

Dec 12th, 2017
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  1. • I ask that there are no hespedim, not before me or any atzeres or gathering of any kind.
  2. • No major writeups in newspapers – not daily weekly or others. My photo is sufficient and not writing as is customary for others. Ten persons at the levaya is sufficient.
  3. • Do not print pashkavilim, don’t make announcements via loudspeakers or radio.
  4. • Make an effort to bury me quickly and prevent delay between my petira and kvura.
  5. • Do not write any titles on the tombstone other than פה נקבר רב אהרון יהודא לייב בן רב נח צבי שטיינמן’
  6. • My burial place should be the simplest, least expensive. Do not waste money on a burial site.
  7. • As the minhag is to visit the kever at the end of shiva and shloshim, not to waste more than necessary for it is better giving money for limud and for certain, not on ‘devarim beteilim’.
  8. • If seeking a place to daven before the amud results in too much time, it is preferred to engage in limud torah l’shem shomayim.
  9. • Anyone seeking to assist me (it is for us in essence), lean a chapter of mishnayos daily until the end of the 12 months. Women can recite 10 chapters of Tehillim daily, including Shabbos and Yomtov.
  10. • I request not to remember (Refer) to me as a tzaddik or a Yirei Shomayim so I am not insulted in the Olam HaEmmes.
  11. • I ask mechila if I offended anyone and if there is anyone I owe money to, and in reality, he will not collect even though he has the right ‘al pi din’, please be moichel me.
  12. • My children should not follow the aron for kvura as is minhag Yerushalayim.
  13. • Do not name children after me but do not prevent it either
  14. • If you wish, give money to tzedaka instead of a tombstone, to give but not to buy.
  15. • (Last addition) Since many err, I am advising not to name children after me but I do not forbid it
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