
School Yard Shorts: What a Filly Wants

Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. Silver Spoon was restless. Spending weeks trying to get Cheerilee to eat her alive, all her attempts either backfired or resulted in another student being Cheerilee’s meal and Silver Spoon was getting tempermental from being so pent up. What she wouldn’t give to just be forward with her intentions, if only. Stronger than her want to be a layer of belly fat was the public image Silver Spoon had to maintain lest she shame her family whose only daughter submitted herself willingly as a meal for a lowly school teacher.
  3. Tossing and turning in her bed, unable to sleep, visions and fantasies danced in her head pulling her from her corporeal form and into a projection of her class room. The room empty of all others except for Silver Spoon, Cheerilee and Diamond Tiara. Silver Spoon looked her friend up and down, astonished, amazed and surprised to see her whole and seemingly well.
  5. “DT? Is that you? Aren’t you supposed to be flank fat?” Silver Spoon asked
  7. “Nah, I became those pudgy love handles on Miss Cheerilee,” Diamond Tiara responded pointing at the front of the class.
  9. Silver Spoon followed Diamond Tiara’s hoof and saw Cheerilee walking back and forth, her voice strong, commanding but inaudible her body softly shook with each step, a gentle wave of motion washing over her thick figure each section of her body a different color. The love handles were the same shade of pink that Diamond Tiara’s coat was; her hips were colored differently, the curvaceous hindquarters two toned orange and a lighter orange that swirled around each other each step, never mixing; Her thighs were similarly colored with two tones, one orange but the other more of a sunbleached color; her thighs squished each time they passed each other; the plumpest parts on the teacher though where her round, doughy ass cheeks, both a shade of white, but one cheek was mottled with brown spots that hugged and wrapped around the curve of her rear.
  11. “Silver Spoon, you’re drooling,” Diamond Tiara said, closing her friends mouth for her.
  13. “I don’t get it DT, I’ve tried everything! I want to be her tastiest meal yet but each time somepony else gets eaten in my place. Half my class wouldn’t have been digested if I could pony up and demand that Miss Cheerilee just eat me already!” Silver Spoon exclaimed.
  15. “Silver Spoon, did I just hear you right?” came the unmistakable voice of Miss Cheerilee, her body the solid color it’s always been and devoid of any weight she had gained.
  17. Silver Spoon looked at Cheerilee and then noticed all around that her whole class was back. Feather Weight, Pipsqueak, Sunny Daze, Peachy Pie, Diamond Tiara and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Everyone was quiet and staring at her, as if she had grown an extra limb suddenly.
  19. “Silver Spoon. Come to the front please,” Cheerilee commanded
  20. Doing as told Silver Spoon got up and her ears drooped down, her greatest fear coming true. Standing in front of her teacher, Silver Spoon couldn’t keep herself from shaking from fear and embarrassment.
  22. “Repeat what you just said,” Cheerilee commanded.
  24. Staying silent for a moment, all eyes on her Silver Spoon she gulped and closed her eyes before speaking “Miss Cheerilee. I want you to eat me,”
  26. “Really?” Cheerilee asked “You know there’s no going back on a demand like that right?”
  28. “I know. I don’t care, I want to be swallowed by a mare, I want to feel the warmth of your throat as it pulls me into your stomach, I want to give you a belly rub from inside your belly, please Miss Cheerilee I don’t want to be a student I want to be your lunch I want to ass fat I want you to eat me, please,” Silver Spoon gushed
  30. Silver Spoon saw Pipsqueak trot up beside her and say “Welcome to the club!” before Cheerilee scooped the little colt into her mouth in one fluid motion and swallowed with no trouble, the vague shape sliding down her throat and making her stomach bounce comically before Cheerilee started to gain weight, her body thickening with the speedy disposal of the colt. Pip Squeak wasn’t the only one; each of her classmates trotted past Silver Spoon all of them congratulating her on her bravery and welcoming her as Cheerilee devoured student after student, her body regaining all the weight it had lost. The line of students repeated with Pipsqueak who repeated his “Welcome to the club!” before being gobbled up by teacher.
  32. “Psst, Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon, over here,” Diamond called from behind Cheerilee.
  34. Silver Spoon followed her friend and found Diamond rubbing, groping, and kissing Cheerilee’s ass cheek, wearing a dog collar emblazoned with the words “Midnight Snack” chained to Cheerilee’s leg. Diamond Tiara pointed next to Silver Spoon, an identical collar lay there, open and waiting to be worn.
  36. “I don’t want to be a midnight snack, I wanted to be lunch,” Silver Spoon pouted, nudging the collar with her hoof.
  38. “Since when does food get to decide anything?” Diamond said, kissing Cheerilee’s soft flesh “Your only purpose should be see to it that Miss Cheerilee is full and satisfied while she gurgles you away in her belly,”
  40. Silver Spoon nodded, and obediently put the collar on. Looking back up she saw Diamond Tiara was gone, and Silver Spoon had taken her place. Cheerilee stood over the filly, body full and fat and with a small push laid Silver Spoon on her back before sitting down on her chest and letting her soft gut hang right above SIlver Spoons muzzle. Levitating towards Cheerilee’s mouth were those three, the Cutie Mark Crusaders Applebloom with a collar emblazoned with “Breakfast”. Opening wide, Cheerilee dumped the little filly into her mouth and in just three short swallows Applebloom was sent Cheerilee’s stomach, swelling it slightly and bringing it closer to her muzzle. Appleblooms cutie mark appeared on Cheerilee’s belly and Cheerilee ran her hoof over it opening her mouth for her next morsel Sweetie Belle.
  42. Sweetie Belle collar said “Lunch” and she squirmed endlessly as Cheerilee dropped her into her mouth and savored the tasty little filly before one thick glurk later and Cheerilee’s belly swelled closer to Silver Spoon’s face and Sweetie Belle’s cutie mark appeared on her gut, right under Applebloom’s.
  44. Lastly Scootaloo, whose collar said “Dinner” was let go and landed with a wet splat on Cheerilee’s outstretched tongue. Her wings buzzed to propel her to safety but it was too late. Cheerilee’s tongue wrapped in on itself, rolling up the little pegasus tightly as the tongue barreled into Cheerilee’s mouth and with a thick gulp that crusader filled belly was complete with all three cutie marks and close enough that Silver Spoon could love, lick, rub, massage the squirming mass as the three fillies were given the honor of becoming fat on Cheerilee.
  46. Silver Spoon did just that, her little heart full of love for what would soon claim her, she ran her fore-hooves, admiring how her hooves sank into the chub and how it jiggled so tenderly from each pat. Licking it was just a delight, running her tongue up and over the round curve of the belly before kissing her way back down to where she started and doing it again. There were moans, and cries for help that could be clearly heard, but that didn’t stop Silver Spoon.
  48. “Oh shut up, you three get to realize your destinies sooner than I do and all you can do is complain. So privileged,” Silver Spoon scoffed.
  50. The cries for help died down as Silver Spoon continued her adoration of Cheerilee’s belly, each moment the cutie marks tattooed on the mares engorged middle faded until all that was left to love was a fleshy, gurgling sac of digested crusader. Silver Spoon felt a yank on her chained collar and knew it was time.
  52. Lifted high into the air, over Cheerilee’s mouth, Silver Spoon was treated to a view of that fleshy, ravenous mouth, the lines of drool connecting the roof of her mouth to her tongue, the dark pit that lead to her throat and destiny. Silver Spoon shivered, her body growing hot with excitement, the last thing she saw was the classroom behind her before Cheerilee closed her mouth sealing her in. Gripping on all sides by wet warmth, Cheerilee’s heartbeat was steady as a loud gulp rippled across Silver Spoon’s body, driving her over the edge as she plummeted down that soft throat and into that warm home she would never leave; while Cheerilee extracted an empty collar from her mouth, dripping with saliva and dropping it to the floor.
  54. Silver Spoon did her best as a meal to squirm and struggle just the way Cheerilee liked, even as her body liquidated and turned to goo. Soon she was nothing more than what she always wanted.
  56. Silver Spoon woke with a shock, her bed wet and her hind legs sticky. It wasn’t even dawn yet and she had to get up and change her sheets for the third time this week. Grumbling and grumpy from having to wake up so early Silver Spoon muttered.
  58. “Stupid Miss Cheerilee, she better eat me soon cause I’m getting all sorts of tired with this,”
  60. Morning came, Silver Spoon opened her eyes to a world that would not stop spinning. Head pounding and cheeks red, eyes puffy it was clear she would have to miss school today...another chance to be a filling meal missed...Silver Spoon had hay fever.
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