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Trolling /mlp/

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Feb 21st, 2015
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  1. Have you noticed all the failed, obvious bait that's permeated the board, often with outcomes opposite of its intention? Perhaps you are the author of some of this poor bait. Well, fret no more! As a professional troll who's been wreaking havok on the internets for more than a decade, I will teach you the secrets to effectively trolling /mlp/.
  3. I'll warn you right now this will very likely be tl;dr for you. If your not willing to read a wall of text, walk away now. tl;dr will be provided at the end of the guide.
  5. First, we will start with common misconceptions:
  6. >Putting on a goofy name and/or acting like a complete newfag will make people angry at me for being a newfag!
  7. This is entirely false. True, going against societal norms always rubs some people the wrong way, but this is not the way to do it. This tactic will only spark pity in a few, and leave the rest in apathy. Regardless of how well you pull off the act, the act in itself is tired and played out, and does not strike the right cords to create an emotional response. There are better ways to achieve what this tactic is meant to achieve.
  9. >If I insult anon's waifu, then surely, he will be mad that I've insulted his love!
  10. While this can be the case, blind, haphazard insults will incite nothing but laughter. This can only work if you present a caricature of anon's waifu that he, himself, finds despicable. More on this later.
  12. >Shipping anon's waifu with another character will make him mad!
  13. No, it won't. Unless it's at least somewhat based in either canon (FlashLight) or popular opinion (FlutterMac), it will be laughed at and ignored. Instead, try to think of ways to argue that anon's waifu would not be attracted to him for whatever reason. In this, try to bring up the fact that his waifu is not real. Feed into anon's probably feelings of hopelessness and insecurity.
  15. >I will tell the bronies that they are stupid and pathetic for liking little girl show! That'll make them sooper angry!
  16. This has been tried since the very beginning. It has never worked, and it never will. Because brony's have accepted this already, and are not insecure about it. This is the type of bait that 14 year olds put out. It is infantile, shallow, and risible. Your better of doing something else.
  18. >I'll post pony porn! That'll really rattle their chains!
  19. You could not be more wrong. /mlp/ (hell, even Ponychan) loves porn as much as they love they're moms because they are virgin who will never see a real life vagina within their lifetimes. In fact, real trolls are the one's bashing porn posters with the rules and reporting them to the mods. I suggest you follow suit with them.
  21. Now, here are some tried and true trolling techniques:
  23. >Play the skeptic
  24. The hard-headed, closed-minded skeptic is a classic troll that has been used thruout the ages. It works for everything from character threads to character discussion threads to even off-topic threads. Remember to always keep asking questions, no matter how banal or convoluted, and never concede points. Everyone you've argued with will be fed up with you, and might start flaming you. This is what you've been working for. Patronize them and antagonize them, but don't fall to their level. If you've been successful until now, then expect ragequit and victory.
  26. >Play the extremist
  27. Have you heard of Po's Law? Of course you haven't you fucking dipship. It means, a well-done act taking the role of an extremist is indistinguishable from the real thing. Now, what extreme would be effective in trolling /mlp/ you may ask? You can be the extreme psychotic. Lector, TOPF, and Rainboom Crash did this well. Become extremely obsessive over something that they like (a waifu for example) and twist it in a manner that they find revolting. You can be the extreme authoritarian. Pinkiepony and PurpleTinker are good examples. Rev up those hot half-baked opinions and thumb your nose at any other. Try to sound like you're trying to sound intelligent while being completely ridiculous in reality. Hell, you should find this easy, since you probably do this already without being aware of it. Play the sap. Beg, beg, beg for sympathy until even the biggest harts of /mlp/ cannot take it anymore. This is usually done by creating a mock sob story and stating, directly or indirectly, that you're considering suicide. There will be low quality trolls who will tell you to kill yourself on cam or whatever. Just use them to do more blatant sympathy whoring.
  29. >forge false controversial news
  30. If you're good with Photoshop, then fake a screencap of some horrible news on EqD or whatever. Preferably one that confirms a rumor that's already been around. This guide is already getting to fucking long so you figure that one out.
  32. >Derailing
  33. There are many ways to derail a thread, but they all involve baiting the victim thread with a topic that is at least somewhat related to the original topic, but will inevitably lead to derail. Choose topics that are from the show or the characters, but make strong reference to something irl, preferably something that people invest a lot of emotional stock in. Politics, religion, gender relations, are a few examples. This tactic can also be used to create a thread that will derail itself with a probably flame war.
  35. That's the guide, every pony! Take this guide to hard as you sew the seeds of mischiff. Happy trolling!
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