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- function draw()
- win:removeChildren()
- gamee = game.screen
- win:addChild(GUI.panel(1,1,game.window.width,game.window.heigth,game.window.color))
- if game.window.abn == true then
- win:addChild(GUI.actionButtons(1,1,false))
- end
- for i = 1,#gamee do
- if gamee[i].visible == true then
- if gamee[i].type == 'text' then
- win:addChild(GUI.text(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].color),gamee[i].text))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'panel' then
- win:addChild(GUI.panel(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[1].heigth),tonumber(gamee[i].color)))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'button' then
- win:addChild(GUI.button(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[i].height),tonumber(gamee[i].colorbg),tonumber(gamee[i].colorfg),tonumber(gamee[i].colorbgp),tonumber(gamee[i].colorfgp),gamee[i].text)).onTouch = function() system.execute(scriptpath..'/Scripts/'[i].onTouch) end
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'input' then
- local tmp = win:addChild(GUI.input(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[i].height),tonumber(gamee[i].colorbg),tonumber(gamee[i].colorfg),tonumber(gamee[i].colorph),tonumber(gamee[i].colorfg),tonumber(gamee[i].colorfgp),gamee[i].text,gamee[i].textph))
- tmp.onInputFinished = function()
- game.screen[i].text = tmp.text
- system.execute(scriptpath..'/Scripts/'[i].onInputEnded)
- end
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'slider' then
- win:addChild(GUI.slider(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[i].colorp),tonumber(gamee[i].colors),tonumber(gamee[i].colorpp),tonumber(gamee[i].colorv),tonumber(gamee[i].minv),tonumber(gamee[i].maxv),tonumber(gamee[i].value)))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'progressIndicator' then
- local tmp = win:addChild(GUI.progressIndicator(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].colorpa),tonumber(gamee[i].colorp),tonumber(gamee[i].colors)))
- = gamee[i].active
- for i = 1, #gamee[i].rollStage do
- tmp:roll()
- end
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'progressBar' then
- win:addChild(GUI.progressBar(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[i].colorp),tonumber(gamee[i].colors),tonumber(gamee[i].colorv),tonumber(gamee[i].value)))
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'comboBox' then
- local tmp = win:addChild(GUI.comboBox(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[i].elh),tonumber(gamee[i].colorbg),tonumber(gamee[i].colort),tonumber(gamee[i].colorabg),tonumber(gamee[i].colorat)))
- for e = 1,#gamee[i].items do
- tmp:addItem(gamee[i].items[e].name,gamee[i].items[e].active)
- end
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'colorSelector' then
- win:addChild(GUI.colorSelector(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[i].height),tonumber(gamee[i].color),gamee[i].text)).onColorSelected = function() system.execute(scriptpath..'/Scripts/'[i].onTouch) end
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'switch' then
- win:addChild(GUI.switch(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),tonumber(gamee[i].width),tonumber(gamee[i].colorp),tonumber(gamee[i].colors),tonumber(gamee[i].colorpp),tonumber(gamee[i].state))).onStateChanged = function() system.execute(scriptpath..'/Scripts/'[i].onStateChanged) end
- end
- if gamee[i].type == 'image' then
- idk = nil
- for e = 1, do
- if[e].type == 'imageStorage' and[e].name == gamee[i].image then
- idk =[e].path
- end
- end
- if idk == nil then idk = '/MineOS/Icons/Script.pic' end
- win:addChild(GUI.image(tonumber(gamee[i].x),tonumber(gamee[i].y),image.load(idk)))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function move(what,x,y,speed,smooth)
- if speed then
- if smooth then
- xx = what.x - x
- yy = what.y - y
- xx = xx / 2
- yy = yy / 2
- tmpx = what.x
- tmpy = what.y
- xx,yy = math.ceil(xx/speed),math.ceil(yy/speed)
- speedq = 0
- while what.x > x or what.x < x or what.y > y or what.y < y do
- if speedq < speed and what.x - x*-1 > xx and what.y -y *-1 > yy then
- speedq = speedq + 1
- end
- if speedq > speed and what.x - x*-1 < xx and what.y -y *-1 < yy then
- seedq = speedq - 1
- end
- prev2x = prev1x
- prev1x = what.x
- prev2y = prev1y
- prev1y = what.y
- if what.x > x then
- what.x = what.x - speedq
- elseif what.x < x then
- what.x = what.x + speedq
- end
- if what.y > y then
- what.y = what.y - speedq
- elseif what.y < y then
- what.y = what.y + speedq
- end
- if prev2y ~= prev1y and prev1y ~= what.y and prev2y == what.y then
- if what.y > y or what.y < y then what.y = y end
- end
- if prev2x ~= prev1x and prev1x ~= what.x and prev2x == what.x then
- if what.x > x or what.x < x then what.x = x end
- end
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmpx = what.x-x
- tmpy = what.y -y
- while what.x > tmpx or what.y > tmpy or what.x > tmpx or what.y > tmpy do
- if what.x > tmpx then
- what.x = what.x - speed
- end
- if what.y > tmpy then
- what.y = what.y - speed
- end
- if what.y < tmpy then
- what.y = what.y - seed
- end
- if what.x < tmpx then
- what.x = what.x - speed
- end
- draw()
- end
- end
- else
- what.x = x
- what.y = y
- draw()
- end
- end
- function resize(what,w,h,speed,smooth)
- if speed then
- if smooth then
- ww = what.width - w
- hh = what.heigth - h
- ww = ww / 2
- hh = hh / 2
- tmpw = what.width
- tmph = what.heigth
- ww,hh = math.ceil(ww/speed),math.ceil(hh/speed)
- speedq = 0
- while what.width > w or what.width < w or what.heigth > h or what.heigth < h do
- if speedq < speed and what.width - w*-1 > ww and what.heigth -h*-1 > hh then
- speedq = speedq + 1
- end
- if speedq > speed and what.width - w*-1 < ww and what.heigth -h*-1 < hh then
- seedq = speedq - 1
- end
- prev2w = prev1w
- prev1w = what.width
- prev2h = prev1h
- prev1h = what.heigth
- if what.width > w then
- what.width = what.width - speedq
- elseif what.width < w then
- what.width = what.width + speedq
- end
- if what.heigth > h then
- what.heigth = what.heigth - speedq
- elseif what.heigth < h then
- what.heigth = what.heigth + speedq
- end
- if prev2h ~= prev1h and prev1h ~= what.heigth and prev2h == what.heigth then
- if what.heigth > h or what.heigth < h then what.heigth = h end
- end
- if prev2w ~= prev1w and prev1w ~= what.width and prev2w == what.width then
- if what.width > w or what.width < w then what.width = w end
- end
- draw()
- end
- else
- tmpw = what.width-w
- tmph = what.heigth -h
- while what.width > tmpw or what.heigth > tmph or what.width > tmpw or what.heigth > tmph do
- if what.width > tmpw then
- what.width = what.width - speed
- end
- if what.heigth > tmph then
- what.heigth = what.heigth - speed
- end
- if what.heigth < tmph then
- what.heigth = what.heigth - seed
- end
- if what.width < tmpw then
- what.width = what.width - speed
- end
- draw()
- end
- end
- else
- what.width = w
- what.heigth = h
- draw()
- end
- end
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