
[Az]Christian_DJ Helpers Application

Mar 15th, 2020
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  1. [center][IMG][/img][/center]
  2. [hr]
  3. [center][b]All questions marked with an asterik([color=red]*[/color]) are mandatory, if you do not attempt them; you will be automatically rejected.[/b][/center][hr]
  5. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]1. What is your real name? (Optional)[/b][/size][/font][/i]
  6. Christian M. Narte
  7. [hr]
  9. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]2. Where are you from?[/b][/size][/font][/i]
  10. Philippines
  11. [hr]
  13. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]3. What is your age?[/b][/size][/font][/i]
  14. 15
  15. [hr]
  17. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]4. What is your name in-game?[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  18. [Az]Christian_DJ
  19. [hr]
  21. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]5. Post a picture of your stats in-game[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  22. [img][/img]
  23. [hr]
  25. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]6. What motivates you to be a part of zombie survival staff?[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  26. I would like to become a helper because i felt that i have the quality's and what it takes to be apart of the helper team i'm constantly answer questions over the chat, I'm also a very fast learner and have a very good memory meaning i'm always reading the chat for questions and answers that i do not know yet. So in future incidents ill be able to help with more things from what i have learnt from other players over the newbie and the Main Chat. I'm also really intrigued with this server meaning i'm always motivated and more energetic about ZS than other players. I'm from a Heavy ZS server meaning i obey by the ZS rules and all that unlike some/most of the other players. But i also understand that this is not a heavy ZS server but to me a ZS server includes all ZS Rules.
  27. Being a helper is not an easy job for players and you need to excel effort to help the players knowing the community or whatever is happening in the server. I think as long as i served as a helper before our objective was to make the players know the server well, how the server works, and encourages them to follow the principles that has been imposed to the server. Furthermore, It is also the task of the helper to manipulate the negative comments of the player which may result for drawbacks so, the helpers is the one to maintain a healthy game play environment.
  28. [hr]
  30. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]7. List all the names you have had on the server[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  31. ProLegends, Smith, SamSmith, [Az}Itachi
  32. [hr]
  34. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]8. Post a picture of your PC's (Computer) specs[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  35. [img][/img]
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  38. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]9. From how long have you been playing ZS?(Answer Honestly)[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  39. TBH, i play zs since 2017 but i quit on 2018 and came back on sept.2019
  40. [hr]
  42. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]10. Why should we pick you over other applicants?[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  43. I should be an associate is in light of the fact that I have to help my related players that have a request and don't consider the server content, As a part of the system since the creation I think I know all or a segment of the substance addresses starting at now so I wanna help them with my understanding about the server and besides I wanna share all I know, I wanna help in affecting the system to create and train them to be a nice player. That is it more or less. As an issue of first hugeness, I have to support players. Moreover, as I communicated, there are no assistants to treat them in a specific time zone
  44. I am confident in my game knowledge and in my server knowledge. I know for a fact that I can share my knowledge with the community if they so require the need to know anything about the server or the game. I can help answer peoples questions, and guide them if they require guidance.
  45. [hr]
  47. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]11. What would you do if someone asks assistance as one got stuck, bugged or desynced?[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][/i]
  48. These are the things to get back stucked, descyned, bugged
  49. Example :
  50. 1. If a player got stuck in a hole, First I'll go where he/she got stuck, If i saw him, I'll pm administrator or level 3 helper to /wslap the player, If he can't get out in the hole I will tell admins to respawn him.
  52. 2. If a player got descyned, First I'll tell him to relog If he/she wont relog, I'll tell admistrator to kick him on the server reason: Desynced
  54. 3. If a player got bugged, First I'll tell administrator or level 3 helper to /wslap him/her 2 times to see, if he got bugged, Then I will tell administrator to respawn him.
  55. [hr]
  57. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]12. Give an example of what an inappropriate use of /ask could be, and how would you react to it?[color=red]*[/color][/b][/size][/font][i]
  58. 1. If a helper or administrator abuses his power, and didn't ban hackers and break the rules, and didn't do their duty, I will tell him/het first to stop abuses his power and If he/she really keep ignoring me and keep abusing their power and break the rules, I will take good evidence and report them on forum or I will send it to higher administrator to punish him.
  59. 2. Sometimes admin/helper will passtrade it and the players will get scammed, Because the scammer will do /trade and trick the players to do /taccept and the helper/admin will passtrade it and the player will get scammed, So we should need to tell them first by using "Both Agree" before we passtrade it.
  60. 3. The inappropriate use of ask like for example the player /ask, First of all i ignore that or i give him/her some xp then if that player will ask again more and keep asking some xp, I will tell him/her to dont ask or else you will be warn.
  61. [hr]
  63. [center][i][font=Georgia][size=12pt][b]13. Do you agree with the terms and conditions below?[color=red]*[/color] [size=8pt](Write "R&U" if you agree)[/size][/b][/size][/font][/i] R&U, Of course, I agree with these condition and terms.
  65. [left][i][size=8pt]• You must make your own application, no plagiarism.[/size][/i][/left]
  66. [left][i][size=8pt]• [url=]Post your progress[/url] as Helper.[/size][/i][/left]
  67. [left][i][size=8pt]• Always help players who need it.[/size][/i][/left]
  68. [left][i][size=8pt]• If you do not post your progress, you will be assigned as[url=] 'Risk of being eliminated'.[/url][/size][/i][/left]
  69. [left][i][size=8pt]• Make sure to follow all the rules and requirements.[/size][/i][/left]
  70. [left][i][size=8pt]• You should agree with the helpers in-charge's decision on your application. If you think their decision is wrong; DO NOT argue in public and make a complaint on them separately.[/size][/i][/left]
  71. [left][i][size=8pt]• Do not change your name if [url=]applications are closed[/url].
  72. [/size][/i][/left]
  75. [right][b][i]([Az]Christian_DJ)[/i][/b][/right]
  77. [/center]
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