
Aurea Venen Part 4

Nov 13th, 2014
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  1. ..:: AUREA VENEN || PART 4 || DEMENS II ::..
  3. I turned to look over at Cynn, who had been leaning against the wall and enjoying the little show I put on, as the stab wound in my side healed in seconds. She had gotten used to it by now, all the killing and such, though she didn't really seek to participate in it herself. Oh well, fufu, her loss. My expression alone was probably more than enough to say everything. She gave me a nod, her way of silently telling me to go have fun -- to continue the feast. Oh, trust me, I will.
  5. I turned back towards the dark hallway, licking my lips as my tails began to wave near my sides more energetically. They had more weight to them now, due to the longer length of the needles, though I could still move them with minimal effort. My pulse had already been starting to quicken ever since I killed the first girl -- not to mention the flood of energy I was currently drawing from her soul gem, the color in it likely already darkening. You could say it was sort of like I had flipped an internal switch, going into a sort of 'predator' mode the moment it was turned on. The hunt begins.
  7. The adjacent room on the right side of the hall was next. It was only natural, since the rest of them were further away. The faint chatting made it exorbitantly clear that none of them had heard any struggles from the first kill, further evidence that this was one of the most naive squads I could ever hope to meet. Too easy. I didn't even bother to conceal my footsteps, casually walking towards the entryway, letting the tips of the long needles drag against whatever nearby surface they came across. This was really too easy, screw being sneaky, it's time for some /fun/ -- added bonus if I could scare the shit out of them too.
  9. With a few metallic clanks, I strode through the doorframe, immediately sighting two magical girls towards the center of the room. Judging by their state of dress and entangled positioning, I had just intruded on their private touchy-feely times. At least, it sure wasn't just a vigorous game of twister. What the fuck is wrong with this squad, do they seriously not understand where they are? Do they seriously have this much audacity? This much cluelessness? This was just too much, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. That alone was likely enough to cause more bladder control problems, as both girls stared wide-eyed at me. I couldn't stop, even while stepping towards them, it was hard to even breathe. This shit was just too funny, these stupid girls were stuck in the middle of a deathzone, and the first thing they thought to do on duty was sit down and fuck each other in a dark abandoned building.
  11. It wasn't until I was close enough to touch them that they started to scream. My right hand quickly shot down, wrapping the long and sharp fingers around the nearest girl's neck and easily lifting her off the ground. Her hands began to claw at mine, coughing and sputtering as her airflow was blocked off. My grin probably widened even more than it already was capable of, my crimson eyes bearing down on the other girl who had managed to pull out a rifle in her tremorous hands. By the time she even thought to fire a shot, it was too late. The spear-like needles of my tails lanced into her dominant arm, causing her rifle to fire at the wall behind me. How disappointing, this girl isn't cute at all. I'll just have to turn her into a pincushion, surely then she'll be useful. Pierce, gouge, stab, tear -- just like that, yes.
  13. There was something about killing that never got old. That being said, though, it wasn't the only way to have fun with cute girls -- I knew that all too well already. For example, if you turn them into something more than just a bag of meat. Thus, this other girl's fate had been determined. I let her drop from my grip, planting my foot down on top of her, before reaching into my inventory. You know, it's times like these I love being a Venenum, as I retrieved a syringe full of dark purple liquid. I knew it wouldn't be long before the other girls would come to investigate the commotion, of course, so it was only obvious I had to leave them something to find. A gift, if you will.
  15. "Be a good girl and take your medicine~" My strangely shaped leg hammered down into the center of the girl's back, causing her to sputter. I bent down to jab the syringe into her neck and injected her with the full dosage, then already proceeded to wander away. It didn't take long before her body started to spasm, the drug already kicking in. It was a /special/ blend I learned from Mother's experiments. I headed over to what was left of her fuckbuddy, snatching up the bangle from the twisted and bloody wrist. Too easy. As predicted, I heard footsteps quickly approaching the room, and made for the comfy looking chair near the corner of the room. I probably had a permanent grin on my face as I spun the bangle around my finger. This was gonna be good.
  17. "What the fuck is going on in here!?" A group of three ran in, led by what I presume to have been the squad leader, all of them carrying the floating lights with them. They screeched to a halt upon seeing the two mostly nude bodies on the floor, one far more mangled than the other. The timing couldn't have been any better, as the girl I had drugged began to stir, causing the girls to rush over to her. Ahh, the anticipation, these idiots had no idea.
  19. "Hey, Alexis, what the hell happened!?" One girl shook her, trying to wake her upon realizing she was still alive. The naked girl struggled to stand, a low groan vibrating from her throat, and two of the girls moved to support her.
  21. "Snap out of it you dumb bitch! What happened to Kati?" The squad leader slapped Alexis's face a couple of times, her short fuse having been lit already.
  23. "....Ku...ku...ku..."
  25. The two girls flanking Alexis suddenly went flying, one crashing into the wall, the other toppling a trash bin next to the desk I sat at. Alexis's veins along her neck and arms had turned a quite visible purple as her body straightened in a flaccid sort of way, as if she was being supported by puppetstrings.
  27. I clapped both hands together, a solid clang of metal, causing the squad leader to direct her light towards where I sat in mostly darkness. I let out a bit of a giggle, the bangle in my grasp turning into its normal soulgem form at my will. The leader's eyes seemed to widen slightly upon seeing it.
  29. "Who the fuck are you!? Why do you have Kati's soul gem!?" Her face contorted into an expression of anger -- which actually made her look pretty cute -- as two small handguns appeared in her grasp.
  31. "Hmm, I dunno~ Fufu~ Surely you can guess~?" Ahh, no good... The way she's looking at me with so much hatred, it's starting to make me...
  33. "Give it back, you bitch!" She whipped both guns upwards, pointing them straight at me. She probably would have shot me too, if it wasn't for the bright red uniform suddenly fluttering in between us. One of my tails was constricted around the waist of the girl that had landed near me, now holding her up like a meatshield, blocking her view. What will you do, girlie? Will you shoot through your own squad mate to try to attack me?
  35. "Grrrr.... god damnit!" She shouted, and 'Alexis' cackled, suddenly grabbing hold of the leader and biting her shoulder. This of course startled her, causing her to pull a trigger. The girl in my grasp flinched with a loud yelp as the bullet ricocheted off of the metal. Barely even left a mark, is she even trying? With those puny things? I sighed and shook my head, the blue soulgem turning into another ring that I immediately placed on one of my fingers. The moment the gem began to glow brightly, another surge hit my body, causing me to shudder. I literally felt like I was melting and on fire at the same time, it felt so good -- almost better than an orgasm kind of good. With the addition of this burst of energy, my tail ends underwent another morph, a long gun barrel now jutting out parallel to the rapier-esque needles.
  37. "Weak, so weak -- let me show you how it's done!"
  39. <BANG> With a much louder report, the squad leader's right leg burst into a fine red mist, collapsing to the ground in a cry of pain. That's how it's fucking done. The girl covered in purple veins once known as 'Alexis' pulled out her large knife -- likely her magical weapon -- and started to repeatedly stab the downed magical girl, the sound of screams, laughter, and lacerations echoing throughout the room.
  41. I rose from the rather comfy swivel chair, constricting the blond girl in my appendage's grasp. She had been trying to use her long sword to bash at the segmented tail in a panic, to no avail. I walked past the slaughter in the center of the room, giving 'Alexis' a little pat on the head, before stopping in front of the remaining girl who was slumped against the wall. She was still alive, but her spine had likely shattered from the earlier collision, most of the light from her eyes gone now. Well damn, that's unfortunate, one less I get to play with. Ah well, I shrugged, my free tail placing its gun barrel against the girl's forehead. Another loud gunshot, and there wasn't much left of her head, the immediate surroundings now thoroughly plastered in red and bits of pink. This elicited another loud scream from the blondie, who I now decided to save for last. She even had these adorable little twintails and a nice round butt. I was beginning to reach the limits of my patience anyways, so what better timing.
  43. I slammed the blond girl down onto the nearby table, probably cracking it in several places. Meanwhile, the squad leader had stopped screaming, whether broken or unable to anymore. 'Alexis' had probably turned her into a full course meal or something, but it wasn't important to me right now.
  45. No, after all -- it was time for a meal of my own.
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