
Untitled Somba is cute thing

Jan 29th, 2013
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  2. >Anon is minding his own business in his nice warm home, cooking some breakfast. The day before he had acquired some meat from a griffon. Real bacon!
  3. >It was of course ridiculously expensive and he had to take money out of his booze budget to afford it but it was worth it to finally have a decent breakfast again.
  4. >Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, hash browns, freshly squeezed orange juice and of course the glorious bacon.
  5. >Finished cooking, he sits at his table breathing in the rich delicious scent of breakfast.
  6. >Grabbing his fork he prepares to dig in only to be interrupted by the sound of his front door violently crashing in.
  7. >Jumping up from the table Anon sees two guard ponies rush into his home.
  8. >His mind races, trying to figure out what he had done to get the attention of the guard.
  9. >Did Flutter Shy find out about the bacon and called the cops?
  10. >Was eating meat even illegal?
  11. >Was the bacon stolen?
  12. >Was the griffon a wanted pig poacher?
  13. >Was Celestia sick of giving him money every month to laze about drinking and reading all day?
  14. >Noticing Anon the guard ponies make there way to the kitchen.
  15. >“Anonymous. We’ve been sent here on an urgent errand for Celestia.”
  16. “Oh…” Crap.
  17. >“We were to find and bring you directly to Celestia. Come quickly, we have a sky cart outside ready to take you to Canterlot.”
  18. >Letting out a heartbroken sigh, Anon waves goodbye to his breakfast and grabs his coat.
  19. “A sky cart? Do we really have to fly there?”
  20. >The younger looking of the two guards trots outside, the older one looks to Anon. ”I’m sorry Anon but Celestia was insistent we bring you back as quickly as possible…..also… I’m sorry about the door.”
  21. >Anon looks at the damaged door, barely hanging on its frame.
  22. >The guard leans in and whispers. “It’s the new guy, he thinks being a guard pony is all action. I’m still breaking him in.”
  23. >Anon and the guard pony head outside. He turns to close the door only to have it collapse to the ground.
  24. >The older guard face hooves. “I’ll have someone fix that later I swear.”
  25. >Anon barely registers the guard, his mind still filled with dread about what Celestia is going to do to him.
  26. >The two guard ponies help each other strap themselves to the front of the cart.
  27. >Getting in Anon grabs the sides.
  28. >The younger one turns to Anonymous. “Hold on tight.” Nodding to his companion, they spread there wings and take off hauling the cart behind them.
  29. >Knocked out of his brooding Anon grips the sides with a vicelike death grip and tries his best not to scream like a little girl as the cart picks up speed.
  30. >Looking back Anon watches as Pony Ville quickly disappears from view.
  31. >Anon yells to the guards. “Do we really have to go this fast?!”
  32. >Ignoring him the guards continue to gain speed.
  33. >Crouching down in the cart Anon shields himself from the cold winds and begins to think of some backup plans if he gets kicked out of his house.
  34. >Could always go stay at the library again. Spikes great, he’s like a little brother but Twilight….. she never stop asking questions. Her scientific mind just couldn’t let it go.
  35. >Can you help with the dishes?
  36. >Where did all the pudding pops go?
  37. >Do humans really need to sleep 14 hours a day?
  38. >Maybe Big Mac. He’s always inviting you over for a home cooked meal and some drinks…..but his sister is always so……..tyrannical.
  39. >Anon is brought out of his reverie as the cart jostles.
  40. >Looking up he notices they’ve already made it to Canterlot.
  41. >The two guard ponies collapse. Panting and sweating like crazy they try to struggle out of there harness.
  42. >Anon hops out the back of the cart but before he can even offer assistance to the guards a pony from inside gallops out to him.
  43. >“Anonymous! Thank goodness you’re here. The Princess needs your help right away!”
  44. >She motions Anon to follow and gallops right back inside.
  45. >Anon starts to wonder if this is more serious then he had originally thought.
  46. >Kicking off into a sprint Anon does his best to follow the pony. They wind and curve there way throughout the castle till they come to a stop in front of a giant wooden door guarded by no less then eight guard ponies.
  47. >Seeing Anon coming they all move aside and magic the door open before ushering him inside.
  48. >Through the door is a large oval shaped marble room with a great big red rug in the center. Laying on the rug is Princess Celestia and a little colt playing with legos.
  49. >Princess Celestia turns to see Anon. Her mane is frazzled and her eyes are puffy from lack of sleep.
  50. >PC “Anonymous. It is good you have arrived so quickly I do not know how much more of this I could have taken.”
  51. >The little colt looks up from his legos and happily waves at Anon before resuming his building.
  52. >“Celestia? What’s going on?”
  53. >PC “Anonymous….are you familiar with the Crystal Kingdom situation?”
  54. “Yes, Spike told me all about it. Something about some evil overlord thing coming back and how he smote it back to the void or something.”
  55. >PC “That’s close enough but…the dark evil was not as smote as we had thought.”
  56. “What do you mean?”
  57. >Celestia motions to the little colt. “This is King Sombra, the evil overlord that once ruled the Crystal Kingdom with an Iron hoof.”
  58. >Sombra finishes his construction and rears up on his hind legs. “Rarrraarr cwystals!” He then pushes the little tower of legos over and watches with bright, happy red eyes as it bursts into pieces.
  59. >Celestia and Anon stare at him in silence as he giggles evilly in a high pitched adorable voice before beginning to rebuild the tower.
  60. “Was he always like this or…….”
  61. >PC “I honestly couldn’t tell you. He was found in near the Crystal palace by some guards. When they realised who he was they sent him here where I and many of my top theargs have been trying to find out how this happened.”
  62. “Well you seem to have this under control….I should probably just get out of your hair.”
  63. >Celestia calm tone turns one of annoyance. “No Anon I do not have this under control. I have not watched over a colt since Blueblood was in diapers and I am seriously starting to lose my mind.”
  64. “Oh come on it can’t be that bad. Look at him he’s a great kid.”
  65. >Sombra takes that moment to start chewing on the Lego tower.
  66. >Celestia quickly takes it away from him and holds it out of his reach. “No no no. No eating your toys Sombra.”
  67. >Sombras looks up at Celestia with wide already watering eyes. He points his fore hooves up at the floating tower “Rar?“
  68. >Celestias stern face begins to crumble away under the immense pressure of Sombras gaze. Her eye twitches as he starts to sniffle.
  69. >The tower floats its way back to Sombra.
  70. “Wow that was like five seconds.”
  71. >Celestia glares at Anon. “You are taking Sombra and you are going home to look after him while my ponies try and figure this out.”
  72. “What do I know about taking care of kids? I‘m sure you can find someone else out there that’s better qualified to take good care of the little guy.”
  73. >“ANONYMOUS! Unlike you every pony else has either a job or actual responsibilities they must attend to. Almost two years I have been giving you bits to sit around and do nothing all day! You take little Sombra or I’m cutting you off!”
  74. >Anons eyes widen…..they start to well up with tears…
  75. >Celestia slaps him before he can sniffle. “Do not try my patience Anonymous!”
  76. >Anonymous rubs his cheek. That actually hurt.
  77. >Celestia motions to Sombra. He puts his now slobbery tower down and rushes over to hug her. “Little Sombra. Anonymous is going to be taking care of you for a little while. Don’t you worry he is going to take really good care of you.”
  78. >Sombra closes his eyes and hides his face in Celestias neck “Rarrrrrr.”
  79. >“I know I know. You love Aunty Celestia but you have to go with Anonymous.”
  80. >Sombra hugs Celestia even tighter as he shakes his head. “Rarrrr!”
  81. >Celestia looks up to Anonymous pleadingly.
  82. >Sighing Anon walks over and pats Sombras head.
  83. >Sombra looks up at him with sad tear filled eyes.
  84. “Come on kid. I’ll get you some ice cream for the train ride home.”
  85. >Instantly letting go of Celestia, Sombra jumps into Anons arms and snuggles into his chest.
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