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Nov 19th, 2022
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  1. # Simple Format: 'Item : Amount :: Chance'
  2. # Complex Format: 'Item:Durability : Amount : name:<name> : lore:<lore> : enchant:<enchantment>:level :: Chance'
  3. # Example (1): 'IRON_SWORD : 1 :: 20%' -> This will give a normal iron sword
  4. # Example (2): 'IRON_SWORD : 1 : name:&cSword :: 20%' -> This will give a normal iron sword, but with a custom name!
  5. # Example (3): 'IRON_SWORD : 1 : name:&6God Sword : enchant:DAMAGE_ALL:1 :: 5%' -> This will give an iron sword named 'God Sword' with a sharpness 1 enchantment
  6. # For a list of enchantments, visit
  7. # There is no lock on the enchantment level!
  8. # For POTIONS, if your server is below 1.9 then use POTION:DURABILITY to make potions like POTION:16421, otherwise you should use the form
  10. # Example of the form -> 'SPLASH_POTION:INSTANT_DAMAGE:false:true : 1'
  11. # List of potion types:
  12. # TIPPED_ARROW has the same format as potions -> # Example of the form -> 'TIPPED_ARROW:POISON:false:true : 1'
  13. # If you want to add QualityArmor guns / items, the format is: 'QualityArmory:<Item> : Amount :: Chance'
  14. # For example, 'QualityArmory:awp : 1 :: 15%'
  15. # If QualityArmory was installed on the server before this file was generated, the plugin will automatically add QualityArmory items to the lists below.
  16. # For CrackShot, format is 'CrackShot:<Item> : Amount :: Chance'
  17. # For ItemEdit, format is 'ItemEdit:<ITEM_ID> : Amount :: Chance'
  18. # For WeaponMechanics, format is 'WeaponMechanics:<ITEM_ID> : Amount :: Chance'
  21. Chests:
  22. Normal:
  23. min-items: 2
  24. max-items: 5
  25. items:
  26. - 'WOOD : 16 :: 20%'
  27. - 'STONE : 16 :: 20%'
  28. - 'STONE_AXE : 1 :: 20%'
  29. - 'STONE_PICKAXE : 1 :: 20%'
  30. - 'WEB : 4 :: 20%'
  31. - 'TNT : 8 :: 20%'
  32. - 'MILK_BUCKET : 1 :: 20%'
  33. - 'MONSTER_EGG:54 : 1 : name:&cZombie :: 20%'
  34. - 'GOLDEN_APPLE : 1 :: 50%'
  35. - 'CAKE : 1 :: 20%'
  36. - 'COMPASS : 1 :: 20%'
  37. - 'FISHING_ROD : 1 :: 20%'
  38. - 'BOW : 1 :: 20%'
  39. - 'ARROW : 6 :: 20%'
  40. ... More
  41. Carepackage:
  42. min-items: 2
  43. max-items: 5
  44. items:
  45. - 'GOLDEN_APPLE : 3 :: 20%'
  46. - 'DIAMOND_SWORD : 1 :: 20%'
  47. - 'DIAMOND_HELMET : 1 :: 20%'
  48. ... More
  49. Supply-Drops:
  50. min-items: 2
  51. max-items: 5
  52. items:
  53. - 'BattleRoyaleX:Cash:50 : 3 :: 75%'
  54. ... More
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