
A doll and an Alien walk into a cafe

Sep 6th, 2015
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  1. 23:47 Destinox walked in, long metal legs clanging on the ground, red hair that looks like it never had a not or curl in it. and something on him mouth sending a liquid into him, no doubt about it, he's Alien
  2. 23:48 Destinox pretty much falls onto a window side chair,looking like hes had a long day of, something or other
  3. 23:54 Ivory has been in there for a while, just sitting and resting her mind before continuing her journey. It seems silly, having a doll sitting down inside a cafe. It is.
  4. 23:56 Destinox looks over to Ivory, the sound of bubbles popping coming from the thing on his mouth
  5. 23:57 Ivory "Hello.. Sir." She looks a bit frightened, and something forced her to talk to him more. "I'm.. Ivory. I'm new to this place.."
  6. 23:58 Destinox "Ouais , même ici"
  7. 23:59 Ivory "... Excuse me?" She's a little confused, her blue button eyes just blankly stares at Destinox. She grabs her staff that's been sitting beside her just in case if he's going to attack or something.
  8. 00:01 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #SunsetCafe
  9. 00:01 Destinox "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? Attendez , attendez, chose stupide" he presses some buttons on the device on his wrist, then hitting the table "Sorry, few bugs in this thing"
  10. 00:06 Ivory "That's okay... Again, my name is Ivory." She lets go of her staff and it floats beside her now.
  11. 00:07 Destinox looks to his wrist "I'm, Destinox, at least the translation is"
  12. 00:04 *** Destinox joined #SunsetCafe
  13. 00:06 Ivory "That's okay... Again, my name is Ivory." She lets go of her staff and it floats beside her now.
  14. 00:07 Destinox looks to his wrist "I'm, Destinox, at least the translation is"
  15. 00:08 Ivory "Translation?" She felt an urge to come closer to him but she don't want to compromise her safety.
  16. 00:09 Destinox "Yep, cheap easy way to learn a new language, when it works"
  17. 00:13 Ivory nods. She looked around and then back at herself, focusing on the various patches and her old staff. She does feel that she's been out for a long time, given that there's this green skinned man talking to her with a translator thing on his wrist.
  18. 00:20 Destinox "So, what are you? I saw a few-" he looks at his wrist again "Humans on the way here, you don't look like one, Well you do but none had marks like yours"
  19. 00:21 Destinox "you off-worlder?"
  20. 00:23 Ivory "I.. I'm a living doll, to put it short. And I do have a feeling that you're not a human, nor a supernatural being. Are you something else?"
  21. 00:26 Destinox "living doll? huh. And yes I'm what you call," he looks at his wrist again "...Alien. I think I should be offended"
  22. 00:28 Ivory "Ah, I see then."
  23. 00:31 Ivory "... You know, I hate being made of fabric rather than flesh. Water and I don't make a good match, and I sometimes get jealous from seeing humans eating foods and the like."
  24. 00:32 Ivory "But I have to accept this fragile body whether i like it or not."
  25. 00:38 Destinox "...Uhuh. I'm going to guess you like complaining?"
  26. 00:40 Ivory "Did I came off to you as that? I'm sorry. It's... All of this new things shocked me and made me bitter in a way."
  27. 00:41 Destinox "Well you ranted out of nowhere, so yes, you did"
  28. 00:43 Ivory "Oh.. I'm sorry for that too."
  29. 00:44 Destinox "Its fine, if you can't eat why come into, whatever this place it."
  30. 00:45 Destinox "Thats food over there right?" He points to the glass case presenting Donuts, Croissants, and other things
  31. 00:47 Ivory "I was attracted by the atmosphere, reminds me of the past. And yes, I do believe so."
  32. 00:48 Destinox "ah, thought so"
  33. 00:51 *** Vect joined #SunsetCafe
  34. 00:59 Ivory "Say, Destinox, how long have you been here?"
  35. 01:00 Destinox "Lets see, I'm taking a break, so, uh..56 minutes?"
  36. 01:04 *** Ivory quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  37. 01:05 *** Ivory joined #SunsetCafe
  38. 01:05 Ivory "Huh. I just came this morning, so we might have the same situation."
  39. 01:09 Destinox "what do you mean?"
  40. 01:11 Ivory "My only reason I got here is because I felt a disturbance that needs to be mended before it's too late. I'm close to the source but strangely it keeps moving.."
  41. 01:12 Destinox "oh, yeah I suppose we are then, I'm on the hunt for an alien. that word still feels wrong."
  42. 01:14 Ivory "On hunt?"
  43. 01:16 Destinox "Fugitive, Council wants him. Sent me. I think it's a shapeshifter or something"
  44. 01:21 Ivory "Shapeshifter? The creature I'm searching is one too, but there's little possibility that we're looking after the same thing."
  45. 01:21 Destinox "Who knows, Mine is like a grey blob"
  46. 01:26 *** Ivory quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  47. 01:26 *** Ivory joined #SunsetCafe
  48. 01:27 Ivory "Mine is more than a grey blob. She's probably far more dangerous than whoever you're looking for too."
  49. 01:55 Ivory is now just quietly sitting, looking around the cafe. She wished there's more people other than her and Destinox but seeing at the busy streets it's unlikely.
  50. 02:06 Destinox "Is this place usually like this? Quiet?"
  51. 02:08 Ivory "I have no idea, but it was really quiet before you came."
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