
HiHE Fic Chapter 1

Feb 15th, 2016
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  2. Everyday, the same routine. The same taunts, the same feeling of shame and anger, the same "reassuring" words of not letting it get to you. How could they know? They don't see you out there being taunted relentlessly by the other boys on the schoolyard and avoided by the girls for being "weird". What's wrong with a boy wanting to watch and draw ponies anyway? Didn't matter. So long as you had your game, you were happy.
  4. Getting into your room, you throw your backpack aside and fall onto your bed. You take out your smartphone and start up the "My Little Pony" game. By now, your crystals to play games should have recharged, and you can get right back to managing your own Ponyville! The familiar startup screen comes up as the game starts loading. Once it's finished, a message pops up.
  6. Special Promotion! Today Only!
  8. Your eyes go wide. A special today? Could it be an item? An event? A new minigame? Whatever it is, you're totally excited! You jam your finger on the "OK" button below the message and prepare to receive.
  10. Suddenly, the screen turns black. Worrying you've broken the phone, you shake it. Nothing occurs, so you hit the home button and hope you can still receive the special gift when you restart the game. The screen instantly turns bright, scaring you and causing you to drop your phone. You're certain the screen isn't supposed to be glowing like that.
  12. From out of the phone, golden streams of light begin to shoot out. You shield your eyes in an attempt to see what's going, when you notice the streams of light moving towards you. You begin to float as the lights circle you, until you're absolutely engulfed in light. You feel a sudden force pull you elsewhere, and you lose consciousness.
  14. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
  16. “How did he get here?”
  18. “I'm not sure. But he doesn't look all that dangerous.”
  20. Waking from sleep, you hear two voices. Very familiar voices, but you can't put your finger down on who it is or where you’ve heard them before. Your eyes finally adjust, and you can make out two figures in front of you.
  22. The first person you notice is a young woman. Slightly dark skin, with long straight hair, colored...purple with a pink streak? Her eyes appear to be purple as well, and there's this oval shaped jewel right on her forehead. Next to her is a little boy, probably around your age. His hair is a very noticeable bright green, jutting out everywhere. Looking closer, that's not the only thing that's odd about them.
  24. These people are completely naked! They're not making any effort to hide their bodies, and they don't seem to be embarrassed at all. Mom always told you not to stare, but how can you not when there's a naked woman in front of you?
  26. “Oh! You're awake! That's good!” The woman says, placing her hands on her hips. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. Your name would be?"
  28. Did she say Twilight? That's why her voice and hair were familiar to you! Does that mean that this is what she would look like as a human? You then remember she asked for your name.
  30. "Um...I'm Anon," you nervously answer.
  32. "Anon? That's a weird name," the boy says tilting his head. If this girl is Twilight, then that means this boy is...
  34. "Spike! Don't be rude!" Twilight reprimands Spike with a bop on the head. "Sorry about that. Do you know how you got here?"
  36. "I don't know. Where is here?" You ask, and look around yourself. The crystalline walls are a dead giveaway, as are six (and a half) chairs with the cutie marks of the other girls in Twilight's group. No doubt about it, this is Castle Friendship!
  38. "This is my castle, little guy," Twilight informs you. "Lucky for you, I happen to be a princess, so I'll be your guide and help you. Now, if you could please get off the table."
  40. You look down and realize that you're indeed on the table that becomes the map of Equestria, but that's not all. Your eyes grow wide as you realize that you're not wearing clothes either! You let out a quick yelp and cover your crotch with your hands.
  42. "Uh...what are you doing?" Spike asks, earnestly confused.
  44. "I don't have any clothes on!" you answer as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Which it is.
  46. Spike and Twilight share a quick glance at each other before Spike crosses his arms and replies, "Neither are we, dude. Were you at some fancy party before you wound up here?"
  48. "No, but..." you say, but then you remember. The ponies don't normally wear clothes, with a few exceptions. Is that why they’re naked here? When you come to think about it, isn’t Ponyville full of nudists? Can you really call them ponies at this point?
  50. “Well, whatever the case, we’ll help you out. Come here.” Twilight opens her arms, and you see the jewel on her forehead begin glowing. You feel yourself covered in a magical light and lifted off the table and straight into Twilight’s open arms, hugging you close to her breasts. “Look at you. You must be so scared.”
  52. “Yeesh, Twilight. Since when were you this friendly?” Spike asks as you’re let down onto the floor. He takes a quick look downward and turns his head to the side, stifling a laugh. “You really aren’t from around here, are you?”
  54. “Spike!” Twilight gives a swift kick into Spike’s legs as he lets loose a hearty laugh. You look down to see what he’s laughing about and see that the hug Twilight gave you has given you quite the stiffie.
  56. “Ah! I’m sorry!” you apologize. Even if all of you are naked, it still seems rather rude.
  58. “Don’t worry about it. We should take care of it before we let you outside, though. Follow me,” Twilight turns around and beckons you to follow her, with Spike walking right behind her.
  60. As Twilight turns around, you notice on the side of her butt is the familiar six-pointed purple star that is her cutie mark. Along Spike’s backside is a thick purple dragon’s tail, its scales melding into his skin as it reaches his lower back. Twilight doesn’t have a tail coming out of her butt, but she does have the image of purple wings spread across her back. So pegasi must have those wings, unicorns have those head jewels, and alicorns like Twilight naturally have both. What an interesting way of showing off the different species, you think.
  62. You follow Twilight and Spike through different hallways in the castle. You remember it being described as huge in the show, but the show did not do it any justice. It’s incredibly expansive for being a mid-sized castle. The ceilings are pretty high too, and the sun’s rays coming in provide natural indoor lighting.
  64. “Are you really going to treat this kid, Twilight?” Spike asks as you continue to walk.
  66. “Well, we can’t have him walk around with it like that, Spike,” she answers. “I know it’s normal for boys his age to start getting erections, and they tend to sneak up on you. I’d just rather his first impression into town not include the little guy saluting everybody!”
  68. “Admit it. You enjoy this,” Spike jokes.
  70. “Hush.”
  72. You finally reach a single door, which Twilight pushes open to reveal her room, just as you recognize it in the show despite the new perspective. Bookshelves filled with books from her personal library line the walls, her telescope and writing desk. It’s all here! Her bed is much bigger than you’d thought it would be though. As you marvel at the room, you find yourself being picked up by Twilight who hugs your back to her chest, injecting new life into your boyhood.
  74. “Now, would you like to do this yourself, Anon, or would you like me to?” Twilight asks as the two sit down on the bed.
  76. “Um…do what?” you ask. You sort of have an idea what she’s talking about, but it’s not quite clear.
  78. “Okay. I’ll take over then. Just relax.”
  80. Hugging you tightly with one arm, Twilight reaches down with the other until her hand is between your legs. You tense up as her two fingers gently grip the tip of your penis and slowly begin to rub it, moving the foreskin along the head. That tingling sensation you felt that was centered at your crotch travels along your whole body as she keeps rubbing. You audibly gasp and curl your toes in rapture.
  82. “Heheh. Feels good, don’t it?” Spike asks, climbing onto the bed and sitting across from you. “Twilight used to give me these every morning to wake me up. Why’d you stop, anyway?”
  84. “Because, Spike, you’re old enough to do it yourself,” Twilight answers, not at all labored from what she’s doing to you. “I thought you hated being babied.”
  86. “I didn’t mind that! I…miss it, that’s all…”
  88. You hear Twilight laugh in a way that you remember adults would whenever a kid did something “cute”. You hear the noise you heard when she used her magic earlier and watch Spike jump and quickly shudder. He spreads his legs, and you can see his own penis being enveloped in Twilight’s magic, moving as if it’s being rubbed. You had no idea she could use it like this!
  90. “You’ve never done it with your magic before!” Spike pants. “Are you sure you can do it like this?”
  92. “My magic is extremely precise, Spike! It’s fine!” Twilight boasts. “How are you feeling?” she asks you.
  94. “Like…like I’m gonna pee!” you blurt out.
  96. “Good. You’re almost there,” she tells you. “Just let yourself go.”
  98. “But I’ll wet the bed!”
  100. “Trust me, you won’t!”
  102. You decide to trust her and let your shoulders relax. A quick jolt is felt from your dick as you see a thick white goop shoot out from the tip. A wad of tissue appears in time to catch it, and another wad appears in front of Spike’s own penis as he releases. The two of you are left panting in the aftermath.
  104. “There we go. Feel better?” Twilight asks you. You can only nod in response. “How about you, Spike?”
  106. “Yeah…I’m good,” he lets out.
  108. “Good. Do you think you can do that by yourself, Anon?”
  110. “Uh-huh,” you utter. “Is this…normal?”
  112. “Sure, it is!” Twilight answers with a smile. “From the sounds of it, you’re gonna have a little trouble adjusting, so anytime you need to get it to go down, just do what I did for you. Just make sure you’re out of sight, okay? It just looks rude otherwise.”
  114. “O-okay,” you say. She sounded so casual about it. Is this really an everyday thing in this Equestria? It’s so different from what you know, it’s like you’re learning everything new all over again.
  116. “Now, why don’t I take you around town?” Twilight suggests as she lets go of you and gets off the bed. “Maybe we can find somebody to take you in until we figure out where you came from and how to get you back home.”
  118. “Or you can stay here!” Spike tells you. “We got plenty of room, and Twilight and I would really like the company!”
  120. “Really?” you ask. The prospect of being stuck here for good sounds…a little intimidating, you have to admit. You would miss your parents quite a bit, and you know they’d miss you too. Then again, there are worse places you can be stuck in.
  122. “Sure! There’s plenty to do in Ponyville!” Spike says as he jumps off the bed. “Come on, and we’ll show you around.”
  124. You climb off the bed yourself when it hits you. Spike just called this place “Ponyville”. But everyone looks human, save for a few details. So why is it called Ponyville if nobody’s a pony? Just as you ponder this, your eye catches the full length mirror near Twilight’s bedroom door, and you stop in your tracks.
  126. Your reflection in the mirror isn’t you. Not you as a human, anyway. Rather, staring back at you is a small colt. Your hair and eyes are the same color, but you’ve got this lime green coat and you’re standing on all four hooves. You do a small wave, and the pony in the reflection raises a hoof and waves back in time with you. You look down at yourself and still see a human body, everything where it’s supposed to be, quickly look back to the mirror and see the colt raising their head. What’s going on?
  128. “Hey, Anon! You okay?” Spike walks up next to you, but in the reflection, it’s him as a dragon that walks up to you. You quickly glance to him and see the boy, then look back. Still a dragon, and you’re a pony. Is this how everyone else is seeing themselves? So what’s going on with you?
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