
part one 4-5-15

Apr 5th, 2015
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  1. d String Corkboard
  2. Days since last Brennan's Incident: 0
  3. 18:00:50 ** You have joined #hereticbar *
  4. 18:01:07 <CarlKindle> ((howdy howdy howdy))
  5. 18:01:11 <InkDream46> Lea: *He likes the Morlish stuff, right?* *sets her coffee down and slips into the back to locate the morlish whiskey*
  6. 18:01:12 <InkDream46> {{ Hey! }}
  7. 18:01:16 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *leans forward, grabbing him by the front of his shirt; in a very reasonable voice* Wipe that smile off your face.
  8. 18:01:44 <gallifluffy> ((Howdy!))
  9. 18:02:08 <Hannisballs> *blinks and slowly raises his hands* Alright, Alfred. Calm down
  10. 18:02:37 <CarlKindle> ((woah alfred))
  11. 18:02:57 <InkDream46> {{ Alfred is pissed. :I Very pissed. }}
  12. 18:03:27 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *doesn't let go, instead yanking him closer to hiss threateningly,* Don't tell me to calm down. I don't want your peace offerings, Graham. I want your assurance--the assurance you gave me.
  13. 18:04:13 <CarlKindle> ((dear))
  14. 18:05:31 <Hannisballs> *quietly but steadily* Calm down. Or let us take this somewhere else.
  15. 18:05:53 <InkDream46> Lea: *returns to set a bottle of liquid gold on the counter and looks over at Alfred and Wayland's table. Her face quickly goes worried.* Void, just because you're angry at me doesn't mean you need to take it out on him.
  16. 18:06:04 <CarlKindle> *Kain and Carl enter the pub. They had run into each other on the way over and seem to be having a pleasant conversation. By conversation I mean Kain is in a bit of a lecture and Carl is enjoying the show*
  17. 18:07:50 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *flatly ignores Lea, but shoves Wayland back, letting go of him. And then takes a swig.*
  18. 18:08:42 <InkDream46> Lea: *I get the feeling that something is going on here that's more than what's being said.*
  19. 18:09:15 <CarlKindle> Kain: *might have caught the end of that, and guides Carl far from the table to the bar away from them*
  20. 18:09:45 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *Yeah. I'm going to kick the shit out of him. The only reason you're spared is you're a woman.*
  21. 18:09:52 <Hannisballs> *gets shoved back but doesnt back away. He just sits there in silence*
  22. 18:10:30 <InkDream46> Lea: *honestly I fully expected you to slap me back there and I probably would have deserved it. Actually not probably, definetely.*
  23. 18:11:25 <InkDream46> Lea: *And there is absolutely no reason for you to take your anger at me out on him if that is influencing anything.*
  24. 18:12:39 <CarlKindle> Carl: *Turns to look at the about to speak but Kain nudges him as a warning*
  25. 18:13:02 <InkDream46> Lea: *also don't forget aftercare.*
  26. 18:13:32 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *This is not BDSM.*
  28. 18:14:31 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *takes a deep breath, staring out the window as he continues drinking. Pleasantly numbing. Thank fuck.*
  29. 18:15:13 <InkDream46> Lea: *also I got a 1822 single malt out. Do you want it?*
  30. 18:15:33 <Hannisballs> *quietly* Do you want to go?
  31. 18:17:46 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *flickers his gaze up, eyeing him* Do you?
  32. 18:18:17 <Hannisballs> *quietly* I think it would be better. *eyes him worriedly*
  33. 18:18:38 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *Oh jeez, too rich for my blood. Cheap booze suits me just fine.*
  34. 18:19:47 <InkDream46> Lea: *sorry. :c I don't know your alcohol tastes except that you like morlsh.*
  35. 18:19:54 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *tenses his jaw, looking very briefly pissed* All right. *but doesn't move, watching him. Looks like he's waiting for Wayland to make the first move.*
  36. 18:20:43 <Hannisballs> *not good. he really wants to get up but ends up stalling time to nod at Carl and Kain*
  37. 18:21:36 <CarlKindle> Carl: ...Hi. *another nudge from Kain*
  38. 18:23:02 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *hides the RAGE but remains tense; nods in greeting* Carl, Professor.
  39. 18:24:16 <InkDream46> Lea: *picks up her coffee again. It's gotten cool but whatever.*
  40. 18:24:22 <Hannisballs> *nods and excuses himself for the bathroom*
  41. 18:24:26 <CarlKindle> Kain: Hello. *Carl gives him a look like WHY CAN YOU DO IT?*
  42. 18:24:51 <gallifluffy> *Aww, heck. There's a broken mug on the ground, and a splash of coffee. Three guesses who caused that, and the first two don't count.*
  43. 18:28:05 <gallifluffy> Alfred: Hello. *watches Wayland go, then gets up and heads after him*
  44. 18:28:41 <CarlKindle> Kain: *back to his lecture to Carl.He ad relied he had been silent since entering the bar and that's akward.* *It's about the importance of children stories*
  45. 18:28:43 <Hannisballs> *splashes some water on his face and sighs deeply*
  46. 18:30:01 <InkDream46> Lea: *glances after Wayland and Alfred and lets out a sigh, retreating quietly to the booth Clarke's been sitting in silentlly.*
  47. 18:31:09 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *comes in, shutting the door behind him*
  48. 18:31:51 <Hannisballs> *looks up at the sound of the door closing and gasps* Alfred...
  49. 18:32:39 <CarlKindle> ((one of both of them are going to come out with a bloodie nose and it will make Carl cry))
  50. 18:33:13 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *gestures with the bottle; he's still got it in his hand.* If you're thinking you can run away and drink yourself into oblivion again, you've got another thing coming.
  51. 18:33:26 <gallifluffy> ((Oh, Carl.))
  52. 18:34:07 <Hannisballs> *eyes widen* Alfred, please. Not here!
  53. 18:34:09 ** artybluegirl has joined *
  54. 18:34:21 <CarlKindle> ((helooo)
  55. 18:34:27 <artybluegirl> ((hm hi))
  56. 18:34:30 <InkDream46> {{ hi. }}
  57. 18:34:35 <artybluegirl> ((if you'.. oh))
  58. 18:34:40 <artybluegirl> ((hi))
  59. 18:34:56 <artybluegirl> ((didnt expect to see anyone here on easter))
  60. 18:35:12 <InkDream46> {{ nope. }}
  61. 18:35:19 <InkDream46> {{ Everybody's present }}
  62. 18:35:20 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *takes a step closer, watching him unblinkingly* "Not here"?
  63. 18:35:41 <InkDream46> {{ ... and we uh may have fucked shit up again. }}
  64. 18:35:52 <gallifluffy> Alfred: What exactly do you think I'm going to do?
  65. 18:35:55 <artybluegirl> ((sigh))
  66. 18:35:57 <Hannisballs> *lowers voice into a hiss* Not in the bar. Get a grip and lets get this outside
  67. 18:36:03 <artybluegirl> ((I "heard" about the knife fight))
  68. 18:36:14 <artybluegirl> ((also noticed the incidents count))
  69. 18:36:25 <artybluegirl> ((could you pls ju... *sighs* no i dont even))
  70. 18:36:47 <InkDream46> {{ no. }}
  71. 18:36:51 <InkDream46> {{ The answer is no. }}
  72. 18:36:52 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *echoes in a low murmur* "Get a grip"? Get a grip--?! *leaves the bottle on the edge of the sink and strides over, grabbing onto Wayland*
  73. 18:37:12 <InkDream46> {{ In other news Alfred seriously needs to go to anger management. }}
  74. 18:37:12 <artybluegirl> ((I'm sighing and not caring, im not caring i dont care))
  75. 18:37:17 <artybluegirl> ((NO SHIT))
  76. 18:37:35 <artybluegirl> ((really? oh nobody ever thought he had problems before? well, shocking))
  77. 18:37:40 <artybluegirl> ((nah i dont care i dont care))
  78. 18:37:58 <InkDream46> {{ Just because we acknowledge their problems doesn't mean they do. }}
  79. 18:38:13 <artybluegirl> ((barely anyone acknowledged but im glad it has changed))
  80. 18:38:36 <Hannisballs> *quietly* I am sorry. Please calm down, ok?
  81. 18:38:54 <artybluegirl> ((sigh dont mind me, well i doubt I'll stay anyways :I))
  82. 18:39:05 <InkDream46> {{ pretty sure it was acknowledged from the start that Alfred was a pretty fucked up character. }}
  83. 18:39:16 <InkDream46> {{ Not that any of them aren't. But. }}
  84. 18:40:42 <artybluegirl> ((Also writing diary pages is hard))
  85. 18:43:21 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *shakes him hard* "Sorry" doesn't fix anything. *slams him up against the wall, leaning in threateningly, teeth bared* Does this feel familiar? We've had this conversation before.
  86. 18:47:15 <gallifluffy> ((Wait, there was a knife fight? D:))
  87. 18:47:31 <InkDream46> {{ Just the shootout. }}
  88. 18:48:25 <gallifluffy> ((Hahaha, Alfred may be angry, but this was a fucking embarrassment of a fiasco. Three teens are dead.))
  89. 18:49:10 <artybluegirl> ((...people *died*?))
  90. 18:49:24 <InkDream46> {{ Quigley and Sprout never had a chance. Jerry might have been okay. Though he wouldn't be able to survive long without help. }}
  91. 18:49:28 <CarlKindle> ((young kids too. oldest was like 18))
  92. 18:49:32 <artybluegirl> ((this was at Brennan's? how is it still open?))
  93. 18:49:37 <gallifluffy> ((A 16-year-old, an 18-year-old, and a 20-year-old. Something like that.))
  94. 18:49:45 <artybluegirl> ((...yes do ... i...))
  95. 18:49:46 <artybluegirl> ((words))
  96. 18:49:51 <gallifluffy> ((So, yeah. Angry.))
  97. 18:50:06 <artybluegirl> ((...fuck you Alfred just fuck the incident)
  98. 18:50:14 <InkDream46> {{ Alfred wasn't involved. xD }}
  99. 18:50:16 <gallifluffy> ((Alfred wasn't even involved.))
  100. 18:50:23 <artybluegirl> ((shocker, actual shocker))
  101. 18:50:29 <artybluegirl> ((but getting mad now wont help much))
  102. 18:50:36 <artybluegirl> ((should've stopped it))
  103. 18:50:37 <gallifluffy> ((The fuck, man. He's just a civilian.))
  104. 18:50:46 <artybluegirl> ((as if man as if))
  105. 18:50:48 <InkDream46> {{ He was nowhere near either. }}
  106. 18:51:01 <InkDream46> {{ At least not until afterwards. }}
  107. 18:51:02 <gallifluffy> ((What.))
  108. 18:51:15 <InkDream46> {{ guys not this again. :I }}
  109. 18:51:54 <artybluegirl> ((not to worry))
  110. 18:52:04 <artybluegirl> ((just how the hell is Brennan's still open? people lay low))
  111. 18:52:19 <gallifluffy> ((Andres took care of the bodies.))
  112. 18:52:33 <artybluegirl> ((3 fresh corpses... we cant keep rleying on magicals and super powers for sigh))
  113. 18:52:35 <InkDream46> {{ It's not exactly on Clavering either. }}
  114. 18:52:46 <gallifluffy> ((Slums. Daily firefights.))
  115. 18:52:57 <InkDream46> {{ It's gang territory. Bottle Boys, probably. }}
  116. 18:53:01 <gallifluffy> ((It's on disputed territory, right?))
  117. 18:53:04 <artybluegirl> ((nevermind just pointing out that death will become trivial if we kinda allow peopel to die at Brennans everyday))
  118. 18:53:06 <InkDream46> {{ Something like that. }}
  119. 18:53:12 <artybluegirl> ((hmmm))
  120. 18:53:23 <gallifluffy> ((Tell that to Lea, hahaha. LEAAAA!))
  121. 18:53:28 <Hannisballs> *gasps and and presses his hands against him* I know! And I am fucking sorry!
  122. 18:53:35 <artybluegirl> ((SIGH))
  123. 18:53:39 <InkDream46> {{ Lea: I have been lectured twice about this already. Point. Taken. }}
  124. 18:53:45 <artybluegirl> ((*slaps wrist REALLY LEA?))
  125. 18:53:47 <artybluegirl> ((omfg))
  126. 18:53:56 <artybluegirl> ((the "smartest" person in the room!))
  127. 18:54:19 <InkDream46> {{ ... dude, you know her. Or should. }}
  128. 18:54:29 <artybluegirl> ((doesnt mean i cant be wtf about it))
  129. 18:54:34 <InkDream46> {{ Death is a number on a page. }}
  130. 18:54:47 <artybluegirl> ((still doesnt mean i cant be wtf about it))
  131. 18:55:09 <artybluegirl> ((really, death is the last resort))
  132. 18:55:10 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *grabs his wrists, yanking his hands out of the way* You gave me your word. Can you get your head on straight, or will I have to screw it back on for you?
  133. 18:55:40 <InkDream46> {{ Getting herself jumped was kind of stupid, yes. }}
  134. 18:55:56 <Hannisballs> Yes! I was fucking scared for Lea! They had knives and guns. I am sorry but I was just scared!
  135. 18:56:41 <artybluegirl> ((sigh so it was Wayland?))
  136. 18:56:44 <InkDream46> {{ And just because she doesn't aim for death doesn't mean she necessarily cares too hard about it. It's a disappointment she brushes off without really caring. }}
  137. 18:56:51 <InkDream46> {{ brah i'll get you log okay. }}
  138. 18:57:00 <artybluegirl> ((still doesnt mean proper reactions cant be had))
  139. 18:57:04 <artybluegirl> ((sure thanks))
  140. 18:57:13 <InkDream46> {{ [link] }}
  141. 18:57:20 <artybluegirl> ((Just alfred dont flip cause Wayland's no stable either and flip))
  142. 18:57:39 <InkDream46> {{ too late for that kind of talk... }}
  143. 18:57:51 <artybluegirl> ((I cant be voice of reason for ocs))
  144. 18:58:01 <artybluegirl> ((or here all the time))
  145. 18:58:06 <InkDream46> {{ not really no. }}
  146. 18:58:19 <InkDream46> {{ They have to be their own voices of reason. }}
  147. 18:58:25 <artybluegirl> ((which is none))
  148. 18:58:32 <InkDream46> {{ Ding ding ding. }}
  149. 18:58:41 <gallifluffy> Alfred: So you throw yourself in front of a fucking bullet? You can't save shit if you're dead, or burned at the stake!
  150. 18:59:31 <Hannisballs> I didnt! I was carefull! Do you really think I would get myself risked? *beat* Especially now?
  151. 19:00:07 <CarlKindle> (([link]))
  152. 19:00:15 <gallifluffy> Alfred: *stifling a yell down to a growl* They saw you. You said it yourself. Lea, that bodyguard, Rustin--
  153. 19:00:50 <InkDream46> {{ I'm only mildly regretful about Jerry dying. Granted the only way he'd survive afterwards is if he had the courage to come back to the bar because he ain't worth shit without Quigs looking after him... someone should slap me and tell me to stop adopting dead throwaways. }}
  154. 19:01:13 <gallifluffy> ((Rustin would've shot him on sight. He wouldn't have survived for long.))
  155. 19:01:25 <gallifluffy> ((No loose ends.))
  156. 19:02:01 <InkDream46> {{ Yeah okay then yeah no chance for any of 'em. }}
  157. 19:02:09 <InkDream46> {{ fuck. }}
  158. 19:02:26 <InkDream46> {{ Someone log me this and toss it at me when I get home. }}
  159. 19:02:31 <InkDream46> {{ Running low. }}
  160. 19:02:37 <gallifluffy> ((The second one guy shouted, "Black magic!" they were all doomed, as far as Rust is concerned.))
  161. 19:03:08 <Hannisballs> *sighs and nods* Yes. They did! I.... Fuck. *pauses* I couldnt just let them have their way!
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