

Sep 11th, 2022
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  1. Messages:
  2. join: '&7[&a+&7] &8{player} &7joined your game ({players}/{maxplayers})'
  3. leave:
  4. leave_waiting_lobby: '&7[&c-&7] &8{player} &7left your game ({players}/{maxplayers})'
  5. left_enemy: '&7{player} left enemy''s team.'
  6. left_team: '&a{player} left your team.'
  7. starting:
  8. minutes_seconds: '&9BlockWars CTF is starting in &e{minutes} and {seconds} seconds&9.'
  9. minute: '&9BlockWars CTF is starting in &e1 minute&9.'
  10. seconds: '&9BlockWars CTF is starting in &e{seconds} seconds&9.'
  11. game_stoped: '&cCounting stopped because there are not enough players to start'
  12. arena_full: '&6¡Server full! BlockWars CTF starts in 10 seconds.'
  13. cannot_break_blocks:
  14. only_placed_blocks: '&cYou can only break blocks placed during the game.'
  15. cannot_place_near_villagers: '&cYou can''t build near villagers.'
  16. cannot_break_own_core: '&cYou can''t break your own core'
  17. death_messages:
  18. kill: '{player} &ewas slain by {killer}&e.'
  19. kill_assistant: '{player} &ewas slain by {killer}&e. &7(&6+{ammount} assist&7)'
  20. assist_hover: '&aKiller: \n&2&l➤ &a{killer}\n&f\n&aAssists:'
  21. assistant: '&2&l➤ &a{player} &6{porcentage}%'
  22. died: '{player} &edied.'
  23. points: '&6+ {points} points'
  24. win: |-
  25. &7--------------------------
  26. {team} &ateam won the game!
  27. &7--------------------------
  28. win_ties: |-
  29. &7-------------------------------------
  30. &9Blue &ateam and &cRed &ateam are tie!
  31. &7-------------------------------------
  32. build_start: |-
  33. &7--------------------------------
  34. &eProtect the core and its area so
  35. &ethat enemies cannot access it!
  36. &7--------------------------------
  37. fight_start: |-
  38. &7-----------------------------------
  39. &eCapture the enemy's core, go to
  40. &eyour island, and get close to your
  41. &ecore to capture it!
  42. &7-----------------------------------
  43. finish: |-
  44. &7-----------------------------------
  45. &7
  46. &7 &e&lYour Stats
  47. &7
  48. &7● Kills: &e{kills}
  49. &7● Deaths: &e{deaths}
  50. &7● DK Ratio: &e{kd}
  51. &7● Flags Captured: &e{captured_flags}
  52. &7● Attempts to capture flag: &e{attempts_flags}
  53. &7
  54. &7-----------------------------------
  57. Titles:
  58. respawning:
  59. title: '&c&lYOU DIED!'
  60. subtitle: '&eRespawning in &6{time} &eseconds...'
  61. flag_taken:
  62. title: '&2&lFLAG TAKEN'
  63. subtitle: '{player} &7has taken the {team} &7flag!'
  64. flag_droped:
  65. title: '&2&lFLAG DROPED'
  66. subtitle: '{player} &7has dropped the {team} &7flag!'
  67. flag_captured:
  68. title: '&2&lFLAG CAPTURED'
  69. subtitle: '{player} &7has capture the {team} &7flag!'
  70. Villagers:
  71. line1: '&e&lBlockWars Shop'
  72. line2: '&7(Click to open)'
  73. #Unable to start game as teams are too unbalanced (Auto balance in 15 seconds)!
  74. ChatConfig:
  75. game:
  76. lobby_chat: '&8{player_name}&7: &7{message}'
  77. team_chat: '&9[Team] &7{player_name}&7: {message}'
  78. global_chat: '&c[Global] &7{player_name}&7: {message}'
  80. KitsConfiguration:
  81. locked: '&c{kit_name}'
  82. unlocked: '&a{kit_name}'
  83. inventory_title: '&7Kit Selection'
  84. contents: '&eContents'
  85. selected: '&aKit selected!'
  86. not_have: '&cYou currently do not have this kit!'
  87. in_game_select: '&aKit Selected! This kit will be given to you when you respawn!'
  88. alredy_selected: '&cYou already have this kit selected'
  89. TeamsConfiguration:
  90. blue: '&9Blue'
  91. red: '&cRed'
  92. inventory:
  93. title: '&7Team Selection'
  94. blue_team:
  95. title: '&9Blue &7- {players}/{max_players}'
  96. item: '35,11'
  97. red_team:
  98. title: '&cRed &7- {players}/{max_players}'
  99. item: '35,14'
  100. selected: '&aJoined team {team}&a!'
  101. full: '&cThis team is full'
  102. Commands:
  103. start:
  104. no_start_permission: '&cYou dont have permission to force the game to start.'
  105. not_in_game: '&cYou are not in a game to force start.'
  106. alredy_starting: '&cThis game is alredy starting!'
  107. no_enough_player: '&cNot enough players to start the game.'
  108. start_waiting: '&e&l{player} &aforced the game to start&e&l!'
  109. start_build: '&e&l{player} &aforced the construction time&e&l!'
  110. stats: |-
  111. &7&e&m========&7[ &6&lAdvanced BlockWars Stats &9 &7]&e&m========
  112. &7
  113. &aWins: &6{player_wins}
  114. &aKills: &6{player_kills}
  115. &aDeaths: &6{player_deaths}
  116. &aGames Played: &6{games_played}
  117. &aFlags Captured: &6{flags_captured}
  118. &aArrows Shoot: &6{arrows_shoot}
  119. &aArrows Hit: &6{arrows_hit}
  120. &aBlocks Placed: &6{blocks_placed}
  121. &aBlocks Broken: &6{blocks_broken}
  122. &aBlocks Walked: &6{blocks_walked}
  123. &aTime Played: &6{time_played}
  125. TimeConfiguration:
  126. days: 'days'
  127. hours: 'hours'
  128. minutes: 'minutes'
  129. seconds: 'seconds'
  130. and: 'and'
  131. Scoreboards:
  132. lobby:
  133. title: '&e&lBlockWars CTF'
  134. lines: |-
  135. &a{player_name}
  136. &f
  137. &5Kills: &a{kills}
  138. &5Deaths: &a{deaths}
  139. &5Wins: &a{wins}
  140. &5Games: &a{games}
  141. &7
  142. &5Online: &a{online_players}
  143. &7
  144. &
  145. waiting:
  146. title: '&e&lBlockWars CTF'
  147. lines: |-
  148. &5Map:
  149. &a{map_name}
  150. &f
  151. &5Players:
  152. &a{players}/{max_players}
  153. &f
  154. &
  155. build:
  156. title: '&e&lBlockWars CTF'
  157. lines: |-
  158. &a&lBuild&7: {build_time}
  159. &7
  160. &cRed&7:
  161. &7{red_flags}/3
  162. &7
  163. &9Blue&7:
  164. &7{blue_flags}/3
  165. &7
  166. &
  167. fight:
  168. title: '&e&lBlockWars CTF'
  169. lines: |-
  170. &c&lFight&7: {fight_time}
  171. &7
  172. &cRed&7:
  173. &7{blue_flag}&7{red_flags}/3
  174. &7
  175. &9Blue&7:
  176. &7{red_flag}&7{blue_flags}/3
  177. &7
  178. &
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