

Jul 21st, 2014
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  1. extends layout
  3. block content
  4. div(id="top", class="header")
  5. div(class="vert-text")
  6. div(class="wrapper")
  7. p
  8. span(class="pagetitle")
  9. div(id="question")
  10. img(src="", class="questionimagearea")
  11. div(id="question-title-wrap")
  12. h4 In
  13. span(id="question-title")
  14. span(class="pagequestion")
  15. div(id="question-wrap-wrapper")
  16. span(id="question-wrap")
  17. button(id="flip-1", class="btn btn-custom btn-default") Yes
  18. button(id="flip-2", class="btn btn-custom btn-default") No
  19. div(id="answer-1", class="answer")
  20. img(src="", class="answerimagearea")
  21. div(class="answer-1-title-wrap")
  22. h3
  23. span(id="answer-1-title")
  24. | !
  25. div(id="answer-1-wrap")
  26. button(class="btn btn-custom flop btn-default") Next
  27. div(id="answer-2", class="answer")
  28. img(src="", class="answerimagearea")
  29. div(class="answer-2-title-wrap")
  30. h3
  31. span(id="answer-2-title")
  32. | !
  33. div(id="answer-2-wrap")
  34. button(class="btn btn-custom flop btn-default") Next
  35. footer
  36. div(class="container")
  37. div(class="row")
  38. div(class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 text-center")
  39. p Permalink:
  40. pre(class="perma")
  41. i
  42. span(class="pagesite permalinkurl")
  43. | ?question=
  44. span(class="permalink")
  45. div(class="panel-group", id="accordion")
  46. div(class="panel panel-default")
  47. div(class="panel-heading")
  48. h4(class="panel-title")
  49. a(data-toggle="collapse", data-parent="#accordion", href="#collapseOne", id="closelink")
  50. | Got an idea for a question?
  51. span(id="close")
  52. i(class="gyphicon glyphicon-remove closer", href="#collapseOne")
  53. div(id="collapseOne", class="panel-collapse collapse")
  54. div(class="panel-body")
  55. div(class="panel-content")
  56. div(class="col-xs-12 padding-dead")
  57. div(class="form-group")
  58. label(class="ss-q-title input1label", for="entry_0") In..
  59. input(type="text", name="entry.0.single", value="", id="entry_0", class="form-control", placeholder="enter the name of a movie")
  60. div(class="form-group")
  61. label(class="ss-q-title input2label", for="entry_1")
  62. input(type="text", name="entry.1.single", value="", id="entry_1", class="form-control", placeholder="do such and such")
  63. div(class="form-group")
  64. label(class="ss-q-title input3label", for="entry_2") Anything Else to Add?
  65. textarea(name="entry.2.single", id="entry_2", class="form-control", placeholder="ex. how were his legs removed in this movie? links to appropriate images, feel free to be absurd")
  66. button(type="submit", name="submit", value="Submit", class="btn btn-default btn-contact btn-submit") Submit
  67. button(type="reset", class="btn btn-default btn-contact") Clear
  68. div(class="panel-thanks")
  69. h3 Thank you!
  70. p This website was inspired by one of the fundamental questions about any work that features Gary Sinise. In that particular work...does Gary Sinise have legs?
  71. hr
  72. p Copyright © iter
  73. span(class="slashes") //
  74. rogative 2014
  75. p
  76. span(id="count")
  77. TBs data transmitted
  78. p No. of rolls:
  79. span(id="rolls")
  80. p No. of #'s:
  81. span(id="numquestions")
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