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- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Skyscraper by Lars Muldjord (
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This is an example config file for use with Skyscraper. Use it as a template for creating
- ; your own. If you copy this file to 'config.ini' it will be used by default.
- ; You can always copy config.ini.example to a filename of your choice and make Skyscraper
- ; use it with the '-c CONFIGFILE' command line option.
- ; You can have several platform sections in one config file. Further down is an example of
- ; a generic platform setup. Check '--help' for more info on supported platforms.
- ; You can have several scraping module sections in one config file. Further down is an example
- ; of a generic module setup. Check '--help' for more info on supported modules.
- ; Remember that most of these settings can also be set as command line options. Doing so
- ; will overrule the options seen here except for the scraping module configs which
- ; overrules everything else.
- ; Platform specific configs overrule main configs.
- ; Uncomment the lines you wish to use (remove the ';' in front of the lines).
- ; Also remember to uncomment or create the sections they belong to such as '[snes]'.
- [main]
- ;inputFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms"
- ;excludePattern="*[BIOS]*"
- ;includePattern="Super*"
- ;excludeFrom="/home/pi/.skyscraper/excludes.txt"
- ;includeFrom="/home/pi/.skyscraper/includes.txt"
- ;gameListFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms"
- ;gameListBackup="false"
- ;mediaFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms"
- ;cacheFolder="/home/pi/.skyscraper/cache"
- ;cacheResize="false"
- ;nameTemplate="%t [%f], %P player(s)"
- ;jpgQuality="95"
- ;cacheCovers="true"
- ;cacheScreenshots="true"
- ;cacheWheels="true"
- ;cacheMarquees="true"
- ;cacheTextures="true"
- ;importFolder="/home/pi/.skyscraper/import"
- ;unpack="false"
- ;frontend="emulationstation"
- ;emulator=""
- ;launch=""
- ;videos="false"
- ;videoSizeLimit="42"
- ;videoConvertCommand="ffmpeg -i %i -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -t 00:00:10 -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -c:a aac -b:a 64k -vf scale=640:480:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=640:480:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=1 %o"
- ;videoConvertExtension="mp4"
- ;symlink="false"
- ;brackets="true"
- ;maxLength="10000"
- ;threads="2"
- ;pretend="false"
- ;unattend="false"
- ;unattendSkip="false"
- ;interactive="false"
- ;forceFilename="false"
- ;verbosity="1"
- ;skipped="false"
- ;maxFails="30"
- ;lang="en"
- ;region="wor"
- ;langPrios="en,de,es"
- ;regionPrios="eu,us,ss,uk,wor,jp"
- ;minMatch="0"
- ;artworkXml="artwork.xml"
- ;relativePaths="false"
- ;addExtensions="*.zst"
- ;hints="false"
- ;subdirs="true"
- ;spaceCheck="true"
- ;scummIni="/full/path/to/scummvm.ini"
- ;tidyDesc="true"
- ; The following is an example of configs that only affect the 'snes' platform.
- ;[snes]
- ;inputFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga"
- ;excludePattern="*[BIOS]*"
- ;includePattern="Super*"
- ;excludeFrom="/home/pi/.skyscraper/excludes/snes/excludes.txt"
- ;includeFrom="/home/pi/.skyscraper/includes/snes/includes.txt"
- ;gameListFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga"
- ;mediaFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga/media"
- ;cacheFolder="/home/pi/.skyscraper/cache/amiga"
- ;cacheResize="false"
- ;nameTemplate="%t [%f], %P player(s)"
- ;jpgQuality="95"
- ;cacheCovers="true"
- ;cacheScreenshots="true"
- ;cacheWheels="true"
- ;cacheMarquees="true"
- ;cacheTextures="true"
- ;importFolder="/home/pi/.skyscraper/import/amiga"
- ;unpack="false"
- ;emulator=""
- ;launch=""
- ;videos="false"
- ;videoSizeLimit="42"
- ;symlink="false"
- ;brackets="true"
- ;lang="en"
- ;region="wor"
- ;langPrios="en,de,es"
- ;regionPrios="eu,us,ss,uk,wor,jp"
- ;minMatch="0"
- ;maxLength="10000"
- ;threads="2"
- ;startAt="filename"
- ;endAt="filename"
- ;pretend="false"
- ;unattend="false"
- ;unattendSkip="false"
- ;interactive="false"
- ;forceFilename="false"
- ;verbosity="1"
- ;skipped="false"
- ;artworkXml="artwork.xml"
- ;relativePaths="false"
- ;extensions="*.zip *.uae *.adf"
- ;addExtensions="*.zst *.rom"
- ;subdirs="true"
- ; The following is an example of configs that only affect the 'pegasus' frontend.
- ;[pegasus]
- ;excludePattern="*[BIOS]*"
- ;includePattern="Super*"
- ;artworkXml="artwork.xml"
- ;emulator=""
- ;launch=""
- ;gameListFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga"
- ;gameListBackup="false"
- ;mediaFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga/media"
- ;skipped="false"
- ;brackets="true"
- ;videos="false"
- ;symlink="false"
- ;startAt="filename"
- ;endAt="filename"
- ;unattend="false"
- ;unattendSkip="false"
- ;forceFilename="false"
- ;verbosity="1"
- ;maxLength="10000"
- ; The following is an example of configs that only affect the 'screenscraper' scraping module.
- [screenscraper]
- userCreds=":"
- ;threads="1"
- ;minMatch="0"
- ;maxLength="10000"
- ;interactive="false"
- ;cacheResize="false"
- ;jpgQuality="95"
- ;cacheCovers="true"
- ;cacheScreenshots="true"
- ;cacheWheels="true"
- ;cacheMarquees="true"
- ;cacheTextures="true"
- ;videos="false"
- ;videoSizeLimit="42"
- ;videoConvertCommand="ffmpeg -i %i -y -pix_fmt yuv420p -t 00:00:10 -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -c:a aac -b:a 64k -vf scale=640:480:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=640:480:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=1 %o"
- ;videoConvertExtension="mp4"
- ;;The following option is only applicable to 'screenscraper'
- ;videoPreferNormalized="true"
- [esgamelist]
- cacheRefresh="true"
- cacheScreenshots="false"
- [import]
- cacheRefresh="true"
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