
New world order.

Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. The ph of the ocean is getting higher and killing off marine life (pash id's acidic). Seeing as the whales own the planet as they have the biggest surface area as they can talk from one side of the ocean to another. With Japan still hunting them, they occasionally commit suicide on the beach to show us they really are pissed off with the amount of our shit they have to eat. I mean they don't shit in our water supply, that's rude they had precisely thought. I mean think what they would think wen they seen an oil slick or a deadly range of man made chemicals from a dye factory for your shitty cheap Sunday church outfit. you went to see the vicar you had a crap job that had no point. You crapped in the loo with 20 screaming kids. You need to move on. Elvis has definitely left the fucking building.
  3. Things had seemed pretty quite on earth before oil for industry and toilets that drained to the sea on this pleasant idilic earth.
  5. Shit was meant for the earth? Why did they have to create something so silly?
  7. Anon suddenly came up for breath. Fucks sake.
  9. I mean the Jews of the bible didn't eat pig because the pig eats human shit. That's mad you can't live with a pig these days. Your all bonkers.
  11. People are scared of pigs, a pig would eat you as well. They sit there waiting for you to dump and there happy as duck. Nothing like taking a shit in the woods and waiting for a wild boar yup sniff it out and then kill it for meat. It's a trifle fun. Then hunt for truffles if you manage to just catch him for a pet to eat the shit closer to home. Plant an oak tree. I have two baby ones out back. Truffles grow under oak trees.
  13. I hear African bee's are now the best strain of bee. It makes allot of honey randomly around the place. bee keepers have had to change to killer bees to adapt to try to keep this strain as there stains are dying as the anti bio tics have made there stains weak and they are dying. It's sad.
  15. World has to change or die like bee.
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