

Feb 17th, 2015
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  1. #colors
  2. txtblk='\e[0;30m' # Black - Regular
  3. txtred='\e[0;31m' # Red
  4. txtgrn='\e[0;32m' # Green
  5. txtylw='\e[0;33m' # Yellow
  6. txtblu='\e[0;34m' # Blue
  7. txtpur='\e[0;35m' # Purple
  8. txtcyn='\e[0;36m' # Cyan
  9. txtwht='\e[0;37m' # White
  10. bldblk='\e[1;30m' # Black - Bold
  11. bldred='\e[1;31m' # Red
  12. bldgrn='\e[1;32m' # Green
  13. bldylw='\e[1;33m' # Yellow
  14. bldblu='\e[1;34m' # Blue
  15. bldpur='\e[1;35m' # Purple
  16. bldcyn='\e[1;36m' # Cyan
  17. bldwht='\e[1;37m' # White
  18. unkblk='\e[4;30m' # Black - Underline
  19. undred='\e[4;31m' # Red
  20. undgrn='\e[4;32m' # Green
  21. undylw='\e[4;33m' # Yellow
  22. undblu='\e[4;34m' # Blue
  23. undpur='\e[4;35m' # Purple
  24. undcyn='\e[4;36m' # Cyan
  25. undwht='\e[4;37m' # White
  26. bakblk='\e[40m' # Black - Background
  27. bakred='\e[41m' # Red
  28. badgrn='\e[42m' # Green
  29. bakylw='\e[43m' # Yellow
  30. bakblu='\e[44m' # Blue
  31. bakpur='\e[45m' # Purple
  32. bakcyn='\e[46m' # Cyan
  33. bakwht='\e[47m' # White
  34. txtrst='\e[0m' # Text Reset
  37. #PS1
  39. PS1="\[${txtblk}\][\u]@[\h][\w]\n\[${txtblu}\]>>> \[${txtrst}\]"
  40. PS2="\[${txtblk}\]... \[${txtrst}\]"
  42. #PS1="\[${txtblk}\]\u@\h \w\n\[${txtblu}\]>>> \[${txtrst}\]"
  43. #PS2="\[${txtblk}\]... \[${txtrst}\]"
  46. #alias
  47. alias ls='ls --color=auto'
  48. alias slurm='slurm -i eth0'
  49. alias slurm1='slurm -i wlan0'
  50. #alias ls1='ls -a -l'
  55. #Bash allows these prompt strings to be customized by inserting a
  56. #number of backslash-escaped special characters that are
  57. #decoded as follows:
  58. #
  59. # \a an ASCII bell character (07)
  60. # \d the date in "Weekday Month Date" format (e.g., "Tue May 26")
  61. # \D{format} the format is passed to strftime(3) and the result
  62. # is inserted into the prompt string an empty format
  63. # results in a locale-specific time representation.
  64. # The braces are required
  65. # \e an ASCII escape character (033)
  66. # \h the hostname up to the first `.'
  67. # \H the hostname
  68. # \j the number of jobs currently managed by the shell
  69. # \l the basename of the shell's terminal device name
  70. # \n newline
  71. # \r carriage return
  72. # \s the name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion following
  73. # the final slash)
  74. # \t the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format
  75. # \T the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format
  76. # \@ the current time in 12-hour am/pm format
  77. # \A the current time in 24-hour HH:MM format
  78. # \u the username of the current user
  79. # \v the version of bash (e.g., 2.00)
  80. # \V the release of bash, version + patch level (e.g., 2.00.0)
  81. # \w the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde
  82. # \W the basename of the current working directory, with $HOME
  83. # abbreviated with a tilde
  84. # \! the history number of this command
  85. # \# the command number of this command
  86. # \$ if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $
  87. # \nnn the character corresponding to the octal number nnn
  88. # \\ a backslash
  89. # \[ begin a sequence of non-printing characters, which could be used
  90. # to embed a terminal control sequence into the prompt
  91. # \] end a sequence of non-printing characters
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