
MC and other info for Fantastic Sci Fi CCWQ

Apr 5th, 2015
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  1. {Victoria Abigail}
  2. The female will be
  3. >Nation: Combine
  4. >Origin: Academy
  5. >Initial Status: Poverty
  7. >Academy chosen
  8. Acquired military skills.
  9. Acquired no assets but greatly increased skills.
  11. >Super Skill
  12. Sniper ELITE
  13. Pilot ELITE
  14. Hidden
  15. Hidden
  16. Hidden
  17. Hidden
  21. >Rogue
  22. A young girl and her family for whatever purposely went against their former and turned towards the Combine...things did not go as planned however as she found herself thrust into the depths of poverty.
  24. Which was still an improvement compared to what she would of had to deal with if she had stayed in comparison...
  26. >Supreme Academy, Apprenticeship, Superboon martial/MYSTERY
  28. New Gains in life: Permanent bonus to lust (receive penalties to resist seduction and other effects).
  30. Extensive surgery performed on brain. Combine Cortex modifications have been installed. Many mental processes expected to improve especially as time goes on.
  32. Slum Slime Serum injected.
  33. Any whom share this redacted Information to ANYONE(including those with 'clearances) are to be considered a traitor along with those they inform.
  35. Rogued Roid Rager implemented.
  36. STRONGLY advised to not activate during periods of increased arousal or life threatening situations(this does not include nonlethal combat or active combat should only be activated during active life threatening combat).
  37. Redaction unlocked.
  38. When 'channeled' rage is activated actually managed to divert previous mental problems along with rage into a 'rampage' mode.
  39. VERY important to not use in anything BUT life threatening combat for the following reasons.
  41. Soldier Special being installed extensive modifications underway.
  43. Acquired
  45. Human Specie Sex Female Faction Combine Affiliate Package Installed.
  47. Acquired
  48. Sniper augs to help with sniping.
  49. Pilot augs to assist with piloting.
  50. Head Rig: containing a number of usual modifications for sensing and protecting. This is a light version so as to not inhibit future growth too much(light fortification and moderate other)
  51. Soldier Reinforcement Starter
  52. Human Stimulants
  55. Lillian Suggested Package installed.
  57. Acquired
  58. Clan special comm beads for communication.
  59. Sensor suite has been placed inside you to help with detection.
  60. Bone Blast to help with bone structure.
  61. Flesh Sculpting to help with flesh development.
  62. Clan Custom Commando...specially formed package to infiltration, light infantry work, and special operational duties.
  63. Adapted from Clan tech and customized by a Lillian. Is an entirely elite rig and includes officer tier augs as well. Even strangely enough stuff for mounting and piloting.
  64. Suggested speaking to this Lillian for more info. Clan tech is not a Combine expertise.
  66. Combine Compacter: Specialized rig designed to 'compact' combine technology, augs, and modifications allowing for more room, increased effectiveness, and harder to identify.
  68. Coalition Combiner: Specialized rig meant to allow for greater synergy for Combine materials and tech. Highly suggested to not mix with non Combine tech without special modification.
  69. NOTES
  70. Deh Doktor has already included the neccessary adjustments was real pain in arse but luckily I am experienced in Human tech including the Clans. So Clan tech will work just fine. Just don't do anything else without additional modification.
  72. Organ cage: Specialized reinforcement rig meant to protect key organs to insure greater survivability and combat effectiveness for a greater duration despite severe injuries.
  73. REDACTION broken.
  74. Organ Cage includes fail safe for traitors. In which case it will assault the organs and instantly kill the trainer in a not so pleasant manner.
  75. Also a bitch to remove and or stop.
  77. >Special packaging
  78. Udeakoi's Ultimate
  79. ...extremely strange tech designed to overcharge human element and grant a temporary gift/ability at the lowest level.
  80. Magic, psi, body hardening you name it this can provide it at the bare minimum.
  82. Causes great strain on the body and repeated use is likely to cause permanent damage.
  83. Suggest talking to Gifter to determine these other unknown settings. Combine unable to readily identify what these further adjustments will do.
  85. REDACTION Broken
  87. Further scans of tech along with samples and testaments indicate the device is able to somehow...feed off things strange effects and more interestingly somehow offer a sort of 'buffer' to the side effects or more.
  89. Highly unusual tech and specialized. Very odd very unique. Combine research indicates not worth devoting resources to fully investigate.
  91. As all indications show that its simply not worth it considering the affects the cost would be too much.
  93. Under Umbra Ultra...creates a highly advanced and powerful shadowing affect when attempting to scan internals. This includes to a lesser degree direct dissection. Makes it MUCH harder to identify what might be lurking beneath the surface.
  95. Gamer Gift
  96. RANDOMIZED(roll bitches)
  97. >Second Chance chosen - Whenever this unit fails an action or would otherwise die get a single reroll.
  99. GoGo Gunner - strange package that enhances speed and gunning capability. Speed increase is rather...large. {R} GoGo Gunner is a built in speed hack AND booster. Designed to redline speeding ability and enhance your 'gunning' ability by boosting your reflexes to high heaven. Not suggested for long term use due to extensive strain that may occur as it pushes it to and possibly beyond the limits.
  101. GaGa Gal
  102. Now we aren't entirely sure what the hell this is suppose to do. Scans indicate that its meant to somehow become more influential and charismatic? Strongly suggest talking to gifter. {R} Designed to become MUCH more attractive to own species and mesmerizing to others. ( Basically a charisma hack limited to human females. )
  104. Combine Chosen Calibrated Core installed.
  105. But its simply a prereq aug that also harbors proof of your Combine Clearance.
  106. Since you possess it some interesting options may become available to you at a future date.
  108. >Fists of Duality - Gun gauntlets are a very old weapon but have always been considered subpar until the rise of their descendants the legendary rocket fists. However among the practitioners of these weapons exists an ancient style that take advantage of the Duality resulting in a surprisingly deadly use in their hands.
  111. Assault rifle given.
  112. Gun Gauntlets given.
  113. Medium Armor given.
  114. EMP grenade cluster given.
  115. Commando Kit given acquired Basic Light Spec Op tools.
  117. >Reinforced Officer Behemoth Armor set
  118. Gained Reinforcement, Hardlined, Hardened, Chameleon Skin, Custom Fitted, Built In Comms Upgraded, Built In Hardened Sensors Upgraded.
  121. >Officer Credentials accepted, acquired the following.
  122. Papers, Badges, Markers, Codes, Acknowledgement
  124. Perks:
  125. Bottomless Belly
  127. Armor
  128. AI - {Mad Moded} named is printed/carved on it and it says [AI Nixy] (which is scrawled on and over the AI designation)
  129. >Acquired Divine Class Republic ID and Aliases
  130. >Acquired Dream Secessionist Set Combine Companion
  131. >Acquired Divinely Third Party Player Combine Aligned
  132. >Acquired Divinely Third Party Combine Comrade
  133. >Acquired Divinely Third Party Deniable Asset
  135. >Acquired Synthetic Soul
  136. >Acquired Soldier of Sin Suit
  137. >Acquired 2 THERE ARE NO BREAKS Secretly Supreme Serums
  139. "Soldier of Sin is a specialized weapon that was created and then promptly banned due to its immense power. The reason was really quite simple and it is this."
  141. "The Soldier of Sin FEEDS of sins and evils making it stronger. Considering it was designed as a weapon of quickly grew to become TOO strong. So strong that the deities themselves had to take action and take them away."
  143. "There were however casualties as some of the Sin Soldiers grew to be too strong and there were other beings who were interested in the devices."
  145. "Now the few remaining sin soldiers that weren't destroyed are either stored in BLACK facilities, kept in hellish regimes, or taken care of by us."
  147. "This is one of the few remaining suits among the gods and was part of a battalion among its siblings during the Red Revolution. It is one of the only intact and even unused suits remaining."
  149. "Suffice it to say its a blacklisted technology and it comes with some other...quirks I am sure you will appreciate. Beware before using it though as it is a truly vile device."
  151. "As for the synthetic soul has been equipped into the suit in other words its possessed at this moment also there is a certain port on the suit for a certain AI of yours."
  153. "Beware child this suit is an ungodly weapon and capable of great evil power. As for the two vials. They are something special just for you. As you have already received a blessing these offers something else...that something is for what I noticed within you."
  155. {Jacob Axel Holdstone} [Not locked, need for a long name to add that extra rick bastered feel.]
  156. The male will be
  157. >Nation: Combine
  158. >Origin: High
  159. >Initial Status: Filthy Rich
  161. >High chosen.
  162. Acquired basic skill increases.
  163. Filthy rich chosen acquired increased assets but severely stunted skills.
  165. >Academy
  166. Gained Improved basic skills and Basic military skills.
  168. >Profiteer
  169. A young boy and his family took advantage of the coalition to make a massive fortune. Turned out once you could get over their distasteful nature...there was an awful lot of opportunity.
  171. >Supreme Academy, Apprenticeship, Superboon Mastermind/Science!
  174. Faction Choice Combine
  176. Acquired the following affect
  178. Increased Difficulty Threshold
  179. Increased Success
  181. Meanwhile while things are harder IF you accomplish it the effects will be better.
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