
whether food is food, drink, or nothing

May 15th, 2019
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  1. > ash foreach i in $items[] if(i.fullness > 0) print(i+": "+visit_url("desc_item.php?whichitem="+i.descid).group_string("Type: <b>(.*?)[(<]")[0][1]);
  3. spicy noodles: food
  4. hot buttered roll: food
  5. bowl of cottage cheese: food
  6. fortune cookie: food
  7. bowl of lucky charms: food
  8. ketchup: beverage
  9. catsup: beverage
  10. ghuol egg: food
  11. ghuol egg quiche: food
  12. ghuol-ear kabob: food
  13. lihc eye pie: food
  14. uncooked chorizo: food
  15. chorizo taco: food
  16. rat appendix kabob: food
  17. bat wing kabob: food
  18. carob chunks: food
  19. carob chunk cookies: food
  20. hippy herbal tea: beverage
  21. carob brownies: food
  22. herb brownies: food
  23. tofu casserole: food
  24. orange: food
  25. grapefruit: food
  26. grapes: food
  27. olive: food
  28. tomato: food
  29. White Citadel fries: food
  30. White Citadel burger: food
  31. piece of wedding cake: food
  32. white chocolate chips: food
  33. white chocolate chip cookies: food
  34. Knob sausage: food
  35. Knob mushroom: food
  36. bean burrito: food
  37. spicy bean burrito: food
  38. insanely spicy bean burrito: food
  39. enchanted bean burrito: food
  40. spicy enchanted bean burrito: food
  41. insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito: food
  42. bat haggis: food
  43. menudo: food
  44. goat cheese: food
  45. plain pizza: food
  46. sausage pizza: food
  47. goat cheese pizza: food
  48. mushroom pizza: food
  49. glass of goat's milk: beverage
  50. lemon: food
  51. lime: food
  52. gr8ps: food
  53. t8r tots: food
  54. jumbo olive: food
  55. purple pixel pie: food
  56. hot wing: food
  57. papaya: food
  58. Elfin shortbread: food
  59. skewered cat appendix: food
  60. Hell broth: food
  61. Boris's key lime pie: food
  62. Jarlsberg's key lime pie: food
  63. Sneaky Pete's key lime pie: food
  64. Trollhouse cookies: food
  65. Spam Witch sammich: food
  66. pr0n cocktail: food
  67. papaya taco: food
  68. stalk of asparagus: food
  69. Double Bacon Beelzeburger: food
  70. Lord of the Flies-sized fries: food
  71. Brimstone Chicken Sandwich: food
  72. Jumbo Dr. Lucifer: beverage
  73. delicious noodles: food
  74. delicious spicy noodles: food
  75. painful penne pasta: food
  76. ravioli della hippy: food
  77. pr0n m4nic0tti: food
  78. Hell ramen: food
  79. boring spaghetti: food
  80. fettucini Inconnu: food
  81. spaghetti with Skullheads: food
  82. gnocchetti di Nietzsche: food
  83. cocoa eggshell fragment: food
  84. large cocoa eggshell fragment: food
  85. abominable snowcone: food
  86. Ent cider: beverage
  87. toast: food
  88. fruitcake: food
  89. ghuol guolash: food
  90. cranberries: food
  91. Knoll mushroom: food
  92. spooky mushroom: food
  93. Knoll shroomkabob: food
  94. stuffed spooky mushroom: food
  95. warm mushroom: food
  96. spicy mushroom quesadilla: food
  97. cool mushroom: food
  98. cool mushroom casserole: food
  99. pointy mushroom: food
  100. cream of pointy mushroom soup: food
  101. flaming mushroom: food
  102. frozen mushroom: food
  103. stinky mushroom: food
  104. ghost cucumber: food
  105. spectral pickle: food
  106. strawberry: food
  107. poutine: food
  108. Knob stir-fry: food
  109. Knoll stir-fry: food
  110. spooky stir-fry: food
  111. asparagus stir-fry: food
  112. olive stir-fry: food
  113. Knob sausage stir-fry: food
  114. bat wing stir-fry: food
  115. rat appendix stir-fry: food
  116. tofu stir-fry: food
  117. pr0n stir-fry: food
  118. Knob stuffed shells: food
  119. bätzle: food
  120. ratini: food
  121. Knob stroganoff: food
  122. menudo ravioli: food
  123. royal jelly: food
  124. mind flayer corpse: food
  125. maple syrup: beverage
  126. balaclava baklava: food
  127. dwarf bread: food
  128. radio button candy: food
  129. candy cane: food
  130. gingerbread bugbear: food
  131. carob chunk noodles: food
  132. chorizo brownies: food
  133. white chocolate and tomato pizza: food
  134. Lucky Surprise Egg: food
  135. cherry: food
  136. flower petal pie: food
  137. Retenez L'Herbe Paté: food
  138. mugcake: food
  139. urinal cake: food
  140. Happy Birthday, Claude! cake: food
  141. personalized birthday cake: food
  142. three-tiered wedding cake: food
  143. babycakes: food
  144. blue velvet cake: food
  145. congratulatory cake: food
  146. angel-food cake: food
  147. devil's-food cake: food
  148. birthday party jellybean cheesecake: food
  149. Knob shroomkabob: food
  150. spooky shroomkabob: food
  151. jumping bean burrito: food
  152. spicy jumping bean burrito: food
  153. insanely spicy jumping bean burrito: food
  154. rat scrapple: food
  155. questionable taco: food
  156. bowl of oriole's nest soup: food
  157. tofurkey leg: food
  158. tofurkey gravy: food
  159. herbal stuffing: food
  160. can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce: food
  161. candied yams: food
  162. wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie: food
  163. bell-shaped Crimbo cookie: food
  164. tree-shaped Crimbo cookie: food
  165. grue egg omelette: food
  166. Valentine's Day cake: food
  167. kumquat: food
  168. tangerine: food
  169. cocktail onion: food
  170. raspberry: food
  171. kiwi: food
  172. Knob lo mein: food
  173. asparagus lo mein: food
  174. Knoll lo mein: food
  175. spooky lo mein: food
  176. olive lo mein: food
  177. hot hi mein: food
  178. cold hi mein: food
  179. spooky hi mein: food
  180. stinky hi mein: food
  181. sleazy hi mein: food
  182. wedge of gray cheese: food
  183. foie gras: food
  184. royal jelly taco: food
  185. tofu taco: food
  186. jumping bean taco: food
  187. catgut taco: food
  188. goat cheese taco: food
  189. pr0n taco: food
  190. fricasseed brains: food
  191. brains casserole: food
  192. stale baguette: food
  193. ancient frozen dinner: food
  194. crazy little Turkish delight: food
  195. Manetwich: food
  196. desiccated apricot: food
  197. dehydrated caviar: food
  198. cherry pie: food
  199. strawberry pie: food
  200. lemon meringue pie: food
  201. Genalen™ Bottle: beverage
  202. mixed wildflower greens: food
  203. handful of walnuts: food
  204. nutty organic salad: food
  205. super salad: food
  206. tofu wonton: food
  207. brain-meltingly-hot chicken wings: food
  208. frat brats: food
  209. knob ka-bobs: food
  210. blackberry: food
  211. ballroom blintz: food
  212. plate of franks and beans: food
  213. candy stake: food
  214. ancient unspeakable fruitcake: food
  215. gingerbread horror: food
  216. bat-shaped Crimboween cookie: food
  217. skull-shaped Crimboween cookie: food
  218. tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie: food
  219. super ka-bob: food
  220. beer basted brat: food
  221. stunt nuts: food
  222. wet stew: food
  223. sausage wonton: food
  224. Better Than Cuddling Cake: food
  225. black pudding: food
  226. black forest cake: food
  227. black forest ham: food
  228. banana: food
  229. banana cream pie: food
  230. bowl of Bounty-Os: food
  231. fishy fish: food
  232. fishy fish casserole: food
  233. fishy fish lasagna: food
  234. gnatloaf: food
  235. gnatloaf casserole: food
  236. gnat lasagna: food
  237. long pork chop sandwiches: food
  238. long pork casserole: food
  239. long pork lasagna: food
  240. cactus fruit: food
  241. centipede eggs: food
  242. hot date: food
  243. tasty tart: food
  244. Knob pasty: food
  245. savoy truffle: food
  246. unidentified jerky: food
  247. S.T.L.T.: food
  248. honey-dew: food
  249. escargotsicle: food
  250. handful of nuts and berries: food
  251. bowl of rye sprouts: food
  252. cob of corn: food
  253. juniper berries: food
  254. plum: food
  255. pear: food
  256. peach: food
  257. bunch of square grapes: food
  258. brown sugar cane: food
  259. sandwich of the gods: food
  260. steel lasagna: food
  261. Crimbo pie: food
  262. pear tart: food
  263. peach pie: food
  264. digital key lime pie: food
  265. star key lime pie: food
  266. antique packet of ketchup: food
  267. dire fudgesicle: food
  268. fine aged cheddarwurst: food
  269. delicious swamp muck: food
  270. Spooky Surprise Egg: food
  271. yam candy: food
  272. tube of cranberry Go-Goo: food
  273. single-serving herbal stuffing: food
  274. packet of tofurkey gravy: food
  275. tofurkey nugget: food
  276. creamsicle: food
  277. vinegar-soaked lemon slice: food
  278. cursed black pearl onion: food
  279. cursed sea biscuit: food
  280. nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear: food
  281. nanite-infested candy cane: food
  282. nanite-infested fruitcake: food
  283. laser-broiled pear: food
  284. roasted marshmallow: food
  285. tin cup of mulligan stew: food
  286. turtle soup: food
  287. evil boring spaghetti: food
  288. evil delicious noodles: food
  289. evil delicious spicy noodles: food
  290. evil painful penne pasta: food
  291. 3vi1 pr0n m4nic0tti: food
  292. evil ravioli della hippy: food
  293. evil spicy noodles: food
  294. C.H.U.M. chum: food
  295. unfortunate dumplings: food
  296. vanilla-frosted king cake: food
  297. delicious salad: food
  298. extra-greasy slider: food
  299. frozen banquet: food
  300. banana-frosted king cake: food
  301. mole molé: food
  302. bowl of fishysoisse: food
  303. tin rations: food
  304. Bash-Ōs cereal: food
  305. blueberry-frosted king cake: food
  306. beefy fish meat: food
  307. glistening fish meat: food
  308. slick fish meat: food
  309. fancy canapés: food
  310. sea carrot: food
  311. sea cucumber: food
  312. sea avocado: food
  313. sea lychee: food
  314. sea tangelo: food
  315. sea honeydew: food
  316. white rice: food
  317. irradiated candy cane: food
  318. gingerbread mutant bugbear: food
  319. blob-shaped Crimbo cookie: food
  320. elven <i>limbos</i> gingerbread: food
  321. toast with jam: food
  322. knuckle sandwich: food
  323. can of franks 'n' beans: food
  324. tempura carrot: food
  325. tempura cucumber: food
  326. tempura avocado: food
  327. sea broccoli: food
  328. sea cauliflower: food
  329. tempura broccoli: food
  330. tempura cauliflower: food
  331. sea blueberry: food
  332. sea persimmon: food
  333. packet of beer nuts: food
  334. white chocolate chip brownies: food
  335. chocolate-frosted king cake: food
  336. sea radish: food
  337. tempura radish: food
  338. slimy sweetbreads: food
  339. glass of baboon milk: beverage
  340. banana milkshake: beverage
  341. cupcake-in-a-cup: food
  342. protein paste: food
  343. rocky road ice cream: food
  344. fancy beef jerky: food
  345. chocolate-covered scarab beetle: food
  346. candy kneecapping stick: food
  347. licorice garrote: food
  348. jawbruiser: food
  349. expired can of franks 'n' beans: food
  350. penguin focaccia bread: food
  351. walrus ice cream: food
  352. beautiful soup: food
  353. Humpty Dumplings: food
  354. Lobster <i>qua</i> Grill: food
  355. yellow matter custard: food
  356. Tiger-lily's milk: beverage
  357. powdered donut: food
  358. bucket of honey: food
  359. dragon snaps: food
  360. rook cookie: food
  361. bishop cookie: food
  362. knight cookie: food
  363. king cookie: food
  364. queen cookie: food
  365. raisin: food
  366. a dance upon the palate: food
  367. tiny frozen prehistoric meteorite jawbreaker: food
  368. squirmy violent party snack: food
  369. six tiny wedges of goat cheese: food
  370. sun-dried tofu: food
  371. pawn cookie: food
  372. poisonous caviar: food
  373. giant marshmallow: food
  374. sponge cake: food
  375. lemon popsicle: food
  376. orange popsicle: food
  377. strawberry popsicle: food
  378. liver popsicle: food
  379. liver and let pie: food
  380. badass pie: food
  381. shoo-fish pie: food
  382. piping organ pie: food
  383. igloo pie: food
  384. stomach turnover: food
  385. dead lights pie: food
  386. throbbing organ pie: food
  387. bone meal: food
  388. pumpkin pie: food
  389. CRIMBCOIDS mints: food
  390. CRIMBCOLOAF: food
  391. circular CRIMBCOOKIE: food
  392. triangular CRIMBCOOKIE: food
  393. square CRIMBCOOKIE: food
  394. toe jam toast: food
  395. traffic jam toast: food
  396. space jam toast: food
  397. festive sausage: food
  398. holiday cheese log: food
  399. Knob jelly donut: food
  400. overcookie: food
  401. philosopher's scone: food
  402. Knob nuts: food
  403. wasabi pocky: food
  404. tobiko pocky: food
  405. natto pocky: food
  406. astral hot dog: food
  407. spaghetti con calaveras: food
  408. popcorn: food
  409. chaos popcorn: food
  410. s'more: food
  411. elven hardtack: food
  412. wild honey pie: food
  413. Spaghetti with Moonballs: food
  414. Crepes a la Lune: food
  415. Moon Pie: food
  416. Ur-Donut: food
  417. ultrafondue: food
  418. cool jelly donut: food
  419. shrapnel jelly donut: food
  420. occult jelly donut: food
  421. thyme jelly donut: food
  422. frozen danish: food
  423. smashed danish: food
  424. forbidden danish: food
  425. cool cat claw: food
  426. blunt cat claw: food
  427. shadowy cat claw: food
  428. cheezburger: food
  429. toasted brie: food
  430. phish stick: food
  431. ridiculous sandwich: food
  432. peppermint patty: food
  433. fudgesicle: food
  434. fudge bunny: food
  435. giant red gummi bear: food
  436. giant green gummi bear: food
  437. giant yellow gummi bear: food
  438. red drunki-bear: food
  439. green drunki-bear: food
  440. yellow drunki-bear: food
  441. jerky coins: food
  442. berries of suffering: food
  443. green hamhock: food
  444. PB&BP: food
  445. club sandwich: food
  446. corned-beef Reuben: food
  447. glowing fungus: food
  448. nailswurst: food
  449. fettucini épines Inconnu: food
  450. gunpowder burrito: food
  451. P.B.L.T.: food
  452. FDKOL hotcakes: food
  453. fiery wing: food
  454. angst burger: food
  455. forbidden sausage: food
  456. bag of GORP: food
  457. bag of GORF: food
  458. bag of QWOP: food
  459. crappy brain: food
  460. decent brain: food
  461. good brain: food
  462. boss brain: food
  463. hunter brain: food
  464. idiot brain: food
  465. skeleton quiche: food
  466. slice of pizza: food
  467. hamburger: food
  468. whole roasted chicken: food
  469. incredible pizza: food
  470. Taco Dan's Taco Stand Taco: food
  471. haggis-wrapped haggis-stuffed haggis: food
  472. roasted duck: food
  473. dead meat bun: food
  474. carrot cake: food
  475. old chum: food
  476. consummate hard-boiled egg: food
  477. consummate fried egg: food
  478. consummate egg salad: food
  479. consummate bagel: food
  480. consummate sliced bread: food
  481. consummate hot dog bun: food
  482. consummate brownie: food
  483. consummate toast: food
  484. consummate soup: food
  485. consummate corn chips: food
  486. consummate salad: food
  487. consummate salsa: food
  488. consummate sauerkraut: food
  489. consummate cheese slice: food
  490. consummate melted cheese: food
  491. consummate bacon: food
  492. consummate meatloaf: food
  493. consummate steak: food
  494. consummate cold cuts: food
  495. consummate frankfurter: food
  496. consummate french fries: food
  497. consummate baked potato: food
  498. consummate ice cream: food
  499. consummate whipped cream: food
  500. consummate sour cream: food
  501. consummate strawberries: food
  502. consummate sorbet: food
  503. immaculate grilled cheese: food
  504. immaculate ice cream sandwich: food
  505. immaculate hot dog: food
  506. immaculate egg salad sandwich: food
  507. perfect sandwich: food
  508. perfect chef salad: food
  509. perfect breakfast: food
  510. sublime deluxe hot dog: food
  511. sublime stew: food
  512. sublime nachos: food
  513. Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich: food
  514. Loaded Baked Potato: food
  515. Omega Sundae: food
  516. giant grain of protein powder: food
  517. giant heirloom grape tomato: food
  518. stolen sushi: food
  519. root beer: beverage
  520. flavorless gruel: food
  521. mana curds: food
  522. vampire chowder: food
  523. Dreadsylvanian stew: food
  524. ghost pepper: food
  525. electric Kool-Aid: beverage
  526. Dreadsylvanian shepherd's pie: food
  527. accidental mutton: food
  528. blood sausage: food
  529. Dreadsylvanian hot pocket: food
  530. Dreadsylvanian cold pocket: food
  531. Dreadsylvanian spooky pocket: food
  532. Dreadsylvanian stink pocket: food
  533. Dreadsylvanian sleaze pocket: food
  534. spaghetti breakfast: food
  535. imitation White Russian: beverage
  536. jungle floor wax: food
  537. exotic jungle fruit: food
  538. junk food: food
  539. liquid bread: beverage
  540. can of sardines: food
  541. high-calorie sugar substitute: food
  542. pat of butter: food
  543. dinner roll: food
  544. cold mashed potatoes: food
  545. whole turkey leg: food
  546. deviled egg: food
  547. gingerbread robot: food
  548. petit 4.1: food
  549. nut-shaped Crimbo cookie: food
  550. warbear feasting bread: food
  551. warbear warrior bread: food
  552. warbear thermoregulator bread: food
  553. Every Day is Like This Sundae: food
  554. Miserable Pie: food
  555. This Charming Flan: food
  556. pickled egg: food
  557. cup of lukewarm tea: beverage
  558. warbear gyro: food
  559. breakfast mess: food
  560. breakfast miracle: food
  561. snow berries: food
  562. ice harvest: food
  563. snow crab: food
  564. Skully's hot chocolate: beverage
  565. candied pecan: food
  566. pecan pie: food
  567. candy mountain oyster: food
  568. candy carrot: food
  569. candy carrot cake: food
  570. mulberry: food
  571. leftover canapés: food
  572. witch's bread: food
  573. cinnamon cannoli: food
  574. fireman's lunch: food
  575. ice cream sandwich: food
  576. plumber's lunch: food
  577. nachos of the night: food
  578. can of Adultwitch™: food
  579. humble pie: food
  580. sweet roll Alabama: food
  581. eagle's milk: beverage
  582. fleetwood mac 'n' cheese: food
  583. custard pie: food
  584. tea for one: beverage
  585. red velvet cake: food
  586. amok pudding: food
  587. gunky chicken: food
  588. moose chocolate: food
  589. sheet cake: food
  590. deluxe layer cake: food
  591. extra-flat panini: food
  592. pie man was not meant to eat: food
  593. actual tapas: food
  594. Beefy Crunch Pastaco: food
  595. Brain Food Pastaco: food
  596. Cool Brunch Pastaco: food
  597. Medical Pastaco: food
  598. Energy Buzz Pastaco: food
  599. Ludovico Pastaco: food
  600. Taco Dan's Basic Taco Dan Taco: food
  601. Taco Dan's Taco Fish Fish Taco: food
  602. Mornington crescent roll: food
  603. government cheese: food
  604. loaf of alien bread: food
  605. grilled cheese sandwich: food
  606. ham steak: food
  607. D roll: food
  608. rack of dinosaur ribs: food
  609. Sogg-Os: food
  610. filet of The Fish: food
  611. jive turkey leg: food
  612. Strix stix: food
  613. Xiblaxian ultraburrito: food
  614. They liver popsicle: food
  615. "meat" stick: food
  616. limp broccoli: food
  617. initiative shawarma: food
  618. warm war shawarma: food
  619. karma shawarma: food
  620. seared dino steak: food
  621. unidentifiable dried fruit: food
  622. petit fortran: food
  623. java cookie: food
  624. cookie cookie: food
  625. neutron lollipop: food
  626. Choco-Mint patty: food
  627. bowl of topioca: food
  628. magical baguette: food
  629. carton of snake milk: beverage
  630. pigeon egg: food
  631. plain bagel: food
  632. glob of cream cheese: food
  633. loaf of soda bread: food
  634. acceptable bagel: food
  635. standard-issue cupcake: food
  636. ultra-deluxe cupcake: food
  637. popular tart: food
  638. toxo: food
  639. Dinsey food-cone: food
  640. unappetizing mayolus: food
  641. uninteresting mayolus: food
  642. acceptable mayolus: food
  643. enticing mayolus: food
  644. mouth-watering mayolus: food
  645. pixel banana: food
  646. pixel lemon: food
  647. pestopiary: food
  648. crudles: food
  649. agnolotti arboli: food
  650. spaghetti with ghost balls: food
  651. succulent marrow: food
  652. salacious crumbs: food
  653. fusilli marrownarrow: food
  654. suggestive strozzapreti: food
  655. Mt. McLargeHuge oyster: food
  656. linguini immondizia bianco: food
  657. shells a la shellfish: food
  658. mineapple: food
  659. SMOOCH soda: beverage
  660. smelted roe: food
  661. gooey lava globs: food
  662. very hot lunch: food
  663. disco biscuit: food
  664. lava cake: food
  665. pink slime: food
  666. devil hair pasta: food
  667. spagecialetti: food
  668. libertagliatelle: food
  669. turkish mostaccioli: food
  670. linguini of the sea: food
  671. Fettris: food
  672. fusillocybin: food
  673. prescription noodles: food
  674. weird gazelle steak: food
  675. sausage without a cause: food
  676. barrel pickle: food
  677. barrel cracker: food
  678. water log: food
  679. bowl of eyeballs: food
  680. bowl of mummy guts: food
  681. bowl of maggots: food
  682. hamlet sandwich: food
  683. iceberg lettuce: food
  684. ice rice: food
  685. VYKEA meatballs: food
  686. tin of submardines: food
  687. Crimbo salad: food
  688. bread line: food
  689. Kudzu salad: food
  690. The Plumber's mushroom stew: food
  691. Mr. Burnsger: food
  692. robin flan: food
  693. plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans: food
  694. plate of Tesla's Electroplated Beans: food
  695. plate of Mixed Garbanzos and Chickpeas: food
  696. plate of Hellfire Spicy Beans: food
  697. plate of Frigid Northern Beans: food
  698. plate of World's Blackest-Eyed Peas: food
  699. plate of Trader Olaf's Exotic Stinkbeans: food
  700. plate of Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans: food
  701. plate of Val-U Brand Every Bean Salad: food
  702. plate of Shrub's Premium Baked Beans: food
  703. tainted milk: beverage
  704. bear claw: food
  705. rotting beefsteak: food
  706. jumping horseradish: food
  707. gallon of milk: food
  708. delicious star salad: food
  709. bowl of Tastee-Wheet™: food
  710. browser cookie: food
  711. hardboiled egg: food
  712. Tea, Earl Grey, Hot: beverage
  713. leftover pasty: food
  714. raw sweet potato: food
  715. raw green beans: food
  716. raw stuffing: food
  717. raw cranberry sauce: food
  718. raw turkey: food
  719. raw mincemeat: food
  720. raw potato: food
  721. raw gravy: food
  722. raw bread: food
  723. candied sweet potatoes: food
  724. green bean casserole: food
  725. baked stuffing: food
  726. cranberry cylinder: food
  727. thanksgiving turkey: food
  728. mince pie: food
  729. mashed potatoes: food
  730. warm gravy: food
  731. bread roll: food
  732. leftovers: food
  733. leftovers sandwich: food
  734. animal part cracker: food
  735. gingerbread mug: food
  736. spiritual candy cane: food
  737. spiritual fruitcake: food
  738. spiritual gingerbread: food
  739. green-iced sweet roll: food
  740. hambrosier: food
  741. Black Angus blackburger: food
  742. Eldritch snap: food
  743. toast with hot jelly: food
  744. toast with cold jelly: food
  745. toast with spooky jelly: food
  746. toast with sleaze jelly: food
  747. toast with stench jelly: food
  748. wax pancake: food
  749. sea truffle: food
  750. eldritch mushroom: food
  751. eldritch mushroom pizza: food
  752. edible alien plant bit: food
  753. alien meat: food
  754. primitive alien salad: food
  755. Aldebaran sardines: food
  756. alien sandwich: food
  757. Affirmation Cookie: food
  758. meteoreo: food
  759. Hide-rox™ cookie: food
  760. transparent nog: beverage
  761. unfinished fruitcake: food
  762. half double fruitcake: food
  763. hushed puppy: food
  764. muffled muffuletta: food
  765. shushed potatoes: food
  766. temperance whiskey: beverage
  767. stale Cheer-E-Os: food
  768. nega-mushroom: food
  769. mime army rations: food
  770. extra-toasted half sandwich: food
  771. heart-shaped candy whetstone: food
  772. Swedish massage fish: food
  773. FantasyRealm turkey leg: food
  774. druidic s'more: food
  775. denastified haunch: food
  776. chocolate Ogre Chieftain: food
  777. chocolate "Phoenix": food
  778. chocolate Spider Queen: food
  779. good guava: food
  780. PB&J with the crusts cut off: food
  781. sweet party mix: food
  782. party platter for one: food
  783. ghostly ectoplasm: food
  784. haunted orange: food
  785. haunted pizza: food
  786. haunted cherry pie: food
  787. haunted Hell ramen: food
  788. primitive candy cane: food
  789. oldcake: food
  790. traditional Crimbo cookie: food
  791. grilled mooseflank: food
  792. moosemeat pie: food
  793. glass of raw eggs: food
  794. yule gruel: food
  795. Crimboysters Rockefeller: food
  796. elf army field rations: food
  797. bloodstick: food
  798. actual blood sausage: food
  799. blood snowcone: food
  800. blood roll-up: food
  801. blood-soaked sponge cake: food
  802. plain snowcone: food
  803. pineapple slab: food
  804. hibiscus petal: food
  805. pirate fork: food
  806. Returned: void
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