
A Candid Coffee

Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. [2018-10-28 13:21] *Agnoscis Mortem Goes to make coffee.
  2. [2018-10-28 13:25] *Atlach-Nacha also goes to make "coffee".
  3. [2018-10-28 13:28] Frankie Roth: j[sub]What are you doing, niece?[/sub]
  4. [2018-10-28 13:28] *Atlach-Nacha makes "coffee" intensely.
  5. [2018-10-28 13:29] *Frankie Roth presses the doubt button
  6. [2018-10-28 13:37] Frankie Roth: You should go get something to [i]actually[/i] wake you up, cause I doubt whatever [i]that[/i] is will do it
  7. [2018-10-28 13:37] *Atlach-Nacha is done making "coffee". Offers some to uncle.
  8. [2018-10-28 13:39] *Pes Vondi reaches at takes the a mug of it only to sniff and stare at it suspiciously
  9. [2018-10-28 13:40] *Frankie Roth what pes said. I need to stop doing that
  10. [2018-10-28 13:42] *Atlach-Nacha the "coffee" is completely authentic, with a rich color and pleasant aroma [sub]and it stirs in the mug slightly.[/sub]
  11. [2018-10-28 13:44] *Frankie Roth holds the mug at arms length for a few seconds before setting it down gently onto a nearby table. To be forgotten
  12. [2018-10-28 13:46] *Atlach-Nacha the coffee slowly bubbles over the edge of the mug and follows uncle from a distance.
  13. [2018-10-28 13:46] *Frankie Roth is not going to be accepting that into his body
  14. [2018-10-28 13:47] *Atlach-Nacha the coffee does not condone rape, but if it shall be necessary...
  15. [2018-10-28 13:49] *Frankie Roth isn't about to be raped by some coffee. [sub]Nor will he become one of her penal colonies [/sub]
  16. [2018-10-28 13:51] *Atlach-Nacha The coffee bubbles threateningly, seeping across the floor while slowly inflating into a viscous aromatic avalanche and popping threatening bubbles into the air.
  17. [2018-10-28 13:52] *Vulnerable Voyeur is more than fine than getting raped by coffee, I'll absorb the caffeine faster rectum-first anyway.
  18. [2018-10-28 13:53] Frankie Roth: [sub]whut[/sub]
  19. [2018-10-28 13:53] *Frankie Roth gets a... What the fuck is used to fight coffee??
  20. [2018-10-28 13:55] Vulnerable Voyeur: [url=][/url]
  21. [2018-10-28 13:56] *Atlach-Nacha The coffee doesn't leave any room for negotiation by surging across the floor with a menacing gurgle, undulating towards the uncle and lunging for his limbs with forceful caffeine-charged tendrils.
  22. [2018-10-28 13:58] *Frankie Roth honestly isn't sure what he's supposed to do here. Fighting liquids is hard
  23. [2018-10-28 14:00] *Atlach-Nacha The coffee takes full advantage of his indecisiveness and wraps its macabre black squid-arms around his arms and legs, twisting him in the air with a sickening whizzle before slamming him face-first onto the ground with the espresso force.
  24. [2018-10-28 14:04] *Esrina yawns as she rolls out of her tree to the ground and begins looking around with a hum
  25. [2018-10-28 14:04] Frabjous Fucktoy: Why is that dork fighting a coffee elemental?!
  26. [2018-10-28 14:05] *Frankie Roth can just... hear the puns and coffee jargon being listed off in his niece's mind. It's fucking gross. There wasn't all that much that he could do now; the poor ginger was all wrapped up in that disgusting caffeinated 'drink' that everyone tends to love. Right about this time his was slammed face first into the ground
  27. [2018-10-28 14:08] *Vulnerable Voyeur Bets that's bulletproof coffee, heyo!
  28. [2018-10-28 14:12] *Atlach-Nacha The coffee could already taste the savory bitterness of victory as it rolled over the smugboy like a heavy load of tar and pinned him to the ground. Lifting his face off the floor with a sticky tendril, it formed the thickest, blackest, most fragrant phallic shape he has ever seen and jammed it straight into his mouth. The hot and bitter drink flowed straight through his lips and seeped between his teeth, surged up his nose, leaked into his ears and stung his eyes. The invading influx bulged his throat visibly as it thrust deeply inside without giving him a moment of latte.
  29. [2018-10-28 14:13] *Sveyn ...what?
  30. [2018-10-28 14:14] *Atlach-Nacha Uncle didn't want to drink his coffee and now look what happened.
  31. [2018-10-28 14:16] *Vulnerable Voyeur Is craving coffee now...but french (mating) press or pour over?
  32. [2018-10-28 14:17] *Frankie Roth is gonna kill Atlach for these puns. Again, there wasn't much that he could do. Best to just let this run its course while the coffee tries to drown him and.... Blind him? Whatever. Go drown the Voyeur now
  33. [2018-10-28 14:23] *Atlach-Nacha The coffee ravages the helpless ginger like the Ottomans ravaged Constantinople in 1453. The beverage plunges through him repeatedly, every thrust transferring a big load of supple caffeine straight down his throat. Before considering itself satisfied the bitter fiend yanks down his pants and splatters a suggestive pattern on his rear, marking the visitation of the Big Black Coffee, that was the first but will not be the last.
  34. [2018-10-28 14:24] *Sveyn ...rubs his eyes. Alrighty then.
  35. [2018-10-28 14:24] Sang: The fuck am I even reading what did I walk into
  36. [2018-10-28 14:24] Frankie Roth: [sub]I... I don't know[/sub]
  37. [2018-10-28 14:25] *Frankie Roth is gonna go to sleep now and dream of killing people that make coffee
  38. [2018-10-28 14:26] Sang: These coffee ads are getting a bit intense.
  39. [2018-10-28 14:26] Atlach-Nacha: Let the hate flow through you like the milk flows through cappuccino.
  40. [2018-10-28 14:27] Sang: Imagine being made a slave to such an industry.
  41. [2018-10-28 14:27] *Sang sips her coffee.
  42. [2018-10-28 14:27] *Lonnie Taggart nurses on a mug of cocoa. Slrp.
  43. [2018-10-28 14:27] *Vulnerable Voyeur Maybe Frankie would have preferred decaf.
  44. [2018-10-28 14:28] *Atlach-Nacha There's a beverage for everyone out there.
  45. [2018-10-28 14:28] *Vulnerable Voyeur Is considering switching to his Dale Cooper alt for all this coffeeplay
  46. [2018-10-28 14:28] *Atlach-Nacha The question is not what, but when.
  47. [2018-10-28 14:28] Sang: What is yours, spider-chan?
  48. [2018-10-28 14:28] Atlach-Nacha: Liquefied brains are nice.
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