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Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. #========================[ Reports Options ]=========================#
  2. options:
  3. Seconds-Per-Report: 20
  4. YouNeedWait: &cVoce precisa esperar para reportar outro player novamente
  6. NoPermission: &cYou do not have permissions
  8. Report-Send: &6Your report was sent
  10. #OP Notification
  11. Permission-Notification: report.notification
  13. Msg-Line-0: &6&m-------------------------------
  14. Msg-Line-1: &eSent by: &7%player%
  16. Msg-Line-2: &eAccused: &c%arg-1%
  18. Msg-Line-3: &eReason: &7%arg-2%
  20. Msg-Line-4: &a
  22. Msg-Line-5-Json: &aClick to Resolve
  23. Msg-Line-5-ToolTip: &eTeleport to Reported Player
  24. Msg-Line-5-Command: /solvereport %arg-1%
  26. Msg-Line-6-Json: &cClick to open the Report List
  27. Msg-Line-6-ToolTip: &cThere will be the Report List
  28. Msg-Line-6-Command: /reports
  30. Msg-Line-6: &6&m-------------------------------
  32. Titles-Ativado: true
  33. Title: &c
  34. SubTitle: &cNew Type of report /reports
  36. Sound: random.levelup
  38. Use: &cUse /report <player> <reason>
  40. #Menu-Reports
  41. Open-Permission: report.admin
  43. Menu-Title: &cReports
  45. HaveNoReports: &cHave no reports
  47. Name-Menu: &cReport
  48. Lore-Menu: &cPlayer: &7%loop-value%||&cSent By a: &7%difference between {time.%loop-value%} and now%||&cReason: &7%{reason.%loop-value%}%||||&eClick to Resolve
  50. Teleported: &eTeleporting %arg-1%
  51. #========================[ Reports Options ]=========================#
  53. on skript stop:
  54. delete {moderator::*}
  55. delete {admin::*}
  56. delete {player::*}
  57. delete {owner::*}
  58. on skript start:
  59. delete {moderator::*}
  60. delete {admin::*}
  61. delete {player::*}
  62. delete {owner::*}
  63. on join:
  64. if player has permission "darkcheat.moderator":
  65. add player to {moderator::*}
  66. if player has permission "darkcheat.admin":
  67. add player to {admin::*}
  68. if player has permission "darkcheat.player":
  69. add player to {player::*}
  70. if player has permission "darkcheat.*":
  71. add player to {owner::*}
  72. remove player from {moderator::*}
  73. remove player from {admin::*}
  74. remove player from {player::*}
  75. on kick:
  76. if player has permission "darkcheat.moderator":
  77. remove player from {moderator::*}
  78. if player has permission "darkcheat.admin":
  79. remove player from {admin::*}
  80. if player has permission "darkcheat.*":
  81. remove player from {owner::*}
  82. if player has permission "darkcheat.player":
  83. remove player from {player::*}
  84. if {vanish.%player%} = 1:
  85. remove invisibility from player
  86. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  87. reveal player to all players
  88. on quit:
  89. if player has permission "darkcheat.moderator":
  90. remove player from {moderator::*}
  91. if player has permission "darkcheat.admin":
  92. remove player from {admin::*}
  93. if player has permission "darkcheat.*":
  94. remove player from {owner::*}
  95. if player has permission "darkcheat.player":
  96. remove player from {player::*}
  97. if {vanish.%player%} = 1:
  98. remove invisibility from player
  99. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  100. reveal player to all players
  101. on pickup:
  102. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  103. cancel event
  104. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not pickup items while in Staff Mode."
  105. on jump:
  106. if {} is true:
  107. cancel event
  108. teleport player to {_ss.coords.%player%}
  109. on inventory click:
  110. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  111. cancel event
  112. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not edit this inventory."
  113. on damage of a player:
  114. if {staffmode.%attacker%} is true:
  115. cancel event
  116. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not damage this player while in this mode." to attacker
  117. if {staffmode.%victim%} is true:
  118. cancel event
  119. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not damage this player." to attacker
  120. on build:
  121. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  122. cancel event
  123. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not build while in Staff Mode."
  124. if {} is true:
  125. cancel event
  126. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou are currently frozen by a staff member."
  127. on break:
  128. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  129. cancel event
  130. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou may not build while in Staff Mode."
  131. if {} is true:
  132. cancel event
  133. send "&7[&c!&7] &cYou are currently frozen by a staff member."
  137. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[COMMANDS]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  138. command /list [<text>]:
  139. description: Detailed list of the players!
  140. permission: darkcheat.player
  141. permission message: {servername} &cYou do not have access to this command!
  142. executable by: players and console
  143. trigger:
  144. if arg 1 is not set:
  145. send "&7Players:" to player
  146. send "&7%{player::*}%" to player
  147. send "&7Moderators:" to player
  148. send "&c%{moderator::*}%" to player
  149. send "&7Admins:" to player
  150. send "&c%{admin::*}%" to player
  151. send "&7Owners:" to player
  152. send "&b%{owner::*}%" to player
  153. if arg 1 is "players":
  154. send "&7Players:" to player
  155. send "&7%{player::*}%" to player
  156. if arg 1 is "moderators":
  157. send "&7Moderators:" to player
  158. send "&c%{moderator::*}%" to player
  159. if arg 1 is "admins":
  160. send "&7Admins:" to player
  161. send "&c%{admin::*}%" to player
  162. if arg 1 is "owners":
  163. send "&7Owners:" to player
  164. send "&b%{owner::*}%" to player
  171. command /ss [<player>]:
  172. description: Freeze the player and send them a request to join TS!
  173. permission: darkcheat.moderator
  174. permission message: {servername} &cYou do not have access to this command!
  175. executable by: players
  176. aliases: /ss,/screenshare,/freeze
  177. trigger:
  178. if arg 1 is not set:
  179. send "&7[&c!&7] &cError: &7You must enter the name of the player for the command to be executed." to player
  180. if arg 1 is set:
  181. if {} is true:
  182. send "&7[&c!&7] &7%arg-1% &ais no longer frozen!" to player
  183. send "&7[&c!&7] &aYou are no longer frozen!" to arg 1
  184. set {} to false
  185. set the arg-1's walk speed to 1
  186. delete {_ss.coords.%arg-1%}
  187. stop trigger
  188. if {} is not set:
  189. set {} to true
  190. add 1 to {frozencounter.%arg-1%}
  191. send "&7[&c!&7] &cThis player has been frozen %{frozencounter.%arg-1%}% times."
  192. send "&7[&c!&7] &7%arg-1% &ahas been frozen." to player
  193. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  194. send "&f████&c█&f████" to arg 1
  195. send "&f███&c█&0█&c█&f███" to arg 1
  196. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██" to arg 1
  197. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eYou have been frozen by a staff member." to arg 1
  198. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eIf you disconnect you will be &4&lBANNED&e." to arg 1
  199. send "&f█&c█&6█████&c█&f█ &ePlease connect to our TeamSpeak." to arg 1
  200. send "&c█&6███&0█&6███&c█ &7%{teamspeak}%" to arg 1
  201. send "&c█████████" to arg 1
  202. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  203. send "&cYou may not attack or get attacked by players whilst frozen." to arg 1
  204. send "&cYou may not disconnect. If you do, you will be permanently banned." to arg 1
  205. send "&cYou most likely will be asked to do a screenshare to prove you are not hacking." to arg 1
  206. send "&cFailure to comply will result in a permanent ban." to arg 1
  207. set the arg-1's walk speed to 0
  208. set {_ss.coords.%arg-1%} to arg-1's location
  209. stop trigger
  210. if {} is false:
  211. add 1 to {frozencounter.%arg-1%}
  212. send "&7[&c!&7] &7%arg-1% &ahas been frozen." to players
  213. send "&7[&c!&7] &cThis player has been frozen %{frozencounter.%arg-1%}% time"
  214. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  215. send "&f████&c█&f████" to arg 1
  216. send "&f███&c█&0█&c█&f███" to arg 1
  217. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██" to arg 1
  218. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eYou have been frozen by a staff member." to arg 1
  219. send "&f██&c█&6█&0█&6█&c█&f██ &eIf you disconnect you will be &4&lBANNED&e." to arg 1
  220. send "&f█&c█&6█████&c█&f█ &ePlease connect to our TeamSpeak." to arg 1
  221. send "&c█&6███&0█&6███&c█ &7%{teamspeak}%" to arg 1
  222. send "&c█████████" to arg 1
  223. send "&f█████████" to arg 1
  224. send "&cYou may not attack or get attacked by players whilst frozen." to arg 1
  225. set {} to true
  226. set the arg-1's walk speed to 0
  227. set {_ss.coords.%arg-1%} to arg-1's location
  228. stop trigger
  230. every 5 second in "world":
  231. loop all players:
  232. if {vanish.%loop-player%} = 1:
  233. hide loop-player from all players
  234. reveal loop-player to {admin::*}
  235. reveal loop-player to {moderator::*}
  236. reveal loop-player to {owner::*}
  239. command /staff [<text>]:
  240. description: Staff menu.
  241. permission: darkcheat.moderator
  242. permission message: &7[&c%{servername}%&7 &cYou do not have access to this command!
  243. executable by: players
  244. trigger:
  245. if arg 1 is not set:
  246. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  247. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is currently &aactivated&7!"
  248. if {staffmode.%player%} is false:
  249. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is currently &cdeactivated&7!"
  250. if {staffmode.%player%} is not set:
  251. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is currently &cdeactivated&7!"
  252. if arg 1 is "reload":
  253. if player is op:
  254. execute console command "/skript reload staff"
  255. execute console command "/skript reload Players"
  256. send "&7[&c!&7] &aPlugin reloaded successfully!"
  257. if arg 1 is "on":
  258. if {staffmode.%player%} is false:
  259. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is now &aactivated&7!"
  260. wait 1 tick
  261. set {staffmode.%player%} to true
  262. set {save.helm.%player%} to the helmet of the player
  263. set {save.chestplate.%player%} to the chestplate of the player
  264. set {save.leggings.%player%} to the leggings of the player
  265. set {} to the boots of the player
  266. set {save.inv.%player%} to the player's serialized inventory
  267. set {save.lvls.%player%} to player's level
  268. set {save.lvls.%player%.progress} to level progress of the player
  269. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Inventory has been saved. You will now enter staff mode&7!"
  270. apply invisibility tier 2 to player for 99999 seconds
  271. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now invisible !"
  272. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  273. hide player from all players
  274. reveal player to {admin::*}
  275. reveal player to {moderator::*}
  276. reveal player to {owner::*}
  277. clear player's inventory
  278. equip player with chain helmet of protection 1000
  279. equip player with chain chestplate of protection 1000
  280. equip player with chain leggings of protection 1000
  281. equip player with chain boots of protection 1000
  282. apply night vision 2 to player for 100000 seconds
  283. clear player's level progress
  284. clear player's level
  285. set player's gamemode to creative
  286. add a clock named "&7&lVanish" to the slot 0 of player
  287. add a compass named "&7&lInventory See" with lore "&bRight click to see the inventory of a player||&bLeft click to see the armor of a player." to the slot 1 of player
  288. add a eye of ender named "&7&lRandom TP" with lore "&bRight click to teleport to a random player." to the slot 2 of player
  289. add a wooden axe named "&6&lWorldEdit Wand" to the slot 3 of player
  290. add a nether star named "&4&lExit Staff Mode" to the slot 8 of player
  291. if {staffmode.%player%} is not set:
  292. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is now &aactivated&7!"
  293. wait 1 tick
  294. set {staffmode.%player%} to true
  295. set {save.helm.%player%} to the helmet of the player
  296. set {save.chestplate.%player%} to the chestplate of the player
  297. set {save.leggings.%player%} to the leggings of the player
  298. set {} to the boots of the player
  299. set {save.inv.%player%} to the player's serialized inventory
  300. set {save.lvls.%player%} to player's level
  301. set {save.lvls.%player%.progress} to level progress of the player
  302. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Inventory has been saved. You will now enter staff mode&7!"
  303. apply invisibility tier 2 to player for 99999 seconds
  304. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now invisible !"
  305. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  306. hide player from all players
  307. reveal player to {admin::*}
  308. reveal player to {moderator::*}
  309. reveal player to {owner::*}
  310. clear player's inventory
  311. equip player with chain helmet of protection 1000
  312. equip player with chain chestplate of protection 1000
  313. equip player with chain leggings of protection 1000
  314. equip player with chain boots of protection 1000
  315. apply night vision 2 to player for 100000 seconds
  316. clear player's level progress
  317. clear player's level
  318. set player's gamemode to creative
  319. add a clock named "&7&lVanish" to the slot 0 of player
  320. add a compass named "&7&lInventory See" with lore "&bRight click to see the inventory of a player||&bLeft click to see the armor of a player." to the slot 1 of player
  321. add a eye of ender named "&7&lRandom TP" with lore "&bRight click to teleport to a random player." to the slot 2 of player
  322. add a wooden axe named "&6&lWorldEdit Wand" to the slot 3 of player
  323. add a nether star named "&4&lExit Staff Mode" to the slot 8 of player
  328. if arg 1 is "off":
  329. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  330. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is now &cdeactivated&7!"
  331. set {staffmode.%player%} to false
  332. restore inventory of player from {save.inv.%player%}
  333. set the helmet of the player to {save.helm.%player%}
  334. set the chestplate of the player to {save.chestplate.%player%}
  335. set the leggings of the player to {save.leggings.%player%}
  336. set the boots of the player to {}
  337. set player's level to {save.lvls.%player%}
  338. set player's level progress to {save.lvls.%player%.progress}
  339. reveal player to all players
  340. remove invisibility from the player
  341. remove night vision from the player
  342. set player's gamemode to survival
  343. else:
  344. send "&7[&c!&7] &7Staff mode is already &cdeactivated&7!"
  345. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[ITEMS]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  346. on right click with a clock:
  347. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  348. if {vanish.%player%} is not set:
  349. apply invisibility tier 2 to player for 99999 seconds
  350. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now invisible !"
  351. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  352. hide player from all players
  353. stop trigger
  354. if {vanish.%player%} = 0:
  355. apply invisibility tier 2 to player for 99999 seconds
  356. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now invisible !"
  357. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  358. hide player from all players
  359. stop trigger
  360. if {vanish.%player%} = 1:
  361. remove invisibility from player
  362. send "&7[&c!&7] &7You are now visible !"
  363. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  364. reveal player to all players
  365. stop trigger
  366. on right click on a player:
  367. if player's tool is a compass:
  368. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  369. cancel event
  370. make player execute command "/invsee %clicked entity%"
  371. on right click with a nether star:
  372. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  373. cancel event
  374. make player execute command "/staff off"
  375. on damage of a player:
  376. if attacker's tool is a compass:
  377. if {staffmode.%attacker%} is true:
  378. cancel event
  379. make attacker execute command "/invsee %victim% 1"
  380. on right click with a eye of ender:
  381. if {staffmode.%player%} is true:
  382. cancel event
  383. set {_randomtp} to a random element out of {player::*}
  384. teleport player to {_randomtp}
  385. send "&8[&c!&8] &7You have been randomly teleported to &c%{_randomtp}%&7!"
  387. #========================[ Reports ]=========================#
  388. command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
  389. trigger:
  390. set {_waiting} to difference between {reportwait.%player%} and now
  391. if {_waiting} is less than {@Seconds-Per-Report} seconds:
  392. send "{@YouNeedWait}"
  393. stop
  394. else:
  395. if arg 1 is set:
  396. if arg 2 is set:
  397. send "{@Report-Send}"
  398. set {reportwait.%player%} to now
  399. loop all players:
  400. if loop-player has permission "{@Permission-Notification}":
  401. send "{@Msg-Line-0}" to loop-player
  402. send "{@Msg-Line-1}" to loop-player
  403. send "{@Msg-Line-2}" to loop-player
  404. send "{@Msg-Line-3}" to loop-player
  405. send "{@Msg-Line-4}" to loop-player
  406. send json of "{@Msg-Line-5-Json}" tooltip "{@Msg-Line-5-ToolTip}" run "{@Msg-Line-5-Command}" to loop-player
  407. send json of "{@Msg-Line-6-Json}" tooltip "{@Msg-Line-6-ToolTip}" run "{@Msg-Line-6-Command}" to loop-player
  408. send "{@Msg-Line-6}" to loop-player
  409. play raw sound "{@Sound}" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 0.1
  410. if {@Titles-Ativado} is true:
  411. send loop-player title "{@Title}" with subtitle "{@SubTitle}" for 3 seconds
  412. add arg-1 to {reportlist::*}
  413. set {time.%arg-1%} to now
  414. set {reason.%arg-1%} to arg 2
  415. else:
  416. send "{@Use}"
  417. else:
  418. send "{@Use}"
  422. command /reports:
  423. trigger:
  424. if player has permission "{@Open-Permission}":
  425. open chest with 5 rows named "{@Menu-Title}" to player
  426. wait a tick
  427. if size of {reportlist::*} <= 0:
  428. format slot 22 of player with red stained glass pane named "{@HaveNoReports}" to be unstealable
  429. else:
  430. set {_l} to 0
  431. loop {reportlist::*}:
  432. format slot {_l} of player with skull of loop-value named "{@Name-Menu}" with lore "{@Lore-Menu}" to close then run [make player execute command "/solvereport %loop-value%"]
  433. add 1 to {_l}
  434. else:
  435. send "{@NoPermission}"
  437. command /solvereport [<player>]:
  438. trigger:
  439. if player has permission "report.admin":
  440. remove arg-1 from {reportlist::*}
  441. teleport player to arg-1
  442. delete {time.%arg-1%}
  443. delete {reason.%arg-1%}
  444. send "{@Teleported}"
  445. else:
  446. send "{@NoPermission}"
  447. #Online Mode
  449. on join:
  450. set {online-gui::%player%} to true
  451. set {online-gui::join.%player%.time} to now
  452. on quit:
  453. delete {online-gui::%player%}
  454. delete {online-gui::join.%player%.time}
  456. command /online:
  457. trigger:
  458. if player has permission "onlinegui.use":
  459. loop all players:
  460. if {online-gui::%loop-player%} is true:
  461. add 1 to {_players}
  462. set {_rows} to {_players}/9
  463. {_rows} is less than 1:
  464. set {_rows} to 1
  465. {_rows} is more than 6:
  466. set {_rows} to 6
  467. open chest with {_rows} rows named "&a&lPlayers Online!" to player
  468. wait 1 tick
  469. set {_slot} to -1
  470. loop all players:
  471. if {online-gui::%loop-player%} is true:
  472. add 1 to {_slot}
  473. format slot {_slot} of player with loop-player's skull named "&e%loop-player%" with lore "&7He connected on %{online-gui::join.%player%.time}%" to close
  474. send "&cYou do not have permission!" to player
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