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Jun 6th, 2016
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  1. Ainz headed toward the courtyard.
  2. 安兹所前往的地方是庭院。
  4. As expected of a place used for putting horses through their paces, training hunting hounds and other such activities, the expanse of trimmed grass which made up the courtyard was vast indeed.
  5. 不愧是用在像是马匹的调节和猎犬的训练等各式各样的用途,拥有修整好的宽广草坪的庭院大的惊人。
  7. “Then, let’s begin. This may take a while, so talk with me in the meantime.”
  8. 「那么,开始吧。因为会稍微花点时间,所以来陪我说些话吧」
  10. “W-who, me?”
  11. 「由我,来吗!?」
  13. “Exactly. In other words, I want to know everything about Nazarick’s 9th Floor -- right. Tell me about your work. Is there anything about the rooms you are cleaning?”
  14. 「没错,也是呢,关于纳萨力克第九层的任何事——对了。让我听听关于打扫的事吧。能够告诉我打扫我们房间的事情吗?」
  16. Ainz did not wait for Fifth to reply. After changing out parts of his equipment, he cast his spell.
  17. 安兹不等菲斯的回话,改变了一部分的装备后发动了魔法。
  19. This spell was the super-tier spell [Pantheon], which was similar to the 10th tier spell [Armageddon - Good] and the super-tier spell [Nibelung I], and which was diametrically opposed to the super-tier spell [Pandemonium].
  20. 使用的是超位魔法<天军降临> (Pantheon)。这是与第十位阶魔法<最终战争?善>和超位魔法<戒指的战争少女们> (Nibelungen?Ⅰ)相似的魔法,与同为超位魔法的<魔军迸发>(Panadaemonium) 正好是相对的。
  22. He listened to Fifth’s words as he waited for the super-tier spell to take effect. If there was a sudden need to take urgent action, he would naturally use a cash item, but doing so at this time would have been terribly wasteful.
  23. 一边听着菲斯的话一边静等着超位魔法的发动。如果有紧急发动的必要的话,当然会使用付费道具,不过这种时候用就太浪费了。
  25. Chatting with the maids isn’t bad, Ainz thought.
  26. 和女仆聊些闲话也不坏,安兹这么想。
  28. In addition, this was the first time he heard that Albedo’s room was forbidden to the maids.
  29. 另外第一次听说,现在雅儿贝德的房间是禁止女仆出入的。
  31. “--I see. Well, this was quite a meaningful conversation. Although I just thought about it, go back to my room and bring Nurunuru-kun over. It would be troublesome without him.”
  32. 「——原来如此。非常有意思的话题呢。虽然我现在才想起来,不过立刻回我的房间把黏滑君拿过来。要是没了那个可就麻烦了」
  34. “Understood!”
  35. 「遵命!」
  37. Ainz watched Fifth’s maid outfit sway wildly as she jogged off, while he remained in the courtyard.
  38. 安兹看着小跑步的菲斯那乱掉的女仆装下摆、呆呆的站在了庭院中。
  40. While he waited, he recalled Fifth’s words.
  41. 在等待的期间,安兹回味起了菲斯的话。
  43. Apparently, Albedo had told the maids that she would handle the cleaning of her own room as part of her bridal training, so she did not wish anyone to enter her room.
  44. 雅儿贝德似乎告知女仆们,做为新娘修行的一部分,房间的打扫要由自己来做,所以不想要其它人进入房间。
  46. Ainz muttered “Good grief” to himself.
  47. 安兹发出了呀咧呀咧的自言自语。
  49. “Albedo, it’s not that I don’t understand your feelings, but the fact is that you’re a busy person, so you should leave the cleaning to the maids. I can’t really say this, but it seems I’m a better ruler than you are, in that sense.”
  50. 「雅儿贝德啊,不是不懂妳的心情,翻既然你也是个大忙人,就应该把打扫都交给女仆才对啊。虽然这么说不太好,但作为支配者来说好像还是我比较称职啊」
  52. Before long, Fifth returned, panting and presenting Nurunuru-kun. Ainz smiled, satisfied by his ability to command.
  53. 没过多久,看着喘着气将黏滑君恭敬送上的菲斯,安兹为着自己的本领露出了满足地微笑。
  55. “Thanks.”
  56. 「辛苦了」
  58. Ainz accepted the Lip Bug from Fifth with a brief word of appreciation. Then, he applied the Lip Bug to the base of his bony throat.
  59. 安兹简短的慰劳了菲斯后将口唇虫收了下来,然后将其粘在了可以说是骨头喉咙口的颈椎上。
  61. “Ah, er, um.”
  62. 「嗯、嗯—。嗯—」
  64. For some reason, there was a change in Ainz’s voice. Granted, that was the creature’s special ability, but he still did not understand it. All he could do was accept it.
  65. 究竟是因为什么样的原理呢,安兹的声音发生了变化。虽然这是因为魔物的特性,但还是有些令人难以理解。也只能将其当做是事实接受下来。
  67. Ainz put his doubts aside and cast the super-tier spell. Six pillars of light appeared around him, and from them came six angels.
  68. 安兹将疑问弃之一旁,发动了超位魔法,六只天使伴随光柱一同出现在周围。
  70. These angels had lions’ heads, with one pair of wings stretched out and another pair folded around them, for a total of four wings. They each wore suits of shining armor and held shields with eye patterns in one hand and lances of fire in the other.
  71. 那是有着狮子头颅的天使,还有一对张开的羽翼和一对包住身体的羽翼共计有四只翅膀。身穿闪闪发光的铠甲,手上拿着有眼睛花纹的盾牌和有火焰枪尖的长枪。
  73. These angels were around level 80, Cherubim Gatekeepers.
  74. 这是八十等级左右的天使,门卫智天使 (Cherubim?Gatekeeper)。
  76. Ainz did not know much about mythology, so he did not know why they were called gatekeepers, but he did know about their strengths as monsters.
  77. 因为没有关于神话的知识,所以安兹并不清楚是出于什么样的缘由才会称其为门卫,不过作为魔物的能力倒是十分清楚。
  79. The Cherubim Gatekeepers were quite well-suited to the task of being a tank, and their considerable sensory abilities also made them very good sentries.
  80. 门卫智天使作为肉盾来说有着相当优秀的性能,加上还有不错的探知能力,十分适合当作警卫兵。
  82. “Protect me. Do not kill my enemies, but render the foe powerless while doing as little damage as possible.”
  83. 「保护我。不要杀了敌对者,尽可能的在不伤害对方的情况下使之无力化」
  85. “Understood, o summoner.”
  86. 「遵命,召唤主哟」
  88. This order had not been given out of compassion. Although Ainz had no hesitation about killing his opponents, he had to consider that people might be scheming behind the scenes. In addition, he had to let Momon perform the executions, hence his instructions to capture the enemy alive.
  89. 这并非是出于慈悲而下达的命令。虽然安兹对于杀了敌对者不会有一丝迷惘,不过必须设想背后有人在策划的的情况。而且必须让飞飞来杀了才行,这便是为此才下的捕捉命令。
  91. “Then, let’s go.”
  92. 「那么就走吧」
  94. Once the Angels had taken a defensive formation around Ainz, he immediately strode forth.
  95. 安兹等天使们在周围展开防御的准备后,便马上迈开了步伐。
  97. Summon spells -- including this super-tier spell -- would terminate after a while. Thus, he had to avoid wasting time.
  98. 召唤魔法——这个超位魔法也是这样,经过一段时间就会消失。因此需要极力避免浪费时间。
  100. “Angels, Fifth will be walking with us. Defend her as you would me.”
  101. 「天使们,菲斯也将同行。像保护我一样保护菲斯」
  103. “Understood, o summoner.”
  104. 「遵命,召唤主哟」
  106. “Ai-Ainz-sama, how could my body be compared to the precious form of the Supreme One?”
  107. 「安、安兹大人。怎么能把我和无上至尊的玉体相提并论呢!」
  109. “...Fifth. You might be a maid, but you are still a creation of one of my friends. Thus, you are very valuable to me. Remember that well, because I find it troublesome to repeat myself. Then go tell all of your fellows.”
  110. 「……菲斯。虽然你是女仆,却也是我同伴们所创造的。对我来说你的价值可有着相当的份量。听好,因为很麻烦我不会重复说同样的事。好好记住,然后向你的同僚们传达我的话语」
  112. “Thank, thank you very much!”
  113. 「非、非常感谢您!」
  115. Incidentally, he did not say the same thing to the Eight Edge Assassins, as they were beings summoned from YGGDRASIL gold. He might have felt vaguely regretful about having to sacrifice them, but they had no value to him beyond that.
  116. 顺带一提,对于也要同行的八肢刀暗杀虫们什么也没说。它们是由YGGDRASIL的金币召唤出来的存在。除了会觉得可惜之外,没有更高的保护价值。
  118. “Let’s go.”
  119. 「走吧」
  121. With the six Angels, Fifth, and several Eight Edge Assassins -- the rest were left as sentries -- in tow, Ainz headed for the gate.
  122. 安兹带着六位天使和菲斯与数只八肢刀暗杀虫——剩下的作为这里的警卫——朝门走去。
  124. There loomed the form of a Crypt Lord, who commanded over twenty Death Knights.
  125. 那里有着指挥安兹所创造出的、指挥着超过二十只的死亡骑士的指挥官,地下圣堂之王 (Crypt Lord)的身影。
  127. It was dressed in tattered purple robes which were once magnificent, and it wore a crown that shone uncharacteristically bright. It was a level 70 undead creature from Nazarick.
  128. 身穿曾经应该十分豪华的紫色长袍,带着与其不相称闪亮王冠。它是从纳萨力克叫过来,七十级左右的不死者。
  130. Its commander-type skills could strengthen any Death Knights it controlled, but it could not do so since the Death Knights which were its subordinates were under Ainz’s control. That said, Ainz had put it here because he acknowledged its excellent command abilities.
  131. 指挥官系的技能本应可以强化受支配的不死者们,不过做为其部下的死亡骑士们都因为守到安兹的支配,所以并没有发挥出强化效果。但话是这么说,会将它配置在这里还是因为考虑到它的指挥能力很高的缘故。
  133. “I will be heading out after this, let Albedo know.”
  134. 「我接下来要外出,就那样告知雅儿贝德」
  136. After walking past the Crypt Lord -- who was bowing deeply -- Ainz arrived at the streets.
  137. 穿过深深低下头的地下圣堂之王 (Crypt Lord)身边,安兹走到街道上。
  139. He had no objective in mind.
  140. 并没有什么目的地。
  142. Rather than taking a walk, it was more like he wanted to find the answer to Pandora’s Actor’s question. He would not be able to sort out what he could normally figure out if he was being bothered from all sides.
  143. 与其说是出外散步,更应该说是想要找到潘多拉?亚克特提出问题的答案。被左右吵吵嚷嚷的话,能够整理出来的东西也都整理不出来了。
  145. Ainz opened up his stride as he imagined the future which the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown would have under him.
  146. 安兹一边想象着自己所支配的安兹?乌尔?恭魔导国的未来,一边迈开了步伐。
  148. Part 3
  150. Ainz and the company advanced in a straight line along the main road.
  151. 安兹他们顺着大街笔直地前进着。
  153. It was hard to say the streets were filled with life. That much was obvious when he compared his memories from his time as Momon to the scenes before him now. The expressions of the pedestrians were grim, and they seemed to be moving a little quicker.
  154. 街上很难称得上是有活力。把飞飞那时的记忆,和眼前的景象一比较就一目了然了。走在街上的人们个个都表情暗淡,脚步也稍稍有点快。
  156. In contrast, the Death Knights walked proudly through the streets. They were probably patrolling in place of the usual city guard. Ainz had only given them simple orders: apprehend anyone engaging in violence, protect anyone who asked for help.
  157. 与此相比死亡骑士们则光明正大地在街上走着。恐怕这是代替了城市警卫兵的巡逻班吧。对打架等有暴力行为的人进行逮捕,对请求帮助的人给与保护,安兹所下达的就只是这样简单的命令。
  159. Ainz turned his gaze toward the city wall.
  160. 安兹把视线转向城墙。
  162. A portion of the mass-produced Death Knights had been assigned to sentry duty on top of the walls. There were others like them who were watching the city gates or patrolling. However, the most bizarre way in which they had been used was how they had been sent to found villages with the denizens of the slum districts.
  163. 大量制造出来的死亡骑士中有一部分被分配到了城墙上担任警戒。其他的也有像之前的那样守着城门或者进行巡逻。但要说其使用方法最奇特的,应该是与贫民窟居民一同,被送去和进行开拓村建造的死亡骑士了吧。
  165. The people who ended up being residents of the slums were typically the second or third sons in villages, those people who did not have farms of their own to work. They dreamt of a better life in the city, but in the end, they could only scrape out a pauper’s miserable existence amidst the ashes of their dreams. Thus, Ainz promised to grant them a plot of land, and sent them to it.
  166. 会成为贫民窟居民的基本是村里的次男、三男这些没有农地的预备劳动力。他们幻想着到了城市会有着不一样的生活,但结果梦碎之后只能过起贫民的生活。所以安兹约定给这样的他们一块土地,并送他们过去。
  168. They were sent to the ruins of the villages that had been burned down through the machinations of the Slaine Theocracy. Since they had fallen to external reasons, all one needed to do was to clear the rubble away, seek new villagers, and the village would naturally recover.
  169. 送他们去的目的地,是曾在教国的阴谋下被烧成了废墟后重建的村落。既然是因为外在因素而毁灭的,那么只要把它除去,再重新招募村人的话,村庄就能很简单地恢复过来。
  171. Because they had been attacked in the past, Ainz permitted the Death Knights and Soul Eaters to go with them as guards, and he also ordered them to help the villagers with their farm work.
  172. 因为有着被袭击的过去,所以才让死亡骑士和噬魂魔[SoulEater]作为警卫兵同行,并命令它们去帮助村民进行农活儿。
  174. Granted, neither of them was particularly adept at working the fields. However, they were far superior to ordinary human beings when it came to raw, physical work. Essentially, they were heavy duty farm equipment which did not require fuel and which could function for 24 hours a day. They were ideal for the task of pioneering and heavy labor, and they would surely reap great gains in the coming harvests.
  175. 确实对于它们来说,可能不怎么擅长农作。但只论单纯的肉体劳动的话,它们却有着普通人无法比拟的性能。就像是不需要燃料的,并能二十四小时持续工作的重型机器。对开荒和重劳动来说是最合适不过了,应该能为今后的收获作出重大的贡献吧。
  177. Ainz’s aim was to build the villages back up within a year, and allow them to achieve basic self-sufficiency. They would then begin a regular harvest in the second year.
  178. 安兹的目标是第一年把村庄重振起来,让他们有能自给自足的最低限度的环境。然后等到第二年,就能得到像普通村庄那样收获粮食了。
  180. However, the objective of that was merely to collect their produce as taxes and dump them into the Exchange Box, where they would become YGGDRASIL gold coins. Albedo and Demiurge had praised this idea to the heavens, so it should be quite workable.
  181. 但之所以会做到这个地步,也只是为了把农作物作为税收投进兑换箱[Exchange Box],转换成YGGDRASIL的货币。因为这个计划被雅儿贝德和迪米乌哥斯赞不绝口,所以应该能够顺利进行。
  183. He had lent the undead to them in order to avoid foolishly wasting years on developing the wilderness.
  184. 所以为了避免开荒花费数年时间这种愚蠢的行为,才将不死者借给了他们。
  186. At the same time, since the undead were on loan, he would collect additional rental fees on them in addition to the agreed taxes. While he did not need to charge them rent, he had come up with the idea after considering that he might end up loaning the undead to various users in the future.
  187. 同时因为不死族是出租的,按照契约今后的税收会额外加上出租费。虽然就算不用出租的方式也是可以的,但考虑到将来可能会把不死者交给各式各样的人来使用,才拟定出了这个计划。
  189. While that plan prioritized sending large quantities of the slums’ residents -- with their families in tow -- out of the city, that alone was not the reason for the lack of people on the streets.
  190. 虽然为了这个计划确实有把贫民窟居民大量地——带着家族的人会被优先送过去,但即使如此这也不会成为街上只有这么点人的原因。
  192. That would probably be because of Ainz. When pedestrians encountered him on the streets, they would stare with eyes wide before going back the way they came, or circling around him.
  193. 街上会那么少人是因为安兹的原因吧。本来走在街上的行人们在看到安兹后,都纷纷瞪大眼睛像是逃走般地返回原来的道路、或是绕道而行的情况实在是太多了。
  195. It was like walking in an abandoned wasteland.
  196. 就像是行走在无人的荒野上啊。
  198. Still, being feared was not bad. It was dozens of times better than being belittled.
  199. 被恐惧着并不是什么坏事。至少比被小看要好几十倍。
  201. Still, to think my city would be such a lifeless place...
  202. (可是,像这样一座没有活力的都市,居然会是我的国家啊)
  204. He did not care what happened to anyone else as long as the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and its NPCs were happy. However, what would his past friends think if they were around?
  205. 只要纳萨力克地下大坟墓,还有从属与那里的NPC能幸福的话,其他的人怎样都无所谓。但假设过去的同伴还在的话,他们又会说些什么呢。
  207. Would they be like Ainz, who had been affected by being undead, and end up being influenced by their nature as monsters? Would they end up treating humans as little more than fodder? Or would they continue holding on to their strong emotions from their time as humans?
  208. 他们又会像安兹一样,被作为不死族的自己、作为怪物[monster]的自己所影响吗。会变得只把人类当做是饲料那样的吗。还是说能继续抱持着作为人类时的强烈感情呢。
  210. What on earth do I want to build this country into...
  211. (我到底,想把这个国家建设成什么样子啊……)
  213. Just as Pandora’s Actor had said, Ainz needed to decide on how to run this country and the aim of ruling this city.
  214. 就像潘多拉·亚克特所说的,安兹有必要把运营国家的方针,和支配城市的目的决定下来。
  216. For example, by farming wheat and the like, and then tossing them into the Treasury’s Exchange Box. By using the coins obtained from that to strengthen the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the country would then become one whose sole aim was to produce currency.
  217. 例如,生产麦子之类的食物,再投进宝物殿里的兑换箱。以此来获得强化纳萨力克地下大坟墓,这样样只是以生产硬币为目的的国家。
  219. For example, he could breed and slaughter humans, thus making the country produce XP to be stored within Greed and Generosity.
  220. 例如,通过生产并杀死人类,从而把经验值储存在“强欲和无欲”这样的国家。
  222. For instance, he could hand over all production tasks and work to the undead, making it a country where the living did not need to work.
  223. 例如,将包括生产在内的杂活的全面交给不死者,这样让生者完全不用干活的国家。
  225. And for example--
  226. 又例如——
  228. From a land filled with love to one ringing with resentment, how would this country which bore the name of the guild turn out?
  229. 从充满慈爱的国家到怨声载道的国家,自己究竟想让这个带着公会名的国家变成什么样呢。
  231. He could not hand this decision to his subordinates. This was his duty, his responsibility, as the ruler of Nazarick and the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown.
  232. 这是不能交给部下的,是作为纳萨力克的支配者、安兹·乌尔·恭魔导国国王的责任。
  234. “--Fifth, what do you think of this city? Of this country?”
  235. 「——菲斯,你觉得这座城市,这个国家怎么样?」
  237. “My deepest apologies. May I know how you would like me to answer?”
  238. 「万分抱歉。请问怎么样是指要怎么回答呢?」
  240. He had been too abstract. Ainz decided to ask again:
  241. 太过抽象了吗。安兹重新问了一次。
  243. “Do you feel this is a country where you can live in happiness? Tell me the whole truth and hold nothing back.”
  244. 「这个国家对你来说是个能轻松生活的国家吗?让我听听你最真实,毫无保留的答案吧」
  246. “Yes. I am very happy in this country because you rule it, Ainz-sama.”
  247. 「是的。因为这是由安兹大人所支配的国家,我生活的非常快适」
  249. Ainz looked to the sky and sighed. Well, he should have expected an NPC to give him an answer like that.
  250. 安兹仰天长叹。既然是NPC的回答,那么这种答案早就应该被预想到了啊。
  252. “Just--”
  253. 「只是——」
  255. “Oh, what’s the matter? Tell me anything that comes to your mind.”
  256. 「哦,怎么了?想到什么尽管说好了」
  258. “Understood. Why is it that despite you being here, Ainz-sama, that nobody comes out to pay homage to the ruler of this country, to your mighty form? And then there’s the way they hide in the buildings and peek at you… it’s very upsetting!”
  259. 「遵命。明明看到作为这个国家支配者、安兹大人的身姿,却任谁都不出来膜拜,这到底算怎么一回事啊?而且居然还都躲在建筑物里悄悄地偷窥……真是令人十分不愉快!」
  261. Fifth snorted. Indeed, many people were spying on Ainz and his entourage while hiding in the shops along the roads. In fact, some of them had gone weak at the knees when they saw the angels.
  262. 菲斯鼻子吭的一下。确实许多人都躲在道路旁的店里偷看着安兹一行人。其中更是有一些人在看到天使后吓软了腿。
  264. “Fifth, do you think humans are boring creatures?”
  265. 「菲斯,你觉得人类是种很无聊的生物吗?」
  267. “Yes. It is as you say. They were not created by the Supreme Beings, thus they are pitiable lifeforms.”
  268. 「是的。正如你所说。他们是没有被无上至尊们所创造的、令人悲哀的生物」
  270. More than half the beings in Nazarick thought that way. Even the level 1 maids were no exception.
  271. 纳萨力克里有一半以上的存在基本都是这样想的吧。哪怕那是等级一的女仆也不例外。
  273. “Fifth. All of you are still the most important to me.”
  274. 「菲斯哟。对我来说最重要的还是你们」
  276. “Thank you very much!”
  277. 「非常感谢!」
  279. “However, I should show some measure of mercy to the people I rule. After all, they are citizens of the Sorcerer King.”
  280. 「但是在我支配下的人们,应该也多少地给于他们一些慈悲吧。毕竟他们可是我魔导王的臣民」
  282. “It is as you say.”
  283. 「正如你所说」
  285. “Then, why not turn this place into a utopia? A wonderful, dream-like world, as sweet as soaking in honey. A world where they will wish to be ruled eternally.”
  286. 「那么何不把这里建造成理想乡呢。像是沉浸在甘蜜中那样的、如梦幻般的美好世界。让他们想要永远被支配下去的世界」
  288. “I feel this is an excellent plan.”
  289. 「我认为这决定真是太出色了」
  291. “Since I intend to conquer the world, these subjects of mine will not just be humans. All the races of the world must kneel before me.”
  292. 「既然要征服世界,对象就不能只限于人类。而要让众多的种族都跪倒在我面前」
  294. “Naturally.”
  295. 「这是理所当然的」
  297. Project Utopia.
  298. 理想乡计划。
  300. This plan was being carried out on the 6th Floor, and had been started with the intention of appealing to any players they encountered with the idea that Nazarick was a good guild which welcomed all races.
  301. 纳萨力克第六层里所进行的这个计划,是为了在遭遇玩家时,让他们意识到纳萨力克是个会,欢迎其它种族的好公会而开始的。
  303. Using this place for the experiment sounds like a good idea, Ainz thought.
  304. 把这作为一场实验看来是正确的啊。安兹这么想到。
  306. “I shall tell the world: only those who serve the Sorcerer King shall have eternal prosperity.”
  307. 「把这传播到世界各地吧。只有臣服于我魔导王才能获得永远的繁荣」
  309. “There is no doubt that it is the truth.”
  310. 「我想这无疑才是真理吧」
  312. If he could do that, then if he found his former friends -- his former guildmates -- he could proudly show this city off to them.
  313. 这样的话就算是发现了过去的同伴——公会成员们时,也能骄傲地将这座都市展现给他们看了。
  315. It would seem the country Ainz wanted was one where he ruled various races who lived in harmony.
  316. 安兹所希望的国家。果然还是能让支配下的各个种族们和平共存的国家吧。
  318. He would take the vision of Ainz Ooal Gown within the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick and reproduce it throughout the entire world.
  319. 把过去在纳萨力克地下大坟墓,“安兹·乌尔·恭”里见过的姿态在这个世界也加以重现出来。
  321. Just like how his friends might be hiding in some corner of the world, he would make a world where different heteromorphs and races could smile and live.
  322. 就像可能在某个地方存在着的同伴那样,即使是不同的异型种也能一起笑着生活那样的世界。
  324. The light in Ainz’s eyes grew brighter.
  325. 安兹眼中的光辉变得更为强烈了。
  327. The Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown should be a country where all races could coexist. This was something only the Sorcerous Kingdom could do.
  328. 安兹·乌尔·恭魔导国应该是个能让各个种族共存的国家。而且也只有这个魔导国能做得到。
  330. Even if the founder of a nation was a genius, there was no guarantee that his children would be similarly gifted. And the generation after that, his grandchildren, and his great-grandchildren after them -- there was no guarantee they would be talented either. If the second generation was incompetent, they would be wiped out by society in the third generation. Ainz had heard this story quite often.
  331. 就算,创造国家的是一个天才般的王,他的孩子也不保证一定会优秀。然后下面的——孙子,还有更下面的——曾孙也不保证一定会优秀。二代没能力、三代则将被社会所击溃,这样的事安兹也曾听说过不少。
  333. However, if they were ruled by an unaging, undying genius, this sort of thing would not happen. The ideal form of this was to have a dictatorship run by a handful of geniuses.
  334. 不过若是能让不老不死的天才来支配的话。就不会发生那样的事。由极少数的天才所进行的独裁政治才是最理想的形态。
  336. With people like Demiurge and Albedo in the Sorcerous Kingdom -- no, it was because they were there that they could make it an eternal paradise. Like Ulbert had once said, a dictatorship run by an iron hand would be great, or something like that.
  337. 而有迪米乌哥斯和雅儿贝德这样的人物所存在的魔导国,不,正因为是这样,才能造得出这永远的乐园。就像乌尔贝特说过的,如果是铁人来进行独裁的话那就太厉害了,差不多就是类似的东西吧。
  339. Ainz pondered the matter further.
  340. 安兹更加深入地思考。
  342. Led by Demiurge and Albedo, the Guardians were proceeding with their objective of world domination. Ainz could not completely deny them in this. After all, this might be able to spread their name to his comrades.
  343. 以迪米乌哥斯和雅儿贝德为首,守护者们正以世界征服为目标而前进着。关于这点安兹也无法完全否定他们。毕竟那样的话或许就能把名字传到同伴们那边。
  345. However, would it not be better to spread that name through means other than ruling through force? By letting the Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown be known as a utopia, they could make many people choose to bend the knee and submit to his rule for that sweet, honey-like promise.
  346. 但是,用和力量支配不同的手段来传开名字,不也是一个不错的手段吗。把安兹·乌尔·恭魔导国真不
  347. 愧是理想乡的名号宣传出去,然后让大量的人为了这甘蜜而选择归属到其支配下这一手段。
  349. Sugar and the whip.
  350. 糖和鞭子。
  352. If Demiurge and Albedo were the whips, then Ainz would be the sugar.
  353. 迪米乌哥斯和雅儿贝德做的是鞭子的话,就由安兹来给糖吧。
  355. What a good idea...
  356. (真是名案啊……)
  358. Ainz had decided.
  359. 安兹决定了。
  361. Ainz-sama was different from the NPCs that could only disdain those outside of Nazarick. This form of world conquest was something which only he, with his vestiges of humanity, could come up with. He would dominate through overwhelming charm.
  362. 与蔑视着纳萨力克以外存在的NPC不同。这是只有还残存着着人类残渣的安兹,才能策划得出来的世界征服。用压倒性的魅力来进行的统治。
  364. Then, what should he do in order to carry out this plan?
  365. 那么为了达成这个计划,又应该做些什么呢。
  367. As Ainz walked again, he thought desperately about the subject.
  368. 安兹再次迈出脚步的同时,也拼命地思考了起来。
  370. He would need methods unlike those of Demiurge and Albedo -- methods which did not rely on strength.
  371. 跟迪米乌哥斯和雅儿贝德不同的手段——不依靠力量的手段。
  373. He could not imagine running a country by himself. Because of that, Ainz would imagine himself as an employee of a small company.
  374. 一个国家来行动自己无法想象。正因为如此,安兹才把自己假象成一个小公司的社员。
  376. It would be a small company, the kind which only had a single floor in a building, and the sole employee of that company was Ainz.
  377. 就像那些只有整栋楼其中一层的的小公司。而社员就只有安兹一个人。
  379. The product of this company would be “The Sorcerous Kingdom’s Outstanding Rulership”. He would then promote the sales of this product.
  380. 而作为商品的则是「魔导国杰出的统治」。然后依仗着这个商品来进行销售。
  382. First, he had to consider his target market. Only then could he deliver this product to the hands of those who needed it. However, he lacked information on the consumers. Why was that? It was simple -- because he did not have enough publicity.
  383. 首先不得不考虑的是谁会来买这商品。然后才能将这商品卖到有需要的人手里。但是,现在关于消费人群的情报还不够。这又是为什么。很简单。因为目前的宣传还不够。
  385. That said, it was not a matter of running to various cities and giving out pamphlets at the entrance. That would just be a waste of time. Ainz was the sole employee, so he had to consider other methods.
  386. 但就算如此也不是跑到各个城市,在入口处到处派传单就行了的。那只是在浪费时间而已。社员只有安兹一个人而已。必须要考虑其他的手段。
  388. There was nothing like the mass media in this world. Although traders and other such professionals had their own intelligence networks, any publicity from them was hardly guaranteed to be accurate. By the time Ainz had noticed this, he had come to the entrance of the Adventurer’s Guild.
  389. 这周边并没有像原来世界那样的媒体存在。虽然旅行商人之类的职业都有着各自的情报网,但从那里进行广告宣传的话又是否正确呢。等安兹注意到的时候,自己已经走到冒险者工会的门口了。
  391. Perhaps it was because he had come here often as Momon, but it seemed to have become a habit. That was probably a symptom of workaholism, right?
  392. 可能是作为飞飞时经常来这里的缘故,不知不觉间都已经养成习惯了。这也算是一种职业病的症状了吧。
  394. Ainz smiled bitterly, and opened the door.
  395. 安兹苦笑着打开了门。
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