
  572. TemptingKiss: ((I'm going to have to poof soon too. T_T I've got work at 5 am.))
  573. FlameOfFate: [FlameOfFate #7909]
  574. GavlynofSidhe: (Its okay I forgive you. Lol)
  575. TemptingKiss: ((*Sobs uncontrolably for five seconds exactly* Okay, good. ))
  576. Rebourn: We can Rp on discord if ya want Fate ][
  577. GavlynofSidhe: (XD)
  578. GavlynofSidhe: (Yea we can take it to discord.)
  579. FlameOfFate: [That may be easier for me, though I don't want to inconvenience anyone.]
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