
Predator tungsten ship

Mar 13th, 2024
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  1. The eerie light emanated from the alien’s spacecraft, which had set down in the middle of the lake bed. Here was the egg-shaped ship in which the creature had traveled sixteen million miles on its single-minded search for a sense of self. And for the second time. The lake bed had been hollowed out by its fiery landing a thousand years before. For this trip it had honed in on automatic pilot.
  3. The oval-shaped craft sat ominously still, its smooth metallic shell glowing with a copper patina. The alien stood before it and with a gesture like a blessing raised a three-fingered hand. A ramp extended from the side of the ship and lowered to the ground, seemingly suspended on a dozen lasers. The intruder from another world hefted the bloody body over its shoulder, walked up into the ship, and slung down its newest prize. The silence was broken by the dull thump of the body hitting the cold tungsten floor.
  5. The Predator (1987 novelization), chapter 12
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