
BloodRayne EO4/EO5 Pso beta

Aug 31st, 2017
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  1. BloodRayne: Phantasy Tharsis Stars (Beta script thing)
  7. Torri: I wonder where she could be.
  8. Angel: I don't know she is.
  9. Cammy: Maybe in my garage with Harpuia.
  10. Angel: Sure, let's look.
  11. *the three head to Cammy's garage*
  13. Torri: Have you seen Rayne here?
  14. Harpuia: No, sorry. I don't know where she is.
  18. Torri: I wonder where Rayne is.
  19. Cammy: Maybe she went back to sleep.
  20. Torri: Ah, maybe.
  21. Angel: Let's go check.
  25. Torri: Here you are. You like my bedroom, huh? *smiles*
  26. Rayne: Our bedroom, and yes, I do. *smiles*
  27. *Angel and Cammy grin wide*
  28. Torri: What are you wearing? It's not your standard cloths.
  29. Rayne: When I was in Tharsis, I made sure to stock up on these. These are for Nightseeker class.
  30. Torri: Very sexy!
  31. Angel: Oh yes!
  32. Cammy: Mhm. *purrs*
  33. Rayne: Great, cause these ones are for you three.
  34. Torri: Oh sweet! *takes set*
  35. Cammy: I like these ones. *takes set*
  36. Angel: Oh yum! *takes set*
  37. Rayne: Great. Now get changed. Mmm.
  38. *Angel, Cammy, and Torri change into the Nightseeker outfits*
  39. Rayne: Oh sexy! Oh, right. *sets out the rest of the Nightseeker gear on the bed* Here, these too.
  40. *the three take a gear set*
  41. Cammy: Woah! A near limitless supply of throwing knives and various coating substances.
  42. Rayne: Sure.
  43. Torri: *looking through Nightseeker manual* Oh sweet.
  44. Rayne: Great skills.
  45. Torri: So what next?
  46. Rayne: I could warp us to the real Tharsis. Hmm. Although. Are there any VR systems here still?
  47. Cammy: Oh, cool. Ah, but yes, we do have more.
  48. Rayne: Great. I have lots of data to recreate the areas. Could always visit the real one some other time.
  49. Angel: Oh sweet. Let's go.
  50. Torri: Yeah!
  51. *the group head to a close by VR area*
  52. Rayne: Oh, great.
  53. Assistant: How may I help you?
  54. Angel: Please setup the VR system.
  55. Rayne: This data should help. *gives data and notes to assistant*
  56. Assistant: Oh wow. This will take some time.
  57. Cammy: We'll wait here.
  58. Assistant: Alright. This should be interesting for everyone. Mind if I share it with the others?
  59. Rayne: Go ahead. I'm hoping it helps others, and it will be fun, too!
  60. Torri: Yeah, can't wait. We are the Nightseekers!
  61. Assistant: Fun, ah, this will take a few hours to set up.
  62. Rayne: No rush.
  63. *the assistant goes off to set up the VR system, as the others sit down on the chairs*
  64. Torri: So, where will we start out?
  65. Rayne: Not in Thersis, but the Old Forest Mine.
  66. Angel: Oh, a mine, is it large?
  67. Rayne: Nah, it's small and cozy. Oh, and Torri?
  68. Torri: Yes?
  69. Rayne: There are dragons on this world too.
  70. Torri: Ah, well then. *grins*
  71. Rayne: These ones will be different, though.
  72. Torri: Bring it! Heh!
  73. Rayne: Later on, sure. If you think you can take them. *grins*
  74. Torri: We'll have to wait I guess. Just need to bring Bob.
  75. Rayne: Ah, about this. I'm not sure bringing Bob would be an option.
  76. Torri: Oh. Um. Huh. How to beat them? *tilts head*
  77. *Angel and Cammy giggle*
  78. Rayne: On foot.
  79. Angel: Ah, should be fine.
  80. Cammy: Yes! Rawr!
  84. *hours pass as Rayne explains some stuff*
  85. Assistant: The simulation is ready now. It's quite large too. Please don't get lost.
  86. Rayne: Wonderful, thanks.
  87. *the group take the warp to the VR simulation*
  88. Angel: Oh wow. I know this is only a simulation, but it feels so nice here.
  89. Rayne: It sure does, but watch out for the enemies.
  90. Cammy: Uh, wait. No radar?
  91. Rayne: Nope, we make our own map.
  92. Torri: Oh, nice. Can make it how we want it.
  93. Rayne: Exactly, and put notes as well. Whirlwind is not included.
  94. Angel: Wait, what?
  95. Rayne: Not what, but who, but don't worry, I'll be your guide.
  96. Cammy: Alright.
  97. Torri: The music is nice, too.
  98. Rayne: Just wait till you hear the battle music. Hnnng! Ah, but first. *shows the group how to map out the areas*
  99. Angel: Oh, this is simple.
  100. Rayne: Yeah.
  101. Torri: *turns around* What is this balloon thing?
  102. Rayne: This is our Skyship.
  103. Cammy: Does this thing really fly?
  104. Rayne: I'd like to hope so! *laughs*
  105. Torri: Alright, hope to try it.
  106. Rayne: We will later. We have a mission first.
  107. Angel: What kind of mission?
  108. Rayne: To get Iridecent Ore for the Skyship. Which we already have here, but heh.
  109. Torri: Oh.
  110. Rayne: Yeah, I made some tweaks to the sequence of things and unlocked several things ahead of time.
  114. Angel: I think we're being followed!
  115. Rayne: It's show time!
  116. Torri: Oh, this is the music you meant. Yum!
  117. Rayne: Yes! Alright, the large grasshopper thing is a Grasseater, and the curled up one is a Roller.
  118. Torri: Alright. Let's do this. Oh, we have all the Novice skills unlocked.
  119. Rayne: Sure do.
  120. Torri: We all have two weapons. Blade Furry should work.
  121. Cammy: Yeah.
  122. Angel: Let's take out the Grasseater first. Take this! *uses Blade Furry* Oh, I'm loving this!
  123. Cammy: My turn. *uses Blade Furry* Oh meow!
  124. Torri: I'm next. *grins then uses Blade Furry, killing the Grasseater* Woo!
  125. Rayne: Great! Next up, the Roller.
  126. Torri: Hmm. *uses Sand Throw on the Roller, blinding it* Oh! *Roller attacks, but misses* Sweet!
  127. Angel: Oh, what about this? *uses Ice Knife on the Roller
  128. Cammy: Oh, chill out.
  129. Torri: *giggles* Nice.
  130. Cammy: Ah, this one. *uses Nerve Throw* Great!
  131. Torri: It's paralyzed now.
  132. Rayne: And I'll finish it off. *uses Blade Furry and kills the Roller*
  133. Torri: Great so far.
  134. Rayne: Here is a spot we can keep walking around to face enemies.
  135. Angel: Oh, a sign. "Caution! From here one lurk monsters of the old Mine! Those who mistake recklessness for courage will meet Death!" Oh wow.
  136. Torri: What other monsters?
  137. Rayne: We'll worry about them later. But first, get used to the novice abilities.
  138. Cammy: Oh sure.
  139. Rayne: You know, the usual max party is five members.
  140. Torri: Oh, we're one short.
  141. Angel: So who can we invite?
  142. Cammy: Hmm. Not sure.
  143. Rayne: Well, we'll do alright here.
  144. Angel: Oh, I can see something over there.
  145. Rayne: The first real test.
  146. Torri: Let's get closer.
  147. Angel: Oh, what is this beast?
  148. Rayne: This is a Nomad Baboon. Don't underestimate F.O.E.s.
  149. Torri: Yeah, we deal with the Ragol enemies fine, but these are new to us.
  150. Cammy: I think we can take it.
  155. Rayne: Here we are in the Small Orchard.
  156. Torri: Another nice area.
  159. Cammy: Oooh! So cute! What is this?
  160. Rayne: Yeah, the Furryfawns are cute.
  161. Torri: I don't think I want to hurt it.
  162. Rayne: It's fine, this is just a VR simulation.
  163. Angel: But still. Hmmm.
  164. Rayne: Sure, can just avoid them, but I insist.
  165. Cammy: I guess.
  170. Angel: Oh! I feel something nasty in this area with us.
  171. Torri: *looking at map* It's near our Skyship.
  172. *group hears an angry roar*
  175. Rayne: And this is a Furyhorn, a parent of the fawns. Have fun, you three. *moves to back row* It's all up to you. No pressure, or anything. *smrk*
  176. Torri: Why are you making it seem this deer is a most dangerous enemy?
  177. Rayne: It is. Witness its power first hand.
  178. Angel: Aw! But it's such a cute deer thing!
  179. Cammy: Yeah, like the Furyfawns.
  180. Rayne: Ha ha ha no. It's not cute. This thing is a vile monster. *folds arms*
  181. Torri: I'm sure we can beat this. Lets get it! Allow me the first strike. Get ready for this! *grins*
  182. *Furryhorn uses Muddle Roar*
  183. Torri: *panicked* What?! Ah ha! Ha! Ha! *giggles* This is fun! Oh so great fun! *grins then hits Rayne* Huh?!
  184. Rayne: Yup. I saw this coming.
  185. Cammy: *panicked* OH! Get away! Scram! Roar! *hits Angel* Eeeks!
  186. Angel: *panicked* Take this! Roar! *hits Torri* Oops.
  187. Torri: Gah!
  188. Rayne: Still think these are cute?
  189. Cammy: Nope!
  190. Angel: Nope, nope, nope.
  191. Torri: Well, maybe somewhat cute. *grins*
  192. Rayne: Hmm. *uses Nerve Throw on Furryhorn* Yes!
  193. Torri: I won't miss this time. *uses Blade Furry on Furryhorn* Yeah!
  194. Angel: You're mine! *uses Ice Knife on Furryhorn* Getting closer.
  195. Cammy: Me next. *uses Biding Slice on Furryhorn* Nya!
  196. Rayne: Let's end this. *uses Blade Furry, killing the Furryhorn*
  197. Torri: Finally.
  198. Rayne: So what did we learn here?
  199. Torri: The cutest F.O.E.'s can be the most annoying.
  200. Angel: And how.
  201. Rayne: Close enough. *smiles* Also, Muddle Roar panics the entire front row.
  202. Cammy: So this is why you went to the back row!
  203. Rayne: Yeah, I experienced it first hand for real.
  204. Torri: Though, I'd rather deal with several Cutters.
  205. Angel: Yes.
  210. Torri: No luck catching the crayfish, and I don't have any fishing spears here.
  211. *crayfish mocks the group*
  212. Cammy: No! I will not let this thing win.
  213. Rayne: I hope you don't try getting it with your tail, Cammy.
  214. Angel: Yeah, ouch.
  215. Cammy: Nope. *she undresses* Nya!
  216. Angel: Oh yum!
  217. Cammy: You can't swim away from me! *gets in water*
  218. Rayne: Oh nice.
  219. Cammy: Rawr! *claws the crayfish* Got you! *some blood in the water*
  220. *dying crayfish sounds*
  221. Torri: Yay!
  222. Cammy: *gets out of water and shakes off then puts on her Nightseeker outfit on* Can cook this later.
  223. Angel: Sure.
  224. Torri: Maybe we can find more.
  225. Rayne: There should be some more.
  230. BloodRayne: (no title yet) EO5 Preview Beta script thing)
  233. Rayne: I explored some of the Fort city Aeolis and Guardian Woodlands on the continent of Arcadia.
  234. Torri: Ah, a new area?
  235. Rayne: Not near Tharsis. I have not been in Arcadia long. I had to return home, but I have not seen any Skyships on Arcadia. I'm getting concerned, though I'll have to go back at a later time to be sure.
  236. Angel: Ah. We could go sometime too.
  237. Rayne: Sure. We could go as Reaper class. *shows the group some holo footage*
  238. Torri: Oh yum. Nightseeker class is still my fav.
  239. Cammy: Yes, though Reaper class would be great too.
  240. Rayne: Oh, I know. We could go to the VR place again. It should be fun.
  241. Torri: Alright.
  242. Rayne: Staying as Nightseekers because fun.
  243. Angel: Yas!
  244. Cammy: Let's go!
  245. *the group head to the VR facility to get set up*
  249. Cammy: These are cute acorn creatures.
  250. Rayne: Monster Acorns. Still, would be wise not to underestimate them.
  251. Torri: Strange enemies.
  252. Angel: Alright, but we can still take them.
  256. Cammy: Oh, shiny rare acorns.
  257. Angel: Five of them!
  258. Torri: All of them are rare?! Well this will be fun!
  261. *Monster Acorn's glow intensifies then uses Dual Corn Laser on Rayne for 999999 damage*
  262. Rayne: *smrk* Oh no. I'm hit. It's up to you three.
  263. Angel: What even was this attack?!
  264. Torri: Gah! No!
  265. Cammy: How on Coral?!
  266. Angel: We can't lose to acorn things! Reset! Reset this VR simulation!
  267. Rayne: No resettin'! Keep up the fight!
  271. *Monster Acorn's glow intensifies then does the Acorn Dance*
  272. Torri: Wat.
  275. Angel: Party wiped! By the Monster Acorns!
  276. Cammy: Hoo yeah. Though, to fair they were all rare breads.
  277. Torri: These ones seemed too strong though.
  278. Rayne: Yup. *laughs* Sure were.
  279. Cammy: Oh! Oh!
  280. Torri: So, no laser eyes attack for the real ones?
  281. Rayne: Nope.
  282. Cammy: Phew.
  283. Angel: Well good.
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