
Wes code backup 2/11/18

Feb 11th, 2018
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  117. Evidentially due to his upbringing and Spencer's influence, Wesker's overall personality was that of a power-hungry machiavellian. He also tended to observe the action from behind the scenes and then strike when the opportunity presents itself. He had also demonstrated to be perfectly willing to betray anyone who placed trust in him if it meant accomplishing his goals, or as Chris Redfield put it to Excella Gionne, "[Wesker] doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself." Besides his machiavellian nature, a large part of his motivation for his actions were an underlying suspicion about Spencer's motives, a suspicion that was "preprogrammed" into him by Spencer as a means to have all the Wesker Children seek him out when they come of age. Shortly after learning the full truth about his existence from Spencer, Wesker also developed outright delusions of godhood. In addition, he also began to believe in a somewhat Darwinian aspect to humanity, regarding only the strongest humans actually being fit to survive.</br></br>
  118. His trademark were his dark sunglasses, which he is very rarely seen without, wearing them even in environments that would have made sunglasses a hindrance, such as in a dark forest or in a dimly-lit laboratory or building. Likewise, with the exception of his S.T.A.R.S. outfit and his scientist outfit, most of his clothing was dark in color. He also possessed blond hair and, until injecting himself with the prototype virus, blue eyes (afterwards, he possessed yellowish-red eyes with catlike/reptilian pupils that glow a deep shade of red when undergoing intense emotions).</br></br>
  119. It is uncertain whether Wesker was a sociopath from birth, or whether it was a direct result of Project W.</br>
  120. Regardless, Wesker has an definite propensity towards Sociopathic behavior, and there is no argument that he is not 'normal' in the head. It is ambiguous as to whether the man really is a sociopath, or whether his psyche is simply 'different' from the rest of humanity and is simply placed into the nearest category with similarities: sociopathy.</br>
  121. It's already been established that Wesker is more than willing to kill for power, but he also seems to harbor an almost fetishistic love for it. He has, over his life span, in thirty two years, managed to dip his fingers into governmental control as well as the most influencial pharmaceutical corporations in the world. He is the Chairman of Nue-Umbrella, The Agency and Chevron, took over unnoficial control of Tricell after Excella Gionne's death, and is the puppeteer behind Wilpharma's affairs.</br>
  122. He tends to avoid or destroy companies which he cannot take control of, the exception being the 'Zazu' Agency, in which he operates in as a behind the lines opinion, to help influence Western culture and the voice of the media.</br></br>
  123. Wesker, to say the least, is hardly promiscuous; not even in thought. This is, perhaps, because he considers himself 'too good' for that kind of behavior, or on a similar note considers most other people too disgusting to touch (especially after his death, at which point he became more than capable of smelling the medical conditions and hygienic state of others).
  124. He is, of course, incredibly picky, and it is almost impossible to figure out what exactly he wants or happens to be looking for. He simply chooses the people he sees whom he finds appealing, these people typically being rare. Even when he does happen to find an interest in someone, he may not approach them for several months while he tries to understand more about who they are and what he might happen to gain from a union, or what he should know to keep himself safe.</br>
  125. It is almost an honor to find oneself in his interest, considering how rare it is that he will approach someone; truthfully, he can and has gone years without sexual interaction when he has found none he'd enjoy 'having', so to speak. At the same time, his relationships can drag out for years, either because the person he's with is a hardball and he still hasn't gotten what he wanted, or because he enjoys the company of said person to the point where he is unlikely to abandon the relationship.</br>
  126. It's not really certain whether this is because of his being a Tyrant or if he was always like that, but Wesker has an admirable sex drive. At the same time, he's usually very stoic about it, and again, can remain chaste for years until he decides he's found someone he wants.</br>
  127. As is hinted, once he has, he certainly appreciates said person.</br>
  128. Wesker does find situations in which he is obviously in control, and is excersizing his power freely, a turn on. The more disturbing half of this is that the situation does not necessarily have to be sexual, and drives him to act more recklessly and aggressively. Examples include Board Meetings in which he implies threats that he can back up, and in which he as a result gets his way, or situations in which people treat him with obvious fear or respect. All these situations are of the kind that Wesker can literally derive sexual pleasure from.</br></br>
  129. As a Tyrant, Wesker's regenerative abilities may also be the cause of his enhanced sexdrive, seeing as his body is capable of fully recovering from sexual encounters within moments, and replaces most hormones and bodily chemicals every few hours, along with bloodcells, calcium, tissue and muscle mass. At the same time, it's assumed that if his body no longer sees the need for reproductive hormones to be in his system, it may stop producing them at any given time to preserve energy and resources, explaining his ability to go completely inactive for years before starting up again.</br>
  130. Comprehensively, Wesker is an incredibly power-driven 'psuedo-Sociopath', who likes nice things, buys from designer names for his own ego's sake, and had developed an intense fear of death.</br></br>
  131. Wesker seems fully capable of love, though the precedent for it is rather interesting. The way love comes across to him is linked directly to his history and the way he grew up; after being abandoned by his mother, and not having an initial father figure, his parenting instincts are actually insanely strong.</br>
  132. Because of the absence of his own parent figures, he is rather set on being that much better than them; this includes doing his kids a favor (in his eyes) and teaching them from the start his own 'morals' and precedents. Ie; kill for power, trust no-one, humans are dispensable, and the powerful control everything.</br>
  133. Love shown to romantic interests, though rarely true (in the cases where the romantic interest dies in a 'car crash' or ends up incarcerated), is clearly expressed. In situations where he does harbor affection for the other, he is indeed insanely posessive. This aspect makes him, on one hand, very unpredictable and incredibly dangerous, and on the other, generally faithful and openly appreciative of his significant other.
  134. This also ties back to his childhood, seeing as he's grown up to 'appreciate nice things', which he never had in a communist-controlled Germany- both as material items and companions. Thus, he keeps the things he deems valuable well and cared for.</br>
  135. It should also be noted that he does not take well to 'losing his nice things' and is more likely to kill a genuine romantic interest than let her leave. Which is why one should usually think before they engage in a relationship with an insane man.</br></br>
  136. As a sociopath, Wesker is typically incapable of pity or guilt, and will almost always insist that he is right.
  137. In connection, he can lie as easy as he can say 'hello', and hardly gives a crap about that, considering dishonesty as a fantastic way to make sure one gets what he wants and maintains control.
  138. He is not fully capable of happiness or joy in most situations, and instead experiences a quiet contentment, smugness, or feeling of accomplishment. </br>
  139. He is fully capable of fear. </br>
  140. He is mostly driven by pride and ego, and said ego is almost impossible to damage, because if he does slip up, he is aware that he can make it back to where he was in almost no time.
  141. He is capable of mourning if it's for something of his own.</br></br>
  142. Wesker usually uses his own anger or hate to destroy people who get in his way, by killing off their friends or family individually and either framing them for the murders, harrassing them while doing so, and always destroying their career and their personalities. He can hold a grudge indefinately, and if someone gets away from him, they would best get a false identity and move somewhere obscure to save themselves and their remaining family.</div></div>
  145. <div id="2" class="was">
  148. <div style="position:fixed; left:0; top:0;width:100%; height:100%;background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #111 60%,#000 230%);z-index:20;"></div>
  150. <a href="#"><div style="position:fixed; margin: auto; left:0; right:0; top:0; bottom:190; width:130; height:130;z-index:21; color:#696969; border: 1px solid #696969;text-align:justify;border-radius:100px;overflow:hidden;"><img width="300" style="width:250%; position:absolute; left:-60%; bottom:-20%;" src=""></div> </a>
  151. <div style="position:fixed; margin: auto; left:0; right:0; top:202; bottom:0; width:200; height:200;z-index:21; color:#696969; border: px solid #000;text-align:justify;"><hr class="line">
  152. NAME <font style="float:right;"><b>ALBERT WESKER</b></font><hr class="line">
  153. AGE <font style="float:right;"><b>50</b></font><hr class="line">
  154. HEIGHT <font style="float:right;"><b>6'3</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  155. WEIGHT <font style="float:right;"><b>90 KG</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  156. RACE <font style="float:right;"><b>CAUCASIAN</b></font><hr class="line">
  157. GENDER <font style="float:right;"><b>MALE</b></font><hr class="line">
  158. BLOOD TYPE <font style="float:right;"><b>O</b></font><hr class="line">
  159. STATUS <font style="float:right;"><b>ALIVE</b></font><hr class="line">
  160. SCARS <font style="float:right;"><b>NONE</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  161. MARITAL <font style="float:right;"><b><a target="_blank" href="">KUSANAGI</a></b></font><br><hr class="line">
  162. LOCATION <font style="float:right;"><b>UNKNOWN</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  163. OCCUPATION <font style="float:right;"><b>UNKNOWN</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  164. PHOBIAS <font style="float:right;"><b>WATER, DEATH, BEING FORGOTTEN</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  165. STRENGTHS <font style="float:right;"><b>CUNNING TYRANT</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  166. OCCUPATION <font style="float:right;"><b>UNKNOWN</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  167. TRAITS <font style="float:right;"><b>SOCIOPATHY</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  168. DOB <font style="float:right;"><b>--/--/1960</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  169. PLACE OF BIRTH <font style="float:right;"><b>GERMANY</b></font><br><hr class="line">
  170. DISORDERS <font style="float:right;"><b>INSOMNIA; NIGHT TERRORS</b></font><br><hr class="line"><br>
  171. </div>
  173. <a href="profile.php?user=Punpun" title="Coded by Punpun." target="_blank"><img src="" style="position:fixed; right:10; bottom:0;width:25;"></a></div>
  177. <div id="3" class="was">
  180. <a href="#"><div style="position:fixed; left:0; top:0;width:100%; height:100%;background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #111 60%,#000 230%);z-index:20;"></div></a>
  181. <div style="position:fixed; margin: auto; left:0; right:0; top:240; bottom:0; width:202; height:204;z-index:21; color:#696969; border: px solid #000;text-align:left;overflow:auto;">
  182. <b>[ 001 ]</b> Obviously crossover friendly within reason. <hr>
  183. <b>[ 002 ]</b> Smut is reserved for his wife with very few exceptions. <hr>
  184. <b>[ 003 ]</b> SciFi-Horror/moderate to heavy realism only. No magic. <hr>
  185. <b>[ 004 ]</b> IC never equals OOC but I do care for my partners. Talk shit get hit. <hr>
  186. <b>[ 005 ]</b> Wesker cares enough about his wife's mental health not to kill you unless you fuck up. It's just exceptionally easy to fuck up. <hr>
  187. <b>[ 006 ]</b> Open to PMs, relatively PM friendly, go for it. <hr>
  188. <b>[ 007 ]</b> Non-canon children by blood being Damian, Aya, and Tori, Canon child being Jake Muller. <hr>
  189. <b>[ 008 ]</b> Did you read all this? Ask me about dinosaurs.<hr>
  191. </div></div>
  198. <a href="profile.php?user=Punpun" title="Coded by Punpun." target="_blank"><img src="" style="position:fixed; right:10; bottom:0;width:25;z-index:999;"></a>
  199. </body>
  200. </html>
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