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Feb 14th, 2017
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  1. From level 1 to 2000 achievement points on F2P the most efficient way (Alliance)
  4. This guide assumes that no world events or Darkmoon Faire is currently up, so following it should be possible all year round.
  6. Table of contents:
  7. 1.Level 1-20
  8. 2.Gearing & Farming
  9. 3.Free to Play endgame & aims
  10. 4.Road to first 2000 achievement points
  14. Create character. If it's not a human, make your way to Stormwind. If you're playing a Worgen or Pandaren, finish the quest chains.
  15. Non-human: after arriving in Stormwind take a flight path to Goldshire and set HS there. Run to Northshire.
  17. Pick up 6 wolves quest, kill them while running towards the mine.
  18. Kill Gug Fatcandle for level 3.
  19. Finish Northshire.
  20. Pick up „Rest and Relaxation”. Kill Lamepaw and go to Goldshire.
  21. Learn Fishing, set HS in Goldshire, learn Cooking.
  22. Get 40 cooking with Spice Bread.
  23. Learn mining and buy a fishing rod + 2 baubles.
  24. Do 3 Mine quests (Candles, Dust and Scouting). Kill Narg if he's there.
  25. Mine all the copper you see at all times.
  26. Run back to Goldshire, turn in quests, pick up Jangolode Mine quest. Skip „A visit to Maybel”.
  27. Go towards Jangolode mine, kill Tarantis, scout mine, kill rare spider at the end, HS to Goldshire.
  28. Ride the charger to Lumber Camp.
  29. Pick up all quests, go to lumber camp, kill James Clark, pick up all quests.
  30. Go to Rolf's Body getting some logs on the way. Kill all Bears you see.
  31. Pick up body's quest, get 8 fins at murlocs and the medalion.
  32. Get remaining logs, turn in quests at Lumber Camp.
  33. Go to Brackwell's Pumpkins, kill Morgan for the Ring and get all scraps.
  34. Kill bears on the way back, kill Bushtail, turn in all quests.
  35. Fly to Goldshire, sell all junk (save cookable meats), do „Wesbrook Garrison needs help!”
  36. Kill the bear rare behind Garrison, do bandanas quest and Hogger, kill Quickblade on the way.
  37. Quest in Westfall until 15, have eyes open for Vultros, 2 running beach murloc rares, Kobold rare at the end of the mine etc.
  38. Worgen and Pandaren should join at around this stage, also quest in Westfall until 15.
  39. At 15 HS to Goldshire, sell junk, fly to Stormwind.
  40. Set HS in Stormwind, cut hair, learn First Aid (don't train it yet), pick up Vin's Quest, buy Tushui tabard and wear it, jump at harbor for „Going Down?”.
  41. Queue for a random dungeon, if possible switch to tank/heal spec for fast queues.
  42. While waiting finish Vin's Quest, buy all the Strange Dust you can, and train fishing. Use best boost available.
  43. Do random dungeons and fish while waiting until 20 – do fishing daily at 98 fishing, cook fish. Do cooking daily at 98 cooking.
  44. Bank all crafting materials and green items you get, sell junk. Buy Strange Dust whenever it's up.
  45. Buy Walnut Stocks in between dungeons to save gold.
  47. Level 20
  49. You should have around 10 gold by now + some saved in Walnut Stocks.
  50. Learn Archaeology and Riding, buy a mount.
  51. Fly to Goldshire.
  52. Learn Herbalism.
  53. Buy all cats near Northshire.
  54. Queue specific Blackfathom Depths/Stormwind Stockade and run them until you get all good items.
  55. Between queues farm and bank:
  56. 220 Copper bars
  57. 220 Rough Stone
  58. 64 Bronze Bars
  59. 1 Moss Agate
  60. 100 Copper Ore
  61. 60 Peacebloom
  62. 60 Silverleaf
  63. 15 Briarthorn
  64. 100 Random Herbs for milling (increments of 5)
  65. 120 linen cloth
  66. If you are done with dungeons and are still farming, queue for random battlegrounds.
  67. Explore Elwynn Forest & Westfall.
  68. Use the rest of the cloth to get 100 First Aid.
  70. Now you should have a character with decent gear, 100 fishing, cooking, first aid, mining and herbalism.
  72. Whenever Darkmoon Faire comes, traverse through all professions following THIS guide.
  76. Free to Play endgame and future aims
  79. With a decently geared character you can jump right into the fun stuff now. You still have a lot of goals you can pursue to perfect your toon, but now you can do these in any order you like.
  81. Get a P2P player to summon a portal to Vale of Eternal Blossoms for you. Set your HS in Shrine, it's the best place because of portals to most other parts of the world. Talk with NPCs in Pandaria to discover factions and get 300 weekly reputation with one of them with Random Dungeons. Good ones to do are Lorewalkers, Anglers or Tillers.
  83. Queue random battlegrounds for chests and marks of honor. Purchase Inherited Insignia of the Alliance. Agility classes purchase Sentinel's Medalion. Blue gear from chests is BiS in some cases but might take time to obtain. Doing PvP in battlegrounds also awards Honorable Kills that you will slowly amass and with some dedication obtain titles „of the Alliance” and „the Bloodthirsty” at 100.000 and 250.000 Honorable Kills respectively.
  85. Completing collections and achievements (explained further in the guide), obtaining pets, mounts, toys, tabards, cooking recipes, transmogs and maxing reputations.
  89. Road to first 1000 achievement points.
  91. Doing previous parts of the guide you probably got some achievements already, but I will list all needed to get 1000 total. If you have done something, just skip it. The list assumes that no world events are up. If any are, focus on maxing them first. Numbers in parenthesis ( ) show how many points getting all achievements up to this point will give. Last but not least, I'm assuming that you have no P2P to carry you through stuff. THE LIST IS NOT SORTED FOR EFFICIENCY YET.
  93. Level 10, Level 20 (20)
  94. Get achievements for completing all dungeons (not counting Gnomeregan) (80)
  95. Get achievement for 20 dungeon quests. (90)
  96. Buy Tushui tabard (100)
  97. Cut hair (110)
  98. Going Down? (120)
  99. 1000 fish (180)
  100. Fish don't leave footprints (190)
  101. Fish something from a school (200)
  102. Cooking Award (210)
  103. Get 25 recipes (220)
  104. Riding (230)
  105. Explore Elwynn, Westfall (250)
  106. Enter a BG for medallion (260)
  107. 1 HK, 100 HK (280)
  108. /hug a dead enemy (290)
  109. 30 HK in a single BG (300)
  110. Win a WSG / Arathi Basin / Eye of the Storm (330)
  111. Cap a flag in WSG (340)
  112. WSG perfection (350)
  113. Disgracin' the Basin (360)
  114. AB Assassin (370)
  115. Take a chill pill (380)
  116. Win a duel (390)
  117. Complete 50, 100, 250 (?) Quests (420)
  118. Complete 5 Daily Quests (430)
  119. Complete a daily every day for 5 days (440)
  120. 40 quests in Redridge (450)
  121. 90 quests in Darkshore (460)
  122. 60 quests in Bloodmyst Isle (470)
  123. Ghosts in the Dark (480)
  124. It's Happy hour somewhere (490)
  125. Tastes like Chicken (500)
  126. Explore Redridge, Duskwood, Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Wetlands, Teldrassil, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Azuremyst, Bloodmyst (600)
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