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- <?php
- #
- namespace Shodan;
- class Shodan {
- private $shodan_stream;
- private $shodan_shodan;
- private $shodan_tools;
- private $shodan_dns;
- private $shodan;
- private $apikey;
- /**
- * Construct.
- *
- * @param string $apikey;
- * @return void;
- */
- public function __construct($apikey) {
- $this->shodan_stream = '';
- $this->shodan_shodan = '';
- $this->shodan_tools = '';
- $this->shodan_dns = '';
- $this->shodan = '';
- $this->apikey = $apikey;
- define('RETURN_TYPE', false); // false = object; true = array
- }
- /**
- * Send an HTTP request using libcurl.
- *
- * @param string $target;
- * @return string $response;
- */
- public function curl_req($target) {
- $curl = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $target);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- $response = curl_exec($curl);
- curl_close($curl);
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Returns all services that have been found on the given host IP.
- *
- * @param string $ip;
- * @param bool $history;
- * @param bool $minify;
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function host($ip, $history = false, $minify = false) {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_shodan}/host/{$ip}?key={$this->apikey}&history={$history}&minify={$minify}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Return the total number of results that match the query and any facet information.
- *
- * @param string $ip;
- * @param string $facets;
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function host_count($ip, $facets = false) {
- if($facets) { $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_shodan}/host/count?key={$this->apikey}&query={$ip}&facets={$facets}"); }
- else { $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_shodan}/host/count?key={$this->apikey}&query={$ip}"); }
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Search Shodan using the same query syntax as the website and use facets to get summary information for different properties.
- *
- * @param string $query;
- * @param string $facets;
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function host_search($query, $page = 1, $facets = false, $minify = false) {
- if($facets) { $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_shodan}/host/search?key={$this->apikey}&query={$query}&facets={$facets}&page={$page}&minify={$minify}"); }
- else { $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_shodan}/host/search?key={$this->apikey}&query={$query}"); }
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Determine which filters are being used by the query string and what parameters were provided to the filters.
- *
- * @param string $query;
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function token_search($query) {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_shodan}/host/search/tokens?key={$this->apikey}&query={$query}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Return an object containing all the services that the Shodan crawlers look at.
- *
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function services() {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_shodan}/services?key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Look up the IP address for the provided list of hostnames.
- *
- * @param string $hostname;
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function dns_resolve($hostname) {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_dns}/resolve?hostnames={$hostname}&key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Look up the hostnames that have been defined for the given list of IP addresses.
- *
- * @param string $ip;
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function dns_reverse($ip) {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_dns}/reverse?ips={$ip}&key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Get your current IP address as seen from the Internet.
- *
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function myip() {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_tools}/myip?key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Returns information about the API plan belonging to the given API key.
- *
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function api_info() {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan}/api-info?key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Return all of the data that Shodan collects. (subscription required)
- *
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function banners() {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_stream}/banners?key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Return geolocation data for all of the collected data by Shodan. (subscription required)
- *
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function geo() {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_stream}/geo?key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- /**
- * Returns banner data for the list of specified hosts. (subscription required)
- *
- * @return object/array $req;
- */
- public function ports($port) {
- $req = $this->curl_req("{$this->shodan_stream}/ports/{$port}?key={$this->apikey}");
- return json_decode($req, RETURN_TYPE);
- }
- }
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